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Leicester fan Chris back again!!



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    edited August 2012
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    lolwray said:

    agree Leicester looked a good team and we were lucky, thought schmeichel left a big gap at far post for first goal and that central defence looked stretched in first half but reckon you have big chance of promotion ...alot of firepower for this division .Yann was pretty understated when he scored .Hes gone from zero the hero since then

    We are down to the bare bones at the back and had no defenders at all on the bench last night. We've had to use our young academy player Liam Moore. Will be better when we get Sean St Ledger and Zak Whitbread fit.

    We do have lots of firepower though. Still had 2/3 good strikers we never used last night and attacking midfielders
    regarding your lack of defenders, why did you sell matt mills?
    i remember him looking very useful for doncaster a few years back and thought he may go on to play in the prem.
    Matt Mills and Nigel Pearson didnt get on or basically Mills threw his toys out because he was plying every week. In Nigels defence, we did have Sean St Ledger as first choice but he got injured so just bad luck
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    J BLOCK said:

    Greenie said:

    I thought Yann was restrained.

    I wanted him at full time to ran right up to the Leicester fans as they were filing out, drop his shorts and start windmilling his (no doubt) foot long Johnson whilst holding up a banner in French that translated as "SUCK THIS, PEASANTS"

    Leicester made a video taking the piss out of Yann the Man, maybe Yann could make a video......
    At the end of the day, he started all of this by being a selfish pr*ck
    He took a penalty and it was on target, would you rather him blaze it over the bar?
    It wasnt the missing of the penalty that got people's backs, it was the fact he tried a fancy chip at such a crucial stage. HUGE risk in that sort of game and it back fired
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    BUT, if the keeper dived and it went in, he would probably have been an immediate cult hero for you, funny how one split second decision can change everything
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    lolwray said:

    agree Leicester looked a good team and we were lucky, thought schmeichel left a big gap at far post for first goal and that central defence looked stretched in first half but reckon you have big chance of promotion ...alot of firepower for this division .Yann was pretty understated when he scored .Hes gone from zero the hero since then

    We are down to the bare bones at the back and had no defenders at all on the bench last night. We've had to use our young academy player Liam Moore. Will be better when we get Sean St Ledger and Zak Whitbread fit.

    We do have lots of firepower though. Still had 2/3 good strikers we never used last night and attacking midfielders
    regarding your lack of defenders, why did you sell matt mills?
    i remember him looking very useful for doncaster a few years back and thought he may go on to play in the prem.
    Matt Mills and Nigel Pearson didnt get on or basically Mills threw his toys out because he was plying every week. In Nigels defence, we did have Sean St Ledger as first choice but he got injured so just bad luck
    I wouldn't be too concerned about last night mate. If you play like that every week, you will win more than you lose.
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    You're missing Wellens most of all .. the rest of the side is talented but a bit leaderless. Thanks for your good wishes, the same to you except for the return game against us

    Personally i dont think we do miss Wellens, he's very slow now and struggles. We should of had Danns playing or King from the start.
    Macronate said:

    Chris-what did Yann do? Was too busy celebrating to notice.

    Yann put his finger across his lips and aimed it at the Leicester fans as if to say shut up.
    I know he has a point to prove but just felt that was unecessary

    He was forced out of the club over a mistake... the other penalty that missed didn't get forced out did he.

    In Yann we trust.
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    looking at the goals i'd say JJ should have got back to block that cross.
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    Chris I don't think you should criticise Pearson for not starting the three subs, as we played a different game 2nd half, sat back and invitied you to break us down. You looked quality going forward because of the space provided but we were also able to counter fairly easily at times, albeit we tired.
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    Chris I don't think you should criticise Pearson for not starting the three subs, as we played a different game 2nd half, sat back and invitied you to break us down. You looked quality going forward because of the space provided but we were also able to counter fairly easily at times, albeit we tired.

    I wasnt criticising him for making those decisions because he stuck with a winning team. It just shouldnt take 3 subs to help us play better.
    Nevertheless, credit Charlton, scored 2 fair goals and won the game
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    Appreciate the comments from people. Whats concerning is it was our 3 subs that changed the game and NOT the one's starting. We have 4/5 centre mids but played the wrong one last night which ultimately cost us

    Your real weak link first half was Beckford. Not sure I've seen a lazier less-interested footballer, and we've got Leon Clarke. The other players got more and more frustrated with him as time went on and the half time change was exactly what was needed.

    Time will tell how good you are, but I for one was very impressed with how you played second half. Nugent and King made a huge difference but I think getting the goal as early as you did set the second half up the way it turned out. If we'd held out another ten minutes I think we'd have stepped up again, but with one goal in it we concentrated on hanging on and conceded the territory. All that said, we couldn't really find a way out and you dominated the second half more that we'd dominated the first.

    Knockaert has the look of Laurent Robert about him - capable of brilliance but frustratingly selfish.

    Good luck with the rest of the season, thought you played the game the right way and contributing to a very entertaining match.
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    rikofold said:

    Appreciate the comments from people. Whats concerning is it was our 3 subs that changed the game and NOT the one's starting. We have 4/5 centre mids but played the wrong one last night which ultimately cost us

    Your real weak link first half was Beckford. Not sure I've seen a lazier less-interested footballer, and we've got Leon Clarke. The other players got more and more frustrated with him as time went on and the half time change was exactly what was needed.

    Time will tell how good you are, but I for one was very impressed with how you played second half. Nugent and King made a huge difference but I think getting the goal as early as you did set the second half up the way it turned out. If we'd held out another ten minutes I think we'd have stepped up again, but with one goal in it we concentrated on hanging on and conceded the territory. All that said, we couldn't really find a way out and you dominated the second half more that we'd dominated the first.

    Knockaert has the look of Laurent Robert about him - capable of brilliance but frustratingly selfish.

    Good luck with the rest of the season, thought you played the game the right way and contributing to a very entertaining match.
    Beckford divides opinion big time with our fans. There's no doubting his quality plus he's capable of scoring 20 goals a season but then he has too many games like that last night. I'd like to see us play Nugent from the start and also give more chances to Waghorn/Schlupp/Futacs
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    edited August 2012
    I thought that defensively, you began the game strongly and before we scored the opening goal, Leicester were beginning to dictate the play. Fortunately we grabbed a couple of goals and the centre backs automatically appeared to be more shaky. De Laet and Konchesky looked solid, De Laet particularly impressed with his strength and speed, shame we couldn't beat you to him this summer.

    In midfield, I didn't understand why you weren't playing King from the start. Contrary to most, I thought James was impressive on the ball and was a calming influence in the centre. At half time if I was Pearson I would've brought on King for Beckford, and then once you had grabbed that first goal, Nugent for James/Vardy/Drinkwater. Your wingers were inconsistent and perhaps Dyer, having got into the right positions, should have done better on a couple occasions. I had read foxestalk before the game to see lots of positive comments about Knockaert and I thought he might unlock our defence for the equaliser but he looked a bit powderpuff to me. Lots of skills and tricks with no real end product.

    Up front, Vardy gave Beckford a lesson. They may be two completely different types of people but Beckford needs to do more than jog around up front and wait for the ball to fall to his feet, which is what he did on a number of occasions. Vardy, by contrast, chased down every lost cause and even got claps from Charlton fans at one point for running so fast that he ended up throwing himself over the advertising boards in front of the Leicester fans. Nugent looked a lot more dangerous than Beckford and IMO Pearson should be starting with Nugent in your next game.
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    edited August 2012
    before i say what im going to say, let it be known i love Yann and he's been a hero so far in a charlton shirt.

    But, the comment about his legs shaking is b*llocks lol. Im not doubting there was nerves there, but there is no excuse for going with the decision of taking a penatly like that. Any half decent footballer, no matter how nervous, can run up to a ball and strike it fairly decently.
    nobody would have a long term grudge against a player that had the nuts to step and it then blazed it 5 foot over the bar. But look at the grudge held against someone who thinks they are jack the peanut enough to try that silly chip.

    thank god he wasnt wearing a charlton shirt at the time.
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    lolwray said:

    agree Leicester looked a good team and we were lucky, thought schmeichel left a big gap at far post for first goal and that central defence looked stretched in first half but reckon you have big chance of promotion ...alot of firepower for this division .Yann was pretty understated when he scored .Hes gone from zero the hero since then

    We are down to the bare bones at the back and had no defenders at all on the bench last night. We've had to use our young academy player Liam Moore. Will be better when we get Sean St Ledger and Zak Whitbread fit.

    We do have lots of firepower though. Still had 2/3 good strikers we never used last night and attacking midfielders
    Interested to find out what you think about st ledger. He's very good on the ball but prone to concetration lapses i've heard. Also a real prick. What do you think?
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    Certainly better than any team we have played over the last 3 years, and in my view probably the best team in the league going forward. However the back line did look weak,especially number 22 in the yellow boots, always looked nervous round bwp.good luck for the season, you should do well and will deffinately be there or there abouts at the end
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    lolwray said:

    agree Leicester looked a good team and we were lucky, thought schmeichel left a big gap at far post for first goal and that central defence looked stretched in first half but reckon you have big chance of promotion ...alot of firepower for this division .Yann was pretty understated when he scored .Hes gone from zero the hero since then

    We are down to the bare bones at the back and had no defenders at all on the bench last night. We've had to use our young academy player Liam Moore. Will be better when we get Sean St Ledger and Zak Whitbread fit.

    We do have lots of firepower though. Still had 2/3 good strikers we never used last night and attacking midfielders
    Interested to find out what you think about st ledger. He's very good on the ball but prone to concetration lapses i've heard. Also a real prick. What do you think?
    I'd agree with that from the 1st half of last season but improved alot in the 2nd half the season. He seems very cocky at times but his commitment cant be questioned. He played out of his skin even when he was on the transfer list! I dont think he'll start when Whitbread is fit anyway.
    If only we'd of kept Hobbs and Morrison!
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    lolwray said:

    agree Leicester looked a good team and we were lucky, thought schmeichel left a big gap at far post for first goal and that central defence looked stretched in first half but reckon you have big chance of promotion ...alot of firepower for this division .Yann was pretty understated when he scored .Hes gone from zero the hero since then

    We are down to the bare bones at the back and had no defenders at all on the bench last night. We've had to use our young academy player Liam Moore. Will be better when we get Sean St Ledger and Zak Whitbread fit.

    We do have lots of firepower though. Still had 2/3 good strikers we never used last night and attacking midfielders
    Surprised that Moore is an academy kid. Thought he coped better in the air with Yann than anyone else I've seen in a while. Definite prospect. A lot more mobile than Morgan, too.
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    lolwray said:

    agree Leicester looked a good team and we were lucky, thought schmeichel left a big gap at far post for first goal and that central defence looked stretched in first half but reckon you have big chance of promotion ...alot of firepower for this division .Yann was pretty understated when he scored .Hes gone from zero the hero since then

    We are down to the bare bones at the back and had no defenders at all on the bench last night. We've had to use our young academy player Liam Moore. Will be better when we get Sean St Ledger and Zak Whitbread fit.

    We do have lots of firepower though. Still had 2/3 good strikers we never used last night and attacking midfielders
    Interested to find out what you think about st ledger. He's very good on the ball but prone to concetration lapses i've heard. Also a real prick. What do you think?
    I'd agree with that from the 1st half of last season but improved alot in the 2nd half the season. He seems very cocky at times but his commitment cant be questioned. He played out of his skin even when he was on the transfer list! I dont think he'll start when Whitbread is fit anyway.
    If only we'd of kept Hobbs and Morrison!
    He got that reputation from the Big Ron documentary on the Posh. If memory serves a bigger club came in for him, he demanded to be able to speak to them, was presented as being a bad apple. In reality I guess he's no different from your average footballer - one person's cocky is another person's confident.
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    Why did you get rid of Morrison? - I must admit it puzzles me. I know he didn't settle at Wednesday but he was part of your promotion winning team so surely you knew what he could do.
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    lolwray said:

    agree Leicester looked a good team and we were lucky, thought schmeichel left a big gap at far post for first goal and that central defence looked stretched in first half but reckon you have big chance of promotion ...alot of firepower for this division .Yann was pretty understated when he scored .Hes gone from zero the hero since then

    We are down to the bare bones at the back and had no defenders at all on the bench last night. We've had to use our young academy player Liam Moore. Will be better when we get Sean St Ledger and Zak Whitbread fit.

    We do have lots of firepower though. Still had 2/3 good strikers we never used last night and attacking midfielders
    Interested to find out what you think about st ledger. He's very good on the ball but prone to concetration lapses i've heard. Also a real prick. What do you think?
    I'd agree with that from the 1st half of last season but improved alot in the 2nd half the season. He seems very cocky at times but his commitment cant be questioned. He played out of his skin even when he was on the transfer list! I dont think he'll start when Whitbread is fit anyway.
    If only we'd of kept Hobbs and Morrison!
    Thanks for that. I remember barry fry saying he was one of their best ever prospects at peterborough.
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    Why did you get rid of Morrison? - I must admit it puzzles me. I know he didn't settle at Wednesday but he was part of your promotion winning team so surely you knew what he could do.

    Sven got rid of him as he wanted bigger names which is crazy!! Did the same with Hobbs. He'd lost his form a little and then Sven never gave him a proper chance.
    Under Pearson he was excellent and also played very well at right back.

    He barely put a foot wrong for us so disappointed he left
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    I thought Yann was restrained.

    I wanted him at full time to ran right up to the Leicester fans as they were filing out, drop his shorts and start windmilling his (no doubt) foot long Johnson whilst holding up a banner in French that translated as "SUCK THIS, PEASANTS"

    Brilliant!! (And no I am not brown-nosing)
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    well after getting booed twice during team announcements, i think the celebration was suiting!
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    cafcfan said:

    Yeah maybe your right about Yann, cant blame him in that sense and it could of been worse. Tink we are still very bitter about it all as it cost us a place at Wembley.... All in the past now though!

    Chris - you weren't at the match last night so wouldn't have got a programme so you wouldn't have seen the interview with Yann. I guess it's the infamous penalty that you are referring to? So, first, Yann said he had scored a penalty in that style previously, second he was so nervous that his legs were shaking and he'd probably have missed even if he'd try to whack the ball and, third, none of your other players had the bottle to take it. Perhaps some of those cowards should be getting the abuse your supporters want to heap on Yann?
    Yeah you make fair points, im not disagreeing. We'll just never like him anymore and you guys love him so all is good. I guess our loss is your gain
    Chris. Firstly thank you for coming on this forum.

    Yann is a hero to most of us. His 100% selfless play, coupled with Gallic skill, has been an absolute revelation. It shows to me what a huge difference confidence can make. He has had confidence invested in him by Chris Powell, who knew his quality from his days with LCFC. That has given Yann confidence to play and boy has it worked to our advantage. I have been watching the Addicks for over 40 years and I personally have not seen a player have such an impact on our club than Yann did last season. He was like the missing piece of the jigsaw. We may have been promoted without him, signing him made that promotion pretty much a certainty.

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    I would have given anything to see him score a PENALTY right in front of the Leicester fans, by chipping it down the middle
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    before i say what im going to say, let it be known i love Yann and he's been a hero so far in a charlton shirt.

    But, the comment about his legs shaking is b*llocks lol. Im not doubting there was nerves there, but there is no excuse for going with the decision of taking a penatly like that. Any half decent footballer, no matter how nervous, can run up to a ball and strike it fairly decently.
    nobody would have a long term grudge against a player that had the nuts to step and it then blazed it 5 foot over the bar. But look at the grudge held against someone who thinks they are jack the peanut enough to try that silly chip.

    thank god he wasnt wearing a charlton shirt at the time.

    We saw at least two similar penalties taken like that during the 2012 Euro's. One Paulo Di Canio, once of our manor, scored one for us taken that way. It is a legitimate technique. It looks sh*te if you miss.

    Of course losing a play off semi is a nightmare scenario and he became the natural scapegoat. Life sometimes ain't fair.

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    Can't wait for the return fixture at filbert walkers Lineker whatever it's called stadium.......................................
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    A good game and LCFC a very good side. I have not seen so much pace across a team - ever.

    The ref seemed determined to let you score though. At one point he made Morrison leave the field while you took a corner. Pehaps he felt that you stood no chance of scoring if he was still on.

    He also seemed reluctant to give us any free kicks for some blatent foul play - one such instance almost led directly to a goal. Your CH got a yellow in the first half and with the number of pushes and shirt pulling was lucky to be still on the pitch.

    Our defence and the rest of your team, now that would be a team and a half!
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    edited August 2012
    cafcfan said:

    Yeah maybe your right about Yann, cant blame him in that sense and it could of been worse. Tink we are still very bitter about it all as it cost us a place at Wembley.... All in the past now though!

    Chris - you weren't at the match last night so wouldn't have got a programme so you wouldn't have seen the interview with Yann. I guess it's the infamous penalty that you are referring to? So, first, Yann said he had scored a penalty in that style previously, second he was so nervous that his legs were shaking and he'd probably have missed even if he'd try to whack the ball and, third, none of your other players had the bottle to take it. Perhaps some of those cowards should be getting the abuse your supporters want to heap on Yann?
    The thing is, Yann's penalty wasnt the deciding one anyway - waghorn missed the last one.

    Does he still get abuse for it I wonder?
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    Redrobo, you couldn't have been one of the 10,000 Addicks at Old Trafford in 94. Now that Utd team had pace throughout. Even Scmeichel was like sh**off a shovel when he rushed out to clatter Grant!

    I think you may be overdoing the Leicester praise a tad. See if they mug Blackburn on Saturday.
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