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Let's get real please.



  • The announcement that "Russell Slade will give his first interview as Addicks Manager on tomorrow" hardly fills me with hope. Previous "interviews" (ie Murray) have been scripted and anything but interviews. If he wants to win anyone over he will actually face journalists, if not fans, and answer tough questions to clear the air. Anything on is a waste of time.
  • DOUCHER said:

    Of course all is not suddenly okay but I am willing to throw my support back behind things and will not be protesting. I will now be renewing my season ticket. I believe it is a short term strategy from RD - one to get us up so he can sell and not make massive losses. However, the way I see it is, if we go up and he doesn't sell but continues then that's fine - I like the academy investment and maybe the realism that that is the future has to be acknowledged - allied to a good football management structure (which has been missing) might just see the whole thing work (regardless of meire's foot in the mouth prem stars of the future stuff - if we have a chance of going up to prem I believe we will go for it but not at all costs - just that she can't articulate herself properly).

    The worst case scenario is if we don't go up - he won't sell then and we may end up as this lower league player farm we are all worried about. So on that basis, regardless of whether its seen as supporting 'the enemy' I will be fully behind the team in getting back up next year. Plenty of good derbies as well.

    Except it's not the worst thing is it? This lot have proven over several years now they have not the first clue about providing the environment or resources to be a competitive club in the Championship, let alone one pushing for promotion. They've had several opportunities to change tack but preferred to point out that it's not our club, go on the offensive against the fans, they know what they are doing, blah, blah, blah. All the while we've plummeted downwards, fans and sponsors have left in droves, our utterly inept CEO is still in place except now has the "manager" and head scout reporting directly to her and the connection and any goodwill between the club and the fans has been damaged beyond all repair.

    I hope you're right but I think, if this is NOT a complete change of direction and I don't see that it is, then we are just as likely to be relegated as promoted. So, no, I dont think that not getting promoted is a worse case scenario, there's a whole world of other potential pain out there, pretty much all of it starting with this lot still running the club.

    DOUCHER said:

    Of course all is not suddenly okay but I am willing to throw my support back behind things and will not be protesting. I will now be renewing my season ticket. I believe it is a short term strategy from RD - one to get us up so he can sell and not make massive losses. However, the way I see it is, if we go up and he doesn't sell but continues then that's fine - I like the academy investment and maybe the realism that that is the future has to be acknowledged - allied to a good football management structure (which has been missing) might just see the whole thing work (regardless of meire's foot in the mouth prem stars of the future stuff - if we have a chance of going up to prem I believe we will go for it but not at all costs - just that she can't articulate herself properly).

    The worst case scenario is if we don't go up - he won't sell then and we may end up as this lower league player farm we are all worried about. So on that basis, regardless of whether its seen as supporting 'the enemy' I will be fully behind the team in getting back up next year. Plenty of good derbies as well.

    Except it's not the worst thing is it? This lot have proven over several years now they have not the first clue about providing the environment or resources to be a competitive club in the Championship, let alone one pushing for promotion. They've had several opportunities to change tack but preferred to point out that it's not our club, go on the offensive against the fans, they know what they are doing, blah, blah, blah. All the while we've plummeted downwards, fans and sponsors have left in droves, our utterly inept CEO is still in place except now has the "manager" and head scout reporting directly to her and the connection and any goodwill between the club and the fans has been damaged beyond all repair.

    I hope you're right but I think, if this is NOT a complete change of direction and I don't see that it is, then we are just as likely to be relegated as promoted. So, no, I dont think that not getting promoted is a worse case scenario, there's a whole world of other potential pain out there, pretty much all of it starting with this lot still running the club.
    i don't disagree - i don't think they have it within them to help slade do what is required to get up next season but i will not be protesting from the first game as i want it to succeed and the protests won't help that.
  • For the first time this is katrien's appointment, so will be interesting to see how it all works out. Clearly a step in the right direction, just disgraceful it took so long for Roland to accept that his cheap short term managerial appointments were a false economy.
  • DOUCHER said:

    but i will not be protesting from the first game as i want it to succeed and the protests won't help that.

    our record with protests and stuff been thrown on the pitch and walkouts was better than when we were all happy clapping our way through the dog turd of a season we've just had so thats bullshit
    they were the only entertaining thing about last year but they will wear very thin if continued next year from the off and the new squad / manager assembled don't need all that surely?
  • Rob62 said:

    For the first time this is katrien's appointment, so will be interesting to see how it all works out. Clearly a step in the right direction, just disgraceful it took so long for Roland to accept that his cheap short term managerial appointments were a false economy.

    Is it really KM's appointment? I can't see that one.
    I think the old man is playing games with us now. Nothing has changed except he's playing lip service to our complaints by employing a man with no pedigree but then ,as he has screwed the club downwards , he was hardly likely to attract Klopp.
  • DOUCHER said:

    DOUCHER said:

    but i will not be protesting from the first game as i want it to succeed and the protests won't help that.

    our record with protests and stuff been thrown on the pitch and walkouts was better than when we were all happy clapping our way through the dog turd of a season we've just had so thats bullshit
    they were the only entertaining thing about last year but they will wear very thin if continued next year from the off and the new squad / manager assembled don't need all that surely?

    Players have already said that the protests have no effect on the team

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  • edited June 2016
    A ceasefire might have been appropriate had the demonstrations solely been about poor performances. They never were. Whilst uninspiring football, consistent and heavy defeats and relegation obviously fuelled fans' anger, that wasn't the root of the problem. The nub of it was, is and always will be the nature of the board. They are not in it for footballing reasons. They have been underhand and duplicitous. Nothing in this appointment gives us any reason to believe that that has changed. Roly will still be disinterested. Meire will still be incompetent. Both will continue to treat the fans with contempt. There is no reason for any hope that the appointment of Slade, means they have changed. UNQUOTE; (@stig .. The whole post history is too long for the site to publish)

    You jump to a lot of conclusions about the current regime. How do you know that 'they have not changed' for the better ? .. Answer .. you're presuming/guessing/too set in your ways to consider any other possibility other than what 'you believe'
    I am presuming (you'll tell me if I am wrong) that you no longer attend CAFC games as you have no wish to give funds to the Duchatelet regime .. if that's so, give your protests a rest and allow those (probably still a majority) who want to see the club do well on the field, and although they might very well wish the Duchatelet regime gone, would like to see a respite in the protests just to see if there is an improvement in player recruitment and on field performance. I.e., a 'ceasefire'.
    Say, for example, that we got promoted next season, I guess you would still be protesting, we get to the premier league and Duchatelet remains in situ, you are still protesting .. then methinks thou dost protest far tooooooo much. Still I guess you'd be wearing the black & white scarf and preaching but only to the converted.
    Conversely, as I have written several times on here, if after a few games, the team is still rubbish and underperforming, THEN get the guns back on deck and start blasting away at the perfidious Belgian

    @stig writes: It's an interesting choice of language that I 'jump to a lot of conclusions' whereas you are only 'presuming'. It's also quite curious that there is a complete logic-failure in your opening plea that the protests should be stopped in order to see if there is an improvement in player recruitment and on field performance. These things aren't linked. There's no reason at all why you can't judge whether improvements have been made whilst watching matches during demonstrations. In fact, if you really wanted to be objective about such observations, that's exactly what you would do to ensure that you were comparing like with like.

    Of course, none of of this stuff has any relevance to the argument I made about the regime. You may consider 2½ years to be jumping to conclusions, but to me it is ample time. I'm not going to reiterate all the regime's faults here because @cafcfan did such a good job of that just a few posts up this thread. However, we know that their aim is to run a player farm. We know that because Meire said it. She didn't say it to us, because she knows how unpalatable it would be. She was stupid enough to say it on camera at a conference though, in the mistaken belief that no fans would find out about it. We also know, because she said it, that she doesn't care for the history of the club. We know from the actions of the pair of them, that they hold the fans in contempt. They have done nothing to take any of this back or to make it right (apart from the utterly laughable attempt to redefine the word 'weird').

    They've appointed a British manager. So what? For what it's worth I think Slade is a good appointment and I hope he can get us promoted, but that's not the point. The point is that they temporarily hold legal ownership of our club and they hold it for the wrong reasons. You can go on all day hypothesising about what I would do if we got promoted the the Premier League, but frankly that's just nonsense. You might as well go on about what I'd do if the team came out onto the pitch riding pink unicorns because 1. It's just about as likely. 2. Even if it did happen in the future, it ain't happening now. 3. And this is the important one: it entirely misses the point. The demonstrations aren't about who manages the team, who plays for the team, what division we are in. Those are a side issues (annoying ones, I'll grant you). The crucial thing is that we have owners who don't care about the club and who don't want the best for the club. That is why the demonstrations must continue.


    @lincsaddick writes: You carry on about history and what's happened in the recent past .. I am concerned more about the future and what damage continued protests might bring about .

    I KNOW that as you write, the demonstrations are about the ownership and not the players and management .. MY OVERRIDING POINT AND OPINION is that as there is now an ENGLISH manager in place and PRESUMING there will be new players the regime should be given a chance to show that it has learnt some lessons about English football ..
    You write that Slade is a 'good appointment' WELL GIVE THE MAN A CHANCE without the stresses of having to deal with protests and demonstrations. And don't start the line that 'off field happenings don't affect the performances on the field' .. that is frankly just tosh

    I KNOW that Meire should never have been given the role she occupies, I also KNOW that Duchatalet is a millionaire and a successful businessman and such people are driven, difficult, convinced that they are right and loath to change their methods, rather like yourself ?.
    BUT the Slade appointment indicates that perhaps there is a change of policy and more changes will come. We will see and we will hope so.

    (Several posters on here make the laughable assertion that the demonstrations and bad atmosphere amongst SOME spectators/fans are not affecting team performances on the field. MY OPINION ?, utter rubbish, look where we finished the season.
    I have been to games where the abuse about the regime has spilled over to abuse of the players: 'you're not fit to wear the shirt' , that kind of thing. Anyone who can state that that does not affect a player's performance is talking rubbish. And the leader of the CARD campaign was recently posting about Hitler's invasion of Russia in the context of regime change at CAFC .. w t f is that all about ?)

    You write: 'The demonstrations aren't about who manages the team, who plays for the team, what division we are in. Those are a side issues (annoying ones, I'll grant you). The crucial thing is that we have owners who don't care about the club and who don't want the best for the club' .. an assertion a PRESUMPTION that the owners don't care for the club .. OK, your opinion .. and not a matter which division we are in .. I go back to my earlier post .. so if, in the unlikely event that we were to get promoted and eventually end up in the premier league, you would still be protesting .. sounds like a case of you'd be happy IF we were to end up in the southern league under new ownership ..

    As I have written above in response to another post, I am no longer going to keep going round in circles on this topic. As far as I am concerned I have stated my opinion several times, and like you, I am not gonna change my mind. I am now looking forward to the start of next season when I will as usual be travelling to a lot of away games and hopefully be enjoying a period of success under the shrewd managership (I hope) of Russell Slade. IF that success occurs, I would not give a fig who owns CAFC. Since 1960 when I first starting following the club, there has been a multitude of dodgy owners, they come and go, CAFC still exists .. the owner has gone .. the club
    lives on

  • DOUCHER said:

    DOUCHER said:

    but i will not be protesting from the first game as i want it to succeed and the protests won't help that.

    our record with protests and stuff been thrown on the pitch and walkouts was better than when we were all happy clapping our way through the dog turd of a season we've just had so thats bullshit
    they were the only entertaining thing about last year but they will wear very thin if continued next year from the off and the new squad / manager assembled don't need all that surely?

    Players have already said that the protests have no effect on the team

    Righto - I'm with lincs on this - ceasefire is best way to get back up and sell up - suddenly support from the home crowd is irrelevant - nonsense
  • Now come on all of you, lets get real and let's keep it real!
  • DOUCHER said:

    DOUCHER said:

    DOUCHER said:

    but i will not be protesting from the first game as i want it to succeed and the protests won't help that.

    our record with protests and stuff been thrown on the pitch and walkouts was better than when we were all happy clapping our way through the dog turd of a season we've just had so thats bullshit
    they were the only entertaining thing about last year but they will wear very thin if continued next year from the off and the new squad / manager assembled don't need all that surely?

    Players have already said that the protests have no effect on the team

    Righto - I'm with lincs on this - ceasefire is best way to get back up and sell up - suddenly support from the home crowd is irrelevant - nonsense
    So at what point does that change then? When it becomes mathematically impossible for us to be promoted?

    This is the problem with linking the protests with the results that way around imo.
  • If I post in bold and CAPITAL letters does that mean people will listen to me more?
  • Off_it said:

    If I post in bold and CAPITAL letters does that mean people will listen to me more?

    The total opposite
  • shirty5 said:

    Off_it said:

    If I post in bold and CAPITAL letters does that mean people will listen to me more?

    The total opposite
    You mean people could listen to me LESS?
  • He's less likely to sell if we go back up imo. The visionary will revert to type.
  • You write that Slade is a 'good appointment' WELL GIVE THE MAN A CHANCE without the stresses of having to deal with protests and demonstrations. And don't start the line that 'off field happenings don't affect the performances on the field' .. that is frankly just tosh

    My sentiments entirely Lincs!
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  • You carry on about history and what's happened in the recent past .. I am concerned more about the future and what damage continued protests might bring about .

    Like you I am actually more concerned about the future. But we can only be effective in shaping the future if we look at the lessons of the past. As for damage caused by protests, the damage that is being done is down to the mismanagement of the regime, it is nothing to do with the protests (well, except for a couple of sofa cushions). To date, the protests have done more to bring Charlton fans together than anything in the last ten years and they were certainly more entertaining than anything that happened on this pitch.

    MY OVERRIDING POINT AND OPINION is that as there is now an ENGLISH manager in place and PRESUMING there will be new players the regime should be given a chance to show that it has learnt some lessons about English football

    Maybe they have learnt some lessons about English football. In fact, surely they must have. They would have to be peculiarly obtuse not to have learned anything. But what if they have? Their aims are are still incompatible with the long term health of the club. They will still disrespect the fans and they will still act in a duplicitous manner whenever it suits them. How can I be so certain? Because these aren't footballing things that you learn. These are ingrained ways of being. It's in their nature. As sure as you can't expect a cat not to hunt birds, you can't expect Meirchatelet to fundamentally alter their reason for owning the club or the manner in which they deal with people. "He does it his way and they need to accept that", that's what Meire said - and she meant it.

    I also KNOW that Duchatalet is a millionaire and a successful businessman and such people are driven, difficult, convinced that they are right and loath to change their methods, rather like yourself ?.

    I'll let you know when I've made those millions, Lincs.

    I have been to games where the abuse about the regime has spilled over to abuse of the players: 'you're not fit to wear the shirt' , that kind of thing.

    I too have heard that at games. In fact I've heard it so often that I can say with some confidence that I've heard it during every season for the last ten years. Possibly even further back. I don't like that chant either and like you it worries me what affect it might have on player confidence. But, having a go at players is not what the demonstrations are about it. And such chants are not going to stop just because the demonstrations do.

    sounds like a case of you'd be happy IF we were to end up in the southern league under new ownership

    Really? I've never said that, never implied it, certainly do not want it. I want Charlton to be a success, just as you do. We just have different views on the best way to get there. For me it's by ridding ourselves of the current ownership, for you it's by giving them another chance. Please don't lower the debate by taking a swipe at another fan's motives. Whatever we disagree on, surely we can recognise that we both want the best for the club; we just have different views on how to achieve that.
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Roland Out Forever!