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General things that Annoy you



  • McBobbin said:

    Client meeting, random diversion:

    Client: what was that film about gangs in new York, that wasn't "gangs of new York"

    Me: oh I know! West Side Story!

    My colleague: do you mean The Warriors?

    Client: yes!

    I'm then ignored for the rest of the meeting, credibility shot to pieces

    Officer Krupke, krup you!
  • T_C_E said:

    One of my dogs was attacked after leaving the school earlier. Four Bull breeds escaped from a house, I managed to keep her clear of the teeth and hopefully we have no damage to her confidence. We returned to where she was attacked around an hour later and it was distressing to see her panic although after a few treats and cuddles from neighbours that witnessed the whole event she settled down. I have a couple of bite wounds to my hand and a possible broken little finger, the police have been notified although Ive just been told the dogs have been removed from the house by the owners. Annoyed I'm feckin furious............I'd also just received a text to say, freebie for the game was waiting for me.

    This happened to a mate's dog this week. Just casually walking his little dog & a bull mastiff comes running out of a house & attacks the dog. The dog survived but has lost an eye. Why are there so many irresponsible dog owners on the planet??
    So sorry to read this, fortunately Valli recieved only a small bite to her paw while I recieved 3 or 4 bites keeping her away from the the sharp ends. The whole incident caused by someone who couldn't handle his dog when leaving his home leaving the open for the others to escape and attack my dog. With 3 near misses in the last 2 weeks I bought myself a camera and strangely enough since I bought it the idiots that try goad my dogs into reacting stay away. Already nicknamed by my friends "JJ Cam" ;)
  • T_C_E said:

    One of my dogs was attacked after leaving the school earlier. Four Bull breeds escaped from a house, I managed to keep her clear of the teeth and hopefully we have no damage to her confidence. We returned to where she was attacked around an hour later and it was distressing to see her panic although after a few treats and cuddles from neighbours that witnessed the whole event she settled down. I have a couple of bite wounds to my hand and a possible broken little finger, the police have been notified although Ive just been told the dogs have been removed from the house by the owners. Annoyed I'm feckin furious............I'd also just received a text to say, freebie for the game was waiting for me.

    This happened to a mate's dog this week. Just casually walking his little dog & a bull mastiff comes running out of a house & attacks the dog. The dog survived but has lost an eye. Why are there so many irresponsible dog owners on the planet??
    That's terrible mate

    Dogs like that are always, without fail attached to irresponsible arseholes
  • There used to be a dog licence. 7 shillings and 6d. Never raised the price and then the govt said it costs more to raise than it brings in so scrap it.
    What they should do is bring it back at a rate that covers the cost of a proper dog warden service. And make people with dogs pass some sort of competency test.
    It's tragic that people are killed by uncontrolled and untrained dogs. As is the tragedy of innocent dogs being killed by untrained dogs.
    I don't believe that dogs are bad but what some people put them through is appalling and leads to dogs that only know violence to other dogs and to people that aren't what they consider part of their pack.
  • iainment said:

    There used to be a dog licence. 7 shillings and 6d. Never raised the price and then the govt said it costs more to raise than it brings in so scrap it.
    What they should do is bring it back at a rate that covers the cost of a proper dog warden service. And make people with dogs pass some sort of competency test.
    It's tragic that people are killed by uncontrolled and untrained dogs. As is the tragedy of innocent dogs being killed by untrained dogs.
    I don't believe that dogs are bad but what some people put them through is appalling and leads to dogs that only know violence to other dogs and to people that aren't what they consider part of their pack.

    I was visited by the dog warden yesterday. This particular person has 11 complaints against them and he has visited them 3 with references to the sh*t near to where live. They just deny it..... I have a written admission that they attacked my dogs yet to the police didn't appear interested.
  • T_C_E said:

    iainment said:

    There used to be a dog licence. 7 shillings and 6d. Never raised the price and then the govt said it costs more to raise than it brings in so scrap it.
    What they should do is bring it back at a rate that covers the cost of a proper dog warden service. And make people with dogs pass some sort of competency test.
    It's tragic that people are killed by uncontrolled and untrained dogs. As is the tragedy of innocent dogs being killed by untrained dogs.
    I don't believe that dogs are bad but what some people put them through is appalling and leads to dogs that only know violence to other dogs and to people that aren't what they consider part of their pack.

    I was visited by the dog warden yesterday. This particular person has 11 complaints against them and he has visited them 3 with references to the sh*t near to where live. They just deny it..... I have a written admission that they attacked my dogs yet to the police didn't appear interested.
    I feel for you but until the govt takes dog ownership seriously all sorts of shit will happen.
  • Just been listening to a really enjoyable crime podcast, however the two rather posh girls presenting it keep saying "like literally" ,two words that mean different things. It's making me want to switch off.
  • People that comment the following on stuff they find funny;

    'Oh my god I'm dead' - usually 16 year old girls

    'You sir, have won the internet today' - usually
    50 year old political freaks that thumb their bum over Corbyn

    'SCREAAMMINNNGGGG' - pretend ghetto children

    there is already a @DaveMehmet birthday thread.
  • Sponsored links:

  • She hasn’t put out yet then?
  • MrLargo said:

    I am currently on holiday with an American woman who I had a one night stand with in Mexico last year. She's messaged me quite persistently since that night and, despite being generally a cautious type, based on the fact that, as Rodney Trotter might say, she's got a body that makes Bo Derek a cert for plastic surgery, I agreed to her suggestion that we go on holiday together. I flew out to Mexico City on Monday, had three pleasant days wandering around on my own, and then flew over to Cancun today to meet her and head down to Playa Del Carmen to give Little Mr Largo 9 days of exercise.

    Anyway, if you've bothered to read this far then you're probably wondering what the general thing that annoys me is. Well after one evening which has incorporated one beer and a 50 minute walk round Walmart, I've already got a fairly lengthy list and just wanted to warn you all that there's likely to be a lengthy post on here on 26 May. Possibly earlier if I pluck up the courage to do a runner in the meantime.

    You know you've set yourself up for a day of People of Walmart pictures right?

  • Could have saved yourself a lot of money and gone to ASDA instead.
  • Computers.

    Links in to mental health too!
  • Went out for a family meal last night and my brother in law told me that he’d reserved his company’s box at Wembley for the play off final for my Birthday.

    That is such a nice gesture, and at the same time gutting. Feel quite sad for you DM.
  • Fumbluff said:

    FA cup finals not kicking off at 3pm.
    Arsehole TV companies

    Cannot even blame that wedding as it finished earlier
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  • Went out for a family meal last night and my brother in law told me that he’d reserved his company’s box at Wembley for the play off final for my Birthday.

    That is such a nice gesture, and at the same time gutting. Feel quite sad for you DM.
    Yeah, I was gutted. Half expected him to let me have a place in the box but not the whole 12 seats to choose who to take. Probably would have had to take @ricky_otto though so that’s one silver lining.
  • Went out for a family meal last night and my brother in law told me that he’d reserved his company’s box at Wembley for the play off final for my Birthday.

    That is such a nice gesture, and at the same time gutting. Feel quite sad for you DM.
    Yeah, I was gutted. Half expected him to let me have a place in the box but not the whole 12 seats to choose who to take. Probably would have had to take @ricky_otto though so that’s one silver lining.
    I’ve got a box at Wembley for the cup final today - feee beer, free food and brasses. I forgot to ask @DaveMehmet
  • MrLargo said:

    I am currently on holiday with an American woman who I had a one night stand with in Mexico last year. She's messaged me quite persistently since that night and, despite being generally a cautious type, based on the fact that, as Rodney Trotter might say, she's got a body that makes Bo Derek a cert for plastic surgery, I agreed to her suggestion that we go on holiday together. I flew out to Mexico City on Monday, had three pleasant days wandering around on my own, and then flew over to Cancun today to meet her and head down to Playa Del Carmen to give Little Mr Largo 9 days of exercise.

    Anyway, if you've bothered to read this far then you're probably wondering what the general thing that annoys me is. Well after one evening which has incorporated one beer and a 50 minute walk round Walmart, I've already got a fairly lengthy list and just wanted to warn you all that there's likely to be a lengthy post on here on 26 May. Possibly earlier if I pluck up the courage to do a runner in the meantime.

    You know you've set yourself up for a day of People of Walmart pictures right?

    Not going to happen.
    Mr L, has she let herself go in the intervening year?
  • edited May 2018
    Re. the state of the roads resembling a lunar landscape...
    Bus drivers who speed over humps and bumps, causing distress to passengers who have injuries and / or mobility issues. It's not a Stock Car race. It's a Public Service Vehicle, running to a timetable.
    Slow down, and look after your passengers.
  • edited May 2018
    MrLargo said:

    Just googled the People of Walmart thing. Wasn't aware of it before. Fortunately my holiday companion doesn't fall into that bracket, appearance-wise. However, in terms of personality, at this stage I would probably take a gamble on swapping her for that fat bird in the picture.

    There's no two ways about it, I've made a horrendous error of judgement. Admittedly, Little Mr Largo has had a productive couple of days, that novelty will inevitably wear off soon though.

    For those who aren't familiar with it, there's a long main strip in Playa del Carmen consisting of a combination of bars, restaurants and numerous shops that sell what I class as "shit".

    Turns out the Walmart trip was just a warm up. Yesterday, she bought two hats, 2 shawls, a lamp and some form of hideously tacky ornament that I can't even be bothered to describe. The 10 minute walk from the beach to our apartment took 2 and a half hours due to the amount of tat shops that we stopped in. Today, thank the Lord, I got a few hours freedom while she went to get her hair braided. She now looks like the lead singer from a white Aswad tribute band.She bought some sunglasses on the way back. She's getting her nails done on Monday. She's 39, surely she should know better than this.

    It's not just the shopping. She doesn't understand the concept of "going out drinking". The Americanisms are starting to grate - words like "cookies", "math", "pantyhose", "cute". I feel like I'm permanently listening to someone running their fingers down a blackboard. When she's not talking, my mind starts drifting towards escape plans - I could fabricate a scenario where I have to fly home urgently due to a family emergency. Or I could sneak off in the middle of the night while she's asleep. I could nip to the gents next time we're in a bar and never come back, or I could just literally run for it while we're walking down the street.

    She told me today, quite unashamedly, that she's got some sort of warrant out on her for driving under the influence at home in California. Last time I asked she just told me she was a legal secretary, she didn't mention she was a felon as well.

    I grew up in Sevenoaks, I'm normal, what am I doing here in this ridiculous situation?! I just want to be at home, complaining about South Eastern Trains and drinking Guinness. And I've still got a week of this to go! What a f#*king idiot I am!

    but at the end of the day you're getting your end away.....which I assume was the whole idea.

    or you could have stayed in the UK & gone down the Millers in Bexley instead.
  • George Clarke and his trustafarian hipster sidekick "Will"
  • MrLargo said:

    It's not just the shopping. She doesn't understand the concept of "going out drinking".

    I could put up with all the rest if she's as tasty as you say Mr L. But I would have to draw the line at this.

    To quote Monty Python: "Run away...".
  • Taggers.
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