The only time he directly got an ounce of grief was when he sliced one over the stand at the end of the first half, and that was barely a collective groan. Apart from that he was clapped when he won a few headers and got pretty the same treatment from the fans as the other players did. Funny how they never slagged us off.
I'm genuinely interested to know how our fans were over the course of the game, and specifically what it was that set him off?
Was there much booing/ negative chanting/ anti-regime chanting etc before and/ or after the goal(s)?
Fans were excellent today.
Some yes, some were idiots
And judging by your comments on the post match thread ........
It's a shame. CL used to be a forum when opinions although different were respected. I am not happy with the ownership but to slag off a new team on day 1 is disappointing. As soon as we went 1 down the crowd lost heart, up until then it was a good day out.
We wanted a British manager - we now have one, so why don't you give him time? I am concerned that CL seems to be developing the toxic element which invaded the crowd last season, if this continues it is very unlikely that I will be participating at all in anything Charlton related. To me honestly I want to watch football, end of story. CL used to be a great companion activity not any more, deeply disappointed
So basically what you're actually saying is that you used to agree with the overall opinion on this site, and now you don't so the place is rubbish. What that means is that it's you who doesn't respect other people's opinions. You want everyone to have the same view as you and if they don't the place is 'toxic'. Get over yourself
It's a bit like when you go to a restaurant and complain about the quality of food. Do you expect the waiter to handle it politely or tell you if you don't like it then don't come back! It's weird.
It's a bit like when you go to a restaurant and complain about the quality of food. Do you expect the waiter to handle it politely or tell you if you don't like it then don't come back! It's weird.
Can you put that into something that we little fans understand?
Let's put this into perspective... If I were to swear at one of my 'customers', I'd be sacked. Let's see if Brussel Slade has got the balls to do something about this.
Try to see it from RJ perspective. He was at the game because he is paid quite well for it.
Why on earth would anyone traipse half way across the country to watch that shower of sh1t. Our best players have gone, pre season was a shambles and RJ was rubbish last season, he wasn't visited by magic fairies over the summer to make him a competent footballer.
We got beat by an average league 1 team, what did you expect?
Let's put this into perspective... If I were to swear at one of my 'customers', I'd be sacked. Let's see if Brussel Slade has got the balls to do something about this.
Bear in mind, if you swear at your customers, you're an employee and you'd get the sack.
Roger Johnson and his contract are (depressingly) an asset on Charlton's balance sheet. If there's money involved, don't expect Meire or Duchatalet to act in anything other than their own financial interest. Football's moral compass is totally screwed anyway, don't expect anyone to do anything about this. Charlton aren't that sort of club anymore.
It's a bit like when you go to a restaurant and complain about the quality of food. Do you expect the waiter to handle it politely or tell you if you don't like it then don't come back! It's weird.
It depends if we are talking about "Katrin's" swanky establishment on the south side of the Thames. Apparently the done thing there in the event that a customer complains about their food is to a: Blame the customer telling them they wanted their meal to be inedible, and that this upset the chef and waiting staff so much they ended up ruining the food and then spilling it in your lap and b: Tell them to fuck off.
It still wouldn't make what he did alright. His attitude stinks.
Again, something I think that Meire and Johnson have in common - I suspect you will never hear them use the words "I'm sorry". Although, Meire would find someone or something else to blame for any perceived mistake whilst Johnson wouldn't give a toss anyway as long as the money is in the account at the end of the week.
It's a bit like when you go to a restaurant and complain about the quality of food. Do you expect the waiter to handle it politely or tell you if you don't like it then don't come back! It's weird.
It depends if we are talking about "Katrin's" swanky establishment on the south side of the Thames. Apparently the done thing there in the event that a customer complains about their food is to a: Blame the customer telling them they wanted their meal to be inedible, and that this upset the chef and waiting staff so much they ended up ruining the food and then spilling it in your lap and b: Tell them to fuck off.
Then phone them up in a week and ask them where their head is at with regard to the new menu, which now include water sandwiches.
Saw him trapping off to a lone fan at Brentford away last season in the half time subs warm up. Remembered thinking at the time he acted a prick and was clearly spoiling for a row.
Funny how he wasn't so interested when my son fronted him about it when he was getting on the coach post game.
He did say Fox specifically came over to apologise though.
Saw him trapping off to a lone fan at Brentford away last season in the half time subs warm up. Remembered thinking at the time he acted a prick and was clearly spoiling for a row.
Funny how he wasn't so interested when my son fronted him about it when he was getting on the coach post game.
He did say Fox specifically came over to apologise though.
Well done Morgan Fox.
The players presumably know what a tool the bloke is as well.
I remember Webster giving the away end the w*nker sign (believe that was Bury away in a dire 0-0 league cup game) - that was amusing and given his commitment to the cause, you just turned a blind eye to it.
Rufus also was also quite narked after Fulham away one season, and also Stockport away one year. But again, you half accepted it.
Players probably need to remember that fans put a lot of time, effort and money in to supporting the team. Given the current circumstancies, it's hardly a surprise when a bit of steam is let off.
Johnson has offered this club nothing in terms of commitment and never will. I really don't know who he thinks he is? Have a moan if you can back it up Roger - but you my friend never will be able to and will always be a prick.
Birmingham and wolves fans will no doubt have similar feelings on him.
I remember Webster giving the away end the w*nker sign (believe that was Bury away in a dire 0-0 league cup game) - that was amusing and given his commitment to the cause, you just turned a blind eye to it.
Rufus also was also quite narked after Fulham away one season, and also Stockport away one year. But again, you half accepted it.
Players probably need to remember that fans put a lot of time, effort and money in to supporting the team. Given the current circumstancies, it's hardly a surprise when a bit of steam is let off.
Johnson has offered this club nothing in terms of commitment and never will. I really don't know who he thinks he is? Have a moan if you can back it up Roger - but you my friend never will be able to and will always be a prick.
Birmingham and wolves fans will no doubt have similar feelings on him.
Roger Johnson isn't fit to lace Richard Rufus' or Simon Webster's boots.
May I suggest cinema?
We know what we need to do.
He was at the game because he is paid quite well for it.
Why on earth would anyone traipse half way across the country to watch that shower of sh1t. Our best players have gone, pre season was a shambles and RJ was rubbish last season, he wasn't visited by magic fairies over the summer to make him a competent footballer.
We got beat by an average league 1 team, what did you expect?
Roger Johnson and his contract are (depressingly) an asset on Charlton's balance sheet. If there's money involved, don't expect Meire or Duchatalet to act in anything other than their own financial interest. Football's moral compass is totally screwed anyway, don't expect anyone to do anything about this. Charlton aren't that sort of club anymore.
Mind you, can't see Roger Johnson happening under Powell full stop.
How times have changed.
It still wouldn't make what he did alright. His attitude stinks.
a: Blame the customer telling them they wanted their meal to be inedible, and that this upset the chef and waiting staff so much they ended up ruining the food and then spilling it in your lap and
b: Tell them to fuck off.
Although, Meire would find someone or something else to blame for any perceived mistake whilst Johnson wouldn't give a toss anyway as long as the money is in the account at the end of the week.
He did say Fox specifically came over to apologise though.
The players presumably know what a tool the bloke is as well.
Rufus also was also quite narked after Fulham away one season, and also Stockport away one year. But again, you half accepted it.
Players probably need to remember that fans put a lot of time, effort and money in to supporting the team. Given the current circumstancies, it's hardly a surprise when a bit of steam is let off.
Johnson has offered this club nothing in terms of commitment and never will. I really don't know who he thinks he is? Have a moan if you can back it up Roger - but you my friend never will be able to and will always be a prick.
Birmingham and wolves fans will no doubt have similar feelings on him.