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**Luzon Confirmed Charlton Head Coach - Deal to 2016 - Praise the Lord, Work Permit GRANTED (pg 24)*



  • colthe3rd said:

    What's convincing me about that Standard article is all the players they have quoted. What a pile of shit. It's almost as if a "journalist" (and I use that term loosely) has looked on the internet to see what the fans think of the appointment.

    Hi Tom!

    what I thought. so player x, y and z walked in to see KM or RD recently to complain about BP and now player x,y and z or maybe a, b and c have now barged in to say 'we don't want Luzon'. If they just got on with playing football instead of bitching and moaning then maybe we'd have more than 1 win in 14 games.
  • Have been incommunicado all day in deepest East Sussex so although I had heard the news, I haven't had the opportunity to comment before now.

    From reading through everyone's posts, it appears to me that around 50% of Lifers are taking against M Luzon before he's had time to stash his waffles in the freezer ( no double entendre intended) whilst 40% are happy to allow him a honeymoon period & hoping that it's the start of a blissful union ( any bumps being naturally expected in a close relationship, Henry :-) )

    But that leaves a further 10% to account for if my spreadsheet is correct....

    That's the place to find me tonight, dear friends & fellow sufferers - in no-man's land.

    Like the 40%, I'll gladly support the new guy as I believe I have every Charlton manager since I became a true Addick. For a limited period of time, this included Mr Bouncebackability and, although I shudder at the thought, the suave but uber arrogant Mr Pardlarse. The new man will be afforded the same respect. I have tended to avoid the discussions concerning his background & experience as football outside of this sceptred isle holds little interest for the Fanackapans....hence I have no preconceived ideas regarding his ability as a football manager. If "others", undoubtedly far more knowledgeable in such matters feel he is our man, then so be it.

    But I am with the minority group because we are incensed by the way in which we, the customers have been treated in this latest PR fiasco. There's no need for me to spell it out - you all know to what I refer. Whatever the reasons for sacking Bob, it came as little surprise but what DID make me sit up & take notice was the statement that told us time would be taken to find the right candidate for the position. As a result, I took the bait, if that's what it was, and posted that maybe RD was becoming Charltonised ; that it seemed the "usual suspects" oft mentioned in past weeks, were not nailed on after all. Oh me of too much faith ! And so we prepared to wait, safe pro tem in the hands of Damian & Ben.

    24 hours later ...DOH !

    OK . RD is the owner of our Club. He has every right to do what he wants with his money. And we duly thank him for the visible improvements he has made over the past 12 months. We were assured that the history & heritage of Charlton Athletic would be respected and, although I'm unsure whether it was actually stated, the ethos of our Club too. The improvement of "The Matchday Experience" was a much used phrase, giving the impression that we, the paying customers could expect something special from the new regime. New caterers, a brand spanking new pitch, Block A with its bargain priced season tickets....all positives on the whole.

    But tangible innovations aside, what about respect ? For US - the fans who love this dear old Club, spend our hard earned on supporting it through thick & thin and much, much more ? Do we not deserve to be told the truth when such a big decision as replacing our manager is concerned ? To be given such a misleading statement on Monday is to treat us as if we don't matter one iota and leaves me wondering when , if ever, we should trust anything that we are told ? It's possible that a new VIP scheme will be mooted at this Thursday's FF meeting.....but should those interested parties trust that said revamped scheme will guarantee they will not lose money by investing ? In my book, trust has to be earned, and today's announcement has put a severe dent in the trust that was beginning to be built between fans and owner. And that makes me very sad.

    Charlton Athletic Football Club is better than this. And, whether our squad will be revitalised by Guy's management methods, whether further, exciting additions are made in this transfer window, whether we finish in a decent place by May 3rd, the mishandling of this current issue will not be easily forgotten. With the afore mentioned VIP scheme and season tickets for the next term on the horizon, some Addicks will question whether they want to pay "up front" , especially as The Valley is unlikely to sell out for any match and if prices are increased as rumoured.

    Hand on heart, many will - it's what we do. But others may decide otherwise....and RD's plan to break even may be severely scuppered by, not only the madness of FFP but also by a "moment" of madness on Monday, January 12th 2015.

    Let's hope that lessons will be learned for the good of all concerned.

    Well said.
    HandG said:

    Fanny, if I were you I'd copy and paste your brilliant post word for word and email it directly to to KM. It sums up perfectly how many of us are feeling and I'd be intrigued by her response.

    And if you don't want to send it over, Is it all right if I do? :-)

    Don't believe I have posted anything libellous (sp?) so go ahead ( my pasting skills are for wallpaper only)

    But I feel it would be appropriate to do so saying that this is a post on a Charlton forum that you feel hits the spot?

    Those who read CL at the Club are invariably aware who I am but best keep it anonymous please ie "a contributor to a Charlton forum "

    And I'm humbled by your reaction TBH. I'm only saying what I believe a lot of Addicks are thinking.

  • I was going to say Post of the Year, but then realised we are only 14 days into the new year.

    Nobody does it better than you Fanny ?

    Articulating the thoughts of many CL members
  • LuckyReds said:

    Posting after only reading page 1.

    Let me say this first; of course I'm still going to get behind the team. Of course I hope he does well. I can even see why we would've needed a change of management. However...

    This is a total and utter fucking joke. What the..?!

    First of all; Katrien has been made to look like a complete and utter idiot. That spiel in the programme? If that was the case then how come we knew about Luzon weeks ago? Either she was lying or doesn't have a clue and CharltonLife is more informed than her.

    Second of all; Why bother making it sound like this is going to be a long and hard decision, one which hasn't already been made? Why take the effort to lie to the fans AGAIN? Say it how it is Roly and Katrien; it was a simple decision that was quick and easy as you made it weeks ago - hence the rumours.

    Third of all; If this guy wasn't good enough for Standard then why's he good enough for us? Didn't you learn anything whatsoever over the debacle of Standard rejects we got last year? Thuram... Need I say more.

    In short; this little escapade has been lie after lie - again. Just why? He does some great things for the infrastructure of the club and brings a couple of decent players in... Then the respect and gratitude he earns is pissed away by lying to the fans and seemingly making the same mistakes again.

    We want stability and we want security. So does he; he bloody owns us. If we're a business then why is he so keen on pissing off clients?

    I hope Guy does well, and I will be behind him - but to say I have any faith in this appointment, or the regiment as a whole, at this moment would simply be a lie.

    It feels like we're a year on, with a nicer pitch and more expensive squad.. But the same shower of shit making the decisions. In short: a shambles. I bet he runs his Electronics business with a higher degree of honesty, and I'm sure he doesn't let his talent stagnate by simply rejigging personell from department to department.

    If its a business then run it like one Roly. Stop pissing the customers off and let's go for gold.

    If i could right as eloquently as you , this is what i would have wrote. Bang on the money! Sums it up perfectly for me LuckyReds
  • That Standard article is laughable!!!!
  • I was going to say Post of the Year, but then realised we are only 14 days into the new year.

    Nobody does it better than you Fanny ?

    Articulating the thoughts of many CL members

    That's NOT what Mr F says, sam !


  • That Standard Liege article is are laughable!!!!

  • So Roland you have owned our club for a year and already on your fourth manager. Please lets have a period of stability, after all how many times can you pull a 'rabbit' out of the hat?
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  • 2 wins on the trot and he'll be the bogs dollox.
  • Sky sports saying that Luzon's back-room staff will be DM and BR and not bringing in his own people.....if true at least there is some stability. Curbs chucking his hat in the ring for DOF also on Talk Sport this morning, doubt if Rolly will go for that in any shape or form......sadly!!
  • Sky sports saying that Luzon's back-room staff will be DM and BR and not bringing in his own people.....if true at least there is some stability. Curbs chucking his hat in the ring for DOF also on Talk Sport this morning, doubt if Rolly will go for that in any shape or form......sadly!!

    Don't get why the club can't communicate these things.
  • How long is the contract ?
  • PL54 said:

    How long is the contract ?

    End of next season. It's long-term.
  • How does the new man pronounce his first name?
    Guy or gee?
  • Sky sports saying that Luzon's back-room staff will be DM and BR and not bringing in his own people

    So Roly has sacked 3 people and replaced them with 1 person who already had a contract out to 2016 ?

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  • Moving forward, I am interested to see how the players react and whether or not we can muster the same team spirit we managed with the run in last season. Not assuming, but I think we would all agree we have better players than we did last season, but that won't mean anything unless we can build that core bond that developed under CP, JJ, Morro, Wilson, Church, Hughes, Hamer, Wiggins & Solly.

    I'm reading on here that Buyens and Luzon didn't get on. I hope they can put their differences aside. @Fanny Fanackapan makes a good point about JJ's talk to the players last season after CP left. I hope he is motivated and can do the same and that the core of our first XI are united.

    I'm pretty sure the players, despite the turmoil will rise to the challenge. TBH and JBG both tweet after the game about our support and how disappointed they both are if we get beat, I believe they are good pros. For JJ, I believe a lot will depend on whether Luzon plays him. BP was (imo quite rightly) subbing him earlier and earlier toward the end, if JJ gets the same treatment from Luzon, how motivated he'll be to play the selfless captain, I'm not so sure. That's not me questioning JJ's integrity, just his willingness to try and turn round a mess if he's not part of the team.

    I'm excited about Watt. I know we only saw 20 mins of him on Saturday, but he looked like he could hold up a ball. If we can alleviate some of the pressure on Vetokele and also the over relied upon defence, then who knows.

    One thing is for sure, Luzon will have to get buy in from the players straight away. I don't think he'll have the luxury of the same togetherness that Riga inherited due to this being the 2nd time some players have experienced it. However, deep down I'm confident those players are good enough to compete in the Championship.

    How Luzon arrived here is a farce, especially given what AFKA said about him still being under contract to RD, Staprix, Tin Tin whoever until 2016. Yet, we must get behind him and those players, I think we can turn this round in the short term. Long term some serious questions need to be answered
  • I'm inclined to believe that Standard article has at least an element of truth to it.

    1) No player who values their salary is going to come out and lambast their employer / cast doubts over their new boss in public. Of course there are no quotes.

    2) Tom Collomosse's beat is usually exclusive to West Ham and Tottenham. Never seen him write about the club before and I've never seen him take an interest. Highly unlikely he would dip his toes into another club without some kind of info.

    Could be wrong, but I really doubt he sat down at his laptop this morning and thought "hmmm.... what can I make up about Charlton?"

    By the same logic, if he has never written anything about us before, where have these sources suddenly appeared from?

    We all know "...sources tell us..." and "...understands" are just code for "we've made this shit up to get some more clicks from fans of the relevant club".
  • colthe3rd said:

    I'm inclined to believe that Standard article has at least an element of truth to it.

    1) No player who values their salary is going to come out and lambast their employer / cast doubts over their new boss in public. Of course there are no quotes.

    2) Tom Collomosse's beat is usually exclusive to West Ham and Tottenham. Never seen him write about the club before and I've never seen him take an interest. Highly unlikely he would dip his toes into another club without some kind of info.

    Could be wrong, but I really doubt he sat down at his laptop this morning and thought "hmmm.... what can I make up about Charlton?"

    By the same logic, if he has never written anything about us before, where have these sources suddenly appeared from?

    We all know "...sources tell us..." and "...understands" are just code for "we've made this shit up to get some more clicks from fans of the relevant club".
    At the start of the season, the Standard had a daily feature on every club in London, A bit of news from every London club Premier to League 2. It wasn't much, just a paragraph. But if you read the Standard and know that Arsenal, Chelsea, Spurs and West Ham get pages and pages, then it was a start.

    That finished at the end of September I think. Anything they pick up is cobbled together if they are short on content. In fact, us sacking BP gives them a headache because they realise it is an actual story they are going to have to cover, and crap themselves that their knowledge and relationship with us is so poor, they'll struggle to actually report anything of value.

  • Press conference live on SSN at 2.30
  • Sky sports saying that Luzon's back-room staff will be DM and BR and not bringing in his own people

    So Roly has sacked 3 people and replaced them with 1 person who already had a contract out to 2016 ?

    In a word…yes.
  • edited January 2015
    In my experience, few professional journalists will report things they don't genuinely believe are true. What they are often guilty of is running something because it is newsworthy without sufficient verification. The more newsworthy something is the bigger the temptation and hence mistakes get made. Given the Standard don't care about Charlton, I doubt this is made up by them, but it may not be accurate either.
  • In my experience, few professional journalists will report things they don't genuinely believe are true. What they are often guilty of is running something because it is newsworthy without sufficient verification. The more newsworthy something is the bigger the temptation and hence mistakes get made. Given the Standard don't care about Charlton, I doubt this is made up, but it may not be accurate either.

    I used to work in trade press in my industry and I probably would have got the sack if I couldn't have backed up my sources, named or not.
  • In my experience, few professional journalists will report things they don't genuinely believe are true.

    And there is where the subjective part comes in to play.
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Roland Out Forever!