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Alan McCormack

edited January 2011 in General Charlton
For those that haven't seen this on another thread, he has apparently said the following on Twitter tonight.

"S**t game. S**t result but just gettin ready to eat at oxo tower, london so slightly cheered me up"

Now I don't begrudge our players a night out, but what on earth possess them to come out with stuff like this after a performance like that? To me it's like sticking two fingers up - "look at me, I'm off out to a nice restaurant tonight to cheer myself up, because I can afford it".

Alan, I'm so pleased for you that you are able to afford a night out at the Oxo Tower with the money you get paid - our money, MY f-ing money. I hope you don't choke on your fois gras.

Me, I'll be going to bed early as I'm starting back at work tomorrow. And thanks to you and that shower of shit who have yet again brought shame on the proud red shirt of Charlton Athletic, no ammount of fine dining or wine will make me feel any better, you helmet.

Just about sums up in a nutshell where football has gone wrong.


  • Hope he gets food poisoning
  • Glad you're cheered up Alan. How do the rest of us deal with the shit you served up today?
  • What a tool, another poor Parky signing. The only thing McCormack has done since he has been here has got booked a few times, argued with refs and oppo players and put in one or two decent early performances. Overall another disappointment and would not be sorry if he left.
  • He forgot to add he was shit
  • alan mcormack is a waste of space. when we signed him i thought he was a bit of a hot headed hard man. well so far i've seen him bottle more challenges than anybody i can remember. He's small, slow, uncreative, gets nowhere near a tackle and when he does, he bottles it. What is his game? He's up there with 'Russ' Abbot and Francis for me in the hall of shame. Just need Bella emberg in the team now and the madhouse is complete.
  • And all I got after watching that c**p tonight was a KFC on the way home!

    Enjoy the meal Mr McCormack. And make the most of it. A few more performances like tonights from you and you'll soon be finding yourself in the real world and joining me in the KFC.
  • oh, and i hope he's on shit money - he deserves it. 'London so slightly cheered me up' ? cock.
  • edited January 2011
    [cite]Posted By: colthe3rd[/cite]He forgot to add he was shit

    Funny that, isn't it. Maybe he thinks he was alright and everyone else was the problem? Maybe it was the fans fault? Maybe he was concentrating on not tiring himself out too much or getting injured otherwise the booking might go to waste - then they might blacklist his name and he'd struggle to get in there again.

    The day that a third rate third division footballer feels the need to tell the world that he's off out to a nice restaurant to cheer himself up is ........... oh sod it.
  • Looks like his lack of skill matches his lack of sensitivity.
  • At least Matt Fry admitted he was rubbish the other day , this guy sounds horrendous , have you got the link?
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  • [cite]Posted By: Off_it[/cite]
    [cite]Posted By: colthe3rd[/cite]He forgot to add he was shit

    Funny that, isn't it. Maybe he thinks he was alright and everyone else was the problem? Maybe it was the fans fault? Maybe he was concentrating on not tiring himself out too much or getting injured otherwise the booking might go to waste - then they might blacklist his name and he'd struggle to get in there again.

    The day that a third rate third division footballer feels the need to tell the world that he's off out to a nice restaurant to cheer himself up is ........... oh fuck it, boolocks to the c*nt.
    Nah, it's Parky's fault, for signing him
  • He deserves a serious smack in the mouth. Dick head.
  • [cite]Posted By: Mendonca In Asdas[/cite]At least Matt Fry admitted he was rubbish the other day , this guy sounds horrendous , have you got the link?

  • edited January 2011
    Forget the valley Gold draw , next home game he should be made to eat Oxo cubes on the pitch during half time as a penance , that might get a few more fans signed up!
    Footballers = Low Iq & big wages

    Its nice to know you can put very little into your job and be rewarded handsomely , we are being taken as mugs people , why bother???

    Putting the boot on the other foot , if he had played a blinder , we might not be too upset at him eating in a fancy restaurant , and yes i also had a Kfc today!

    Macca certainly has found a way of endearing himself to the fans perhaps he'll take us lot out next time with him , to remind himself who pays his wages.
  • well ive literally just come back from the game (seriously pissed and fucked off with that utter shit of a performance) aswell as starting work at 7 tomorrow morning and i come on here to see this.

    what a fucking dispicable c***. i cannot believe he has said this. is he bloody stupid.

    i cannot believe i have contributed to his wages with my season ticket. i seriously hope (although i very much doubt it) someone at the club sees this and gives him a warning. i mean this is taking the piss and basically saying fuck you to everyone at the game tonight.

    at the moment there is no way in a million years i will be renewing my season ticket on the current form within the club. players not bothering and taking the prevebial, utter useless manager, on two occassions being prevented from entering the stadium by stewards for no reason.

    Slade, Varney, Jiminez whoever the fuck is in charge please sort this mess out. i dearly love my club but at the moment its an utter shambles from top to bottom


  • oh no he's put another tweet up on there now!!
  • edited January 2011
    This is unbelievable - he's just tweeted this now

    "Pujanza, spainish rioja. 2005. Prob 1 of d best red wines iv tasted. Very very nice. Bottle dusted off very quickly. "

    He clearly doesn't give a toss.

    If anyone who knows him reads this I strongly suggest they give him a bell and tell him to stop now. The Oxo Tower is only a cab ride away and there's plenty of pissed off people around tonight - me included.
  • At least Jacko is only drinking Blossom Hill... a commoner at heart ;-)

    you couldn't make this up!
  • Can only think this is his idea of winding the fans up. - "You boo me and I'll show you my wonga". That or he is incredibly insensitive and pretty stupid to boot.
  • I just tweeted our friend Al to politely shut up, this guy really is unbelieveable
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  • Is he even meant to be drinking? What a tw@
  • Not as good I bet as the free pepsi that comes with the 2 pieces at KFC!

    Off-it - you're completely right. The guy is completely deluded.

    Please keep us informed of this ******'s thoughts on his desert.
  • [cite]Posted By: Addick Addict[/cite]Can only think this is his idea of winding the fans up. - "You boo me and I'll show you my wonga". That or he is incredibly insensitive and pretty stupid to boot.

    Was he booed tonight? Certainly did not appear to be targeted.

    He will be next game though if this carried on.
  • I don't care really about the money, footballers are overpaid and live in a dreamworld, that's by the by and putting aside today's result, performance and whatever, is it sensible to go on about drinking and "polishing" bottles off in the public domain? Do what you like behind closed doors but why feel the need to advertise getting sloshed on a social networking site?
  • One of the worst players I've seen wear the shirt in terms of performances on pitch and personality off it, man's a joke.
  • edited January 2011
    This is his latest offering:

    "The sorrows are continuing but easing up more n more. Even a merlot wud make it go easier d more i had. "

    That's good then, sounds like another bottle and he will completely have forgotten about tonight. Hope he sleeps well.

  • He'll probably have McCormack Pie. AKA Plum Pudding.
  • A new one. "very nice john. The sorrows are continuing but easing up more n more. Even a merlot wud make it go easier d more i had"

    Is it wrong I'm more annoyed by this, than the shocking performance by everyone tonight? I've sort of gotten used to those performances now but to have a player blatantly rub your nose in it is too much for me.
  • pissing down our backs telling us its raining...
  • Is he on a wind up or something. So unprofessional and if i were manager- he would be fined. After this and the fact he has been average at best- don't want to see him back. As Bexley Dan says he bottles too many challenges yet has this hard guy persona. Tool
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