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Statement from supporters meeting



  • So so far the board members of the Trust who have posted have stated they are happy with things and see no conflict of interest with working with/alongside/against the new group and do not believe it undermines them.
    The people who are seeing a conflict of interested or undermining are people not on the Trust Board and don't have to work with/alongside/against the new group.

    I've paid my fiver to the trust and happy to go along with their judgement until events and actions prove otherwise. Will be interesting to see how things play out.

  • vffvff
    edited March 2014

    vff you are being a touch naive if you feel the new group "are just asking a few questions".

    After those questions, are you expecting them to say thanks & then just drop things ?

    Maybe so (to both parts). Depends on the answers they get, if they get a discussion, then they will feed back and give an opinion. I guess those in the Supporters Group can best answer that. Ultimately, RD has bought the club and he is playing out his strategy. What is there to be done at this point, but to see the evidence and make an informed decision ? Hopefully, he wants the majority of Charlton supporters to renew STs and over the 3 to 6 months, and engages and we will see the great things planned out for the club as hinted about on ITTV. One step at a time.

  • Airman Brown has an axe to grind.

    Carry on grinding long enough and you're left with a stick.
  • those of the 21 not already in the trust should join now and should become influential in direction trust is going to take along with all other members
  • DRaddick there is a political game being played out there are prominant members of the trust that have posted on this thread their fears and concerns with this group
  • So a Trust Board member and a signatory to the 'supergroups' statement has been on this thread, busy ticking 'like' on certain posts and yet hasn't posted a single answer to the pertinent questions asked.

    Perhaps there's more to marketing than I thought.
  • Its very disapointing tbh I expected more from all of the 21
  • So if all the G21 joined the trust and all became elected board members would this then be acceptable for the G21 under the guise of the Trust to ask for a meeting
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  • I think it may be too big a board but some are already on the board and that's why I find it hard to understand why this couldn't be led by the trust and why it seems such a hit against the trust
  • I was disappointed that the new group felt it had to lead the charge on an issue that the Trust had already started to tackle and had publicly stated what actions it was taking.

    I am puzzled that the Trust, on the one hand, seems to be paying scrupulous attention to acting in a way that is in line with supporters’ views, and yet, on the other hand, is supportive of an initiative that cuts across such democratic procedure.

    I am concerned that the new group is undermining the democratic process and the Trust is in danger of doing so as well if it decides to passively stand aside while the new group takes centre stage without democratic legitimacy.

  • Spot on I aint for blowing smoke up posters arses but I think there's a very good line in the sand in the validity of what people say and mundell and grapevine are the barometer of that
  • So if all the G21 joined the trust and all became elected board members would this then be acceptable for the G21 under the guise of the Trust to ask for a meeting

    Yes. That's called democracy.
  • some great points there that need to be answered by the OP

    I also think the fact no one has said why RD is more dangerous to cafc than TJ and MS who for some reason AB was able to feed the negatives of their stewardship quite freely has been forth coming as to why these fans of prominence in our history now feel the need to create a group leads to a cynical view that its to sell copy of the VOTV
  • Question to The Trust:

    When is the meeting with Kate and Rolly?

    Do you have an agenda / set of Issues .. will you share it with the Trust membership?

    Will you raise questions on behalf of the Supporters group?

    Will you feed back in detail to the membership / supporter base
  • creepy if you and the Rotherham 17 had set it out on here I would have asked you the same qs

    why now

    what do you know

    why not via the trust

    and you would've no doubt answered the fact there has been no answer makes you wonder why
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  • But you know these meetings can drag on!

    Our meeting was limited coz the bloody bus driver wanted to get home!
  • "The purpose of the meeting was to try to establish a temporary umbrella group from which to seek a constructive and positive dialogue with the new owner of the club and if that does not prove possible then to create a basis to recommend and to co-ordinate any appropriate action to respond to events."

    Any chance of dialogue being extended to this thread?
  • So would you like to answer some of the questions asked in this thread then please Steve?

    I'm a large person who has the best interest of CAFC.
  • Hi Steve, we do know each other.

    2 questions for you.

    Can you please explain, why the "supporter's group's" questions, cannot be put through the trust ?

    If that is not successful then, yes let's look again.

    Also, what is so concerning the group, that other supporters are unaware of ?
  • thanks for responding

    why has this group formed now in the wake of RD yet it felt that there was no need under TJ and MS when things on the surface were so much worse, what info can be shared as to why there is a need now, there must be some as it seems quite a forth right action,

  • edited March 2014
    "to seek a constructive and positive dialogue with the new owner of the club"

    I'm sensing some irony here. When many of "the 21" who are lurking all over this thread, will not provide any constructive or positive dialogue on a discussion that they started.

    If you're not going to talk, because you feel it's for the best, at least tell us, that you will post again, in due course after perhaps further discussions with the trust on Monday ?

  • edited March 2014
    Strange very very strange I guess the only way to hear from anyone other than to say they are here is to buy the votv
  • @creepyaddick‌ spot on my view, can u spare a few evenings a month?
  • In the words of the great Groucho Marx (only marx that spoke any sense) "i wouldnt join a club that would have me" .
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