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Do we think its looking good

Halfway and not looking all bad, certainly a better place than where we were. We all new some would go, but if player wants to go there's not a lot you can do. At least they are bringing in new blood which is always a good thing and will give the team a lift, could still see a few more. Things certainly seem to be a little different to last season( in some ways). End of the season will prove if they got it offs here we come.


  • edited January 2017
    Proof of the pudding will be in the eating, are the incoming players better than the players we've got shot of so far?
  • edited January 2017
    Sorry folks but Robbo's arrival and his sheer enthusiasm excites me as far as the rest of the season is concerned but then again I don't want to see us failing going forward - we've had enough of that in 2016!

    Just saying .....
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  • So far we are worse than when the window opened. Compare Page to Fox, Dasilva to Lookman and F-C to Foley. Only one of those is an improvement, albeit one that leaves us short of right-back cover, the other two are big downgrades. If Watt comes in, that will go some way to assuaging the loss of Lookman. Assuming no-one else leaves, we still need a right-back and some creativity in midfield. You can't expect, and nor should you want, Konsa and Aribo to play there every game until the end of the season.

    So, do we think it's looking good? Only if you have the rosiest of rose-tinted spectacles and your shoe size is on a par with your IQ.
  • Someone's on the wind up...
  • Roland's bank balance is indeed looking improved, whereas our team has less quality than it did 6 days ago. Once again transfer window = sell off assets and leave the squad short. They will probably still ship out at least one more first team player (Tex) and the striker that could (if (Big if ) he plays to his potential) fire us into the play-offs.

    If this window stays to form we'll be linked to decent signings for the rest of the window and once again be left short.

    I'm happy to be wrong, but the proof is in the pudding
  • The Bristol result was a boost for everyone, then we go and ruin it by selling players and replacing them with inferior players.

    And our next game is Millwall, perfect time to give them their debuts....
  • edited January 2017
    It is up in the air - we need a few more quality signings to be positive and for me - Tony Watt willing and raring to go.
  • Better place than before Roland, no
  • You're happy bunnies this evening.
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  • We have lost our only prolific goal scorer, have we replaced him?
  • Halfway and not looking all bad, certainly a better place than where we were. We all new some would go, but if player wants to go there's not a lot you can do. At least they are bringing in new blood which is always a good thing and will give the team a lift, could still see a few more. Things certainly seem to be a little different to last season( in some ways). End of the season will prove if they got it offs here we come.

    We've had a massive cash injection from sale of Lookman. How much of that has been re-invested?
    Well of course St Truiden announced the signing of three new players today. That's good for the network. And trust me, Roland sees our money as the network's money.
    So how has Charlton benefitted so far?
    We've signed two players I've never heard of, for undisclosed fees, and loaned one from Chelsea who looks quite good on YouTube. All three players may turn out to be dynamite, but forgive me if I'm not dancing in the street quite yet.
    And why are we already placing Joe Aribo in the shop window? Players like Aribo and Konsa should be the backbone of a side that would take us all the way to the Premier League, but we all know that won't happen. The club has admitted as much. The future stars of the Premier League, on show, briefly, at the Valley, before we sell them.
    Well it isn't good enough, is it?
  • Poster has 70 threads started and only 25 comments

  • And it should read Do we think it's looking good?
  • I an understand some of the thoughts here.Lookman was always going to go.No Lg 1 club could turn down that price and it's a great move for the player.Mixed feelings about Fox but again a good move for the player.Slightly underwhelmed with those that have come in and only time will tell if they are any good - but let's give them a chance.The positive side of me thinks/ hopes Watt can come back(final chance) and make a huge difference.Holmes coming back soon will also help.But we need another 2 quality signings - maybe Reeves from MK.Ajose has been a big disappointment and so we need another decent striker as I am not sure where the goals are coming from especially if Big Mac was to get injured and the Prodigal son Watt does not deliver.One can only hope

  • MrOneLung said:

    Poster has 70 threads started and only 25 comments


    Quite possibly.
  • Halfway and not looking all bad, certainly a better place than where we were. We all new some would go, but if player wants to go there's not a lot you can do. At least they are bringing in new blood which is always a good thing and will give the team a lift, could still see a few more. Things certainly seem to be a little different to last season( in some ways). End of the season will prove if they got it offs here we come.

    I’m reminded by the biblical story of Job, who despite God allowing all his family to be killed and his skin to be covered in pox, (due to a bit of a bet with Satan), never lost his faith.
    For feck sake we are a division below Burton, and trail the Northern powerhouses of Fleetwood and Rochdale!
    Here endeth the lesson.
  • So far, so underwhelmed.

    But it's early days. Let's see where we stand at the end of the transfer window.
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Roland Out Forever!