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CAFC Supporters Trust



  • I voted the second option. I don't see how it helps us to ignore the overtures. I don't thnink anything will come of it. Unless they have very specific plans to present, I'm not sure what they want to achieve. I doubt it's to tell us they've sold. Any change is attitude from the fans would only occur based on action by the club, not the promise of action.

    Those who are worried they are trying to divide us, that may be true, but I have faith that our representatives will also see that.

    I would prefer that they produced an agenda in advance, together with their attendee list, and they have to agree that none of this is off the record. The trust must be allowed to produce their report on the event with any approval from them.

    Agree to meet provide agenda, don't allow them to dictate the meeting. If they refuse to follow agenda walk out.
  • vff said:

    DRAddick said:

    Have to meet otherwise it gives them ammunition. But confirm who will be attending in advance so km doen't load up with as much staff as possible, and set a plan for the talks so whe doesn't do her norm and dictate and control.
    The fact it's such short notice is already a sign that they are tying to gain an advantage and it is just an exercise for later publicity or excuses.

    I agree with this as well. The Trust need to know what the agenda is / who will be attending and it is important that it is open and accountable and not behind closed doors. Meire in particular is completley untrustworthy and I can see them wanting to try and split the opposition. They are backed into a corner. Advising them that the Trust needs to consult its membership to give time to prepare and understand what they want to talk about is important before rushing headlong into the meeting. They have spent years refusing dialogue and ignoring the trust. They want to rush in now ?
    Had to fix that for you :wink: .
  • At the very least, take an audio recording of the meeting, and put it online, far quicker and less open to massaging than minutes.

    If the regime have anything to say to the fans, other than the usual meaningless platitudes, they can hardly disagree with getting the message out,
  • Surely they are just going to spout some shite about they have a lot to do to win back the fans trust, they will do the right things and get us back to being a competitive championship team. In reality they will do nothing to back this up, they'll sell anyone worth a penny and bring in shite from the network next season.

    Probably be surrounded be idiots like at fans forum who thinks the sun shines out of their are (club employees not the fans ;) )

    They need to just do one
  • This is the first occasion CAST have been afforded a meeting.
    It should be taken - not doing so simply provides ammunition to Meire for starters.
    I've voted "Yes and tell them to sell".

    The reason to have the dialogue is that it's diplomacy and it gives the opportunity for CAST to say what people feel. It is entirely down to KM and RM what they do going forward.

    It doesn't replace protests.
    It doesn't replace supporters deciding to boycott games, merchandise, ST renewals, etc.

    But it does give CAST the opportunity to tell 'em where to go.
  • No point in meeting.
    KM is not capable of dealing with the issues.
    Murray is either a fool( I do not believe he is) so has no influence.
    No point in talking unless it's for KM to announce resignation and Rolly leaving.
  • No point in meeting.
    KM is not capable of dealing with the issues.
    Murray is either a fool( I do not believe he is) so has no influence.
    No point in talking unless it's for KM to announce resignation and Rolly leaving.

    My thoughts exactly.

    These people are evil and arrogant.................they have two and a half years of previous to prove it.
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  • The way Murray glued himself to Miere and her minder today I am in the no camp. Not sure Trust board will just say go if they met.
  • I would say yes to not give them ammunition but it has to be a one-way conversation, KM and RM aren't allowed to dictate the course of discussion as CAST lay down everything that they've done wrong, tell them that the fans have no confidence in them and make it clear that there will be no further discussion until a new buyer is found
  • NugNug
    edited April 2016
    The trust have been blown off numerous times and treated like they were a nothing organisation by Meire. Can't believe they will sit down for a chat now these idiots have got nowhere to turn. There is nothing they can say that can turn this around. I'm astounded that it's even up for discussion.
  • the noises they are making, including their man Riga's comment about collaboration having to come back & learning through their mistakes seems to indicate they think a few weasel words & controlled meetings will solve our problems

    NO NO NO
  • A great opportunity to present them with a set of demands. Jacko will probably also be there, so can you ask him to talk through his last goal. Thanks.
  • A total and utter no, quite simple deflectory tactic from them to try and launch a charm offensive and tick a box. Tell them where to poke it, way beyond meaningful dialogue now. Unless they know a good pub in Fleetwood. They can stick this where the sun don't shine. Laughable.
  • No. Duchâtelet or nothing.

    There may have been a time for meeting Meire and sad old Murray, but that has now passed. The regime have lied about meeting other fans, have released statements insulting fans. They cannot be trusted.
  • I would say meet. The only agenda item ought to be the results of the latest trust survey and what they think the hell is going on, and what degree of denial they're in, and what their pathetic plan to do something about it is.
    Remember all along they think they're right, and despite harder than diamond evidence, that everybody else is wrong.
  • edited April 2016
    A lot of comments about not meeting giving the board "ammunition". To do what exactly?

    They have lost and will continue to lose the battle in the media, not least of all because they are incapable of presenting a coherent, sincere, conciliatory message and recruiting and retaining professional help with their media relations.

    CARD is the opposite and has a very clear message that they need to go and any deviation from this risks dividing its support.

    Not a member but if I was it would be a polite 'no thanks Daisy'.
  • I haven't been following this as close as most of you probably but I literally had forgotten they still existed, have the trust released any sort of statement?
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  • Well, there's a precedent - Meire is well aware of the concept of setting up a meeting (with Varney) and then cancelling it at the last moment.
    What's good for the goose...
  • Option 2 - must meet them and tell them to get RD to sell. Insist that no other members of Senior Management team are present. KM & RM must explain themselves to CAST without the 'help' of other club employees.
  • Suggest we maybe just wait and see what the survey says. We all have strong opinions on this matter, as shown above. That in itself proves this is not a straightforward decision.
  • The survey link didn't work from my phone but I'm an open kind of guy (and a trust member) and I also think it's pretty straightforward how the trust should respond.
    They should send them back some dog shit in the post. Fuck 'em.
  • Suggest we maybe just wait and see what the survey says. We all have strong opinions on this matter, as shown above. That in itself proves this is not a straightforward decision.

    Let's not pretend that consulting members (or anyone else) was the trust board's first position this week.
  • Suggest we maybe just wait and see what the survey says. We all have strong opinions on this matter, as shown above. That in itself proves this is not a straightforward decision.

    Let's not pretend that consulting members (or anyone else) was the trust board's first position this week.
    Maybe not, I clearly don't know what you allude to, but in the end they did it in the most democratic way they could. Credit to them, would have been easy to make a decision amongst themselves but in the end they opened it up to the public. It's clear that tensions are high on this but I'd hope that all of us, whichever side we stand on, can see the others' point of view.

    If this is a cynical ploy to divide and conquer, part of me thinks it is, part of me think they're not that clever, then it's incredibly important that we don't let it work.
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