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Latest Films



  • The new Muppet move is out soon ...
  • Watched Restrepo over the weekend. One hell of a war documentary and you can almost feel the bullets whizzing past your ears when the soldiers get into shoot outs with the Taleban. Then saw Prince of Persia with Charlton totty Gemma Arteton. Not bad action flick although Ben Kingsley must be gertting sick of playing the same old roles!
    There is a book called War which was writen while they made the documentary, book is superb.
  • Just got back from The Artist. Loved every minute and deserved all plaudits it's got.
  • Cheers Siblers, will look it up. I found out that one of the directors was the fella that was killed in Libya last year, Tim Hetherington. Big Balls to do a film like that.
  • The Artist was a brilliant movie. Nice little touches when they do use sound. And there were some quite teary moments too. Hope it gets a few Oscars more than the Globes it did. Although I think We Need To Talk About Kevin is what I believe should be the real favourite, although I can't see it now.
  • wanted to see war horse but few people i know said its shite, so just waiting for the dictator and the alan partridge movie for this year.
  • I just saw Iron Lady. Quite liked it. Saw Descendants 2 weeks ago. Thought that was over rated.

    Didn't fancy The Artist but maybe I should try it.
  • anyone seen Moneyball yet?
    Saw it Saturday. Good. Both Brad Pitt and the young geek actor turn in very nice performances. Interesting to see how players are traded in that league too, and how much they earn
  • Have recently seen:

    Sherlock Holmes: A Game of Shadows - much the same as the first one and enjoyable enough, but not in the same league as the BBC series.

    Mission Impossible 4 - as above, not very deep and meaningful but good entertainment (especially at the IMAX).

    War Horse - worth seeing, but it all felt a bit overdone in terms of trying to wring the emotions out of you.

    J Edgar - saw a preview of it this evening. Quite long (nearly 2hrs 20 mins) but Leonardo DiCaprio is very good.
  • The Iron Lady was a bad film, would not watch it again. It is 60-70% about a woman with dementia. Really boring when there is so many interesting parts of her premiership which would make a better movie. There are parts in the film that are actually more dramatic in real life than when on screen such as Howe's resignation speech which was done better in the BBC's Margaret by John Sessions.
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  • The Iron Lady was a bad film, would not watch it again. It is 60-70% about a woman with dementia. Really boring when there is so many interesting parts of her premiership which would make a better movie. There are parts in the film that are actually more dramatic in real life than when on screen such as Howe's resignation speech which was done better in the BBC's Margaret by John Sessions.
    Saw it last week. Personally thought it was great. Streep, nailed on Oscar. FACT.

  • Saw War Horse over the weekend. Nothing to write home about and found the plot pretty predictable all the way through.

    Sort of film that I can tolerate with the missus and erase from my memory banks as I exit the cinema..................5/10
  • Was gonna go see War Horse but gonna give Haywire a watch instead, getting really good reviews and when those type of action films are done right, they can be properly good.
  • Links are all messed up tonight along with quoting but I heard on the radio tonight that Odeon cinemas have been issueing refunds to people who complained to the management after discovering that The Artist was a silent movie...

    Refunds have apparently been demanded in cinema's in Liverpool, Manchester, Leeds and Hillsborough*

    *I may have made that last one up.
  • Went to see latest Sherlock - utter cack - worse than the first one. Unfathomable plot. Fell asleep. My mate stayed awake. He had no more idea of what was happening than I did.
    edited January 2012
    Ok....a must see is a film called Colombiana....very good if not predictable plot......but well worth a view. 8.5/10

    Sherlock Holmes, I really enjoyed the film & I stayed awake (dig did Bing) the chemistry between the two main characters is excellent.....not enough Rachel McAdams though. 7/10

    Mission Impossible.....probably the best of the franchise....the action was non stop and when Tom does the window jump, I had that feeling you get when standing at the top of a very high building......good film 7/10

    Warhorse.....I was really looking forward to it....but what a load of poo.....Disneyesque to the was the Irish music about, maybe Spielberg got ET to translocate Devon to about straining to make it all so so sentimental......Rubbish 3/10. Waste of Peter Jackson in my books......what a great promo of the Hobbit though...cant wait for that.

    Beethoven's Sister......brilliant French biopic about Beethoven's talented but downtrodden sister....Fantastic acting.....wonderful sets and a great story all based on fact (which I didnt know at the time) 9/10

    Jayne Eyre...all I can say is it made me want to come home.....great film, great acting, great sets and fantastic scenery 8/10

    Hannah.....The young girly combined with Eric Bana and Kate Blanchett (Hmm Galadriel, get down Shep) very entertaining slant along the lines of Nikita. 7.5/10

    The Tree. Charlotte Gainsbourg looking very French with a passable Aussie accent...the star of the film is the girl in the tree....awesome kid. 7.5/10

    Loads more but that will do for now...

  • Watched "The Green Hornet" yesterday: An enjoyable little film.
  • Went to see the new Underworld movie last night.

    Left with the feeling that this would have made a good. hour long, TV episode. 3D effects were used well, although nothing you would see in most 3D offerings. IMAX soundtrack was LOUD.

    Worth seeing if you're a Kate Beckinsale fan ;-)
  • Kate Beckinsale + Leather Catsuit + Boots + Big Guns = Drool
  • The American- Very well performed and very well shot, but in terms of story it's fairly thin. Still well worth a watch though.
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  • The Ides of March - Ryan Gosling was stand out, George C played himself. Was enjoyable but hardly Oscar winning.

    Margin Call - the night before the world's financial markets collapsed. Loads of stars - Spacey, Irons, Demi, Bettaney. Very good. Recommended.
  • Being true film buffs we went to see WE at the weekend. Not as bad as some critics made out but confused script
  • Latest Mission Impossible was very good, very Mission Impossible, if that's your kind of film then you'll love it, if not then avoid. Girl With The Dragon Tattoo, very well made, acted etc but by god it's bleak. Not one to take a significant other too!
  • Watched J Edgar last might - enjoyed it
  • Watched Attack the Block last night. A group of hoodies take on an alien invasion on a south london estate.
  • Went to see the Artist on Thursday - brilliant.
  • Watched The Help last night. Typical 'feel good apologetic' American movie that the Academy loves. Viola Davis and Emma Stone play good parts but I'd only give it a 6/10.
  • Went to see the Artist on Thursday - brilliant.
    I bought a crap bootleg DVD of this last week. No sound or colour.

  • The Guard - best film of 2011.
  • Watched Attack the Block last night. A group of hoodies take on an alien invasion on a south london estate.
    Don't know about you but I was rooting for the aliens. I thought it had a lot of potential as a plot but I found it dreadfully executed and all a bit too low budget.

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