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    Go, soccerball! Sorry loe.ldn I'm afraid I can't lead your gang of ultras as I'm only there to watch tick-worthy tricks.
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    I'm also not keen on the idea!
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    What is an ultra ?
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    edited February 2012
    What is an ultra ?
    Isn't it a make of golf ball by Wilson? A bit hard like a Rock Top Flite allegedly.
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    You think Ultra's have nothing to do with hooliganism? Many in Europe have extreme political links (to the left or right) and cause violence.

    Napoli wouldn't have been a stroll in the park last night for Chelsea fans.

    The English versions are indeed not hooliganism linked and are generally soppy teenagers & geeky adults.

    As for the anti-commercialisation, I think even the Holmesdale lot sell merchandise etc and hardly have a focus like that; just try & support their team. It certainly makes for a better atmosphere than before, but I can't help but laugh at them. Reminds me of another group of fans who all turned up to an away games years ago with something called Opertaion Yellow or whatever, to get the entire away end to wear the away team shirt/or clothing of the same colour. Now that's sad.
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    What is an ultra ?
    Isn't it a make of golf ball by Wilson? Bit bit hard like a Rock Top Flite allegedly.
    Maybe but it's also a type of tampon. So the Palace Tampons works quite well I think.
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    edited February 2012
    You think Ultra's have nothing to do with hooliganism? Many in Europe have extreme political links (to the left or right) and cause violence.

    Napoli wouldn't have been a stroll in the park last night for Chelsea fans.

    The English versions are indeed not hooliganism linked and are generally soppy teenagers & geeky adults.

    As for the anti-commercialisation, I think even the Holmesdale lot sell merchandise etc and hardly have a focus like that; just try & support their team. It certainly makes for a better atmosphere than before, but I can't help but laugh at them. Reminds me of another group of fans who all turned up to an away games years ago with something called Opertaion Yellow or whatever, to get the entire away end to wear the away team shirt/or clothing of the same colour. Now that's sad.
    Didn't throw any bottles and spanners on the pitch though or cause all local police leave to be cancelled at unnecessary expense to the tax payer. About time they closed you down!
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    Didn't throw any bottles and spanners on the pitch though or cause all local police leave to be cancelled at unnecessary expense to the tax payer. About time they closed you down!
    They may do soon based on the criminal football we're playing.
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    edited February 2012
    Only joking, as I keep telling some of my associates, we need you around for six easy points next year!

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    edited February 2012
    Hopefully due to the dross beneath us we stay up by not being crap enough, the summer will see an almighty change around I think....although not sure we have the money to do it!

    I just can't see how we can compete long term at this level with our fanbase - you can only get lucky with good managers / shrewed signings for a short time.

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    God no, please no. Palarse ultras are an embarrasment to football as a whole please just steer away from it.
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    When you say Ultra, Do you mean driving around The Valley on scooters stabbing oppo fans in the arse or discover acne while running around the streets of Croydon waving flags singing songs from Sister Act ?
    I think we need to come up with our own song from a crap movie. Maybe something from Mamma Mia or Flashdance.
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    You think Ultra's have nothing to do with hooliganism? Many in Europe have extreme political links (to the left or right) and cause violence.

    Napoli wouldn't have been a stroll in the park last night for Chelsea fans.

    The English versions are indeed not hooliganism linked and are generally soppy teenagers & geeky adults.

    As for the anti-commercialisation, I think even the Holmesdale lot sell merchandise etc and hardly have a focus like that; just try & support their team. It certainly makes for a better atmosphere than before, but I can't help but laugh at them. Reminds me of another group of fans who all turned up to an away games years ago with something called Opertaion Yellow or whatever, to get the entire away end to wear the away team shirt/or clothing of the same colour. Now that's sad.

    how about wearing surgical masks?
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    edited February 2012
    Ultra culture fascinates me, and I'm lucky/stupid enough to have watched a lot of games live in Italy, Poland, Colombia, etc. Thanks to the British media, the word brings images of mindless violence when in reality most are peaceful and non-political.

    However, anyone doing it in this country is a try hard sad act who watched Danny Dyer's Real International Football Factory too many times. You can't just call yourself an "ultra" overnight, it's pathetic.
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    we may as well all go the whole hog and dress up as Benny and Bjorn
    This isn't a bad idea though.

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    Got a feeling our ultras would be something like this:

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    Ultra culture fascinates me, and I'm lucky/stupid enough to have watched a lot of games live in Italy, Poland, Colombia, etc. Thanks to the British media, the word brings images of mindless violence when in reality most are peaceful and non-political.

    However, anyone doing it in this country is a try hard sad act who watched Danny Dyer's Real International Football Factory too many times. You can't just call yourself an "ultra" overnight, it's pathetic.
    Yeah, I think may main problem with the UK groups is that it does seem to be a blatant hijacking of another culture that has no real historical precedent in the UK. I just wanted to gauge people's reactions to the whole thing. I guess most think it's naff which is fair enough!

    I do find the whole culture abroad quite interesting as well though. I know that across the continent and in Africa ultras stray into violence and politics. I just meant that from what I can gather, that's not the UK "ultras" reason for being. And let me just say it one last time; I was never suggesting a similar thing at Charlton!
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    *my not may
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    Only joking, as I keep telling some of my associates, we need you around for six easy points next year!

    Oh yes, we always get a result against them don't we.
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    edited February 2012
    I do find the whole culture abroad quite interesting as well though. I know that across the continent and in Africa ultras stray into violence and politics. I just meant that from what I can gather, that's not the UK "ultras" reason for being. And let me just say it one last time; I was never suggesting a similar thing at Charlton!
    It is a very grey area in some cases. Politics can be part of a group's identity but it's rarely their reason for existence. Bologna's are strictly anti-fascist but it's historically a communist town and they're proud of the part they played in the anti-Mussolini movement. Then there are a few who use football as an excuse to sometimes put across a political message (eg. the Serbian fans in Genoa last year).

    Regarding the violence, it is only a minority. When Italian games came to a halt after Gabriel Sandri was killed by police, around 1'000 Ultras took to the streets or smashed up their own stadiums to get games abandoned. Italy has roughly 100'000 Ultras, so that's 1%.

    You've also got to take into account a city's demographic. For example, Napoli is traditionally the most dangerous place to go as an Italian away fan, but they have a huge number who live in poverty. The same goes for say, Boca in Argentina where their fans are traditionally from the poorest areas of Buenos Aires.
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    edited February 2012

    You've also got to take into account a city's demographic. For example, Napoli is traditionally the most dangerous place to go as an Italian away fan, but they have a huge number who live in poverty. The same goes for say, Boca in Argentina where their fans are traditionally from the poorest areas of Buenos Aires.
    It showed that this was the case yesterday. all of their fans were in the stadium at 3.30pm. 4 hours before the match starts. some could of taken the day off, but i reckon a fair few just dont have jobs to go too.
    They love their team, and so going there to cheer for 4 hours would be an escape from the poverty they face daily.
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    blockquote rel="Karim_myBagheri">
    yeah why do we get called trainspotters?
    its cos of our scottish connection.

    what scottish connection,and what does scotland have to do with trainspotting?
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    You think Ultra's have nothing to do with hooliganism? Many in Europe have extreme political links (to the left or right) and cause violence.

    Napoli wouldn't have been a stroll in the park last night for Chelsea fans.

    The English versions are indeed not hooliganism linked and are generally soppy teenagers & geeky adults.

    As for the anti-commercialisation, I think even the Holmesdale lot sell merchandise etc and hardly have a focus like that; just try & support their team. It certainly makes for a better atmosphere than before, but I can't help but laugh at them. Reminds me of another group of fans who all turned up to an away games years ago with something called Opertaion Yellow or whatever, to get the entire away end to wear the away team shirt/or clothing of the same colour. Now that's sad.
    Not quite as sad as all having to wear pink ralph lauren polo shirts (at ten times the cost)
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    What is an ultra ?
    Good question. It's actually an acronym: Ugly Loud Teenagers Rudely Aping Supporters
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    edited February 2012
    what scottish connection,and what does scotland have to do with trainspotting?

    I guess you have never seen the film trainspotting.


    Trainspotting is a london slang word simular to Anorak. Geek. Someone who's intelligent but is a bit odd. Like someone who collects model railways or has a facination with statistics-which we do.
    Its ment affectionately though. well, sort of.
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    Ultra - 'utterly ludicrous twats rampant acne.'

    I think VIZ would elaborate on it, something along the following lines:

    An Ultra, as in: ' Alright mate. Did you see Nigel in the Holmesdale Saturday. His face was covered in Ultra.' Thus making an Ultra Group a gang of like minded acne sufferers.
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    Ultra - 'utterly ludicrous twats rampant acne.'

    I think VIZ would elaborate on it, something along the following lines:

    An Ultra, as in: ' Alright mate. Did you see Nigel in the Holmesdale Saturday. His face was covered in Ultra.' Thus making an Ultra Group a gang of like minded acne sufferers.
    Ahhh, now this suddenly makes perfect sense:


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    Exactly. I think they sell 'Palace Ultra' in the club shop there.
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    Only joking, as I keep telling some of my associates, we need you around for six easy points next year!

    Oh yes, we always get a result against them don't we.
    Never look back! Onwards and upwards, this is the 'new' Charlton!
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    I think we should fence of the north lower and have the ultras placed their.
    We should be allowed to take in flares and fireworks, massive flags and spend the whole game getting ready for the fight afterwards.
    As ultras are main duties would be intimdating away fans and on occasions attacking them with are various weapons.
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