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***The Takeover thread mk. 3.0 (IT"S NOT DONE - BUT YOU HAVE BEEN!!!)***



  • its all just biggest dick dangling
  • Varney's lot then.
  • I can take no credit for this as I did hear that negotiations had hit a snag a few days ago.I was going to post the following this morning as I heard the problems had been resolved:
    The scenario that is slowly playing out is a tricky one and there is no telling how the cards will eventually fall. As you all probably know the club has been up for sale for some time. It has attracted a fair amount of interest that has resulted in some offers from various parties. Offers,which up until now the board have felt are derisory.
    Due to financial implications the board are up against the clock somewhat,and will have to sell in the near future. The bid from the American came completely out of the blue and was very close to the boards valuation. Now this is where things started to muddy the waters. There is another interested party that have made at least one offer in the past. They have sufficient funds and also,importantly, have at least one member who has a previous link to the club so would probably have the clubs best interests at it's heart compared to the other interested parties who may not. Now either in a show of greed or in an attempt to allow the second party to improve their offer the Harris bid was revealed to the press. This only succeeded in upsetting Harris and added to the fact his financial team had found a few potential problems he withdrew his offer. So now there was only one offer,which still stood, from the second party. I should also add that the second party has a significant axe to grind with the current Charlton board and appear to be letting this play out whilst watching them squirm during the process.
    Now to counter act this the Charlton hierarchy decided they would need to find another suitor who could potentially buy the club, but more importantly would not necessarily have the clubs best interests as it's core reason for Purchase. This is where they approached Duchatelet. A man who was not on the lookout for a club but when offered at a rock bottom price had to get involved.Now I'm not saying Duchatalet would completely neglect the club but I think Charlton fans would be far happier with the yet unnamed party at the helm.
    The board are trying to pull on the emotional heart strings of the second party in the hope they up there offer.If not they will sell to Duchatelet which will cost them money and leave the future of CAFC in the darkness somewhat.The second party may however wait until such time that Duchatelet is ready to sell,which could be quite soon, and make another move then..Its a war of attrition, of that there is no doubt.

    This is what Angeldust has just posted on ITV... VERY telling, and pretty much makes it obvious who a particular party is.

    I know it's pretty obvious who it is, but can you inbox me who it is please KA?

  • Swisdom said:

    Liege are top of the league and no longer in debt

    I'd like some of that please

    Me too Swisdom - just feel very uneasy about this, am not too sure about being part of this strange conglomerate of random clubs. Will say no more, don't want to be the party pooper & I hope to god it works out for us.
  • Hopefully he longs Liege off so he's got more cash to spend on us!
  • I can take no credit for this as I did hear that negotiations had hit a snag a few days ago.I was going to post the following this morning as I heard the problems had been resolved:
    The scenario that is slowly playing out is a tricky one and there is no telling how the cards will eventually fall. As you all probably know the club has been up for sale for some time. It has attracted a fair amount of interest that has resulted in some offers from various parties. Offers,which up until now the board have felt are derisory.
    Due to financial implications the board are up against the clock somewhat,and will have to sell in the near future. The bid from the American came completely out of the blue and was very close to the boards valuation. Now this is where things started to muddy the waters. There is another interested party that have made at least one offer in the past. They have sufficient funds and also,importantly, have at least one member who has a previous link to the club so would probably have the clubs best interests at it's heart compared to the other interested parties who may not. Now either in a show of greed or in an attempt to allow the second party to improve their offer the Harris bid was revealed to the press. This only succeeded in upsetting Harris and added to the fact his financial team had found a few potential problems he withdrew his offer. So now there was only one offer,which still stood, from the second party. I should also add that the second party has a significant axe to grind with the current Charlton board and appear to be letting this play out whilst watching them squirm during the process.
    Now to counter act this the Charlton hierarchy decided they would need to find another suitor who could potentially buy the club, but more importantly would not necessarily have the clubs best interests as it's core reason for Purchase. This is where they approached Duchatelet. A man who was not on the lookout for a club but when offered at a rock bottom price had to get involved.Now I'm not saying Duchatalet would completely neglect the club but I think Charlton fans would be far happier with the yet unnamed party at the helm.
    The board are trying to pull on the emotional heart strings of the second party in the hope they up there offer.If not they will sell to Duchatelet which will cost them money and leave the future of CAFC in the darkness somewhat.The second party may however wait until such time that Duchatelet is ready to sell,which could be quite soon, and make another move then..Its a war of attrition, of that there is no doubt.

    This is what Angeldust has just posted on ITV... VERY telling, and pretty much makes it obvious who a particular party is.

    I know it's pretty obvious who it is, but can you inbox me who it is please KA?

    I can hazard a guess and say it's Peter Varney, I'm not angeldust and am just copy and pasting what he's posted on another open charlton forum. But he's made it quite obvious in my opinion.

  • I don't believe anything anymore
  • Come on Reg. You know you want to come home
  • I've no idea who Angeldust is, but (he?) certainly tells a plausible story. Interesting indeed.
  • Don't think Mr. Duchatelet is the quiet shy retiring low profile type. I think he's going to be an interesting and controversial owner who divides opinion and does things his way or the highway.

    I suspect that's a good bet. You might add unconventional too. The key question, from Liege to Jena to Budapest and now London, is whether he has a plan or is just playing?
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  • Nothing is ever in simple its the charlton way.
  • edited January 2014
    does he though, only 2 days ago we were all to bow to this snag and the fact its off virtually because Angeldust said so

    scatter gun approach you will get some right some times
  • I can take no credit for this as I did hear that negotiations had hit a snag a few days ago.I was going to post the following this morning as I heard the problems had been resolved:
    The scenario that is slowly playing out is a tricky one and there is no telling how the cards will eventually fall. As you all probably know the club has been up for sale for some time. It has attracted a fair amount of interest that has resulted in some offers from various parties. Offers,which up until now the board have felt are derisory.
    Due to financial implications the board are up against the clock somewhat,and will have to sell in the near future. The bid from the American came completely out of the blue and was very close to the boards valuation. Now this is where things started to muddy the waters. There is another interested party that have made at least one offer in the past. They have sufficient funds and also,importantly, have at least one member who has a previous link to the club so would probably have the clubs best interests at it's heart compared to the other interested parties who may not. Now either in a show of greed or in an attempt to allow the second party to improve their offer the Harris bid was revealed to the press. This only succeeded in upsetting Harris and added to the fact his financial team had found a few potential problems he withdrew his offer. So now there was only one offer,which still stood, from the second party. I should also add that the second party has a significant axe to grind with the current Charlton board and appear to be letting this play out whilst watching them squirm during the process.
    Now to counter act this the Charlton hierarchy decided they would need to find another suitor who could potentially buy the club, but more importantly would not necessarily have the clubs best interests as it's core reason for Purchase. This is where they approached Duchatelet. A man who was not on the lookout for a club but when offered at a rock bottom price had to get involved.Now I'm not saying Duchatalet would completely neglect the club but I think Charlton fans would be far happier with the yet unnamed party at the helm.
    The board are trying to pull on the emotional heart strings of the second party in the hope they up there offer.If not they will sell to Duchatelet which will cost them money and leave the future of CAFC in the darkness somewhat.The second party may however wait until such time that Duchatelet is ready to sell,which could be quite soon, and make another move then..Its a war of attrition, of that there is no doubt.

    This is what Angeldust has just posted on ITV... VERY telling, and pretty much makes it obvious who a particular party is.

    Correct me if I'm wrong, but I'm assuming you mean Varney, who is Chairman at Ebbsfleet. Would he be allowed to be involved with more than one club?
  • Que sera sera my friends, que sera sera.
  • edited January 2014
    My guess is that Duchatelet has bought us with a view to continue the same plan that TJ and Slater had before KC pulled the rug. He is probably hoping he can do it reasonably cheaply with a few loans of players he already owns possibly saving a bit of dosh (If they are good enough) and a bit of additional money spent. I do believe we are not too far short as a squad - we desperately needed that little bit of investment at the end of last season which wasn't forthcoming - instead we lost key players - now hopefully we will get it, but likely to be too late for this season.

    I would like to think that Powell will be given a fair chance. It would be a good signal for us as fans as to how sensible/reckless Duchatelet is, as removing a popular manager with a lot of potential without giving him a chance would be a bit careless and possibly very damaging. Perfectly reasonable for Chrissy to be set some targets though - but as long as they are reasonable, I'm sure he can achieve them.

    The other big question is whether it might be too late to get the likes of Stephens and Wiggins signed up. I think the shortest route, and probably cheapest route to success will be to build on the quality that is already there rather than re-build. But we know other clubs have been sniffing around.

    We will all see in the weeks and months ahead, but what is for sure is that we needed this new start. The only way the club was heading was a place we didn't want to go. When you see Fulham going for £300m and some of the fantastic opportunities a thriving Charlton would have for a mega rich buyer -including a future move to the peninsula whether some fans like it or not - it could be a shrewd and profitable move from the Belgian, though not without obvious risks.
  • Wow this is crazy! But it does make some sense
  • Wow this is crazy! But it does make some sense
  • I have to say, this has a lot more twists and turns than an episode of sherlock
  • I'm so sick of this nonsense . So the takeover not done at all ...again.
  • D was told by someone who works for our sponsor that pv was up to something , so could be truth in this?
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  • Don't think Mr. Duchatelet is the quiet shy retiring low profile type. I think he's going to be an interesting and controversial owner who divides opinion and does things his way or the highway.

    I suspect that's a good bet. You might add unconventional too. The key question, from Liege to Jena to Budapest and now London, is whether he has a plan or is just playing?
    If he doesn't have a plan then he just pisses away £5 million a year and gets a lot of abuse for his trouble. I feel confident he will move us forward but also can't see him being here any longer than the chuckle brothers were.

  • Kap10 said:

    Yes please Jimmy

    00.00 to 00.24 of first video:

    'We believed in Mr Duchatelets's project, I think it was important to have given him a chance, we've been patient for two years and we've listened and discussed things quite a lot. Now however what's really the final straw is the departure of (???? some player???) and the sale of the company to his family (this would probably be some kind of tax evasion policy?), and so now we've really decided to face up to Roland Duchatelet by telling him that he's really go to go'

    The bits in italics are me reading between the lines. It's hard to know exactly what he's talking about because we've got two years of information missing here.
  • Have a funny feeling this takeover hasn't gone through yet contrary to reports, nothing will surprise me given what's gone on the last month or so.
  • vffvff
    edited January 2014
    If it is PV, I would much prefer him to the unknown and potentially difficult owner if Standard Liege fans are anything to go by. PV is a decent man and we know that he has generally got the interests of Charlton at heart. There is a question why the delay when the deal was possible.

    If there is a chance that PV can put aside his axes from TJ / MS, who I bet can be pretty annoying to do business with, and take over the club, he will find a lot of support from Charlton Athletic fans.

    A lot will also ask why the delay and who are the people associated with the bid. If the investment is solid and the people reasonable and the plans positive and clear for Charlton then it would be a good thing.

    The Josh Wright deal going down because TJ / MS went public is nuts if true.
  • Don't think Mr. Duchatelet is the quiet shy retiring low profile type. I think he's going to be an interesting and controversial owner who divides opinion and does things his way or the highway.

    I suspect that's a good bet. You might add unconventional too. The key question, from Liege to Jena to Budapest and now London, is whether he has a plan or is just playing?
    The only plan which makes any sense is to have a crack at the play-offs. And then win promotion. It would take someone with far more football knowledge than I to measure the gap between our current squad and the top six but we have been a match for Ipswich, Leicester and Forest this season so maybe not so great?

  • My guess is that Duchatelet has bought us with a view to continue the same plan that TJ and Slater had before KC pulled the rug. He is probably hoping he can do it reasonably cheaply with a few loans of players he already owns possibly saving a bit of dosh (If they are good enough) and a bit of additional money spent. I do believe we are not too far short as a squad - we desperately needed that little bit of investment at the end of last season which wasn't forthcoming - instead we lost key players - now hopefully we will get it, but likely to be too late for this season.

    I would like to think that Powell will be given a fair chance. It would be a good signal for us as fans as to how sensible/reckless Duchatelet is, as removing a popular manager with a lot of potential without giving him a chance would be a bit careless and possibly very damaging. Perfectly reasonable for Chrissy to be set some targets though - but as long as they are reasonable, I'm sure he can achieve them.

    The other big question is whether it might be too late to get the likes of Stephens and Wiggins signed up. I think the shortest route, and probably cheapest route to success will be to build on the quality that is already there rather than re-build. But we know other clubs have been sniffing around.

    We will all see in the weeks and months ahead, but what is for sure is that we needed this new start. The only way the club was heading was a place we didn't want to go. When you see Fulham going for £300m and some of the fantastic opportunities a thriving Charlton would have for a mega rich buyer -including a future move to the peninsula whether some fans like it or not - it could be a shrewd and profitable move from the Belgian, though not without obvious risks.

    I think you're quite right but I don't think we need to rebuild. The club needs a lift morale wise and I think Powell may only be 3-4 players (squad wise) away from challenging the top six. It may be too late this season mind.
  • I can take no credit for this as I did hear that negotiations had hit a snag a few days ago.I was going to post the following this morning as I heard the problems had been resolved:
    The scenario that is slowly playing out is a tricky one and there is no telling how the cards will eventually fall. As you all probably know the club has been up for sale for some time. It has attracted a fair amount of interest that has resulted in some offers from various parties. Offers,which up until now the board have felt are derisory.
    Due to financial implications the board are up against the clock somewhat,and will have to sell in the near future. The bid from the American came completely out of the blue and was very close to the boards valuation. Now this is where things started to muddy the waters. There is another interested party that have made at least one offer in the past. They have sufficient funds and also,importantly, have at least one member who has a previous link to the club so would probably have the clubs best interests at it's heart compared to the other interested parties who may not. Now either in a show of greed or in an attempt to allow the second party to improve their offer the Harris bid was revealed to the press. This only succeeded in upsetting Harris and added to the fact his financial team had found a few potential problems he withdrew his offer. So now there was only one offer,which still stood, from the second party. I should also add that the second party has a significant axe to grind with the current Charlton board and appear to be letting this play out whilst watching them squirm during the process.
    Now to counter act this the Charlton hierarchy decided they would need to find another suitor who could potentially buy the club, but more importantly would not necessarily have the clubs best interests as it's core reason for Purchase. This is where they approached Duchatelet. A man who was not on the lookout for a club but when offered at a rock bottom price had to get involved.Now I'm not saying Duchatalet would completely neglect the club but I think Charlton fans would be far happier with the yet unnamed party at the helm.
    The board are trying to pull on the emotional heart strings of the second party in the hope they up there offer.If not they will sell to Duchatelet which will cost them money and leave the future of CAFC in the darkness somewhat.The second party may however wait until such time that Duchatelet is ready to sell,which could be quite soon, and make another move then..Its a war of attrition, of that there is no doubt.

    This is what Angeldust has just posted on ITV... VERY telling, and pretty much makes it obvious who a particular party is.

    Correct me if I'm wrong, but I'm assuming you mean Varney, who is Chairman at Ebbsfleet. Would he be allowed to be involved with more than one club?
    I think once/if/when ebbsfleet become a football league club it becomes murky. He's not chairman i believe, but managing director.
  • If what Angeldust is saying is true (and I'm inclined to think that it is; he's been bang on the money before now more than once and what he is stating is not contradicted by any of the facts as we know them), then you had all better start praying with me!

    Altogether now.....Dear Lord, please save us from the shysters, the bullshitters and the egotistical megalomaniacs, and deliver us unto the land of financial security, squad improvement and inward investment. Amen!
  • Thanks KA. Unless he was looking to just get out of there. He still seems to be at The Valley most weeks even if Ebbsfleet are playing.
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Roland Out Forever!