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  • Looks great. Can I ask who wrote the headlines for the "Vote Valley" posters? Did an ad agency do them? If so who? Thanks
  • Close up of Steve Brown's shirt (and Angela Lansbury) as seen in the club shop Wednesday.
  • Thanks Henry, great article by @‌PragueAddick

    No wonder the campaign was brilliant, BMP was arguably the most creative agency in London at that time, fascinating stuff.
  • Another close up of Steve Brown's play-off shirt which has been signed by the squad.

  • H

    I have a jimmy seed cig card but he ain't playing for us

    Interested it's well old I don't mind donating I think I have a few really old ones with addicks on

    More than willing to donate they are to be handed down to joe and dec when I die but they can stay there years if you want
  • Do You want this h
  • edited May 2014
    Darren, I am in Gallipoli on tour at the moment so sorry for not responding earlier, of course we would love to accept it, we have a few cig cards but not of Jimmy Seed I think, together they could make a nice display, its only a loan so you or Jo or Dec could ask for them back at any time in the future,

    I live closer to you than Ben so could perhaps meet close season if its easier,
  • Good man I will hook up with you and hand them over I say then as I do have a couple of old cafc ones also I will also bring some pics that Henners was considering copying to display in there
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  • Sorry, me again.
    If the chathmuseum wants newspaper cuttings from 1970 onwards, please pick them up by tomorrow night. Sorry to be a pain.
    Thank you.
    088.jpg 591.7K
  • Sorry, me again.
    If the chathmuseum wants newspaper cuttings from 1970 onwards, please pick them up by tomorrow night. Sorry to be a pain.
    Thank you.

    092.jpg 647.3K
  • Acquired over a dozen signed and framed international shirts including John Hewie's first Scotland shirt and Gordon Hurst's Football League XI shirt.

    Also lots of more recent internationals such as Kish, Johnny Robinson, Mark Fish and some bloke called Powell.

    Some pics at @chathmuseum.

    Apologies to anyone I haven't replied to on this thread. Missed them somehow. Still keen to hear from anyone with items to donate.
  • image

    A tease view of the new arrival at the Valley this afternoon, planned to be unveiled this November....#ww1centenary
  • I bet SE7toSG3 was glad to get it off his drive.

    Nothing like a bit of Portland Stone.
  • Addickted said:

    I bet SE7toSG3 was glad to get it off his drive.

    Nothing like a bit of Portland Stone.

    It's been there a while but he doesn't like to mention it.

    It was fecking heavy for sure.

    Quality though.

  • edited September 2014
    A few more interesting tweets including a old history donated by one of the reminiscence group that still meet at the Valley and photos from the Academy trip to Ypres and the Western Front.

    Also picked this up off Ebay for a fiver today (coin not included)

  • edited September 2014
    When my grandfather died he was buried with one of those rosettes in his coffin.
  • Aww DaveMehmet, I know Henry's very keen to acquire stuff for the Museum, but implying he's been graverobbing is a bit harsh!

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  • What about cigarette manufacturers footballers cards? Any been donated? There must be a few rooted around in people's attics.

    We have a few but would be happy to have more.

    Just seen this post, Henry.

    We brought our framed cards to a Bromley Addicks' meeting early on in the Museum's " history" & offered it on loan.

    Are you still interested ?

  • What about cigarette manufacturers footballers cards? Any been donated? There must be a few rooted around in people's attics.

    We have a few but would be happy to have more.

    Just seen this post, Henry.

    We brought our framed cards to a Bromley Addicks' meeting early on in the Museum's " history" & offered it on loan.

    Are you still interested ?

    hang on to them for now but we might still want them. Once we've got the place tidied up we'll have a better idea of what we wan't/need to complete certain exhibits
  • Finally managed to get Colin Cameron's records into some sort of order


    Thats only one side of the room...

    how hard can it be to make it 500

    This isn't just vanity about "look at the size of our following"

    One of the criteria for heritage lottery funding is interest from others. So the more people who show they are bothered the more likely we are to get some much needed funding.

    So follow if you don't already, ask others to do the same, plug it on places where other Addicks post.

    Thanks for doing your bit.
  • Perhaps you should approach the supporters Trust @Henry Irving‌ given that they have a following of 5,000 email subscribers and twitter followers.
    And this was built in just over 12 months.
    In the bigger picture we are all into the future and history of CAFC.
    @razil‌ @all fans who care
  • If only I had thought of inviting one of the CAST board members to become one of the Museum Trustees all those months ago.

    Oh, I did and Ken from Bexley is still there.
  • True but you spent a lot of time and energy belittling the Trust in 2013 instead of recognising that the 1,000 members and 5,000 followers were your core audience.
    It's all a game of chess my friend and you have been played by Steve Bradshaw into opposing a mass fan movement - the third biggest fan group in the Championship after Leeds and Reading (who run away travel and are the supporters club)
    Wake up and smell the coffee for the opportunity of fan participation is a window which will surely shut. If the club have more than one candidate for fan representation then they can be like Cameron four hours after the Scottish vote and play for time!
    If you truly believe in supporters involvement then it is up to you to demonstrate support for that vision.
    No pressure ;)
  • True but you spent a lot of time and energy belittling the Trust in 2013 instead of recognising that the 1,000 members and 5,000 followers were your core audience.
    It's all a game of chess my friend and you have been played by Steve Bradshaw into opposing a mass fan movement - the third biggest fan group in the Championship after Leeds and Reading (who run away travel and are the supporters club)
    Wake up and smell the coffee for the opportunity of fan participation is a window which will surely shut. If the club have more than one candidate for fan representation then they can be like Cameron four hours after the Scottish vote and play for time!
    If you truly believe in supporters involvement then it is up to you to demonstrate support for that vision.
    No pressure ;)

    You're not on the Trust board anymore, you don't speak for them and the remaining Trust board members either laugh at you or see you as an embarrassment.

  • You are ducking the question Henry. Working full on with the Trust will double and then treble the museum numbers.
    Deflection, personal vilification whatever but why why are you opposed to a fan movement with 5,000 followers that I helped to build? Why do you operate in isolation rather than working with one of the biggest fan movements in the Championship? Is it ego and personality or what?
    We are just pawns in this game but I would suggest that fans would like a unified voice when the chips are down... Perhaps you are a life of Brian fan? I always preferred the Holy Grail and Jabberwokky as I like a quest!
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