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Is there any club with as strong a divide in their away support as ours?



  • I think you will find it is the same with all clubs away support with a few notable exceptions, millwank and Leeds are obvious exceptions. Not a problem at home as you can choose to sit/stand where you want to be. Some might want to sing some don't, up to them really, personally I am a singer/swearer at matches but that doesn't mean others can't be different. It was more annoying when we visited big ticket games in our first few years in the prem with limited ticket availability favouring the well off who could afford to be members of all the required priority ticket groups, but we all follow the reds so let it lie after such a good start to the season. Just good to see the away support back to reasonable levels.
  • [cite]Posted By: Goonerhater[/cite]Pisses me off that again we are having a go at our own fans. so what the f**k does it matter if someone sings "no surrender to the IRA?" blah blah blah he can sing it 24/7 as far as im concerned.My choice (and yours) was not to sing it -- end of. 3,000 people went over there and the support (naughty song sor not) was good. standing the whole game was great -- we should do it more often.

    If you dont like swearing -- naughty songs etc GO TO CHURCH sing a hymn !
    There is a difference between inventive funny naughty songs and damn right moronic insulting songs.... its got nothing to do about being uptight but merely being tired of a minority of morons who can give fans club a bad reputation and spoil the day for families
  • [cite]Posted By: Goonerhater[/cite]Pisses me off that again we are having a go at our own fans. so what the f**k does it matter if someone sings "no surrender to the IRA?" blah blah blah he can sing it 24/7 as far as im concerned.My choice (and yours) was not to sing it -- end of. 3,000 people went over there and the support (naughty song sor not) was good. standing the whole game was great -- we should do it more often.

    If you dont like swearing -- naughty songs etc GO TO CHURCH sing a hymn !

    cos its totally irrelevant perhaps?
  • so is Good Bye Horse relevant ? so have we still got to pass what people sing past the naffing PC brigade then ?
  • [cite]Posted By: Goonerhater[/cite]so is Good Bye Horse relevant ? so have we still got to pass what people sing past the naffing PC brigade then ?
    there is a line and surely even you could see it.
  • so what have we got then?

    "you're support is fookin shite"

    "the orient family song"

    "east london is like bengal"

    "shit ground no fans"

    "we've got more fans than you"

    "no surrender to the ira"

    and if you wern't singing them then you've got no passion? do me a favour
  • so what can we sin g then come on do tell ??

    lah la lah lah al la la clap clap charlton
  • and those songs listed by Threadkiller inspire the team how exactly ?
  • [cite]Posted By: razil[/cite]
    [cite]Posted By: Goonerhater[/cite]Pisses me off that again we are having a go at our own fans. so what the f**k does it matter if someone sings "no surrender to the IRA?" blah blah blah he can sing it 24/7 as far as im concerned.My choice (and yours) was not to sing it -- end of. 3,000 people went over there and the support (naughty song sor not) was good. standing the whole game was great -- we should do it more often.

    If you dont like swearing -- naughty songs etc GO TO CHURCH sing a hymn !

    cos its totally irrelevant perhaps?

    Exactly!!!...This doesnt offend me at all but it has nothing to do with why sing it???
  • what songs can we sing.

    and Good bye Horse how does that "inspire" the team
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  • [cite]Posted By: ThreadKiller[/cite]so what have we got then?

    "you're support is fookin shite"

    "the orient family song"

    "east london is like bengal"

    "shit ground no fans"

    "we've got more fans than you"

    "no surrender to the ira"

    and if you wern't singing them then you've got no passion? do me a favour

    What is wrong with the ones in bold?
    edited August 2009
    I'd much rather sing Pro-Charlton songs:

    We're by far the greatest team
    You are my Charlton
    We are Charlton, Covered end

    Of course there is room for goading oppo fans etc but I would like to think we could be a bit more imaginative.

    And so on....
  • [cite]Posted By: Goonerhater[/cite]so is Good Bye Horse relevant ? so have we still got to pass what people sing past the naffing PC brigade then ?

    GH I was simply answering the question at the start of the thread, so yes I can say that I don't like a particular song. And yes I think its a jingoistic irrelevant hate filled rant, but that's my personal view and yes it makes me feel detached from certain members of our support/society. I didn't say they should be arrested did I?

    Goodbye Horse is relevant, is a club song if a little obscure.
  • edited August 2009
    and we get 3,000 turn up (at last) to an away game and people moan about what f**kin songs people are singing ????????

    sing the songs you want to ignore the ones you dont and they will die on their own --- end of.
  • [cite]Posted By: Steve Dowman[/cite]personally I am a singer/swearer at matches
    Bollocks! In the 5 years Ive sat behind youve Ive never heard a peep out of you ;)
  • [cite]Posted By: Goonerhater[/cite]and we get 3,000 turn up (at last) to an away game and people moan about what f**kin songs people are singing ????????

    I wouldnt say people are moaning, i just dont see the point in singing songs that have nothing to do with either Charlton or anti-opposition. Cant really see any of the players thinking ''oh, well our fans dont like the Irish Republican Army..i shall try harder''!!!!
  • [cite]Posted By: Goonerhater[/cite]and we get 3,000 turn up (at last) to an away game and people moan about what f**kin songs people are singing ????????

    sing the songs you want to ignore the ones you dont and they will die on their own --- end of.

    Whilst I dont agree in anyway with some of these songs I have to agree with GH. People get too hot under the collar about little things. If you dont like it just dont join in. Its a football match FFS....
  • [cite]Posted By: valleygary[/cite]
    [cite]Posted By: Goonerhater[/cite]and we get 3,000 turn up (at last) to an away game and people moan about what f**kin songs people are singing ????????

    I wouldnt say people are moaning, i just dont see the point in singing songs that have nothing to do with either Charlton or anti-opposition. Cant really see any of the players thinking ''oh, well our fans dont like the Irish Republican Army..i shall try harder''!!!!

    LOL! But equally its all about creating noise and atmosphere is it not? Im sure whilst playing the O's, or anyone else for that matter, the players wouldnt respond to "We hate Palace" but its still sung
  • [cite]Posted By: Goonerhater[/cite]and we get 3,000 turn up (at last) to an away game and people moan about what f**kin songs people are singing ????????

    the organiser was questioning 50% of the crowd being passionless,my point is that people may not want to sing those songs for various reasons. you yourself said you wouldn't sing the ira song. does that mean you are not a passionate addick?
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  • Charlton Dan - That is very true and i agree with creating atmosphere, but if the song 'we hate palace' is sung everyone will join in. The ira song will only get a certain section of fans singing....
  • edited August 2009
    So as I said earlier what we really appear to be saying is that away games should be for drunken yobs who want to stand, swear and be generally obnoxious.

    Old fans, women, children and those who have the temerity to actually want to sit in the seat they have paid good hard earned money for can p*** off!

    As I said above certain fans would prefer us to be like Millwall.
  • edited August 2009
    [cite]Posted By: valleygary[/cite]Charlton Dan - That is very true and i agree with creating atmosphere, but if the song 'we hate palace' is sung everyone will join in. The ira song will only get a certain section of fans singing....
    Agreed. I was just using that as an example. Perhaps it wasnt the best in hindsight
  • edited August 2009
    Singing is what the crowd does together and should be an expression of its unity of purpose in supporting the team. We all know there is an agenda behind "No Surrender" and it isn't shared by the vast majority of fans, mostly because they regard it as irrelevant to Charlton and to their lives, as well as being out of date.

    Regardless of the merits of the issue, most of the crowd will never join in. The debate isn't about being PC or not. You'd no more get people to sing that Gordon Brown or David Cameron are wonderful and the attempt is divisive, as well as loaded with all kinds of baggage that most people don't want to consider during a football match. If some people want to try that's up to them, but in terms of supporting the team it's clearly a negative because it's divisive rather than unifying and cannot be otherwise.

    Interesting that Richard Redden did shut up the people singing the incest song at Hartlepool, although I think they were more startled than shamed.
  • [cite]Posted By: LenGlover[/cite]So as I said earlier what we really appear to be saying is that away games should be for drunken yobs who want to stand, swear and be generally obnoxious.

    Old fans, children and those who have the temerity to actually want to sit in the seat they have paid good hard earned money for can p*** off!

    As I said above certain fans would prefer us to be like Millwall.
    Not at all Len. I think what is actually being said is that away football is what you make of it and both camps should accept that what they go for might not be what the person next to them goes for......LLL&BH and Henry would say
  • as I see it certain elements like to be able to express their national bigotry or loyalism or whatever you call it at football matches - mainly England games thankfully - if that sort of stuff was rife at Charlton I would opt out.
  • [cite]Posted By: razil[/cite]as I see it certain elements like to be able to express their national bigotry or loyalism or whatever you call it at football matches - mainly England games thankfully - if that sort of stuff was rife at Charlton I would opt out.

    There were quite a bunch of them on train at Stratford Station last night, quite unbelievable really, thought I'd gone back 25 years. Up to that point, was thinking I might start taking my little boy to some away games, but certainly wouldn't have wanted him to witness the intimidation, language and abuse flying around. Shame really because thought the game and atmosphere was brilliant.
  • i didnt sing the anti IRA song last night as i choose not to, as with the incest song. f i felt like it i may or may not. I swear at footie but try not to be OTT when there are young kids about. Its my choice. I dont do it because ohhhhh dear f**k me it might upset the pc element .

    yes lets please please please please please have a total sterile atmosphere where we all get along and maybe we can shout encore -- bravo , bravo every now and again ------ thats if we all agree !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • Me? I hate the IRA and everything about them.

    Whether I choose to sing about them at a football game or wherever is another matter, I don't think the song in itself is in anyway offensive to anyone other than active members of them. I see the point (I think) about it intimidating people because of the undertones but to get that worked up about it is.... Well there's just more important things to worry about in life.

    And let's just remember it's only words to a song? I doubt many of those singing it have done any tours of Northern Ireland or most of those moaning about it have either. I don't like seee ayyy efff seee but if people want to shout somthing as dreary and unimaginative as that fair play to them. It's only noise after all. I would also like us to slow down valley floyd road to below 150 bpm when we sing it. Have you ever heard Mull of Kintyre on a pitch bend of 10%?? It sounds ridiculous!!
  • [cite]Posted By: Goonerhater[/cite]i didnt sing the anti IRA song last night as i choose not to, as with the incest song. f i felt like it i may or may not. I swear at footie but try not to be OTT when there are young kids about. Its my choice. I dont do it because ohhhhh dear f**k me it might upset the pc element .

    yes lets please please please please please have a total sterile atmosphere where we all get along and maybe we can shout encore -- bravo , bravo every now and again
    thats if we all agree !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    ''where we all get along''??????...surely its not that difficult, christ, we are all there to cheer on Charlton. As mentioned by other people, it appears a small minority tend to think its acceptable to abuse other charlton fans for not acting in the same way as they do. Perhaps if they werent such arseholes then it would automatically create a much better atmosphere!
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