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phone advice



  • okay then... i got one on all your praise.

    so looks lovely. but ermmmm how do you turn it on?

    going to be a long few days whil i sort this out.
  • button the top push it down
  • Runs Windows Phone 7 which is better then android.

    But I'll say this again, it's like when you were a kid and you wanted a pair of Adidas but you got Hi Tecs instead. Well the HTC is the Hi Tecs, you've been warned
  • edited December 2010
    What makes you say that Rothko? Sounds like rubbish to me. The desire hd is possibly the best phone on the market right now.
  • [cite]Posted By: Rothko[/cite]Runs Windows Phone 7 which is better then android.

    But I'll say this again, it's like when you were a kid and you wanted a pair of Adidas but you got Hi Tecs instead. Well the HTC is the Hi Tecs, you've been warned

    im afraid that means nothing to me.

    i just want it for a few bits and pieces. its v sleek. Like it.
  • right all those in the know help me out please.

    Decided to stay with an Android phone and like the sound of the Desire. However, the Desire HD has now come out and is roughly a tenner a month more. it really worth the extra tenner a month ?

    As far as i can see, it has a bigger screen (but is it too big ?), slightly better camera etc. But the battery life seems a real problem with it.

    Grateful for advice
  • edited December 2010
    AFKA, I havent had a play with the Desire HD but the Desire is more than adequate for your needs of keeping in touch with the Mrs, updating your Facebook and posting on CL. Save yourself the money and spend it on nappies.

    Having said that, given your tendency to want to update CL, perhaps you'd be better off with the Desire with the keyboard?
    [cite]Posted By: Rothko[/cite]Runs Windows Phone 7 which is better then android...

    Says who? Certainly not all the reviews by a long way. I've had two Windows phones and would never touch them again after my experience with them. Had a play with a pre-production Mozart at work a few weeks ago but given the choice, I'd stay with the desire.

    Oh AFKA, meant to say, re: Battery life. Despite upgrading my Desire to 2.2 (on T-Mobile), Battery life still hasnt improved remarkably. Whatever phone you get, make sure you get a spare USB charger so you can plug it in at work and charge it whilst you are at your desk. Any of the smart phones on the market will need to be charged every night these days given their usage and that wont improve until the batteries improve.
  • On my opinion, nicer experience, easier to use, less hassle with moody skins put on by HTC.
  • [cite]Posted By: Rothko[/cite]On my opinion, nicer experience, easier to use, less hassle with moody skins put on by HTC.

    To be honest, I've had the Mda Vario 3 (HTC) , the HTC Touch Pro and HTC Touch Pro 2 on Windows. All were ok when I first got them but the more and more I used them, the more annoying they became. A simple task like looking up a phone number became a chore as there was too many bugs in the software. As a physical device, the last 3 HTCs I've had have been excellent. My Touch Pro 2 was a good phone but it became an excellent phone once I'd flashed an early edition of Android on to it.

    More than happy with Android and would never go back to Windows now.
  • Big difference between Windows 6 and WP7 that's about now, they've ripped it up and started again, and done an exceptionally good job on it. Worth another look
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  • Such a good job they forget Copy/Paste functionality and are rushing out an update to fix it.

    They've spent the last decade producing absolutely shocking phone software, it's going to take more than a few really annoying (and pointless) ads to convince me they've suddenly produced something worth having.

    The other issue is that all the smart phone OS's are much of a muchness. Apple will blather on about how intuitive their software is, but that's only true if you haven't used anything else, moving from Android to iPhone is a bewildering experience, as I imagine the the reverse is.

    Long story short, if you have an Android/Blackberry/IOS/Windows phone that you're happy with then you're better off sticking with the same platform when you upgrade. Switching to another platform will just cause you problems as things aren't in the same place and don't work the same.

    Plus, more and more, the platforms tie you in. You have your music and contacts synced up, you have various apps, etc. If you change platform it's new software, sometimes new apps, more unnecessary pain.

    Long story short, unless another platform offers functionality that you desperately need then switching just isn't worth it. There's absolutely nothing a Windows Phone does that an android phone or iPhone can't do. It may do it slightly different, with a slightly different user interface, but (as mentioned above) all the smartphone operating system offer broadly the same functionality
  • HTC Desire is top notch the odd dropped call nothing to serious, friends with iphones have had more than their fair share of complaints with similar problems, i love it really do HTC Desire imo anbsolutely up there with the best, i would be silly to say its the best as i dont know but what i will say

    is if theres a phone out there that can beat it then it is a top bit of kit because this is great couldnt live without it
  • love my HTC desire, just the battery life is a joke.
  • I have an HTC desire hd really pleased with it, couple of people who I know who have iPhone think the desire is better, its all about opinions. What I will say is the screen is massive which in turn makes the phone a little big, but it is a fab bit of kit highly recommended if you ask me.
  • Am now due my upgrade. Have had iPhone 3gs for 18 months and fancy a change.

    On O2 and don't really want to change suppliers. Pissed off that O2 aren't carrying the Desire HD as that is the one I really want.

    However, have had a play with the HTC HD7 and am pretty impressed with it. Just a bit jumpy about Windows mobile. Also have no idea what the apps market is like for Windows 7. I know these things take time to get off the ground but don't want to wait an age for anything decent to come out.

    Anyone know a bit more about Windows 7 mobile?
  • edited December 2010
    I'll be getting the iPhone 4 when I upgrade just love the iPhone Might look at a desire though as all I hear is good things. (the iPhone seems to always have good reviews)
  • [cite]Posted By: ValleyGary[/cite]love my HTC desire, just the battery life is a joke.

    I get two-three days out of my HTC Desire by adding the wi-fi widget thing and turning it off after every use. I also turn off the inernet connectivity by holding down the top button and choosing the bottom option. This does mean that I don't know what the weather is doing (unless I look out a window!!!) but that is no real pain.

    Until I did this battery life was a day at best. I downloaded the instruction book from HTC site which tells you how to do all this.

    There is also a way of checking what is sapping battery strength through 'settings' but don't ask me how. The booklet explains.
  • HTC Desire users wishing to check their battery usage:

    Settings > About > Battery
  • On O2 and don't really want to change suppliers. Pissed off that O2 aren't carrying the Desire HD as that is the one I really want.

    Same here ... but I have heard that carphone warehouse have desire hd with o2 ... not sure how true it is
  • I love it to and only had a day. But am concerned about the battery so thanks for that bit of advice Ralph as i dont use internet during the day at work so have just switched off.
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  • ok, got desire hd this afternoon on 02 network from carphone warehouse ... very cool phone ... now to spend a couple of days wasting the battery and learning all about it as it is first smartphone I have had.

    Already got link to Charlton Life, Twitter and my email ... pretty intuitive so far.

    Ralph - thanks for advice above.
  • [cite]Posted By: stonemuse[/cite]ok, got desire hd this afternoon on 02 network from carphone warehouse ... very cool phone ... now to spend a couple of days wasting the battery and learning all about it as it is first smartphone I have had.

    Already got link to Charlton Life, Twitter and my email ... pretty intuitive so far.

    Ralph - thanks for advice above.

    get angry birds B and you stone bloody great game
  • [cite]Posted By: stonemuse[/cite]ok, got desire hd this afternoon on 02 network from carphone warehouse ... very cool phone ... now to spend a couple of days wasting the battery and learning all about it as it is first smartphone I have had.

    This is a bloody good phone ... very glad I got it.
  • Following you Stonemuse.

    Goodbye Apple and O2. Hello HTC Desire HD and Vodaphone.
  • Cant understand everyones obsessions with changing phones, Ive got the iPhone 3GS...its perfect, it does everything I want it to, and its 100% reliable. Wont be changing it until it breaks and then I'll look for a used one....its compact and unlike the iPhone 4, it feels nice in the hand. Perfect phone-simples.
  • [cite]Posted By: Clem_Snide[/cite]Following you Stonemuse.

    Goodbye Apple and O2. Hello HTC Desire HD and Vodaphone.

    I got an iPhone and the wife has got a nokia, both have had problems in the last year or so.
    The one thing I would say about Vodaphone is that their signal is crap indoors. So much so I had to get a sure signal booster (FOC)to be able to make calls and send texts.
  • [cite]Posted By: Curb_It[/cite]I love it to and only had a day. But am concerned about the battery so thanks for that bit of advice Ralph as i dont use internet during the day at work so have just switched off.
    [cite]Posted By: stonemuse[/cite]ok, got desire hd this afternoon on 02 network from carphone warehouse ... very cool phone ... now to spend a couple of days wasting the battery and learning all about it as it is first smartphone I have had.

    Already got link to Charlton Life, Twitter and my email ... pretty intuitive so far.

    Ralph - thanks for advice above.

    I am pleased I could help
  • [cite]Posted By: CafcAndy[/cite]Got an iphone 4 today. 32 gig and the battery life is quality, does everything i need! 720p recoding aswell will be good for Charlton.
    What contract you on? must be pricey!

    What does the £45pm contract entail (16GB Obviously)
  • HTC Desire - I got it about 3 months ago, then randomly one morning I woke up and all the text messages had just been deleted. I rang arrange and they diagnosed that it was a faulty phone, so sent me out a replacement. That was about 3 or 4 weeks ago, and I've woken up and this has done the same thing. Anybody got any ideas / experienced this?
  • [cite]Posted By: paulsturgess[/cite]HTC Desire - I got it about 3 months ago, then randomly one morning I woke up and all the text messages had just been deleted. I rang arrange and they diagnosed that it was a faulty phone, so sent me out a replacement. That was about 3 or 4 weeks ago, and I've woken up and this has done the same thing. Anybody got any ideas / experienced this?[div id=Poll][h2]Poll[/h2][p]What should nla get?[/p][form id=frmVote action= encType=application/x-www-form-urlencoded method=post][div][input name=FormPostBackKey type=hidden value=91053d169ba8fdc31d8a24d28aa7a4c9][/input][input name=PostBackAction type=hidden value=ProcessVote][/input][input name=PollID type=hidden value=195][/input][input name=DiscussionID type=hidden value=36150][/input][/div][input name=Vote class=VoteRadioButton id=Radio_885 type=radio value=885][/input][label class=Radio for=Radio_885]iPhone[/label][input name=Vote class=VoteRadioButton id=Radio_886 type=radio value=886][/input][label class=Radio for=Radio_886]HTC[/label][input name=Vote class=VoteRadioButton id=Radio_887 type=radio value=887][/input][label class=Radio for=Radio_887]Samsung Galaxy[/label][input name=btnVote class=Button SubmitButton VoteButton type=submit value=Vote][/input][/form][/div]

    Nosey girlfriend\wife\partner who keeps hitting delete all by mistake? ;-)
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