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Charlton Life Ultimate Great Towns list



  • In no order (and I know there's cities in there):
    St Ives (Cornwall)
    Bristol (but NOT the people)
    Salisbury (but NOT the people)... problem is, some of the most beautiful places have some of the biggest inbred ratios!

    Stoke ain't bad. The people are generally pretty good sorts, would rather live there than a lot of other places in the UK.
  • Norwich, York,
  • Brighton
  • This has really got me scratching my swede

    I can think of places within towns I like but not one entire town/city that stands out
  • [cite]Posted By: Stoke_addick[/cite]Im Charlton through and through, but Id never go back to London after living Stoke-On-Trent. People say its a shitehole and most of it is but the people here are salt of the earth and I love it.

    It's the people that make the place.

    Same here living in a Cornish village.
    Sure, the sea is only a mile away, there's lovely scenery and I've got panoramic views from my humble hovel on the hill ....... but it's the mateyness and warmth of the people, the lack of crime, and the community spirit that make the place.
  • [quote][cite]Posted By: Maglor[/cite]Norwich, York,

    lol.....I wonder why?

  • Off to Brixham for a week tomorrow, anyone been? I've heard good things but have noticed it's not on this list! Is there much to do etc?
  • [cite]Posted By: RedArmySE7[/cite]Off to Brixham for a week tomorrow, anyone been? I've heard good things but have noticed it's not on this list! Is there much to do etc?

    I mentioned it on the first page!

    Lovely little fishing village. Go for a walk along the coast path towards Berry Head, lovely views and an old fort and possibly the world's smallest lighthouse to have a look at.
  • Quite agree - lovely place. Suggest a day out to Dartmouth. Bus to Kingswear, then a ferry across the Dart. Have a nice time!
  • I've been invited to Jo'Burg and Cape Town this Xmas, but have to change job to make it. So there that job goes.

    Adelaide, went thought it was the most awfully boring place in the world. Came back and it was full of Aussie idiot petrolheads, but then I just fell in love with it's verandahs and victoriana architechture. Plus it's one of the most beautifuly sited cities that I've seen, and the drive into it is just stunning.

    Loved Wellington.

    Irkutsk & St Petersburgh.... disliked Mosscow a lot and felt dread in Volograd.



    Shanghai was great, though Pudong is an abortion.

    Southwold & Lowestoft.

    And of course Greenwich.


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  • edited September 2010
    Broadway,,,erm lots of tea shops, lots of tourists and quaint cotswold stone.
  • This is tricky...

    Newcastle: great nights out
    Georgetown: lovely cricket mad folks
    Fort Lauderdale: long weekends in the Sheraton Suites, mall life, climate
    Sneem: beautiful Irish scenery and tranquility, and pints of Murphys

    I'm still trying to decide on my favourite town here in Oz, it's too easy to say Sydney
  • London,Glasgow,Chester,Whitstable,Minster,Llandudno,Scarbarough and Durham.

    New York,Naples,Valletta,Palermo,Barcelona ,Florence and Toronto.
  • [cite]Posted By: Shrew[/cite]Broadway,,,erm lots of tea shops, lots of tourists and quaint cotswold stone.

    Is that Bexleyheath Broadway you're talking about?

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