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Let's get real please.



  • edited June 2016
    DOUCHER said:

    Of course all is not suddenly okay but I am willing to throw my support back behind things and will not be protesting. I will now be renewing my season ticket. I believe it is a short term strategy from RD - one to get us up so he can sell and not make massive losses. However, the way I see it is, if we go up and he doesn't sell but continues then that's fine - I like the academy investment and maybe the realism that that is the future has to be acknowledged - allied to a good football management structure (which has been missing) might just see the whole thing work (regardless of meire's foot in the mouth prem stars of the future stuff - if we have a chance of going up to prem I believe we will go for it but not at all costs - just that she can't articulate herself properly).

    The worst case scenario is if we don't go up - he won't sell then and we may end up as this lower league player farm we are all worried about. So on that basis, regardless of whether its seen as supporting 'the enemy' I will be fully behind the team in getting back up next year. Plenty of good derbies as well.

    Except it's not the worst thing is it? This lot have proven over several years now they have not the first clue about providing the environment or resources to be a competitive club in the Championship, let alone one pushing for promotion. They've had several opportunities to change tack but preferred to point out that it's not our club, go on the offensive against the fans, they know what they are doing, blah, blah, blah. All the while we've plummeted downwards, fans and sponsors have left in droves, our utterly inept CEO is still in place except now has the "manager" and head scout reporting directly to her and the connection and any goodwill between the club and the fans has been damaged beyond all repair.

    I hope you're right but I think, if this is NOT a complete change of direction and I don't see that it is, then we are just as likely to be relegated as promoted. So, no, I dont think that not getting promoted is a worse case scenario, there's a whole world of other potential pain out there, pretty much all of it starting with this lot still running the club.
  • lets be joyous. Miere is in charge managing a few junior staff and unprincipled Slade, with no managerial success, is the latest in the dugout. I can see why the anti protestors are dribbling.
  • Some people spend their whole life being happy with mediocrity. All the time these people are in charge that is sadly the best we will achieve, in my opinion.

    I like to aim much higher, doesn't mean you will get there but at least you can say you gave it the very best shot and occasionally hard work, proper planning and organisation does work.

    Sadly I see this appointment as a sop to the fans in the hope of increasing income in the short term.

    I will still support the team and the manager but will not support the regime until they are gone.
  • Granpa said:

    The appointment of Russell Slade is a mega climb-down. BRITiSH, MANAGER, 3YEAR CONTRACT, This represents a recognition of the need to make changes in thinking by the owner, and great work by CARD and others. Now if we want the Club to move forward we all need to take a positive attitude towards the situation. Of course I am aware that more things need to change, but let's show Roland what being proper Charlton really means. He has learned a valuable lesson, now let's open his eyes to more. Forget about Katien, she is ridculously misplaced in her role. Let's get behind Russell and the lads, and would the ' glass half full ' brigade kindly bugger off somewhere else.

    terrific post .. there just MUST be a 'ceasefire' for the first (say) six games of Slade's regime .. then if things are still seriously tits up, CARD & Co can start blasting away once more .. IF NOT, any new players (if any/many) and Slade, as experienced as he is, will be demoralised before the season is even properly under way
    It's not about results, managers, players or anything else, it's about getting the cancerous owner and his lackeys out of the club. From my point of view, there should NEVER be a ceasefire. The only time things should stop is when Roland and his clueless sycophant's are gone, for good.
  • NugNug
    edited June 2016
    Claudio Ranieri said to the Leicester fans "keep dreaming, why wake up?" well I for one hope our nightmeire stops and I can start dreaming again.
  • edited June 2016
    @Essex_Al, your right to be happy about the new appointment is undeniable. However, as was pointed out a few posts back, the protests were about a lot more than the manager being a foreigner. Maybe you have forgotten where Karel Fraeye managed before we chose him as the best available replacement for Luzon? Katriens ongoing demonstrations of incompetence when a microphone is offered to her? Roland lashing out at the fans for wanting the club to fail when the decisions that bought us to relegation were all his? The return of Relegation Roger six months after he was deemed not good enough?
    Slade may or not succeed in taking us back up. But I'm afraid I am in the group who, after two and a half years of wretched mismanagement, want to see a lot more than a Bristish manager and a couple of usefull signings to believe this lot have seriously undergone a change of heart. Remember the excitement last summer over the signings, plus the contract extensions of JBG and Cousins? The club is a basket case, and appointing Slade in itself is not much more than an unimaginative attempt to convince the easily swayed that everything is hunky dory. The ongoing presence of the useless katrien shouts out loud that little has changed yet. Ask me again in december - I've never refused a share of humble pie when it is deserved.
  • Slade is a good hire, decent manager but it will take a lot more then that before I am willing to get back on side.

    Our transfer business this summer will tell us a lot about if they truly are willing to change but after two and half years of the Belgian circus and the fact KM is still working here leaves me highly doubtful anything serious has changed in their mindset.
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  • Football fans? Fickle?
  • For me there is no change to the support the team but not the regime mantra.
    Will continue to hope team and Slade do well but there can never be any rapprochement with Meire or Duchatelet - too much damage has been done by them to be papered over by a British managerial appointment.

    Interesting that Slade was attracted by the fans and the history of the club, the two things that Meire appears to detest!
  • @Essex_Al, your right to be happy about the new appointment is undeniable. However, as was pointed out a few posts back, the protests were about a lot more than the manager being a foreigner. Maybe you have forgotten where Karel Fraeye managed before we chose him as the best available replacement for Luzon? Katriens ongoing demonstrations of incompetence when a microphone is offered to her? Roland lashing out at the fans for wanting the club to fail when the decisions that bought us to relegation were all his? The return of Relegation Roger six months after he was deemed not good enough?
    Slade may or not succeed in taking us back up. But I'm afraid I am in the group who, after two and a half years of wretched mismanagement, want to see a lot more than a Bristish manager and a couple of usefull signings to believe this lot have seriously undergone a change of heart. Remember the excitement last summer over the signings, plus the contract extensions of JBG and Cousins? The club is a basket case, and appointing Slade in itself is not much more than an unimaginative attempt to convince the easily swayed that everything is hunky dory. The ongoing presence of the useless katrien shouts out loud that little has changed yet. Ask me again in december - I've never refused a share of humble pie when it is deserved.

    @Essex_Al, your right to be happy about the new appointment is undeniable. However, as was pointed out a few posts back, the protests were about a lot more than the manager being a foreigner. Maybe you have forgotten where Karel Fraeye managed before we chose him as the best available replacement for Luzon? Katriens ongoing demonstrations of incompetence when a microphone is offered to her? Roland lashing out at the fans for wanting the club to fail when the decisions that bought us to relegation were all his? The return of Relegation Roger six months after he was deemed not good enough?
    Slade may or not succeed in taking us back up. But I'm afraid I am in the group who, after two and a half years of wretched mismanagement, want to see a lot more than a Bristish manager and a couple of usefull signings to believe this lot have seriously undergone a change of heart. Remember the excitement last summer over the signings, plus the contract extensions of JBG and Cousins? The club is a basket case, and appointing Slade in itself is not much more than an unimaginative attempt to convince the easily swayed that everything is hunky dory. The ongoing presence of the useless katrien shouts out loud that little has changed yet. Ask me again in december - I've never refused a share of humble pie when it is deserved.

    Ken, to be honest, Slade doesn't excite me that much having never had a team promoted as yet, but it is a step in the right direction for me and I can live in hope that there has been an honest change of direction.

    As usual for having a differing opinion to many on here, I get asked if I am for real!

    I'm not stupid enough to dismiss the appalling miss management of the club for the past two years, but originally, the request was for more dialogue with the club but that hasn't happened! One of the other moans is that we have been craving for a British manager (not coach). This has happened and still for many this goes absolutely nowhere to alleviate fans. Of course this is a very small step, but who knows where it may lead.

    I've absolutely hated the foreign managers (apart from Riga) and to be back in L1 is hell for me, but sorry that is not going to stop me going!

    Protest all you like, but for god sake give the man a chance to try and change our fortunes around.

    Speak again in December Ken :wink:
  • Essex_Al said:

    As usual for having a differing opinion to many on here, I get asked if I am for real!

    Of course you're entitled to your opinion, but the opening post on this thread is also telling people to "get real" for expressing opposite views to those seemingly shared by you.

    I for one just can't understand the mentality of those who either see no problem, aren't prepared to do anything about it (even forgoing their half time Bovril), or else are seemingly appeased by a weasel-worded "statement", a tin pot signing or another poor managerial appointment.

    "Give them a chance?" Fuck that mate.

    I will defend your right to have an opinion, but I will also defend my right to tell someone I think their opinion is totally fucking bonkers!

    (And that's not entirely aimed at you Al, by the way)

  • Oh look a swallow, must be summer.

    Either that or you've been on XHamster again!
  • I'd like to know who actually suggested Slade.

    Safe to say that Roly had never heard of Wilder or Slade before this pre season and Meire definitely wouldn't have a clue. So are these Murray options? A random agent? Are they consulting Jackson?
  • Granpa said:

    The appointment of Russell Slade is a mega climb-down. BRITiSH, MANAGER, 3YEAR CONTRACT, This represents a recognition of the need to make changes in thinking by the owner, and great work by CARD and others. Now if we want the Club to move forward we all need to take a positive attitude towards the situation. Of course I am aware that more things need to change, but let's show Roland what being proper Charlton really means. He has learned a valuable lesson, now let's open his eyes to more. Forget about Katien, she is ridculously misplaced in her role. Let's get behind Russell and the lads, and would the ' glass half full ' brigade kindly bugger off somewhere else.

    if the glass half full brigade need to kindly bigger off, what do the 'glass with a splash of luke warm tramp's urine in it' brigade like myself need to kindly do?
  • edited June 2016
    Off_it said:

    Give the regime a chance? They've been here for two and a half years, just how long are we supposed to give them FFS?

    I think you have to give them at least 12 years, maybe 13 if we manage to make the 3rd round of the FA Cup. It'll all be ok.
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  • Off_it said:

    Oh look a swallow, must be summer.

    Either that or you've been on XHamster again!
    Not familiar with that site but I did wonder how long it would be before I got picked up for the swallow ;)
  • Real change would START with KM getting the bullet.
  • Off_it said:

    Give the regime a chance? They've been here for two and a half years, just how long are we supposed to give them FFS?

    I meant give Slade a chance, not the regime
  • edited June 2016

    Off_it said:

    Oh look a swallow, must be summer.

    Either that or you've been on XHamster again!
    Not familiar with that site but I did wonder how long it would be before I got picked up for the swallow ;)
    I assumed it's somewhere West Ham fans do unspeakable things to blow-up dolls of Karen Brady (or maybe Goldivan).
  • When Slade announces the first signings of his team to get us out of Leauge one are Zzoujac Hungarian and joccick Foreignjonny from some Serbian 4th division team, I think we will know who,s running the show !
  • when this mob sacked Chris Powell they had the chance there to employ a decent manager, Charlton was still a decent opportunity for any manager out of work or in a similar size club. But they went down another route and now they are stuck with third rate candidates who can wrangle 3 year deals.
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Roland Out Forever!