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Jonjo and todays performance.



  • [cite]Posted By: uncle[/cite]quote# 39
    Posted By: shirty5
    Mooney 35 League games, 8 goals
    Shelvey 40 League games, 7 goals.

    Posted By: Oggy Red

    And they've frequently played a similar role - especially when you consider Mooney regularly drops deeper with link up play, even in an arbitary 4-4-2. 1 to 40 of 84

    Not sure where you have got these stats from but i think you'll find if you look at the statbank posted today yours doesn't seem to match. Also why have you only added goals and not assists? We can all work stats in our favour if we want. Oggy you seem to be forgetting jonjo played half of his games at left midfield because racon threw his toys out the pram and wouldn't play there. Not sure i can remember mooney playing out there to often. Now i'm not knocking mooney because i actually like him, but if your going to use stats to prove an argument then at least use all the true facts

    Hi Uncle ....... they weren't my stats - Shirty5 posted them.

    I wasn't trying to prove any argument, but from what I read, I did think Shirty's stats were interesting.
    Whether they are true or not, I have no idea.
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