The word manager alone is not something we can now recruit so wave goodbye to any credible English league experienced manager.. Foreign coaches who are less hands on elsewhere are what we are and will be in for.
I got ridiculed for picking up on it and making a deal of it when RD went down the coach route from the off but it's a big thing, the English set up is quite different to a lot of European set ups. It's not just a different word, its quite different in many a way. Eddie Howe is the epitomy if an English league manager imo, a far far fetch from what we have right now and not just in terms of quality or knowledge.
McDermont back to Reading
Clough back to Burton
PowellDowieParkinsonRigaCurbs back to CharltonI got ridiculed for picking up on it and making a deal of it when RD went down the coach route from the off but it's a big thing, the English set up is quite different to a lot of European set ups. It's not just a different word, its quite different in many a way. Eddie Howe is the epitomy if an English league manager imo, a far far fetch from what we have right now and not just in terms of quality or knowledge.