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Liverpool & Shelvey



  • Definitely after they equallised, ok most of us on here are bias towards Jonjo but to only bring him on in extra time was criminal - I hope the mickeys up there are giving Jonjo the backing he deserves, seems like it looking at some of the forum comments I've seen.
  • Yeah he loves it up there and is really popular. Just gotta realise it wont happen overnight but that wouldn't have done him any harm last night. A few more apperances like that and he'll be getting up the pecking order. Its a big club with lots of playing staff but think a few could be gone in January
  • i'm delighted for JonJo, and for his family.

    You can say its a cameo appearance. But you can also remind yourselves that this is professional football. This means doing everything you are asked to do to the best of your ability. He did that, and in a situation where everything around him was falling to pieces. Being a successful pro isnt just about being talented. Its about being well grounded, as NLA said a while back.

    I'll say it again, with supreme confidence. Step by step, JonJo Shelvey is on the path to becoming the most successful product of Charlton youth in my lifetime. And i'm going to take great pleasure from that. When he's bossing the game at the Nou Camp I'll be recalling that it was my privilege to be there to see his first Charlton goal against Norwich in the Cup, and thinking, that boy has got it.
  • When I'm old and grey I'll be able to tell the story of how world footballer of the year Jonjo Shelvey once played for Charlton but the manager at the time didn't know where to play him so left him out all the time!
  • when it happens for Jonjo it will happen big time imo, i can see this Liverpool side splitting and a huge rebuilding task ahead of who ever is the mgr at the time, so much depends on the owenership issue.

    what Liverpool have done is queitly go around and look to get the cream of the crop in youngsters there is a young spanish Kid (i think) there and he is the mutts nutts, they have some real good 18-19 year olds all hand picked. It may not be good news for the Scousers and their champions league ambitions in the next year or so but if they get it right this lot can come through and be the right age and level to really surprise people.

    but it is a balancing act RH has to bed them in gently and not expose them to soon they are all learning Spearing is a good example went out on loan done well fits back in to postition Jonjo doesnt need to go on loan has a had exposure to Chumpionship and League 1

    it is all about timing I just want him to do so well and i really think he will my 20 quid bet that he will play in the 2018 world cup looks easy money and i even had a little bet that he could be captain of the same squad.
  • edited September 2010
    [cite]Posted By: uncle[/cite]
    [cite]Posted By: PL54[/cite]if he had scored a penalty for us in the Carling Cup 2nd round would we have thought he was brilliant - the fact that he did it for Liverpool
    makes him the white Pele ?

    We might have thought it pretty special that an 18 year old on his home debut for Liverpool puts his name up for a pen when others hide. He then steps up in front of the kop and cooly sends the goalkeeper the wrong way with a lovely placed shot. On the otherhand you might just be a jerk a boo him.

    Nobody's booing him, keep a bit of perspective.

    You have to remember that this is a player your feel personally about, but every single player gets slagged off by someone. The upside is you get to see your nephew become rich and famous playing the most popular game in the world. The downside is that sometimes you have to ignore comments you don't like, whilst not over-reacting.
  • Sorry, can't seem to do the quote thing, nut in answer to uncle...........get a life !!

    I understand that you are related to the lad and therefore you want the best for him, but I think you have got the wrong end of the stick about my comments on here, and even the reason I started this thread in the first place.

    Firstly, I didn't come on here to knock him and although I pointed out a year ago that he didn't acknowledge the fans at Tranmere I, with many others, feel that he was under used last season and should have played more of a part.

    The main reason for starting this thread in the first place was to scrunitise what was said at the Bromley meeting last May when RM stated that we were in for a load of money from the sale of JJ, that THIS time it was different, and that we would be getting a certain amount of ££££ everytime he made an appearance and that he would be playing an active part this season for Liverpool and not just stuck in their youth or reserve team.............

    and I just wanted to highlight the fact that since Hodson took over he has hardly featured - and more so last night. In your heart of hearts I expect you thought he would make an apperance before 110 mins had passed and was only put on the salvage something..........this is not a slight against him but against their manager.......and RM for being sold down the river AGAIN
  • I think their's a conspiracy amongst manager's not to play him Unc. First Pardew, then Parkinson, now Hodgson. It's a disgrace considering he's so clearly the future of English football.
  • HT while people are allowed to make i am equally allowed to respond to them in the manner i wish. I dont however expect to be told by someone that dont know me what i should and shouldn't do. I hope that clears things up. Say what you like but at least allow me to do the same. Family or not, if an 18 year old debutant step up to take a penalty for Charlton people would be praising him, so what i said stands because if you didn't think that took some nerve then you know little about football.

    Golfie lets face it your comment are put on there to get a reaction so lets not be offended when you get one. Oh and for the record its not just me that thinks it read the thread.
  • He's been bought as a potential long term replacement for Gerrard and Liverpool will bring him through slowly and properly. He's only 18 and shouldn't be playing every week, not with the amount of training he has to go through - if you look at players at 18/19 who start regularly nearly all of them have long histories of injury problems. Gerrard, Owen at Liverpool spring to mind - weak managers didn't rest them properly or bring them through and neither player has completed a full season. Compare them with Parker and Bowyer who were gradually introduced to first team football.

    There's no conspiracy to not pick him at Liverpool - Hodgson knows what he's doing and by not overplaying him he's doing the right thing.
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  • [cite]Posted By: uncle[/cite]HT while people are allowed to make i am equally allowed to respond to them in the manner i wish. I dont however expect to be told by someone that dont know me what i should and shouldn't do. I hope that clears things up. Say what you like but at least allow me to do the same. Family or not, if an 18 year old debutant step up to take a penalty for Charlton people would be praising him, so what i said stands because if you didn't think that took some nerve then you know little about football.

    Golfie lets face it your comment are put on there to get a reaction so lets not be offended when you get one. Oh and for the record its not just me that thinks it read the thread.

    No it doesn't really 'clear things up'. I was trying to be reasonable but you don't seem to have that capacity. So let me be blunt. People slag off 'players you, in repsonse, slag off posters. This is unreasonable, irrational and plain stupid.

    And don't try and pretend you defend every 18 year old player like some sort of saviour to up-and-coming. You defend Jonjo because he is your nephew. (unless you would like to copy and paste some other posts you have made praising and defending Jordon Cousins, or John Bostock or Victor Moses etc etc).

    And also don't make assumptions that we've never met.

    Hope that clears it up.
  • [cite]Posted By: BlackForestReds[/cite]He's been bought as a potential long term replacement for Gerrard and Liverpool will bring him through slowly and properly. He's only 18 and shouldn't be playing every week, not with the amount of training he has to go through - if you look at players at 18/19 who start regularly nearly all of them have long histories of injury problems. Gerrard, Owen at Liverpool spring to mind - weak managers didn't rest them properly or bring them through and neither player has completed a full season. Compare them with Parker and Bowyer who were gradually introduced to first team football.

    There's no conspiracy to not pick him at Liverpool - Hodgson knows what he's doing and by not overplaying him he's doing the right thing.

    Whereas by not playing him, Parkinson in particular was absolute genious. Now i see. Wenger has a lot to learn
  • [cite]Posted By: nth london addick[/cite]when it happens for Jonjo it will happen big time imo, i can see this Liverpool side splitting and a huge rebuilding task ahead of who ever is the mgr at the time, so much depends on the owenership issue.

    what Liverpool have done is queitly go around and look to get the cream of the crop in youngsters there is a young spanish Kid (i think) there and he is the mutts nutts, they have some real good 18-19 year olds all hand picked. It may not be good news for the Scousers and their champions league ambitions in the next year or so but if they get it right this lot can come through and be the right age and level to really surprise people.

    but it is a balancing act RH has to bed them in gently and not expose them to soon they are all learning Spearing is a good example went out on loan done well fits back in to postition Jonjo doesnt need to go on loan has a had exposure to Chumpionship and League 1

    it is all about timing I just want him to do so well and i really think he will my 20 quid bet that he will play in the 2018 world cup looks easy money and i even had a little bet that he could be captain of the same squad.

    haven't Arsenal been doing this though and won nothing for the past 5/6 years !
  • [cite]Posted By: Harveys Trainer[/cite]Whilst I'm pleased that Jonjo did well when he came on, only getting on in extra time in a cup match with no first team players doesn't bode well for his future IMHO.

    Why not? Looking at it the only youngsters who played were Kelly and Spearing - both local lads, Wilson who they paid 2-3m for from Rangers and Pacheco who is over a year older.
  • [cite]Posted By: Chris_from_Sidcup[/cite]
    [cite]Posted By: Harveys Trainer[/cite]Whilst I'm pleased that Jonjo did well when he came on, only getting on in extra time in a cup match with no first team players doesn't bode well for his future IMHO.

    Why not? Looking at it the only youngsters who played were Kelly and Spearing - both local lads, Wilson who they paid 2-3m for from Rangers and Pacheco who is over a year older.

    Simply because it didn't give much time to show what he can do and if the game hadn't gone into extra time he might not have come on at all. I don't know that Kelly and Spearing being local lads makes that much difference to the manager playing them. It might to the fans but I don't know that managers would consider it?
  • [cite]Posted By: golfaddick[/cite]
    The main reason for starting this thread in the first place was to scrunitise what was said at the Bromley meeting last May when RM stated that we were in for a load of money from the sale of JJ, that THIS time it was different, and that we would be getting a certain amount of ££££ everytime he made an appearance and that he would be playing an active part this season for Liverpool and not just stuck in their youth or reserve team.............

    and I just wanted to highlight the fact that since Hodson took over he has hardly featured - and more so last night. In your heart of hearts I expect you thought he would make an apperance before 110 mins had passed and was only put on the salvage something..........this is not a slight against him but against their manager.......and RM for being sold down the river AGAIN

    So, when did Richard Murray start picking the Liverpool team?

    If you took RM's word about him playing regularly as gospel, then you need your head read!
  • edited September 2010
    Like others I'm proud of Jonjo and am disappointed that he didn't come through during our Premiership years.

    Following Fortune , Konchesky and Parker noone really emerged . Had we still been playing at that level then we could have seen him blossom.

    I accept that it would have been too much for an 18 year old to play 46 league games and had hoped that Jonjo's 'rest' meant that he might come back rejuvenated for the play off run in . I remember in 80/81 Paul Walsh being 'rested' mid season and coming back stronger a few weeks later .

    He clearly was our most talented player and could unlock scenarios for us possibly as an 'impact ' sub . Imagine Jonjo rather than Racon in extra time against Swindon.

    That said I wish him well and hope that his progresses to the heights which we all believe he can do.

    As an aside despite Jonjo I am pleased the Cobblers won and hope they get another decent draw and make a few quid.
  • edited September 2010
    [cite]Posted By: uncle[/cite]Just watching it on lfctv full match. Commentators were raving about him once he come on. So chuffed he scored the pen.

    Congrats Uncle. Was pleased he scored and played so well by all accounts, but also that they lost. Purely so I can stick it to the 'Plastic Liverpool' fan at work.
  • [cite]Posted By: Elthamaddick[/cite]
    [cite]haven't Arsenal been doing this though and won nothing for the past 5/6 years !

    Bit like us then but at a higher level.

    Well done to Shlev's, shame Liverpool are out as I have a soft spot for them and he would have got more run outs in future matches. Liverpool always had a policy of teaching the Liverpool way before blooding them in the full heat of top tier battle, however if Shelv continues to show bottle an dthe rest of the Liverpool team continue not to, then I suspect he will get his chance from the bench in the not too distant future.

    As the next "Sevie G" there is a lot of presure going to be on his shoulder and he will need to be handled carefully and he also needs to keep himself away from the disruption of the ownership rubbish rthat is going.
  • Perhaps now we will start to see the benefits of the tie-up with Liverpool, which was made as part of the Jonjo deal.

    Don't hold your breath for it though - Seeing how they supplied Tranmere with a keeper last week - at the same time that we were in the hunt for one.
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  • HT are you saying that posters are exempt from a slagging off. I didn't realise you could only give it and not take it. Of course i defend him because i'm his uncle, you make that sound like a crime (bit weird). I will always defend my family but you will see others on here saying the same as me but you do not call them irrational and stupid. Do you only insult family members. Let me do you a favour say what you like about my nephew and i will defend it but keep your insults about me to yourself. That way this all stays sensible.
  • [cite]Posted By: Valiantphil[/cite]Perhaps now we will start to see the benefits of the tie-up with Liverpool, which was made as part of the Jonjo deal.

    Don't hold your breath for it though - Seeing how they supplied Tranmere with a keeper last week - at the same time that we were in the hunt for one.

    The deal was never made, only talked about. We are never going to get a Liverpool player for as long as they want full wages to be paid by us.
  • I've mentioned on threads before that of all the players that have left charlton I only keep my eye out and wish all the best to two of them, Bent and Jonjo. Don't like Liverpool but was really willing Shelvey to score the winner, delighted he scored the pen (took some bottle to offer to take it, especially in front of the kop, when others seemed to 'go missing'). Been reading lots of good stuff on Jonjo from Liverpool sites etc. Watching the england game a couple of weeks ago...he looked a class above. Couldn't help smiling as I watched him play with world class passing, amazing vision and what seems like a fantastic footballing brain. While its sad that I can now only see his talents on TV its great to think he has a charlton history, and thats never going to change.
  • May I say that at times last season Jonjo didn't deliver, looked short of confidence, wasted energies chasing lost causes and didn't fit in with how the team played.

    HOWEVER, at other times (Orient away) and the end of the season before, he clearly was something a bit special.

    I trust that Kenny Dalglish and Liverpool know more about professional footballer and the potential in a young footballer than certainly myself and most likely, Phil Parkinson too.

    Therefore, when I watched the highlights of the England game recently, where Jonjo was Captain, scored a peach of a free kick and was stand out player of all the players on the pitch - all around the same age as him etc, I have to say, I was blown away - he looked A CLASS APART.

    For that very reason and for the very reason he had the bollocks to step up and score the penalty in front of the Kop on his home debut for them, I think the boy's (and he's STILL a boy don't forget) has something about him.

    As he is Charlton home grown and loved his time here I've got an extra affinity for him and wish him the very best.

    He was 17 last year and he wasn't training day in day out with people like Gerrard and Torres - now he is - he already has done more in his career than a lot of our current senior squad - so let's not gang up on each other - he's proving doubters wrong and backers right just by the very fact he's at Liverpool and making their squad as an 18 year old.

  • [cite]Posted By: uncle[/cite]HT are you saying that posters are exempt from a slagging off. I didn't realise you could only give it and not take it. Of course i defend him because i'm his uncle, you make that sound like a crime (bit weird). I will always defend my family but you will see others on here saying the same as me but you do not call them irrational and stupid. Do you only insult family members. Let me do you a favour say what you like about my nephew and i will defend it but keep your insults about me to yourself. That way this all stays sensible.

    I don't really understand why you are deliberatly taking my posts out of context everytime. I haven't once slagged you, or Jonjo or your postman's gran or your neigbours sick dog, off. I said people on message boards slag of players and its easy because we don't know them and never meet them, you take it personally because when they do it about Jonjo they are talking about your nephew. I am saying they are not making it personal but you are.

    If Jonjo goes on to be as great a player as we all think he wil be then the slagging off will not decrease, it will markedly increase, and if you continue to take it so personally then you're heading for a rough ride.
  • I find it very odd that any CHARLTON supporter can even think about slagging a 17 year old kid, who never hid (unlike numerous I could mention), gave 100% and was then sold for money to ensure this club's survival, due to the numerous cock ups on & off the field.

    Some very odd 'supporters' we have.

    It's most parents dream to have their boy play their team, but with the way we treat 'our own' sometimes....sod that frankly!
  • Falconwood words of wisdom and truth and the main thing I could never understand with regards to jonjo .

    He could have done a bostock but he never
  • Someone said Arsenal have won nothing....
    except they've just announced £50M profits and cleared down £120M of debt from the ground move... 6 months early
    So they are top 4 Premier League without a sugar daddy and without £3-500M of debt around their necks
  • I like Jonjo good to see him doing well, same with Bent.
    Funny that if a player leaves on good terms then his previous club will follow their career with interest.
    Not many Defoe and Parker praises from Charlton fans.
  • i'm not sure where this slagging off lark has come from. i haven't seen anybody slag Shelvey off in this thread. Suggesting that it is understandable why he didn't feature much last year is not slagging him off and to sat he was brilliant when he did play is incorrect. He's potentially a very good player. that's it.
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