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  • In the land of the blind the one-eyed man is king.
  • Every picture tells you how fat you look....
  • edited February 2010
    [cite]Posted By: LenGlover[/cite]Has anybody tried commentary on here?

    I've tried to do it on occasion for fun while watching matches on the TV with the sound turned down and the verdict of the "beneficiaries" of my commentary has not been favourable!

    It's not easy although that said I guess it is reasonable to expect somebody employed in the role to be competent and proficient.

    Yes Len and your right it ain't easy, especially when your on your own.

    I'm not the greatest fan of Emma's style, but I applaud her efforts in doing it as I know what she has to go through. I've done a few commentaries so far, the most notable being the commentary on the Ebsfleet FA Trophy final a few years back on my own and can sympathise enormously because I know just how difficult it is. When I listened back, I hated it and while I accept that I'm generally self critical, there were loads of mistakes, which I hope I've learned from.

    Got one coming up to do a live commentary from Dartford back to the local hospital, so I'm hoping I will manage to eradicate some of the howlers.

    I've sent BBC London and CAFC samples of what I did, just in case they think it's worthy, but I don't expect to hear anything.
  • edited February 2010
    What we need is a 'Chant for Emma'....

    Any ideas....?

    Nothing nasty, just something to freak her out a bit....
  • My job is "difficult". But if I don't do it properly I get booted. That's just the facts.

    You get nothing for a pair, not in this game.
  • JTJT
    edited February 2010
    My brother is a BBC Radio Solent Football/Cricket commentator & sports presenter, occasionally BBC South on the box.

    Said he was pretty dire when he looks back at when he started, huge learning curve which obviously improved with every game.

    Just secured another Wembley trip tonight with Saints going through. Bastard. To be fair it makes up for Tue night -3 games at Rotherham covering the Cherries!
  • [cite]Posted By: JT[/cite]My brother is a BBC Radio Solent Football/Cricket commentator & sports presenter, occasionally BBC South on the box.

    Said he was pretty dire when he looks back at when he started, huge learning curve which obviously improved with every game.

    Just secured another Wembley trip tonight with Saints going through. Bastard.

    Great news for your brother, I've done two at Wembley and once you get passed the incredibly surreal feeling of just feeling like you don't belong there, it's an absolute blast. You get a free lunch as well!!!!! :-)
  • Whats good for the Goose is good for the Gander .................Good luck KB hope it goes well mate
  • [cite]Posted By: uncle[/cite]Whats good for the Goose is good for the Gander .................Good luck KB hope it goes well mate

    Cheers Uncle, but I'm not holding my breath. I just enjoy what i do when I get the chance to do it and hopefuly I don't embarass myself in the process. :-)
  • Ha ha I'm like that everytime i play football lol
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  • A nod's as good as a wink to a blind man.
  • [cite]Posted By: KillersBeard[/cite]
    [cite]Posted By: JT[/cite]My brother is a BBC Radio Solent Football/Cricket commentator & sports presenter, occasionally BBC South on the box.

    Said he was pretty dire when he looks back at when he started, huge learning curve which obviously improved with every game.

    Just secured another Wembley trip tonight with Saints going through. Bastard.

    Great news for your brother, I've done two at Wembley and once you get passed the incredibly surreal feeling of just feeling like you don't belong there, it's an absolute blast. You get a free lunch as well!!!!! :-)

    It's his 6th visit to the new Wembley as a commentator!
  • [cite]Posted By: Off_it[/cite]A nod's as good as a wink to a blind man.
    [cite]Posted By: Off_it[/cite]In the land of the blind the one-eyed man is king.

    Visually impaired PERSON

    Disablilist as well as sexist now.
  • [cite]Posted By: Henry Irving[/cite]
    [cite]Posted By: Off_it[/cite]A nod's as good as a wink to a blind man.
    [cite]Posted By: Off_it[/cite]In the land of the blind the one-eyed man is king.

    Visually impaired PERSON

    Disablilist as well as sexist now.

    And there was me thinking PC was something to do with computers.
  • Sorry Henry.

    In the land of the visually impaired the one eyed person is king, or queen, or president - if they happen to live in a Republic.
  • either jorge luis borges or gabriel garcia marquez wrote a great short story turning that idea on its head.

    Must dig it out
  • [cite]Posted By: Henry Irving[/cite]either jorge luis borges or gabriel garcia marquez wrote a great short story turning that idea on its head.

    Must dig it out

    Oh yes please do ;-)
  • [cite]Posted By: Henry Irving[/cite]Ashtray, you have been asked the question more than once about your relationship with Emma but despite long and well written comments you have given no response. Why is that?

    She's had to go find a bloke to type the repsonse out for her.
  • How did Emma do tonight; anyone listen?
  • She is still rubbish
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  • I see from the match thread that the guy who did the commentary today was really bad. Funny how we haven't started a thread with his name on it saying how bad HE was....? Mmmmmmmm.....I think maybe I rest my case m'lud.
  • edited April 2010
    Didn't hear him as was at game, but if he was worse than Emma then you must have not known the score let alone what's going on on the pitch..
  • [cite]Posted By: AshTray[/cite]I see from the match thread that the guy who did the commentary today was really bad. Funny how we haven't started a thread with his name on it saying how bad HE was....? Mmmmmmmm.....I think maybe I rest my case m'lud.

    The guy today was I think the same one (Jamie Hill) who was excellent on Friday, problem today was he had Tony Hudd next to him & he gave him far, far too much time - Hudd is very dull, he blathers on & on & on, ad nauseum stating the obvious & with no insight whatsoever. Emma, sadly is comfortably the worst I have heard in the 30 or so years I can remember listening to match commentaries.........
  • Should have got roy hudd, might have droped the odd gag during the 90 mins..
  • Can't help wondering whether Emma might not be as bad without Tony Hudd. He really is terrible and as Oakster says he made the commentator seem a lot worse yesterday.
  • Ash Tray - what's your connection with Emma? Are you related? Are you friends? Are you neighbours?

    Or are you just an idiot on a wind up?

    I rest my case.
  • edited April 2010
    [cite]Posted By: Off_it[/cite]Ash Tray - what's your connection with Emma? Are you related? Are you friends? Are you neighbours?

    Or are you just an idiot on a wind up?

    I rest my case.

    I think you should read AFKA's post of March 16th again, rather than resort to childish name-calling:

    3. Politeness to other users

    We are never all going to agree. Look around you at a game and you will see the people sitting around you will be very different, and that will be reflected on here. Just because someone has the opposite view to you, it does not make them worthy of an insult. By all means disagree, but don't make it personal or aggressive. If someone in particular winds you up, then ignore them, simple as that.
  • [cite]Posted By: Czech_Addick[/cite]Can't help wondering whether Emma might not be as bad without Tony Hudd. He really is terrible and as Oakster says he made the commentator seem a lot worse yesterday.

    I agree Czech. A point I raised at the time. I think he is the main issue, but doesn't get the criticism: possibly for the reasons I have already raised.
  • [cite]Posted By: AshTray[/cite]
    [cite]Posted By: Off_it[/cite]Ash Tray - what's your connection with Emma? Are you related? Are you friends? Are you neighbours?

    Or are you just an idiot on a wind up?

    I rest my case.

    I think you should read AFKA's post of March 16th again, rather than resort to childish name-calling:

    3. Politeness to other users

    We are never all going to agree. Look around you at a game and you will see the people sitting around you will be very different, and that will be reflected on here. Just because someone has the opposite view to you, it does not make them worthy of an insult. By all means disagree, but don't make it personal or aggressive. If someone in particular winds you up, then ignore them, simple as that.

    Given the amount of times you've avoided that question, Ash, you quite clearly do know her. And seeing as you seem to be the only person who doesn't think she's absolute crap, I'd suggest that you are blinded by bias, and not us blinded by sexism.
  • edited April 2010
    For the record, I do not know her. It's typical of many of the people on her to think I could only stick up for her if I knew her. This is why there is often a pack mentality on here and things get aggressive, as above.

    Besides, if you read the thread you will see that I am not the only one who feels there may be other factors and/or she should maybe be given a chance.
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