"Pretend the board isn't comprised of people who are seeing their money go down the drain. Imagine the board have burgled your house. There, that's better".
Unfortunately i find it condescending and smug. while i don't share all the views expressed on here, i have no problem with people expressing themselves in a negative manner if they so wish, the way things have gone in the past few months it is not suprising.
Perhaps the author could now balance it with a spoof on people who are unflinchingly happy-clappy in their approach to club affairs.
The fact is that since the dawn of footballing time there have been people who like to moan about their team, even when things are going well. what happens at The valley is nothing unique - I think football without the miserable curmudgeon moaning about everything under the sun would be a much poorer, duller experience.
well said oakster, i mean ffs if there's been any positives from us on the playing field in the last two and a half years then i've missed em, still we can bury our head in the sand and pretend everything is rosey....
these are piss poor times to be following charlton and to come on top of the recent highs makes it so much more painful......
and we all know that most of us on here have unconditional love for charlton but that doesn't mean we can't question the decisions from above
i aint even boverring mate i haven't clicked on the link becoz i know it's going to be a dig at people who don't think the sun shines out of everything charlton athletic's backside.
Can I ask a serious question rothko, are you happy with the current situation ? If you are not are you prepared to let the powers that be know? If not as fans representative in the upper north are you prepared to let the powers that be know that people like me are totally fecked off and dis-illusioned.My son turned to me on boxing day and said im bored.Now he loves his football so coming from him that is pretty damning and not the way to attract young fans to our club !!!!
[cite]Posted By: northstandsteve[/cite]Can I ask a serious question rothko, are you happy with the current situation ? If you are not are you prepared to let the powers that be know? If not as fans representative in the upper north are you prepared to let the powers that be know that people like me are totally fecked off and dis-illusioned.My son turned to me on boxing day and said im bored.Now he loves his football so coming from him that is pretty damning and not the way to attract young fans to our club !!!!
There are a lot of people in the north upper though steve, that might not be so "fecked off and dis-illusioned" as you. It may seem that the majority of posters on this board are in your camp, but that isn't necessariliy true, and as we all know "we are all entitled to our own opinion" in the same way you want Rothko to put your opinion across to the board, he is entitled to put his and others less "fecked off" fans across as well.
Also, if you think that the board don't understand, as fans, what a sorry situation we're in currently, then you are being rather silly, and to think that because they're not releasing statements every 2 minutes informing the fans that they are "going for a piss" or "buying a paper from the shops" or "speaking on the phone with other directors" that they are doing nothing and that they don't care, then you really don't know what you are talking about.
Your poor son is going through what all football fans will go through when they are younger - boredom, and sadness at the fact their team isn't winning every week. unless you're supporting a team in the top 4 then that isn't going to happen. I can't believe you need this explaining to you.
I think a few of you need to read that article and realise that it is a lighthearted joke about the situation and if some of your comments are taken out of context and read back to you another time you'll realise that you're going slightly over the top. I also think some of you need to turn your pc's off for a while and do something else instead of winding yourselves up talking about charlton and how bad it is, because you're going to do yourselves some serious damage.
i dont think it is lashing out ,it's the fact people are told not to worry about it, things are going to be fine when things obviously aren't fine.People see this as a sign people don't care,when as you say you aren't going to lose sleep over it.It's just how people react differently to situations,but i don't see it as lashing out as rose-tinted just as much as lashing at miserable gits.
I will try and get my points across politely without turning this into a 'them and us' situation.
Suzi, Rothko etc, i honestly think you are a little out of touch with the depth of 'fecked off and disillusioned brigade' and i think it is wholly unreasonable if you expect most to carry an 'oh well, whatever will be' zen attitude, or by proxy make people feel like they are doing something wrong or being negative by not being fully supportive or voicing their concerns.
Since its inception, going to football has always been a 'release' for many people, a way of letting off steam, getting away from the routine, and chasing dreams. By its nature, its always an aspect of some people's lives that they moan about, whether things are good or things are bad. This isn't something that has just suddenly emerged at Charlton in the last couple of years, it is how things are at every club throughout the land.
At the moment, people see things that are wrong and are voicing their opinions about it. It is what the internet provides. Whether they are right or wrong, they would argue they have three years of shite to back up their view that at present, Charlton Athletic are arguably with Leeds, this season the most underperforming of the whole 92 league clubs. If you expect people not to sound off when in this situation then you are being naive IMO.
As for the Inspector's piece, i'd like to think i'm friends with the author and have been a fan of his scribblings for many years, but where in his articles in the last year the increasing emphasis of digging out fellow supporters has alienated me if i'm honest. I just can't stand turning on ourselves, particularly when there are so many other negatives that could be concentrated on. As for 'lashing out at the rose-tinted', is that no better than the condescending highlight of those that aren't so positive ?
To be fair Barts, his piece shows a slight balance to the threads on this forum. being one of a handful of positive posters (at the moment) on this forum, I'm looking at it less and less because what is the point in going over the same ground over and over, making assumptions, blaming everyone left right and centre, moaning about everything and anything, and debating non stop 24 hours about something, that there is little you can do about apart from turn up and support the team, or stop going. that is all. I don't understand why people that sit around me spend the whole match moaning at everything that the team does wrong and then when we have a chance or even score a goal they don't even stand up to cheer, they instantly say "we'll we'll let one in in a minute" what is the point in going? if its really bothering you and getting you down and stopping you sleeping then don't go - don't put yourself through it!
I understand that moaning is a part of life, but it doesn't have to be like that, you do'nt have to spend all match moaning, then come home and go on the internet and moan about how bad it is, and blaming every player, ex player, manager, ex manager, board, ex board member, and then start on the positive fans, the heat of the pies, the state of the floor on the concourse, the fact there are no bins, the price of a bottle of water.
I am out of touch with the disillusioned brigade, because I don't understand how people can be that miserable 24/7 and still get up in the morning. They're out of touch with me as a person because there is nothing I can do about it, and talking about how terrible and doomed everything is all the time just isn't me and isn't going to help.
I'll support the team like everyone on here, whatever league we're in, and there are posters on here that don't go anymore, don't have season tickets and still have the right to say whatever they like positive or negative, and thats fine, thats the way it is, but to have a pop at a lighthearted article on bloggers website that shows a different side to the heavily negative posts on this thread is laughable imo. We're in the minority here, let the minority have a say as well!!!!!!!
I am out of touch with the disillusioned brigade, because I don't understand how people can be that miserable 24/7 and still get up in the morning. They're out of touch with me as a person because there is nothing I can do about it, and talking about how terrible and doomed everything is all the time just isn't me and isn't going to help.
I'll support the team like everyone on here, whatever league we're in, and there are posters on here that don't go anymore, don't have season tickets and still have the right to say whatever they like positive or negative, and thats fine, thats the way it is, but to have a pop at a lighthearted article on bloggers website that shows a different side to the heavily negative posts on this thread is laughable imo. We're in the minority here, let the minority have a say as well!!!!!!!
Suzi has said it all for me, and the last two paras are bang on the money, I can't identify with someone who is losing sleep over a football team, when there is so much more in the world to worry about. I'm not like a few on here who uses their football club as a proxy of their self worth, who suddenly feel less of a person cause there club is on a down.
If people want to moan 24/7/365 let em do it, hooray to that, and joy to the fickleness of football supporters.
[cite]Posted By: northstandsteve[/cite]Can I ask a serious question rothko, are you happy with the current situation ? If you are not are you prepared to let the powers that be know? If not as fans representative in the upper north are you prepared to let the powers that be know that people like me are totally fecked off and dis-illusioned.My son turned to me on boxing day and said im bored.Now he loves his football so coming from him that is pretty damning and not the way to attract young fans to our club !!!!
There are a lot of people in the north upper though steve, that might not be so "fecked off and dis-illusioned" as you. It may seem that the majority of posters on this board are in your camp, but that isn't necessariliy true, and as we all know "we are all entitled to our own opinion" in the same way you want Rothko to put your opinion across to the board, he is entitled to put his and others less "fecked off" fans across as well.
Also, if you think that the board don't understand, as fans, what a sorry situation we're in currently, then you are being rather silly, and to think that because they're not releasing statements every 2 minutes informing the fans that they are "going for a piss" or "buying a paper from the shops" or "speaking on the phone with other directors" that they are doing nothing and that they don't care, then you really don't know what you are talking about.
Your poor son is going through what all football fans will go through when they are younger - boredom, and sadness at the fact their team isn't winning every week. unless you're supporting a team in the top 4 then that isn't going to happen. I can't believe you need this explaining to you.
I think a few of you need to read that article and realise that it is a lighthearted joke about the situation and if some of your comments are taken out of context and read back to you another time you'll realise that you're going slightly over the top. I also think some of you need to turn your pc's off for a while and do something else instead of winding yourselves up talking about charlton and how bad it is, because you're going to do yourselves some serious damage.
totally agree suz,Rothko is entitled to put the views forward of people like you.What i was asking was as the representative for the upper north would he be expressing the views of people who are cheesed off,even if it differed from his.I do think you have the balance of people who are fecked off completely wrong,at Norwich away I tried to be positive about the game but i would say 90% of the fans were disgusted with the performance resulting in me having a dig at someone for continuous abuse at Andy Gray.I have thought long and hard about asking this question suz but i would not be truthful to myself if i didn't ask it,do you feel you would be so supportive of the club in it's current situation if you didn't work for the club,this isn't a dig as i think i would be more pro-the club if i was an employee.
The fact is a lot of fans have got what they wished for. They moaned about boring mid table Premiership football and wanted the manager out.
Well now "they have their Charlton back" a crap side at the bottom of division 2 like we were in the sixties and seventies apart from a few seasons in division 3.
[cite]Posted By: northstandsteve[/cite]
totally agree suz,Rothko is entitled to put the views forward of people like you.What i was asking was as the representative for the upper north would he be expressing the views of people who are cheesed off,even if it differed from his.I do think you have the balance of people who are fecked off completely wrong,at Norwich away I tried to be positive about the game but i would say 90% of the fans were disgusted with the performance resulting in me having a dig at someone for continuous abuse at Andy Gray.I have thought long and hard about asking this question suz but i would not be truthful to myself if i didn't ask it,do you feel you would be so supportive of the club in it's current situation if you didn't work for the club,this isn't a dig as i think i would be more pro-the club if i was an employee.
yeah, I reckon he would, although i don't necessarily think the board need to be told things like that as I think they get enough letters, emails, phone calls already.
I do agree that the majority of the fans are disgusted, but I can't bear people making up statistics for the sake of their own gain. You think that you're speaking on behalf of the majority and I dare say a lot of people agree with you, but when people think they speak on my behalf I can't bear it, and I may only be 1 out of the whole ground that think what i think, but I won't have someone speaking on my behalf and pigeonhole me into an opinion bracket.
Not sure, I think because working here, you see things differently slightly to how you see things as a fan. For example before I joined, I thought staff at a football club would literally be twiddling their thumbs over the summer and when there are away matches, but it is so far from the truth.
I think I'm just a positive person, and I think working here has probably made me more positive about Charlton - rightly or wrongly! Although I do find it difficult after a match day driving back down to the valley reminding yourself of the poor result when your colleagues are feeling downbeat about it too. Everyone is tired from working till late on a match day, and the mood isn't great immediately afterwards sometimes - well those that are fans anyway. If I wasn't positive then it would do my head in working here as I'd have melted into a pot of misery by now. having said that, I'm generally a positive person about anything and everything and always look on the brightside of all things. There is a difference between being concerned, worried and being negative by the way. Of course, if things do get worse, it could affect my "social enjoyment" as well as my actual employment and life, so in a way some may say I should be more worried than others, but thats not in my make up. I just do my job and get on with it, and remain positive about what i'm doing.
"Pretend the board isn't comprised of people who are seeing their money go down the drain. Imagine the board have burgled your house. There, that's better".
Perhaps the author could now balance it with a spoof on people who are unflinchingly happy-clappy in their approach to club affairs.
The fact is that since the dawn of footballing time there have been people who like to moan about their team, even when things are going well. what happens at The valley is nothing unique - I think football without the miserable curmudgeon moaning about everything under the sun would be a much poorer, duller experience.
these are piss poor times to be following charlton and to come on top of the recent highs makes it so much more painful......
and we all know that most of us on here have unconditional love for charlton but that doesn't mean we can't question the decisions from above
Can I ask a serious question rothko, are you happy with the current situation ? If you are not are you prepared to let the powers that be know? If not as fans representative in the upper north are you prepared to let the powers that be know that people like me are totally fecked off and dis-illusioned.My son turned to me on boxing day and said im bored.Now he loves his football so coming from him that is pretty damning and not the way to attract young fans to our club !!!!
Am I happy? No
Will I let the powers that be know? of course
I'm I going to let it ruin my life? Nah
Will I be buying a season ticket in League 1? yep
I'm realisitic enough to know that with the exception of the top 4, what goes up, must come down, and could go back again.
There are a lot of people in the north upper though steve, that might not be so "fecked off and dis-illusioned" as you. It may seem that the majority of posters on this board are in your camp, but that isn't necessariliy true, and as we all know "we are all entitled to our own opinion" in the same way you want Rothko to put your opinion across to the board, he is entitled to put his and others less "fecked off" fans across as well.
Also, if you think that the board don't understand, as fans, what a sorry situation we're in currently, then you are being rather silly, and to think that because they're not releasing statements every 2 minutes informing the fans that they are "going for a piss" or "buying a paper from the shops" or "speaking on the phone with other directors" that they are doing nothing and that they don't care, then you really don't know what you are talking about.
Your poor son is going through what all football fans will go through when they are younger - boredom, and sadness at the fact their team isn't winning every week. unless you're supporting a team in the top 4 then that isn't going to happen. I can't believe you need this explaining to you.
I think a few of you need to read that article and realise that it is a lighthearted joke about the situation and if some of your comments are taken out of context and read back to you another time you'll realise that you're going slightly over the top. I also think some of you need to turn your pc's off for a while and do something else instead of winding yourselves up talking about charlton and how bad it is, because you're going to do yourselves some serious damage.
and this line is bang on the money
And... finally... start lashing out at the "rose-tinted". Go on, have a go! How dare the bastards interrupt our right to be bloody miserable!
Suzi, Rothko etc, i honestly think you are a little out of touch with the depth of 'fecked off and disillusioned brigade' and i think it is wholly unreasonable if you expect most to carry an 'oh well, whatever will be' zen attitude, or by proxy make people feel like they are doing something wrong or being negative by not being fully supportive or voicing their concerns.
Since its inception, going to football has always been a 'release' for many people, a way of letting off steam, getting away from the routine, and chasing dreams. By its nature, its always an aspect of some people's lives that they moan about, whether things are good or things are bad. This isn't something that has just suddenly emerged at Charlton in the last couple of years, it is how things are at every club throughout the land.
At the moment, people see things that are wrong and are voicing their opinions about it. It is what the internet provides. Whether they are right or wrong, they would argue they have three years of shite to back up their view that at present, Charlton Athletic are arguably with Leeds, this season the most underperforming of the whole 92 league clubs. If you expect people not to sound off when in this situation then you are being naive IMO.
As for the Inspector's piece, i'd like to think i'm friends with the author and have been a fan of his scribblings for many years, but where in his articles in the last year the increasing emphasis of digging out fellow supporters has alienated me if i'm honest. I just can't stand turning on ourselves, particularly when there are so many other negatives that could be concentrated on. As for 'lashing out at the rose-tinted', is that no better than the condescending highlight of those that aren't so positive ?
I understand that moaning is a part of life, but it doesn't have to be like that, you do'nt have to spend all match moaning, then come home and go on the internet and moan about how bad it is, and blaming every player, ex player, manager, ex manager, board, ex board member, and then start on the positive fans, the heat of the pies, the state of the floor on the concourse, the fact there are no bins, the price of a bottle of water.
I am out of touch with the disillusioned brigade, because I don't understand how people can be that miserable 24/7 and still get up in the morning. They're out of touch with me as a person because there is nothing I can do about it, and talking about how terrible and doomed everything is all the time just isn't me and isn't going to help.
I'll support the team like everyone on here, whatever league we're in, and there are posters on here that don't go anymore, don't have season tickets and still have the right to say whatever they like positive or negative, and thats fine, thats the way it is, but to have a pop at a lighthearted article on bloggers website that shows a different side to the heavily negative posts on this thread is laughable imo. We're in the minority here, let the minority have a say as well!!!!!!!
Suzi has said it all for me, and the last two paras are bang on the money, I can't identify with someone who is losing sleep over a football team, when there is so much more in the world to worry about. I'm not like a few on here who uses their football club as a proxy of their self worth, who suddenly feel less of a person cause there club is on a down.
If people want to moan 24/7/365 let em do it, hooray to that, and joy to the fickleness of football supporters.
totally agree suz,Rothko is entitled to put the views forward of people like you.What i was asking was as the representative for the upper north would he be expressing the views of people who are cheesed off,even if it differed from his.I do think you have the balance of people who are fecked off completely wrong,at Norwich away I tried to be positive about the game but i would say 90% of the fans were disgusted with the performance resulting in me having a dig at someone for continuous abuse at Andy Gray.I have thought long and hard about asking this question suz but i would not be truthful to myself if i didn't ask it,do you feel you would be so supportive of the club in it's current situation if you didn't work for the club,this isn't a dig as i think i would be more pro-the club if i was an employee.
No, next question
And im losing sleep over it at the moment.
All this stuff about supporting them in league 1 is well and good, but the last time we went down to that level it took decades to recover.
Ofcourse there are more important things in life than football, but try telling that to the 300 at Sheff Utd, they shouldnt be knocked for that.
Jesus, I do care about the situation, but I'm not going to lose sleep about it.
No one is knocking them for that, but each person has there own personal presepective.
The fact is a lot of fans have got what they wished for. They moaned about boring mid table Premiership football and wanted the manager out.
Well now "they have their Charlton back" a crap side at the bottom of division 2 like we were in the sixties and seventies apart from a few seasons in division 3.
We all express our frustration in different ways.
Right...coming from you
yeah, I reckon he would, although i don't necessarily think the board need to be told things like that as I think they get enough letters, emails, phone calls already.
I do agree that the majority of the fans are disgusted, but I can't bear people making up statistics for the sake of their own gain. You think that you're speaking on behalf of the majority and I dare say a lot of people agree with you, but when people think they speak on my behalf I can't bear it, and I may only be 1 out of the whole ground that think what i think, but I won't have someone speaking on my behalf and pigeonhole me into an opinion bracket.
Not sure, I think because working here, you see things differently slightly to how you see things as a fan. For example before I joined, I thought staff at a football club would literally be twiddling their thumbs over the summer and when there are away matches, but it is so far from the truth.
I think I'm just a positive person, and I think working here has probably made me more positive about Charlton - rightly or wrongly! Although I do find it difficult after a match day driving back down to the valley reminding yourself of the poor result when your colleagues are feeling downbeat about it too. Everyone is tired from working till late on a match day, and the mood isn't great immediately afterwards sometimes - well those that are fans anyway. If I wasn't positive then it would do my head in working here as I'd have melted into a pot of misery by now. having said that, I'm generally a positive person about anything and everything and always look on the brightside of all things. There is a difference between being concerned, worried and being negative by the way. Of course, if things do get worse, it could affect my "social enjoyment" as well as my actual employment and life, so in a way some may say I should be more worried than others, but thats not in my make up. I just do my job and get on with it, and remain positive about what i'm doing.