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General things that confuse you



  • Dishwasher Tablets.
    Some have wrappers that you take off, some don't. Sort it out tablet makers, its confusing my butler.
  • edited May 2015
    Why Britain's Got Talent has that title when the winners are invariably either Eastern Europeans or dogs.
  • LenGlover said:

    Why Britain's Got Talent has that title when the winners are invariably either Eastern Europeans or dogs.

    The dogs and Eastern Europeans are in Britain, so Britain has "got" them.
  • IA said:

    LenGlover said:

    Why Britain's Got Talent has that title when the winners are invariably either Eastern Europeans or dogs.

    The dogs and Eastern Europeans are in Britain, so Britain has "got" them.
    The dogs are from the Welsh Borders.
  • IA said:

    LenGlover said:

    Why Britain's Got Talent has that title when the winners are invariably either Eastern Europeans or dogs.

    The dogs and Eastern Europeans are in Britain, so Britain has "got" them.
    Well the EE's were brought over for the show, so technically Britain's borrowed talent.
  • Ah OK, I've never watched it, just assumed they were in Britain anyway.
  • IA said:

    Ah OK, I've never watched it, just assumed they were in Britain anyway.

    You haven't missed much if last night was anything to go by. What a collection of people (and dogs) with limited or zero talent. I bet HRH is looking forward to seeing that lot at the Variety show!
  • Budweiser.

    Doesn't annoy me, but can't understand why people choose to drink that stuff. Do they find it tasty? Maybe I've got different taste buds to them, I don't know. I just think there are far superior lagers out there at the same or lower price, as well as other types of beer.

    The Czech version isn't much better.
  • It drives me Nutts, I Park the car in an area with loads of spaces so I can get the kids out safely, get the buggy out of the car without having a tight space, before I have even got the buggy out someone reverses up to rear of My car, there must be 20 spaces to pick yet they Park in the nearest space to me, even though I could be getting the buggy out and standing at the rear, when I come back to the car there's cars all around mine, even though there's loads spaces surrounding it bstds hearding bstds

    Had this same crowding business down our rubbish tip today. Made three visits and on each occasion, someone came in and parked right up my 'arris. I've got a bootful of old wood and tree branches and they are looking at me all worried as I lift it out over their car bonnet. It's quite simple tossers: I'm a man lugging old rubbish about, give me some 'kin space and your car won't get scratched.
  • IA said:


    Doesn't annoy me, but can't understand why people choose to drink that stuff. Do they find it tasty?

    IA said:

    Maybe I've got different taste buds to them

    You do, but don't worry because I'm sure some beer snob will be along soon to tell you you have superior taste buds to us pathetic Bud drinkers :-)
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  • IA said:


    Doesn't annoy me, but can't understand why people choose to drink that stuff. Do they find it tasty?

    IA said:

    Maybe I've got different taste buds to them

    You do, but don't worry because I'm sure some beer snob will be along soon to tell you you have superior taste buds to us pathetic Bud drinkers :-)
    No need to worry about that - I'll happily drink Carling or Tennents all night if they're cheap. Fair enough though, thanks.
  • Why a man would have an apartment just for his cats. Who has cats they don't live with?!

    Chuck Blazer - not just a crook but a weirdo.

    Looks like Santa's evil twin too.
  • I'm going to struggle to explain this...

    People who think they're holding the door open but are actually standing in the way. For example, if you're going in opposite directions and the door is behind them (but they're holding it open).
  • IA said:

    I'm going to struggle to explain this...

    People who think they're holding the door open but are actually standing in the way. For example, if you're going in opposite directions and the door is behind them (but they're holding it open).

    It confuses you...and now it has confused me too!
  • edited May 2015

    Chuck Blazer - not just a crook but a weird

    How can you take someone serious whose name sounds like the act of throwing a jacket?

    I'll get my coat blazer.

  • Chuck Blazer - not just a crook but a weird

    How can you take someone serious whose name sounds like the act of throwing a jacket?

    Pelter Coats, the Stoke chairman, he's alright.

  • Printers really confuse AND annoy me... (So apologies if its in the wrong thread)

    Had something I needed to print for a 9am meeting this morning, came into work early (as dont actually start till 9am) to write out the Document (as was only asked about it when I was leaving the office yesterday)... Got everything done for 8:50 so sent the Document to the printer which decided to re-calibrate and have a clean before doing the job I asked it to.

    (1) How the feck can it be cleaning itself (i.e. is there a little man doing some polishing inside)
    (2) Its not actually cleaning or re-calibrating, its just making a big noise that makes it sound as though its doing something important when in fact its doing feck all (I should know cos I do that all the time lol!)
  • IAIA
    edited May 2015

    It confuses me when people call it EUFA. What would EUFA be an abbreviation for?
  • European Union of Football Associations perhaps?
  • Fridges. We are told that raw meat should never be stored in a place where it could drip on other produce, so why do they always put the salad basket at the bottom?
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  • Union of European Football Associations makes more sense.
  • Stig said:

    Fridges. We are told that raw meat should never be stored in a place where it could drip on other produce, so why do they always put the salad basket at the bottom?

    Doesn't yours have a plastic lid on it? Our does. But we still use it to put the fresh meat in which is another way of addressing your problem. Glad to be of assistance!
  • Arsenal-supporting mates inviting me to their fa cup parade. Why would anyone want to see another team parade a trophy?
  • IA said:

    Ah OK, I've never watched it, just assumed they were in Britain anyway.

    No mate, you're way off
  • My wife insisted we had oak worktops in the kitchen we put in about 3 years ago with a promise that she would take responsibility for regularly sanding and oiling them.

    She now denies that conversation ever happened.

    She also can't walk into the kitchen without creating mini-tsunamis all over the place and seems to have some form of water drop blindspot.

    1st world problem I know...
  • edited May 2015

    Arsenal-supporting mates inviting me to their fa cup parade. Why would anyone want to see another team parade a trophy?

    Why do you need an invite - was it ticket only ?
  • Why people have kids and pack them of to boarding school?
  • Greenie said:

    Why people have kids and pack them of to boarding school?

  • edited June 2015
    PL54 said:

    Arsenal-supporting mates inviting me to their fa cup parade. Why would anyone want to see another team parade a trophy?

    Why do you need an invite - was it ticket only ?
    What? They asked me if I wanted to go with them. You don't need an invite, it just confused me as to why people would think someone who they know doesn't like arsenal would want to go to a celebration of them winning a trophy. They weren't just taking the piss either.
  • Greenie said:

    Why people have kids and pack them of to boarding school?

    Labour probably closed the local Grammar school.

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