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The Takeover Thread - Duchatelet Finally Sells (Jan 2020)



  • Scoham said:

    When is the next Fans Forum update scheduled for ?

    20th February according to the last one
    So maybe the fans reps can send some advance questions in to LDT. For example, if group no.1 have still not submitted financial paperwork in to the EFL, why have they not and when do they plan to, how can they be considered credible potential buyers with such delays in establishing finances etc etc? Of course he can respond he doesn’t know but I can’t see anything is lost in asking these question and other probing ones in advance asking that he come prepared to respond to them.

    Odds on if LDT sets the agenda he will just come out with the same old codswallop, unless the fans reps try to shift the dynamics of these Q&A sessions.

    I think those question have already been put ad nauseam.
    And I would keep asking them of LDT ad nauseam with the context that he cannot essentially keep saying the same thing forum after forum and seriously expect fans to view group 1 as credible bidders. If they have agreed a price what is their timeframe for completing the purchase? Many have said it in the past but I am now firmly of the opinion that LDT fronting up at periodic forums but essentially saying nothing of substance is intended to help keep a lid on protests.

  • P.S. If the current fans forum reps are tied of asking the same questions I am very happy to come along as the representative and sole member of the Ottershaw, Surrey supporters branch!
  • edited February 2019
    No worries about when it's happening,from what I've heard,It will be done in February...
  • Reading both Airman Brown and Nug, two guys that were both creative and positive in the various protests, say that we have lost momentum and Airman saying it would just create more division in our fan base now reflects my own views.

    2% doing more extreme things ? that would undo all the creative protests that helped Katrien Miere leave and in the macho world of football, ironically use her gender to get a promotion to a Championship side despite her poor time keeping and ability at CAFC.

    The media have been supportive overall to our cause, but Duchatelet is still a hard NUT to crack. Do we need contingency plans for League 2 ? If the take over impassé continues till the summer and the likes of Taylor, Cullen, Williams, Bauer, Aribo leave, then the real possibility of a relegation season 19/20 would ensue from League 1.
    Would both Lee and Jacko call it a day.

    We are snookered, even Ronnie O'Sullivan at his best would struggle to escape from this situation. An owner that prices a football club more than 100% up on its real value.

    A Duchatelet family member would need to say cut your losses and move on. Any one on friendly terms with the house of Duchatelet ? Why does it always come back to Richard Murray.
    No, thought not, back to the drawing board NUG and co.
  • he is definitely enjoying it 100%

    This is the true RD the stubborn mean vindictive spiteful cold heartless bastd that made him a billionaire

    NLA, well that's two of us who think he is getting perverse pleasure out of the situation. Other CL members don't. TBF they are intelligent fans(in some cases !) who go home and away. Why didn't he get rid otherwise when his muse left for 25 to 30 million which was apparently on the table with some small negotiations on monies owed to ex directors which must happen at other football club as well when they are being sold.

    Duchatelet couldn't have got where he is today (net worth 500 million) if he didn't know when to buy and sell and cut your losses when need be and move on.

    I smell a Rat.
  • When we ask questions like that, and they have been asked more than once, we are simply rebuffed with the NDA get out
  • he is definitely enjoying it 100%

    This is the true RD the stubborn mean vindictive spiteful cold heartless bastd that made him a billionaire

    NLA, well that's two of us who think he is getting perverse pleasure out of the situation. Other CL members don't. TBF they are intelligent fans(in some cases !) who go home and away. Why didn't he get rid otherwise when his muse left for 25 to 30 million which was apparently on the table with some small negotiations on monies owed to ex directors which must happen at other football club as well when they are being sold.

    Duchatelet couldn't have got where he is today (net worth 500 million) if he didn't know when to buy and sell and cut your losses when need be and move on.

    I smell a Rat.
    He has to be enjoying it he has to be orchestrating every single false bit of info out there , some I know have not even surfaced on here but he has definitely been behind it and definitely made sure it went to the right people , he played Jim White as much as anyone else , he is used to having people like white dancing his tune and then cutting them off when it’s done, ruthless to the core he has to be that’s how you make yourself so rich

    You also do it by knowing where every penny is spent and make the right cuts and changes when you need to , he won’t want to be losing the money he is each month , it’s definitely not irrelevant to him , but knowing he has the ultimate return on investment which is revenge he is enjoying too much , it will become about money sooner or later his boredom will creep in and his business brain will kick in but this could go on for another season or two yet in reality
  • Roland seems to believe that the protesters are a small band of bitter ex employees and a few hot heads, whilst the vast majority are fully supportive of the Club etc.

    I therefore don’t believe that his actions are in anyway intended to hurt or punish. I feel that he just sees football as the same as any other business, unfortunately it is a business he does not understand and has admitted as much.

    He came into football to try and prove that a football club could make money developing and selling on players, but was totally clueless as to how you could possibly do this.

    Sorry, clueless probably doesn’t really cover it. Crass stupidity, mental deficiency, pig ignorance, brainless arrogance, delusional egoism? Or just plain twat.

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  • Because in league 2 his ability to get anything back at all is remote

    Has he funded us at all , he sells players people say he trousers it but I don’t think he does the sales go towards the day to day running of the club, he then is happy to lose the amount he is having to put in

    I think that if he would be paying a similar amount in profit taxes as he is to fund the loss then the decision is have enjoyment being a prick to us or pay tax
  • Thing is @nth london addick you say he’s the cold hearted bastard that made him a billionaire. Cold hearted billionaire bastards don’t fund anything that costs them millions for no return. You can’t have it both ways ?

    I assume he's convinced - due to ridiculous land prices in London - that he can still get his money back from a sale of the club. He's clearly not willing to lose any money on this venture and is barely funding us beyond what absolutely must be paid.

    I'm sure I read that we've not paid a transfer fee in two and a half years.
  • Thing is @nth london addick you say he’s the cold hearted bastard that made him a billionaire. Cold hearted billionaire bastards don’t fund anything that costs them millions for no return. You can’t have it both ways ?

    We don’t know how much this is costing him in real terms

    I get pleasure from sponsoring a boxer but one of the good things is that sponsorship shows before I pay tax and is a cost to the business , It doesn’t equate to the same amount of corporation tax that I pay but it does come off that figure before I pay it

    I may be well wrong as I am trying to second guess a loonie but what if he would be paying tax to the equivalent of what he is funding cafc

    He is no worse off and he is getting his own back
  • edited February 2019

    razil said:

    When we ask questions like that, and they have been asked more than once, we are simply rebuffed with the NDA get out

    Well then it's time to stop attending then.

    The whole thing is a charade and by turning up, Swallowing this tripe and coming back for more is ridiculous.

    Time to use your time and resource elsewhere.
    That is a valid viewpoint, but not one I share - I have certainly considered it though.

    What would you prefer me do? Spend more time with my family perhaps?
  • razil said:

    razil said:

    When we ask questions like that, and they have been asked more than once, we are simply rebuffed with the NDA get out

    Well then it's time to stop attending then.

    The whole thing is a charade and by turning up, Swallowing this tripe and coming back for more is ridiculous.

    Time to use your time and resource elsewhere.
    That is a valid viewpoint, but not one I share - I have certainly considered it though.

    What would you prefer me do? Spend more time with my family perhaps?
    That’s entirely up to you.

    But you must ask yourself who is getting the most benefit out of these gatherings?

    The fans or this tin pot regime?
  • razil said:

    When we ask questions like that, and they have been asked more than once, we are simply rebuffed with the NDA get out

    Well then it's time to stop attending then.

    The whole thing is a charade and by turning up, Swallowing this tripe and coming back for more is ridiculous.

    Time to use your time and resource elsewhere.
    That's kinda of what I was saying earlier about the need to change the dynamics of the relationship with LDT. He is essentially setting the agenda regarding what he wants to tell you and uses the get of jail card of the NDA when you want more specifics. In parallel RD can say to the EFL (as he has) that he has learnt from his mistakes in the past and is communicating with the fans, whilst actually telling them sweet FA.

    If I was involved in the groups meeting due to meet LDT on 20th February I would get in touch with him now and advise that unless he is prepared to provide more specific info on a), b), c) etc, there is simply no point meeting as both his and the credibility of the supposed front-runner buyers is rapidly going down the shute.

    I am not being naive here. As @carly burn says, this is becoming a charade. You can either attend and be prepared to be fobbed off, or try to at least alter the dynamics. And, if you did give advance notice to LDT of the type of specifics you want from the meeting on 20th February, share it at the same time with our great friend Jim White and put it in the best light possible before RD gets the chance to say that he is trying to communicate more and the fans are refusing to meet with LDT.

  • Thing is @nth london addick you say he’s the cold hearted bastard that made him a billionaire. Cold hearted billionaire bastards don’t fund anything that costs them millions for no return. You can’t have it both ways ?

    We don’t know how much this is costing him in real terms

    I get pleasure from sponsoring a boxer but one of the good things is that sponsorship shows before I pay tax and is a cost to the business , It doesn’t equate to the same amount of corporation tax that I pay but it does come off that figure before I pay it

    I may be well wrong as I am trying to second guess a loonie but what if he would be paying tax to the equivalent of what he is funding cafc

    He is no worse off and he is getting his own back
    I’m afraid the evil genius line doesn’t cut it with me because so many of the things he has done and said are so obviously stupid. If he wanted to punish people - presumably including the “super guy” Murray, or is he enjoying his own humiliation? - he could do a much better job and spend a lot less money in the process.

    I’m not a tax expert but while you can use losses to reduce your tax liability I doubt if it’s that easy to wipe them out. He’s wasted tens of millions and that is what he is trying to get back.

    Again you don’t employ one of the country’s leading law firms in order not to sell the club, neither are Jim White or others as gullible as you imagine to fit your version.

    Also he’s 72. He has no political ambition or opportunity left and he was resoundingly thrashed when he tried that route. I do think he knows that.

    The bloke can barely construct a coherent sentence and even allowing for English not being his first language his attempt to explain the situation on talkSPORT was meandering nonsense, as nearly everybody recognised.
    You continue to mention the country’s top law firm but have you any hard evidence of how much money has been spent and on what, if anything they have been tasked to do?
    And I’m not talking about hearsay from a friend of a friend.

    As far as I can see potential suitors have only really scratched the surface despite what the Belgian and his representatives say. That wouldn’t incur much in costs from any law firm. I understand they may have been consulted when the initial decision was made to sell but I’m guessing a bulk of internal law matters could have been done by his own people.
    The idea that mishcon de reya's top brass are working around the clock to get this over the line are clearly unfounded.
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  • I'm personally always open to other viewpoints and as I said have considered this very dilemma, however for now at least I will be attending even if its just to tell him what I think of his and Roland's actions. I don't think there are useful things I could be doing instead club wise, we have a wealth of riches in fans who do other things like @Airman Brown and co.

    As for a positive effect for the regime, I don't think they give a toss, and mostly this is box ticking by the club under their EFL fan communication obligations. They could easily just produce a statement if its PR they want. With the FF however other probing questions can be asked, so I think over all it is at worst neutral at best somewhat beneficial.

    What might be useful is to be fully briefed by others not attending who have information, and if anyone wishes to do that please feel free.
  • Also to add the FF meetings aren't all exclusively about the Takeover..

    One thing I have considered is to ask if it is worth having dedicated meetings now until something tangible changes, because as others say and I agree with, these updates have become farcical.

  • he is definitely enjoying it 100%

    This is the true RD the stubborn mean vindictive spiteful cold heartless bastd that made him a billionaire

    NLA, well that's two of us who think he is getting perverse pleasure out of the situation. Other CL members don't. TBF they are intelligent fans(in some cases !) who go home and away. Why didn't he get rid otherwise when his muse left for 25 to 30 million which was apparently on the table with some small negotiations on monies owed to ex directors which must happen at other football club as well when they are being sold.

    Duchatelet couldn't have got where he is today (net worth 500 million) if he didn't know when to buy and sell and cut your losses when need be and move on.

    I smell a Rat.
    Make that three.
    There’s something very odd about all this.
  • edited February 2019

    Thing is @nth london addick you say he’s the cold hearted bastard that made him a billionaire. Cold hearted billionaire bastards don’t fund anything that costs them millions for no return. You can’t have it both ways ?

    We don’t know how much this is costing him in real terms

    I get pleasure from sponsoring a boxer but one of the good things is that sponsorship shows before I pay tax and is a cost to the business , It doesn’t equate to the same amount of corporation tax that I pay but it does come off that figure before I pay it

    I may be well wrong as I am trying to second guess a loonie but what if he would be paying tax to the equivalent of what he is funding cafc

    He is no worse off and he is getting his own back
    I’m afraid the evil genius line doesn’t cut it with me because so many of the things he has done and said are so obviously stupid. If he wanted to punish people - presumably including the “super guy” Murray, or is he enjoying his own humiliation? - he could do a much better job and spend a lot less money in the process.

    I’m not a tax expert but while you can use losses to reduce your tax liability I doubt if it’s that easy to wipe them out. He’s wasted tens of millions and that is what he is trying to get back.

    Again you don’t employ one of the country’s leading law firms in order not to sell the club, neither are Jim White or others as gullible as you imagine to fit your version.

    Also he’s 72. He has no political ambition or opportunity left and he was resoundingly thrashed when he tried that route. I do think he knows that.

    The bloke can barely construct a coherent sentence and even allowing for English not being his first language his attempt to explain the situation on talkSPORT was meandering nonsense, as nearly everybody recognised.
    You continue to mention the country’s top law firm but have you any hard evidence of how much money has been spent and on what, if anything they have been tasked to do?
    And I’m not talking about hearsay from a friend of a friend.

    As far as I can see potential suitors have only really scratched the surface despite what the Belgian and his representatives say. That wouldn’t incur much in costs from any law firm. I understand they may have been consulted when the initial decision was made to sell but I’m guessing a bulk of internal law matters could have been done by his own people.
    The idea that mishcon de reya's top brass are working around the clock to get this over the line are clearly unfounded.
    The idea that Mishcon haven't been engaged in the sale of the club for more than a year is laughable, as many people know. They have handled the due diligence enquiries from multiple buyers and sets of solicitors, and there have been quite a few at the stage.

    Inflating what has been said to the "top brass working round the clock" is a red herring. Why would he use the firm at all if he wasn't trying to sell? Meire even used them to conduct her "inquiry" into the Companies House resignation, much good that it did her.
  • razil said:

    Also to add the FF meetings aren't all exclusively about the Takeover..

    One thing I have considered is to ask if it is worth having dedicated meetings now until something tangible changes, because as others say and I agree with, these updates have become farcical.

    I agree. But it has reached the point in terms of any takeover talk is completely irrelevant, at least where the fans are concerned but it does give the regime an opportunity to lie through their teeth each month.

    People outside and on here do see it as a possible route of information and are keen to know when the next meeting is as I have no doubt you’ve seen.

    In any other circumstance I would say close communication with the club is positive. But in this circumstance it’s doing more damage than good imo.
  • razil said:

    Also to add the FF meetings aren't all exclusively about the Takeover..

    One thing I have considered is to ask if it is worth having dedicated meetings now until something tangible changes, because as others say and I agree with, these updates have become farcical.

    I totally disagree. These meetings bring the subject up again in the media, which I think is a real positive.

    We do also get an update, it may not be dramatic but we have had snippets such as the British bid and the failure to deny the £70m asking price to a new bidder. I would rather have an update if only to confirm there are parties are still interested.
  • Thing is @nth london addick you say he’s the cold hearted bastard that made him a billionaire. Cold hearted billionaire bastards don’t fund anything that costs them millions for no return. You can’t have it both ways ?

    We don’t know how much this is costing him in real terms

    I get pleasure from sponsoring a boxer but one of the good things is that sponsorship shows before I pay tax and is a cost to the business , It doesn’t equate to the same amount of corporation tax that I pay but it does come off that figure before I pay it

    I may be well wrong as I am trying to second guess a loonie but what if he would be paying tax to the equivalent of what he is funding cafc

    He is no worse off and he is getting his own back
    I’m afraid the evil genius line doesn’t cut it with me because so many of the things he has done and said are so obviously stupid. If he wanted to punish people - presumably including the “super guy” Murray, or is he enjoying his own humiliation? - he could do a much better job and spend a lot less money in the process.

    I’m not a tax expert but while you can use losses to reduce your tax liability I doubt if it’s that easy to wipe them out. He’s wasted tens of millions and that is what he is trying to get back.

    Again you don’t employ one of the country’s leading law firms in order not to sell the club, neither are Jim White or others as gullible as you imagine to fit your version.

    Also he’s 72. He has no political ambition or opportunity left and he was resoundingly thrashed when he tried that route. I do think he knows that.

    The bloke can barely construct a coherent sentence and even allowing for English not being his first language his attempt to explain the situation on talkSPORT was meandering nonsense, as nearly everybody recognised.
    You continue to mention the country’s top law firm but have you any hard evidence of how much money has been spent and on what, if anything they have been tasked to do?
    And I’m not talking about hearsay from a friend of a friend.

    As far as I can see potential suitors have only really scratched the surface despite what the Belgian and his representatives say. That wouldn’t incur much in costs from any law firm. I understand they may have been consulted when the initial decision was made to sell but I’m guessing a bulk of internal law matters could have been done by his own people.
    The idea that mishcon de reya's top brass are working around the clock to get this over the line are clearly unfounded.
    The idea that Mishcon haven't been engaged in the sale of the club for more than a year is laughable, as many people know. They have handled the due diligence enquiries from multiple buyers and sets of solicitors, and there have been quite a few at the stage.

    Inflating what has been said to the "top brass working round the clock" is a red herring. Why would he use the firm at all if he wasn't trying to sell? Meire even used them to conduct her "inquiry" into the Companies House resignation, much good that it did her.
    I’ll say it again. They don’t. Only you it seems. And as you seem to know there have been multiple buyer enquiries would you care to mention who they have been by?
    If someone is willing to give you information on how many approaches there have been I’m pretty sure the same people would have mentioned who by.

    One day you’ll put some meat on the bones you throw...if there is any.
  • Thing is @nth london addick you say he’s the cold hearted bastard that made him a billionaire. Cold hearted billionaire bastards don’t fund anything that costs them millions for no return. You can’t have it both ways ?

    We don’t know how much this is costing him in real terms

    I get pleasure from sponsoring a boxer but one of the good things is that sponsorship shows before I pay tax and is a cost to the business , It doesn’t equate to the same amount of corporation tax that I pay but it does come off that figure before I pay it

    I may be well wrong as I am trying to second guess a loonie but what if he would be paying tax to the equivalent of what he is funding cafc

    He is no worse off and he is getting his own back
    Jim White or others as gullible as you imagine to fit your version.
    Ummmmm. That's about as accurate as #donedeal
This discussion has been closed.

Roland Out Forever!