Was away this week so watched it over a long hotel breakfast. I liked the woman to KM's left. She spent the whole time looking at Katrien with total contempt. The old bloke trying to make a point about how many people report into KM, what was the point? The chap with the beard was good, otherwise this was a pitiful exercise. KM has no idea what the role of a CEO is. She spent most of the time trying to say I'm not as bad as people make out complete with her normal sneary look and attitude. She really needs to go. We would have half a chance if we had a head who had the wherewithal to stand up to RD.
Key is the strategy of breaking even. Cloud cuckoo land with our infrastructure and academy unless you can unearth a couple of Gomez every year and sell them for what they are worth rather than £3.5m. They need to be grilled on how they expect to achieve it, especially with support (income) dwindling while maintaining a product that people want to watch. Financials, I don't think we'll understand until he exits but the loan interest is ominous. Doubt Gartside has similar at Bolton or Abramovic.
They still think it is about performance on the pitch and a failure to communicate (Cool Hand Luke fan).
After 2 years I am no wiser as to their strategy unless it is RD playing real life football manager by trading players most of whom have been discarded and not fit for purpose. Watch academy players before they play in the Premiership? She claimed her Dublin interview; weird; customers; had been twisted by social media and then proceeded to give her actual words a spin on what she actually said.
Like to see a video of the next July/August fans forum when they have done their new budgets based on ST sales, regardless of whether we are in this division or lower. We'll have Roly's chauffer watching Belgian sunday park football for our new squad.
Finally, not only KM came across as being incompetent. The chair was inadequate as mentioned above. The handout being dished out rather than being on everyones place to be digested and resonses prepared while meeting called to order, the imbalance of fans/staff, and how much are they paying talentless Tony? Only the CFO came across as someone adept and only because he was dodging bullets while appearing to give answers. I've seen managers on £40k give better run meetings to discuss strategies and how to achieve them. All a PR nonsense. Wonder if RD was impressed?
I agree with all of the above.
It is depressing that my mum's village hall, total interested parties of around 2,000 and where all the officers are volunteers, is better run than Charlton.
Mentioned many times, KM is out of her depth and not fit to be an executive.
Overall though what depressed me the most wasn't the irretrievably junior nature of Katrien but the whole fucking affair.
I couldn't go further than the first 4 minutes until Katrien had the pre-read handed out in the meeting while clearly thinking this was both clever and acceptable. Not clever, not acceptable. If someone in my firm didn't hand stuff out with enough time for the participants to digest and comment acceptably, they would be pilloried on the first time and probably sacked the second.
Very depressing. Very very depressing.
I am struggling to see how to get them out but consider they are irredeemably shite.
Questions / Comments Summary Part 1 - This is going to be painful
1. What is the organisational structure at the club?
1.1 You classify Roland as the owner. The registered owner is Staprix NV. Please clarify the corporate ownership structure and any relevant intercompany relationships within the Duchâtelet group.
1.2 In view of comments put in the public domain (Powell) and contrary club statements can you clarify how the role of M. Duchâtelet manifests itself in the clubs' daily decision making/ operations?
1.3.1 The information on Senior Management (SMT) and its commercial & industry experience is welcome. Can the club, as is currently fairly common, share the team’s career profiles with particular reference to the football and sports industries?
1.3.2 Recognising a “flat structure” organisation can the club advise the numbers of employees in direct full & part time employment involved with non-football duties?
1.3.3 With 3 three operations (Ticketing, Match Day, Commercial) represented within SMT can the club clarify the role of the COO?
1.3.4 What role(s)/ involvement do/does any personnel within the overall corporate ownership of the major shareholder play in the decision making and day to day operations of the club?
1.3.5 The future appointment of a Sales & Marketing Manager is noted will this add to the size of the SMT? Who currently in the SMT is responsible for Sales and Marketing?
1.3.6 Who in the SMT is responsible for Customer Service Standards?
1.3.7 Who in the SMT is responsible for legal, industry, charter compliance?
1.3.8 Is the club compliant with the standards detailed within such industry & consumer regulations?
2. Why have there been so many changes of head coach?
2.1 You assert a goal of making us a competitive Championship club can you clarify what this means in terms of team performance, league position and points targets on an annual basis? How do these fit against our long term business development and growth? i.e. Where do you see the club in 5yrs?
2.2.1 All appointments are made on the basis of good faith can you please share what other characteristics and criteria are being used to assess head coach appointments?
2.2.2 What are the defined job description, duties and remit of the head coach?
2.2.3 What role does the head coach have in defining & building a competitive squad?
2.2.4 In referencing the wealth of UK industry & market experience in the SMT why have the club overlooked such qualities within the selection of four head coaches?
2.2.5 In hindsight would the club now classify the number of coaching appointments made as short term successes but long term failures?
2.2.6 Has the CFO completed a cost benefit analysis of the short term appointments & supporting staff?
3. Why do we not see Roland Duchâtelet on matchday? What is his interest in the club?
3.1 Our interest can only be on the club we support. You classify M. Duchâtelet as the owner (see Q1.1) yet he has positioned himself as an investor, an activity highlighted here can you clarify the contradiction?
3.2 In view of the roles outlined (for M. Duchâtelet & the SMT) can you advise who is/ was responsible for leading a) the direction of the club? b) its professional standards c) the club through the multitude of playing and non-playing challenges faced over the past 2yrs?
3.3 Could the club explain how such leadership can be achieved via a) an investor b) in absentia?
3.4 In addressing the challenges faced over the past 2yrs will the SMT not recognise the paucity of communication, inconsistency in coaching appointments, lack of stability and any range of operational mishaps reflects a disconnect between a local operating environment and a remote investor?
3.5 Has not such an absence of leadership been instrumental in the schism between the club and an increasing number of club supporters and followers?
4. Why has the club not met with potential investors?
4.1.1 Noting the funds injected can we have a definitive statement concerning the clubs current financial position detailing in each case the amount of investment and if such investment has been/ will be made by equity investment or new borrowing (whether seen as quasi equity or not), in the funding of;
4.1.2 The acquisition of the club and its assets and liabilities by Staprix NV?
4.1.3 The uplifting/ settlement of historic club debts inc. director loans and external commercial debt?
4.1.4 The stadium infrastructure improvements refurbishments?
4.1.5 The training ground infrastructure improvements refurbishments?
4.1.6 The future academy infrastructure/ improvements refurbishments?
4.1.7 The current & future operational trading losses?
4.1.8 In terms of any borrowing can the club clarify the structure of borrowing in terms of any repayment programme(s) and applicable interest?
4.1.9 Is any cost of borrowing accrued to the lender outside of applicable annual trading budgets or is it settled within the clubs annual trading position?
4.1.10 Can the club state the exact level of debt currently sitting on the clubs books and the associated and projected annual costs to the club?
4.1.11 In light of different details provided at the Fans Forum and an earlier meeting can the club clarify the breakdown of the £25mn investment figure into the areas of such investment and whether such represents a gross or net position taking into account the clubs general trading and player sales receipts?
4.1.12 In recognising the focus on balancing the books in light of the substantial capital expenditure made and future projects can the club clarify exactly which part of the books they are trying to balance?
4.2 Will the club acknowledge in light of recent public revelations certain external investment approaches could have been managed more professionally?
5. What is the long-term strategy for the club?
5.1 See also 2.1
5.2 Please share through which policies we are investing in our football operations and against which benchmarks progress in this area is being evaluated
5.3 In relation to affordable football please clarify the cost/ benefit analysis/ results of the clubs revised pricing policy.
5.4.1 You clarify 3 club - fan areas of engagement. Please clarify the planned interaction for a full interaction with the main body of supporters across the range of media available to the club?
5.4.2 Is not the nature of such engagement defined with the club charter, regarding complaints, individual & collective communications to the club? Is the club honouring its own club charter?
5.4.3 Is the club satisfied with the content, management and speed of communicating with the fans via the Official Club Website?
5.5.1 Is the CACT assertion more related to the football operations than fan engagement?
5.5.2 Can you clarify how CACT are positioned at the heart of the operations of the club and fan engagement?
5.5.3 Please give examples of how CACT will progress the development & growth of the club
5.5.5 What is the estimated catchment area and market profile of CACT in relation to the clubs fans?
5.5.6 Is CACT in full agreement with its use as a marketing tool for the club?
5.5.7 What is the approach in addressing the growth of the club outside of CACT focus?
5.5.8 Acknowledging Academy investment do the club recognise the need for a senior football structure with balance, depth, experience & stability to maximum the development & careers of academy scholars?
5.5.9 Is the club committed to securing a Category 1 Academy status? If so, in what timeline?
5.5.10 What are the funding and financial strategy implications of the club secures Category 1 status?
Questions / Comments Summary Part 2 - The pain continues
6.Do you understand why some fans are protesting, and what are you going to do about it?
7. What does the club intend to do to rebuild the relationship with fans?
6/7.1 Is this not the crux of the problem with the club over the past 2yrs? Why would the club suggest it comprehends the underlying disenchantment of a growing number of fans and then fail to address those concerns either by word or deed?
6/7.2 When will the club recognise communication is not a project or the remit of a new communications team it should be a club culture of daily interaction in serving those who whether they are 9 or 90yrs have nothing but the best interests of the club at heart?
6/7.3 When will the new ownership of the club recognise they have bought into an inclusive not an exclusive trading environment and the exceptional methodologies they have chosen to use in operating the club are not understood, in the short term at least appear to have failed, and because of the reticence to explain have created an atmosphere of distrust, alienation and anger?
6/7.4 Why has the new ownership chosen to defer, delay and/or obstruct any meaningful communication with fan organisations to this point?
6/7.5 Can the chief executive give a categorical assurance there is nothing in the strategy, policies and plans of the new ownership which will impact on the clubs short or long term ability to trade and operate successfully as a minimum in the top 2 divisions of English football
What is the difference between the Fans Forum, Target 20k and the Strategy Group?
8.1 You indicate a defined function for each group but have these functions been clearly documented with the specific terms of reference, objectives, operating procedures, benchmarks and deliverables?
8.2 As channels for all supporters to communicate with the club how are the actions & deliverables of each group to be communicated in delivering value to the club, its employees and supporters?
9. Why have fans with banners been removed from the ground?
9.1 Are these terms and conditions for the carrying and use of banners on general display at each entrance to the ground and each entrance to the stands?
9.2 Are the roles and responsibilities, terms of reference and authority of the stewards and security staff acting for and on behalf of the club on general display at each entrance to the ground and each entrance to the stands?
9.3 Are all stewards & security staff acting for and behalf of the club required to carry/ display any forms of accreditation in respect of their ability to act on behalf of the club and club specific registered identification?
9.4 In the event of any issues or matters of dispute with the clubs stewards and/or security staff are the measures available and points of communication for raising such dispute on general display at each entrance to the ground and each entrance to the stands?
10. What changes have taken place with the Ticket Office and why?
11. Did the ticket staff get moved out to accommodate an NHS call centre?
12. Did the club threaten to remove the Community Trust from Valley Central?
No applicable comments or questions
13. Are there any redevelopment plans for the Jimmy Seed Stand?
13.1 Response - There is a clear need to respect the history of the club. Having spent too many years in exile and uniquely in the history of world football with club supporters forming its own political party to influence and secure the clubs return to its home stadium any aspect of redevelopment no matter its apparent benefit to the club has to be communicated to supporters.
13.2 Will the club please respect the work of thousands of supporters, former directors and investors in sharing its plans for the development of the stadium and its environs at the earliest opportunity?
13.3 (See also 6.5) Can the chief executive and or the owner / investor give a categorical assurance there is nothing in the strategy, policies and plans of the new ownership of the club which will impact the clubs short or long term ability to trade and operate as a fully professional football club operating as a minimum in the top two divisions of the English football industry AT ITS CURRENT STADIUM?
13.4 In the event the chief executive or owner/ investor is unable to commit to such assurance will they give a categorical assurance they will consult with the clubs supporters in the event of any material change to the clubs future.
I am not going to quote Grapevine's post above. But it is (once again) superb, and if we ever need to refer to a concise template of what is concerning us, and what we would like to know to indeed 'build a better tomorrow together', then Grapevine has provided it. I am now conducting an individual standing ovation. Bravo.
I started to watch the video to wind myself up and got about half way , it was painful Rikofold is very good , cheesewright for all your hardwork getting away fans to games I should unconditionally love you but do me a favour and ease off some of the waffle in these meetings
gonna take a deep breath and try and read Grapevines little ditty
I reckon the fella is on our side at the end of the day.
Anyway I'm out of her league, so there!
It is depressing that my mum's village hall, total interested parties of around 2,000 and where all the officers are volunteers, is better run than Charlton.
Mentioned many times, KM is out of her depth and not fit to be an executive.
Overall though what depressed me the most wasn't the irretrievably junior nature of Katrien but the whole fucking affair.
I couldn't go further than the first 4 minutes until Katrien had the pre-read handed out in the meeting while clearly thinking this was both clever and acceptable. Not clever, not acceptable. If someone in my firm didn't hand stuff out with enough time for the participants to digest and comment acceptably, they would be pilloried on the first time and probably sacked the second.
Very depressing. Very very depressing.
I am struggling to see how to get them out but consider they are irredeemably shite.
Oh fuck
Questions / Comments Summary Part 1 - This is going to be painful
1. What is the organisational structure at the club?
1.1 You classify Roland as the owner. The registered owner is Staprix NV. Please clarify the corporate ownership structure and any relevant intercompany relationships within the Duchâtelet group.
1.2 In view of comments put in the public domain (Powell) and contrary club statements can you clarify how the role of M. Duchâtelet manifests itself in the clubs' daily decision making/ operations?
1.3.1 The information on Senior Management (SMT) and its commercial & industry experience is welcome. Can the club, as is currently fairly common, share the team’s career profiles with particular reference to the football and sports industries?
1.3.2 Recognising a “flat structure” organisation can the club advise the numbers of employees in direct full & part time employment involved with non-football duties?
1.3.3 With 3 three operations (Ticketing, Match Day, Commercial) represented within SMT can the club clarify the role of the COO?
1.3.4 What role(s)/ involvement do/does any personnel within the overall corporate ownership of the major shareholder play in the decision making and day to day operations of the club?
1.3.5 The future appointment of a Sales & Marketing Manager is noted will this add to the size of the SMT? Who currently in the SMT is responsible for Sales and Marketing?
1.3.6 Who in the SMT is responsible for Customer Service Standards?
1.3.7 Who in the SMT is responsible for legal, industry, charter compliance?
1.3.8 Is the club compliant with the standards detailed within such industry & consumer regulations?
2. Why have there been so many changes of head coach?
2.1 You assert a goal of making us a competitive Championship club can you clarify what this means in terms of team performance, league position and points targets on an annual basis? How do these fit against our long term business development and growth? i.e. Where do you see the club in 5yrs?
2.2.1 All appointments are made on the basis of good faith can you please share what other characteristics and criteria are being used to assess head coach appointments?
2.2.2 What are the defined job description, duties and remit of the head coach?
2.2.3 What role does the head coach have in defining & building a competitive squad?
2.2.4 In referencing the wealth of UK industry & market experience in the SMT why have the club overlooked such qualities within the selection of four head coaches?
2.2.5 In hindsight would the club now classify the number of coaching appointments made as short term successes but long term failures?
2.2.6 Has the CFO completed a cost benefit analysis of the short term appointments & supporting staff?
3. Why do we not see Roland Duchâtelet on matchday? What is his interest in the club?
3.1 Our interest can only be on the club we support. You classify M. Duchâtelet as the owner (see Q1.1) yet he has positioned himself as an investor, an activity highlighted here can you clarify the contradiction?
3.2 In view of the roles outlined (for M. Duchâtelet & the SMT) can you advise who is/ was responsible for leading a) the direction of the club? b) its professional standards c) the club through the multitude of playing and non-playing challenges faced over the past 2yrs?
3.3 Could the club explain how such leadership can be achieved via a) an investor b) in absentia?
3.4 In addressing the challenges faced over the past 2yrs will the SMT not recognise the paucity of communication, inconsistency in coaching appointments, lack of stability and any range of operational mishaps reflects a disconnect between a local operating environment and a remote investor?
3.5 Has not such an absence of leadership been instrumental in the schism between the club and an increasing number of club supporters and followers?
4. Why has the club not met with potential investors?
4.1.1 Noting the funds injected can we have a definitive statement concerning the clubs current financial position detailing in each case the amount of investment and if such investment has been/ will be made by equity investment or new borrowing (whether seen as quasi equity or not), in the funding of;
4.1.2 The acquisition of the club and its assets and liabilities by Staprix NV?
4.1.3 The uplifting/ settlement of historic club debts inc. director loans and external commercial debt?
4.1.4 The stadium infrastructure improvements refurbishments?
4.1.5 The training ground infrastructure improvements refurbishments?
4.1.6 The future academy infrastructure/ improvements refurbishments?
4.1.7 The current & future operational trading losses?
4.1.8 In terms of any borrowing can the club clarify the structure of borrowing in terms of any repayment programme(s) and applicable interest?
4.1.9 Is any cost of borrowing accrued to the lender outside of applicable annual trading budgets or is it settled within the clubs annual trading position?
4.1.10 Can the club state the exact level of debt currently sitting on the clubs books and the associated and projected annual costs to the club?
4.1.11 In light of different details provided at the Fans Forum and an earlier meeting can the club clarify the breakdown of the £25mn investment figure into the areas of such investment and whether such represents a gross or net position taking into account the clubs general trading and player sales receipts?
4.1.12 In recognising the focus on balancing the books in light of the substantial capital expenditure made and future projects can the club clarify exactly which part of the books they are trying to balance?
4.2 Will the club acknowledge in light of recent public revelations certain external investment approaches could have been managed more professionally?
5. What is the long-term strategy for the club?
5.1 See also 2.1
5.2 Please share through which policies we are investing in our football operations and against which
benchmarks progress in this area is being evaluated
5.3 In relation to affordable football please clarify the cost/ benefit analysis/ results of the clubs revised pricing policy.
5.4.1 You clarify 3 club - fan areas of engagement. Please clarify the planned interaction for a full interaction with the main body of supporters across the range of media available to the club?
5.4.2 Is not the nature of such engagement defined with the club charter, regarding complaints, individual & collective communications to the club? Is the club honouring its own club charter?
5.4.3 Is the club satisfied with the content, management and speed of communicating with the fans via the Official Club Website?
5.5.1 Is the CACT assertion more related to the football operations than fan engagement?
5.5.2 Can you clarify how CACT are positioned at the heart of the operations of the club and fan engagement?
5.5.3 Please give examples of how CACT will progress the development & growth of the club
5.5.5 What is the estimated catchment area and market profile of CACT in relation to the clubs fans?
5.5.6 Is CACT in full agreement with its use as a marketing tool for the club?
5.5.7 What is the approach in addressing the growth of the club outside of CACT focus?
5.5.8 Acknowledging Academy investment do the club recognise the need for a senior football structure with balance, depth, experience & stability to maximum the development & careers of academy scholars?
5.5.9 Is the club committed to securing a Category 1 Academy status? If so, in what timeline?
5.5.10 What are the funding and financial strategy implications of the club secures Category 1 status?
Questions / Comments Summary Part 2 - The pain continues
6.Do you understand why some fans are protesting, and what are you going to do about it?
7. What does the club intend to do to rebuild the relationship with fans?
6/7.1 Is this not the crux of the problem with the club over the past 2yrs? Why would the club suggest it comprehends the underlying disenchantment of a growing number of fans and then fail to address those concerns either by word or deed?
6/7.2 When will the club recognise communication is not a project or the remit of a new communications team it should be a club culture of daily interaction in serving those who whether they are 9 or 90yrs have nothing but the best interests of the club at heart?
6/7.3 When will the new ownership of the club recognise they have bought into an inclusive not an exclusive trading environment and the exceptional methodologies they have chosen to use in operating the club are not understood, in the short term at least appear to have failed, and because of the reticence to explain have created an atmosphere of distrust, alienation and anger?
6/7.4 Why has the new ownership chosen to defer, delay and/or obstruct any meaningful communication with fan organisations to this point?
6/7.5 Can the chief executive give a categorical assurance there is nothing in the strategy, policies and plans of the new ownership which will impact on the clubs short or long term ability to trade and operate successfully as a minimum in the top 2 divisions of English football
What is the difference between the Fans Forum, Target 20k and the Strategy Group?
8.1 You indicate a defined function for each group but have these functions been clearly documented with the specific terms of reference, objectives, operating procedures, benchmarks and deliverables?
8.2 As channels for all supporters to communicate with the club how are the actions & deliverables of each group to be communicated in delivering value to the club, its employees and supporters?
9. Why have fans with banners been removed from the ground?
9.1 Are these terms and conditions for the carrying and use of banners on general display at each entrance to the ground and each entrance to the stands?
9.2 Are the roles and responsibilities, terms of reference and authority of the stewards and security staff acting for and on behalf of the club on general display at each entrance to the ground and each entrance to the stands?
9.3 Are all stewards & security staff acting for and behalf of the club required to carry/ display any forms of accreditation in respect of their ability to act on behalf of the club and club specific registered identification?
9.4 In the event of any issues or matters of dispute with the clubs stewards and/or security staff are the measures available and points of communication for raising such dispute on general display at each entrance to the ground and each entrance to the stands?
10. What changes have taken place with the Ticket Office and why?
11. Did the ticket staff get moved out to accommodate an NHS call centre?
12. Did the club threaten to remove the Community Trust from Valley Central?
No applicable comments or questions
13. Are there any redevelopment plans for the Jimmy Seed Stand?
13.1 Response - There is a clear need to respect the history of the club. Having spent too many years in exile and uniquely in the history of world football with club supporters forming its own political party to influence and secure the clubs return to its home stadium any aspect of redevelopment no matter its apparent benefit to the club has to be communicated to supporters.
13.2 Will the club please respect the work of thousands of supporters, former directors and investors in sharing its plans for the development of the stadium and its environs at the earliest opportunity?
13.3 (See also 6.5) Can the chief executive and or the owner / investor give a categorical assurance there is nothing in the strategy, policies and plans of the new ownership of the club which will impact the clubs short or long term ability to trade and operate as a fully professional football club operating as a minimum in the top two divisions of the English football industry AT ITS CURRENT STADIUM?
13.4 In the event the chief executive or owner/ investor is unable to commit to such assurance will they give a categorical assurance they will consult with the clubs supporters in the event of any material change to the clubs future.
I am now conducting an individual standing ovation.
Rikofold is very good , cheesewright for all your hardwork getting away fans to games I should unconditionally love you but do me a favour and ease off some of the waffle in these meetings
gonna take a deep breath and try and read Grapevines little ditty
Isn't there supposed to be one (fans forum) about now?