Stick it all in a box and either get PL54's dad to drop them off at the Valley or I'll pick them up next time I'm im Sydenham. The first is the better option as don't know when the second will be.
Stonemuse, we are trying to get top quality copies of the posters that we can then sell as postcards but hard as they are an unusual size.
Henry, it might be easier to try to fit the posters into a standard size by playing with the layout, rather than try to make exact replicas. With the "Send the Council to Croydon" one you could just place it centrally in portrait mode, and extend the red and black bits outwards to fill the space. With the other posters, put them on landscape, and have a white strip at the bottom with the Museum logo and maybe some other identifying info on. Kind of like this?
Then people can just trim off the extra bit if they only want the images.
Anyone fancy buying this for me the museum? Never seen one even for sale before and they are asking silly money but it is very rare. £150 to £200 would be reasonable IMHO
Stonemuse, we are trying to get top quality copies of the posters that we can then sell as postcards but hard as they are an unusual size.
Henry, it might be easier to try to fit the posters into a standard size by playing with the layout, rather than try to make exact replicas. With the "Send the Council to Croydon" one you could just place it centrally in portrait mode, and extend the red and black bits outwards to fill the space. With the other posters, put them on landscape, and have a white strip at the bottom with the Museum logo and maybe some other identifying info on. Kind of like this?
Then people can just trim off the extra bit if they only want the images.
See Bert Johnson's presentation certificate from the FA for representing the country in two Victory Internationals @chathmuseum as well as some 1950s tickets.
Of course I want it. Stick it all in a box and I'll come round next week.
Will have to look for a donor to pay for a new battery.
Bigger question is whether they still make the type of battery it uses. Although if you can find out what it is, I may have some spares at home you can have.
Any good ?
Stonemuse, we are trying to get top quality copies of the posters that we can then sell as postcards but hard as they are an unusual size.
Then people can just trim off the extra bit if they only want the images.
Anyone want to buy this for the museum. £9 postage is a bit extreme though
Anyone fancy buying this for
methe museum? Never seen one even for sale before and they are asking silly money but it is very rare. £150 to £200 would be reasonable IMHOGood idea Ali, will get the arty types on to it.
Just need someone to cough up for the badge. Anyone?
Also had news today of a legacy. More info when confirmed.
If so, its yours.
(battery WILL be needed).
Will have to look for a donor to pay for a new battery.
No problems, passing on the BTTV posters & stuff to someone (not sure if he wants to be named) tomorrow morning, will put in the box with them.
Am I now a "Friend of CAFC Museum" ?