I understand the Aussies were involved in trying to resolve the impasse on the contract talks last Friday. They felt there was still some wriggle room, so taken aback by the statement on the website!
Getting messed around by Roly on price and Chairman's loans apparently.
I understand the Aussies were involved in trying to resolve the impasse on the contract talks last Friday. They felt there was still some wriggle room, so taken aback by the statement on the website!
Getting messed around by Roly on price and Chairman's loans apparently.
Not sure about that. They wouldn’t have seen the statement on the website.
Personally. I want the Aussies to take over. We know what a deluded mad CNUT the owner is and they have stuck with it for longer than they should have. That is a positive. A few fans may have lost patience with them, but what are they supposed to do if Roland is not realistic in his price and dealings!
Aussie consortium and Dalman and who ever tried to do a deal with Duchatelet, you can stand down now, but thanks for trying even if you weren't quite dynamic or creative enough to get the old fool to budge on price. His fault not yours.
It's feels like a bereavement and that brings guilt but when the love of your life is ruined, How are we meant to feel. Took 3 weeks for Duchatelet to get his revenge from the orgasmic sensations of Wembley.
No way back unless Lee back down a tad. Why should he.
Love of my life is Charlton but do have platonic good feelings for Lee !
I really think we are nearing the end game now. Everyone needs to remain united and allow it to play out without breaking the bond that has been developed over the past few months. Rolly obviously desperately wants out and he is frightened that by offering a much improved contract to Bowyer, he may deter a potential takeover whilst also further increasing his own losses next season, if he is unable to sell. Ideally he'd like Bowyer to stay put for now and leave it to the new owners to deal with all the expiring contracts. But if Bowyer decides to walk out, old Rolly wants it known that it's Bows own fault for being a greedy bastard, not his. As per usual he has totally misjudged the mood of the fans and virtually everyone associated with the club, who remain right behind Bower 100%, even more so now than ever. If I was Bowyer at the meeting tomorrow, I'd firstly not allow him the pleasure of detecting my anger, then I'd squeeze the old bugger for the best short term deal I could get out of him. Renegotiate with the new owners when they are in place or walk out mid season if nothing has changed.
I really think we are nearing the end game now. Everyone needs to remain united and allow it to play out without breaking the bond that has been developed over the past few months. Rolly obviously desperately wants out and he is frightened that by offering a much improved contract to Bowyer, he may deter a potential takeover whilst also further increasing his own losses next season, if he is unable to sell. Ideally he'd like Bowyer to stay put for now and leave it to the new owners to deal with all the expiring contracts. But if Bowyer decides to walk out, old Rolly wants it known that it's Bows own fault for being a greedy bastard, not his. As per usual he has totally misjudged the mood of the fans and virtually everyone associated with the club, who remain right behind Bower 100%, even more so now than ever. If I was Bowyer at the meeting tomorrow, I'd firstly not allow him the pleasure of detecting my anger, then I'd squeeze the old bugger for the best short term deal I could get out of him. Renegotiate with the new owners when they are in place or walk out mid season if nothing has changed.
I'd agree but haven't people been saying "we're nearing the end game" or similar the past few years?
It wouldn't surprise me if Roland sold next week or in two years time.
I really think we are nearing the end game now. Everyone needs to remain united and allow it to play out without breaking the bond that has been developed over the past few months. Rolly obviously desperately wants out and he is frightened that by offering a much improved contract to Bowyer, he may deter a potential takeover whilst also further increasing his own losses next season, if he is unable to sell. Ideally he'd like Bowyer to stay put for now and leave it to the new owners to deal with all the expiring contracts. But if Bowyer decides to walk out, old Rolly wants it known that it's Bows own fault for being a greedy bastard, not his. As per usual he has totally misjudged the mood of the fans and virtually everyone associated with the club, who remain right behind Bower 100%, even more so now than ever. If I was Bowyer at the meeting tomorrow, I'd firstly not allow him the pleasure of detecting my anger, then I'd squeeze the old bugger for the best short term deal I could get out of him. Renegotiate with the new owners when they are in place or walk out mid season if nothing has changed.
I'd agree but haven't people been saying "we're nearing the end game" or similar the past few years?
It wouldn't surprise me if Roland sold next week or in two years time.
People say, 'We're nearing the end game now' because we're raised to believe in happy endings and because things are terrible now it means they are about to get better. But this is Roland. The man is a black hole. There is no reason to assume that it's nearly over or that things are about to get better.
I really think we are nearing the end game now. Everyone needs to remain united and allow it to play out without breaking the bond that has been developed over the past few months. Rolly obviously desperately wants out and he is frightened that by offering a much improved contract to Bowyer, he may deter a potential takeover whilst also further increasing his own losses next season, if he is unable to sell. Ideally he'd like Bowyer to stay put for now and leave it to the new owners to deal with all the expiring contracts. But if Bowyer decides to walk out, old Rolly wants it known that it's Bows own fault for being a greedy bastard, not his. As per usual he has totally misjudged the mood of the fans and virtually everyone associated with the club, who remain right behind Bower 100%, even more so now than ever. If I was Bowyer at the meeting tomorrow, I'd firstly not allow him the pleasure of detecting my anger, then I'd squeeze the old bugger for the best short term deal I could get out of him. Renegotiate with the new owners when they are in place or walk out mid season if nothing has changed.
Have to disagree completely. If he's that close to selling the club he could easily have taken a steer on this. What prospective owner wouldn't be interested in keeping a young manager who had single-handedly reinvigorated the support base and won promotion against the odds? He's incapable of compromise and cannot acknowledge mistakes or apologise. In short, an arrogant prick.
Much as I can’t stand this owner, in pure short commercial terms his decision to screw the club by not signing up Lee and his management team sort of make sense commercially if he truly believes the club is to be sold imminently. The wise one and self appointed messiah of European well below average football club ownership would be carrying the risk of paying our successful management team of LB, JJ etc for the full contract term when he has no control that his sale “of the next few weeks” will go through . Any adviser as a collective would say to our well above average and learning quickly football management team , “you’ve done a good job ,over achieved but you’re not players anymore and coaching is a longer career if you progress” . Roland knows the value of Bowyer and Jackson to the club and therefore potential buyers, By issuing the statement today a sale is close but not definite, and certainly not going to be underwritten by Roland’s wallet .
TOMORROW #CAFC owner Roland Duchâtelet speaks exclusively to @JimWhite on talkSPORT.
He will discuss:
What happened with Bowyer
Could Bowyer end up staying?
Latest on the takeover talks
Plans for the new season
Don’t miss it from 10am
TOMORROW #CAFC owner Roland Duchâtelet speaks exclusively to @JimWhite on talkSPORT.
He will discuss:
What happened with Bowyer
Could Bowyer end up staying?
Latest on the takeover talks
Plans for the new season
Don’t miss it from 10am
Jim White will let Duchatelet say whatever bullshit he wants to spew, he’ll not challenge anything and he will once again be the lickspittle he’s shown himself to be previously. He’s no journalist, he may as well just earn a wage selling shite on QVC.
Jim White will let Duchatelet say whatever bullshit he wants to spew, he’ll not challenge anything and he will once again be the lickspittle he’s shown himself to be previously. He’s no journalist, he may as well just earn a wage selling shite on QVC.
Nothing positive can come out of this and will further fan the flames of Rolands ego.
We when we learn the more people point out to him he's making mistakes the more stubborn he becomes and tries prove himself right.
Why do Talksport keep giving Roland a platform? I doubt millions of extra Charlton fans tune in just to hear Roland boil their blood every time he's on so I'm not sure why they bother
TOMORROW #CAFC owner Roland Duchâtelet speaks exclusively to @JimWhite on talkSPORT.
He will discuss:
What happened with Bowyer
Could Bowyer end up staying?
Latest on the takeover talks
Plans for the new season
Don’t miss it from 10am
You know what? I no longer give two fucks what he says about anything at all. Not even if it’s good news. Just sell and fuck off.
I've just got in from working in Scarborough all day. I was shocked when driving home and listening to the Sarah Cox show on Radio 2 when the sport guy announced that LB had not agreed a contract with CAFC!! They said no more than that, but I pulled over at the next services and logged onto here via my phone. I couldn't believe what I was reading and was even more 'gobsmacked' when I read RD's statement. Now back ast home I've re-read it, twice, so can someone please explain in 'business terms' the following-:
why anyone involved in negotiations would then spell out what they were offering to the other party?
why anyone would call other owners 'crazy'?
why they would put out such a statement in the first place?
All are rhetorical questions as I know the answers, and quite simply put the answer is - RD is the 'crazy' one and seems hell bent on screwing the club. So now we need, even more than ever a takeover and it needs to be this week. If not I fear for the club.
I am NOT claiming to be in the know. However, when Dalman was linked I asked the wife if they had a client by his name (not mentioning the company). It turns out he’s not, however, a colleague of hers is in a relationship with someone in his immediate family.
The colleague has said the deal is 110% on , deal is VERY close and “he is a really nice man”.
The colleague doesn’t know anything about football. The wife just mentioned it as I broke the news to her about Bowyer... she found this out yesterday and forgot to mention it!!
I do not know time frames or anymore than that. I just know the deal is still on ...
I am NOT claiming to be in the know. However, when Dalman was linked I asked the wife if they had a client by his name (not mentioning the company). It turns out he’s not, however, a colleague of hers is in a relationship with someone in his immediate family.
The colleague has said the deal is 110% on , deal is VERY close and “he is a really nice man”.
The colleague doesn’t know anything about football. The wife just mentioned it as I broke the news to her about Bowyer... she found this out yesterday and forgot to mention it!!
I do not know time frames or anymore than that. I just know the deal is still on ...
not doubting you but I fail to believe anything is close with a lunatic like Roland
Jim White will let Duchatelet say whatever bullshit he wants to spew, he’ll not challenge anything and he will once again be the lickspittle he’s shown himself to be previously. He’s no journalist, he may as well just earn a wage selling shite on QVC.
True! But Duchatelet will still hang himself because he is deranged!
I am NOT claiming to be in the know. However, when Dalman was linked I asked the wife if they had a client by his name (not mentioning the company). It turns out he’s not, however, a colleague of hers is in a relationship with someone in his immediate family.
The colleague has said the deal is 110% on , deal is VERY close and “he is a really nice man”.
The colleague doesn’t know anything about football. The wife just mentioned it as I broke the news to her about Bowyer... she found this out yesterday and forgot to mention it!!
I do not know time frames or anymore than that. I just know the deal is still on ...
not doubting you but I fail to believe anything is close with a lunatic like Roland
I get that lol. I also get its a bit of a ‘sisters aunties sons brothers uncle’ scenario. But I’m not one of those that will just bullshit to keep hopes alive as I coulda done that ages ago. I’ve asked her to try get more out of her colleague 😂.
Airman has said he knew about Dalman for a while but couldn't give his name. Dalman has admitted an interest in the club but sources he has spoken to suggest Roland is the negotiating issue. No change there from anybody else wanting to buy the club and it is surely wishful thinking to expect this Dalman geezer, who looks like he has his head screwed on, to be as mad as Roland and pay his inflated price.
The only time we will be close to a sale is if and when Roland decides to take the hit and sell for what multiple potential buyers are clearly willing to pay which we know is around the £30m mark. It would probably save him a lot of money in the long run and everybody will be happy but the prick is mad.
How anybody can be hopeful about an imminent sale is beyond me.
But i think it is unlikely.
Getting messed around by Roly on price and Chairman's loans apparently.
It's feels like a bereavement and that brings guilt but when the love of your life is ruined,
How are we meant to feel. Took 3 weeks for Duchatelet to get his revenge from the orgasmic sensations of Wembley.
No way back unless Lee back down a tad.
Why should he.
Love of my life is Charlton but do have platonic good feelings for Lee !
But if Bowyer decides to walk out, old Rolly wants it known that it's Bows own fault for being a greedy bastard, not his.
As per usual he has totally misjudged the mood of the fans and virtually everyone associated with the club, who remain right behind Bower 100%, even more so now than ever.
If I was Bowyer at the meeting tomorrow, I'd firstly not allow him the pleasure of detecting my anger, then I'd squeeze the old bugger for the best short term deal I could get out of him. Renegotiate with the new owners when they are in place or walk out mid season if nothing has changed.
It wouldn't surprise me if Roland sold next week or in two years time.
We when we learn the more people point out to him he's making mistakes the more stubborn he becomes and tries prove himself right.
I really think a fresh approach is needed
- why anyone involved in negotiations would then spell out what they were offering to the other party?
- why anyone would call other owners 'crazy'?
- why they would put out such a statement in the first place?
All are rhetorical questions as I know the answers, and quite simply put the answer is - RD is the 'crazy' one and seems hell bent on screwing the club. So now we need, even more than ever a takeover and it needs to be this week.If not I fear for the club.
The colleague has said the deal is 110% on , deal is VERY close and “he is a really nice man”.
The colleague doesn’t know anything about football. The wife just mentioned it as I broke the news to her about Bowyer... she found this out yesterday and forgot to mention it!!
I do not know time frames or anymore than that. I just know the deal is still on ...
The only time we will be close to a sale is if and when Roland decides to take the hit and sell for what multiple potential buyers are clearly willing to pay which we know is around the £30m mark. It would probably save him a lot of money in the long run and everybody will be happy but the prick is mad.
How anybody can be hopeful about an imminent sale is beyond me.