Most desserts but a special mention for custard and or Blancmange. And as a vegetarian any meat.
I know I shouldn’t bite but…unless this thread’s morphed into “food I don’t eat”, what? Surely you get why people eat meat?
A little misleading by me there. I should have left out the veggie bit and it would have read correctly. Like most veggies I do drop into most conversations my lentil leaning ways, whenever the topic of food is mentioned, its the annoying trait we veggies and vegans have, know and like to remind others of. It our superiority complex we like project while reminding meat eaters we have been doing our bit for the good of the planet while they are munching their way through it. But seriously it doesn't bother me what other choose to eat, I come from a family that would chew your hands off if you got too close to the meat on their plates. Unlike most of the novo band wagon jumping, fish eating vegetarians I have always had a dislike for meat. Growing up and going to school in the '70s, I was the the weird kid with a plate of piled high vegetables at lunchtime, the dinner ladies must have felt sorry for me because they always wanted to fill the plate up with boiled to death, tasteless mush. Which to me was a close second to the meat they served. Anyway I hate the smell of chicken being cooked, a close second would be any stew being cooked and a very close third would be any roast meat. Also the smell and taste of milk or cream absolutely turns my stomach. But I do like a small bit of cheese, I would be a vegan if it wasn't for cheese.
People saying pie mash is bland, but it’s not when it’s smothered in salt, pepper and vinegar. Some times the condiments make the meal. Fish and chips is pretty bland, but cover it in salt and vinegar and a big dollop of tartare sauce and it is a food from the gods. Same as a decent salad needs a good dressing to make it special or a prawn cocktail needs to be covered in Marie Rose sauce. Hotdogs need mustard, a burger needs ketchup, a kebab needs chilli sauce. A ham sandwich is bland, but put some English mustard in it and bosh. Same with a cheese sandwich. Bland as anything, but add some chutney or pickle and it changes it totally. Same with pie mash. It’s all about the condiment 👍🏻
By definition then, all food is bland and needs condiments?
Of course not. Most British foods do though unfortunately
People saying pie mash is bland, but it’s not when it’s smothered in salt, pepper and vinegar. Some times the condiments make the meal. Fish and chips is pretty bland, but cover it in salt and vinegar and a big dollop of tartare sauce and it is a food from the gods. Same as a decent salad needs a good dressing to make it special or a prawn cocktail needs to be covered in Marie Rose sauce. Hotdogs need mustard, a burger needs ketchup, a kebab needs chilli sauce. A ham sandwich is bland, but put some English mustard in it and bosh. Same with a cheese sandwich. Bland as anything, but add some chutney or pickle and it changes it totally. Same with pie mash. It’s all about the condiment 👍🏻
The analogies to your team are all there, bang average team. Stick Flemming in it and BOOM play off contenders
He's a veggie, either he hasn't come to terms with it or won't admit to himself or his Wall brethren, he doesn't enjoy pie and mash without and I quote, "smothered". Tantamount to heresy at his club.
In actual fact he masks the flavour of all of his food.
I wouldn't say pie and mash is 'bland'. Its just shit. Rank meat and even worse pastry. Remove the 'London geezer' element and its basically a school dinner from the 80's.
I wouldn't say pie and mash is 'bland'. Its just shit. Rank meat and even worse pastry. Remove the 'London geezer' element and its basically a school dinner from the 80's.
Its peasant stodge. My 85 year old mother would wrestle you for a pie. (all her side of the family are Millwall supporters so I can see a connection)
I remember taking my then girlfriend (now wife) to Manze's on Tower Bridge Road when we first met to show her a bit of south London heritage. She couldn't believe that people still ate it. I quite like it, but it would be way down a list of foods that I'd go for.
I wouldn't say pie and mash is 'bland'. Its just shit. Rank meat and even worse pastry. Remove the 'London geezer' element and its basically a school dinner from the 80's.
I wouldn't say pie and mash is 'bland'. Its just shit. Rank meat and even worse pastry. Remove the 'London geezer' element and its basically a school dinner from the 80's.
People saying pie mash is bland, but it’s not when it’s smothered in salt, pepper and vinegar. Some times the condiments make the meal. Fish and chips is pretty bland, but cover it in salt and vinegar and a big dollop of tartare sauce and it is a food from the gods. Same as a decent salad needs a good dressing to make it special or a prawn cocktail needs to be covered in Marie Rose sauce. Hotdogs need mustard, a burger needs ketchup, a kebab needs chilli sauce. A ham sandwich is bland, but put some English mustard in it and bosh. Same with a cheese sandwich. Bland as anything, but add some chutney or pickle and it changes it totally. Same with pie mash. It’s all about the condiment 👍🏻
I was with you till the mention of ketchup on a burger. well ketchup on anything. a sauce for those who don't know a thing about flavour.
People saying pie mash is bland, but it’s not when it’s smothered in salt, pepper and vinegar. Some times the condiments make the meal. Fish and chips is pretty bland, but cover it in salt and vinegar and a big dollop of tartare sauce and it is a food from the gods. Same as a decent salad needs a good dressing to make it special or a prawn cocktail needs to be covered in Marie Rose sauce. Hotdogs need mustard, a burger needs ketchup, a kebab needs chilli sauce. A ham sandwich is bland, but put some English mustard in it and bosh. Same with a cheese sandwich. Bland as anything, but add some chutney or pickle and it changes it totally. Same with pie mash. It’s all about the condiment 👍🏻
I was with you till the mention of ketchup on a burger. well ketchup on anything. a sauce for those who don't know a thing about flavour.
Replace ketchup with tomato relish, Dijon mustard or truffle Mayo, or whatever, point stands, you need a good condiment to make a burger special.
People saying pie mash is bland, but it’s not when it’s smothered in salt, pepper and vinegar. Some times the condiments make the meal. Fish and chips is pretty bland, but cover it in salt and vinegar and a big dollop of tartare sauce and it is a food from the gods. Same as a decent salad needs a good dressing to make it special or a prawn cocktail needs to be covered in Marie Rose sauce. Hotdogs need mustard, a burger needs ketchup, a kebab needs chilli sauce. A ham sandwich is bland, but put some English mustard in it and bosh. Same with a cheese sandwich. Bland as anything, but add some chutney or pickle and it changes it totally. Same with pie mash. It’s all about the condiment 👍🏻
I was with you till the mention of ketchup on a burger. well ketchup on anything. a sauce for those who don't know a thing about flavour.
Replace ketchup with tomato relish, Dijon mustard or truffle Mayo, or whatever, point stands, you need a good condiment to make a burger special.
ooooo look at you. some sophistication has entered the mind of a spanner and the world hasn't stopped spinning.
if charlton life became china life i wonder what food stuff they couldn't stand? When i saw that Karl Pilkington show and the camera panned across to his coach driver scoffing down a chicken fetus still in its shell and some passer by chomping on a bit of scorpion head i thought they're one lot who couldn't possibly have any hang ups on what food stuff they intake.
Never heard of the show but the "things" you just mentioned are definitely not food here. Nobody in their right mind would eat them.😅
you've broken the illusion!
its poor by the show makers then as it was meant to be an off beat travel/comedy show. To find out that was scripted and was done so it makes funny tv and to go along with Karl Pilkingtons theories/prejudices is a shame. However if it was scripted then it was done well as the market stalls around him all had that on offer.
Only one mention for salad cream! Poisonous stuff. Not so long ago at a party I was at the seafood sauce had been made using this revolting stuff. This is one food I definitely don't get. And hate.
Only one mention for salad cream! Poisonous stuff. Not so long ago at a party I was at the seafood sauce had been made using this revolting stuff. This is one food I definitely don't get. And hate.
When I was a child I always wondered why my aunt's tuna mayo tasted different to my mum's. It took some time before I realised that it was made with salad cream instead of mayo. Horrible stuff!
People saying pie mash is bland, but it’s not when it’s smothered in salt, pepper and vinegar. Some times the condiments make the meal. Fish and chips is pretty bland, but cover it in salt and vinegar and a big dollop of tartare sauce and it is a food from the gods. Same as a decent salad needs a good dressing to make it special or a prawn cocktail needs to be covered in Marie Rose sauce. Hotdogs need mustard, a burger needs ketchup, a kebab needs chilli sauce. A ham sandwich is bland, but put some English mustard in it and bosh. Same with a cheese sandwich. Bland as anything, but add some chutney or pickle and it changes it totally. Same with pie mash. It’s all about the condiment 👍🏻
I was with you till the mention of ketchup on a burger. well ketchup on anything. a sauce for those who don't know a thing about flavour.
Replace ketchup with tomato relish, Dijon mustard or truffle Mayo, or whatever, point stands, you need a good condiment to make a burger special.
ooooo look at you. some sophistication has entered the mind of a spanner and the world hasn't stopped spinning.
They’re actually my three favourite burger condiments, depending on my mood. I just didn’t want to drop my guard and loss my geezer image on here so I went for ketchup
When my sister was dating her now husband of 40 years, we were invited to his sister for lunch. I was a picky eater then and my sister made it clear that I was to eat whatever was put in front of me and not embarrass her in front of her in-laws. Starter was three pepper soup. “So simple, just red, green and yellow peppers boiled in water, but so pretty”. Was still puking the next day 🤮
Whoever said tripe that's something that never needs to be in a human mouth. You can taste the actual shit still.
The used to eat tripe as a treat and her breath would stink for days but she loved it, that said she also used to eat fox shit.
I tried fermented shark in Iceland, I knew it was going to be nasty, I cant describe how rancid that was, go into a high end Icelandic restaurant though and it will be there on the menu
We feed our dogs whole beef tripe when we can get it, my Missus smears vics synex under her nose when she preps it for them, the stink is that bad. Bow the dirty bastard did a big burp in my face after eating it, I was chewing it for weeks after that, Rank stuff!!
He told me when he was a kid that he was at a 'posh' family dinner where the food was being served to them by a butler. When he got his dinner he clocked the peas on his plate, which he said he hated, but because of the occasion didn't want to make a fuss and so thought he'd eat them first - get rid of them and then enjoy the rest. He'd just polished them off when the butler noticed what he'd done and very generously said "ah, you like your peas" and delivered another big dollop of them on his plate!
Whoever said tripe that's something that never needs to be in a human mouth. You can taste the actual shit still.
The used to eat tripe as a treat and her breath would stink for days but she loved it, that said she also used to eat fox shit.
I tried fermented shark in Iceland, I knew it was going to be nasty, I cant describe how rancid that was, go into a high end Icelandic restaurant though and it will be there on the menu
We feed our dogs whole beef tripe when we can get it, my Missus smears vics synex under her nose when she preps it for them, the stink is that bad. Bow the dirty bastard did a big burp in my face after eating it, I was chewing it for weeks after that, Rank stuff!!
Thing is it’s just about the best thing you can give a dog…..every single one of them love it to bits. I buy mine from Durham Animal feeds, they deliver it frozen in 2.5 kilo slab blocks. I keep it in a large deep freezer in the garage and defrost it a slab at a time. Yes it does stink but you soon get used to it. It doesn’t make Zubens breath smell one little bit. Every day I mix it with terrier meal and a table spoon of Salmon oil. He woofs it down in a flash…..the greedy little sod.
Whoever said tripe that's something that never needs to be in a human mouth. You can taste the actual shit still.
The used to eat tripe as a treat and her breath would stink for days but she loved it, that said she also used to eat fox shit.
I tried fermented shark in Iceland, I knew it was going to be nasty, I cant describe how rancid that was, go into a high end Icelandic restaurant though and it will be there on the menu
We feed our dogs whole beef tripe when we can get it, my Missus smears vics synex under her nose when she preps it for them, the stink is that bad. Bow the dirty bastard did a big burp in my face after eating it, I was chewing it for weeks after that, Rank stuff!!
Thing is it’s just about the best thing you can give a dog…..every single one of them love it to bits. I buy mine from Durham Animal feeds, they deliver it frozen in 2.5 kilo slab blocks. I keep it in a large deep freezer in the garage and defrost it a slab at a time. Yes it does stink but you soon get used to it. It doesn’t make Zubens breath smell one little bit. Every day I mix it with terrier meal and a table spoon of Salmon oil. He woofs it down in a flash…..the greedy little sod.
Your right it doesn’t make their breath stink, but the gases from their stomach from green tripe, a salmon head and some minced beef combo eaten 30 seconds before hand belched back in your face as you grab 5 minutes kip on the sofa does! 😉😂
if charlton life became china life i wonder what food stuff they couldn't stand? When i saw that Karl Pilkington show and the camera panned across to his coach driver scoffing down a chicken fetus still in its shell and some passer by chomping on a bit of scorpion head i thought they're one lot who couldn't possibly have any hang ups on what food stuff they intake.
Never heard of the show but the "things" you just mentioned are definitely not food here. Nobody in their right mind would eat them.😅
you've broken the illusion!
its poor by the show makers then as it was meant to be an off beat travel/comedy show. To find out that was scripted and was done so it makes funny tv and to go along with Karl Pilkingtons theories/prejudices is a shame. However if it was scripted then it was done well as the market stalls around him all had that on offer.
Ewww.... That is soooo disgusting I had to stop watching.... I don't mean to sound rude but this is a huge country and some places really seem as foreign and backward/uncivilised to me as they do to you.
Rose Hip syrup for me.
Like most veggies I do drop into most conversations my lentil leaning ways, whenever the topic of food is mentioned, its the annoying trait we veggies and vegans have, know and like to remind others of. It our superiority complex we like project while reminding meat eaters we have been doing our bit for the good of the planet while they are munching their way through it. But seriously it doesn't bother me what other choose to eat, I come from a family that would chew your hands off if you got too close to the meat on their plates.
Unlike most of the novo band wagon jumping, fish eating vegetarians I have always had a dislike for meat. Growing up and going to school in the '70s, I was the the weird kid with a plate of piled high vegetables at lunchtime, the dinner ladies must have felt sorry for me because they always wanted to fill the plate up with boiled to death, tasteless mush. Which to me was a close second to the meat they served.
Anyway I hate the smell of chicken being cooked, a close second would be any stew being cooked and a very close third would be any roast meat. Also the smell and taste of milk or cream absolutely turns my stomach. But I do like a small bit of cheese, I would be a vegan if it wasn't for cheese.
In actual fact he masks the flavour of all of his food.
@MillwallFan, come over to the light
So much so that it's ladened with ironic seasoning
its poor by the show makers then as it was meant to be an off beat travel/comedy show. To find out that was scripted and was done so it makes funny tv and to go along with Karl Pilkingtons theories/prejudices is a shame. However if it was scripted then it was done well as the market stalls around him all had that on offer.
edit: this is the episode on Youtube -
Not so long ago at a party I was at the seafood sauce had been made using this revolting stuff. This is one food I definitely don't get. And hate.
When my sister was dating her now husband of 40 years, we were invited to his sister for lunch. I was a picky eater then and my sister made it clear that I was to eat whatever was put in front of me and not embarrass her in front of her in-laws. Starter was three pepper soup. “So simple, just red, green and yellow peppers boiled in water, but so pretty”. Was still puking the next day 🤮
Bow the dirty bastard did a big burp in my face after eating it, I was chewing it for weeks after that, Rank stuff!!
He told me when he was a kid that he was at a 'posh' family dinner where the food was being served to them by a butler. When he got his dinner he clocked the peas on his plate, which he said he hated, but because of the occasion didn't want to make a fuss and so thought he'd eat them first - get rid of them and then enjoy the rest. He'd just polished them off when the butler noticed what he'd done and very generously said "ah, you like your peas" and delivered another big dollop of them on his plate!
I Eat most things but these three are a no for me .
I buy mine from Durham Animal feeds, they deliver it frozen in 2.5 kilo slab blocks.
I keep it in a large deep freezer in the garage and defrost it a slab at a time.
Yes it does stink but you soon get used to it.
It doesn’t make Zubens breath smell one little bit.
Every day I mix it with terrier meal and a table spoon of Salmon oil.
He woofs it down in a flash…..the greedy little sod.
find it overpowering on most dishes and that chefs use it just for the sake of using it to try and make dishes fancier.
Better not say what I think about them stupid over-sized flat caps then