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General things that Annoy you



  • american cars and their red indicators. makes it nearly impossible to see that they're signalling
  • Redskin said:

    One for you @TCE

    Waterproof trousers.

    No amount of snow makes these absolute monstrosities acceptable. I don't care if it's up to your waist. Never.

    Fast forward 30 years...

    'What are those, Canters?'
    'Waterproof trousers, perfect for this weather, keep me nice and dry. Must go, I've got a train to catch.'
    On the day this happens you have my permission to stick me in a home.
  • cabbles said:

    People talking about invoking the Dunkirk spirit because they’ve managed to get to work in the snow. Absolutely if you’re in public service of some sort, particularly front line services. Absolutely not if you’re private sector and videoing yourself for Linkedin

    I’m amazed at how some people can turn this weather into a call for acknowledgement and look at me behaviour

    This. Somebody in my team was acting like they had conquered Mount Everest in 20 mins - all they had done was get to Canary Wharf from Fulham on the tube.
    Weather drama queens.
    It a heavy frost out there.
  • Stig said:

    Tailgaters. They're bad enough in good weather, when it's icy though they are the ultimate chuffing morons.

    About an hour ago had someone overtake me. Was going about 23/24 in a 30, with parked cars both sides. Brain dead.
  • The French over sitting right on your bumper in all weathers
  • limeygent said:

    Fiiish said:

    Mums on Facebook

    ‘How do I stop my little boy from getting night terrors?’

    Ah yes, that’s the first place I’d head too if my child isn’t sleeping properly. Fuck seeking professional advice, or even an internet search engine. I know, ask on Facebook. The first reply comes in from Patsy from Erith who wisely contributes;

    ‘My mum always says don’t eat cheese or dairy products before bed, gives ya nightmares, dunno if that’s true or not lol xxx’

    So good luck with that, when in doubt, cut out the dairylea dunkers.

    To be fair... How many times do we all come on here asking for advise on random matters ;)
    Snake...highlights...long lost love in Blackpool...

    Yeah we are in no position to mock.
    Don’t forget the “air fryers”.
    One of my personal favourites was the plea for tips for getting limescale off the shower door from one of us (sadly can't remember who now). As their new girlfriend had promised a bit of carnal activity but not until the door was clean. Not sure we ever found out if it worked...
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  • cabbles said:

    People talking about invoking the Dunkirk spirit because they’ve managed to get to work in the snow. Absolutely if you’re in public service of some sort, particularly front line services. Absolutely not if you’re private sector and videoing yourself for Linkedin

    I’m amazed at how some people can turn this weather into a call for acknowledgement and look at me behaviour

    So you worked from home this week then?
  • Thinking I was Mrs free for the next week and Ryan Air cancelling her flight (Although got another flight and gotta get her there for 08:00 tomorrow morning, 3 hours away)
  • Naming weather

    "Beast from the East"
    "Hysterior from Syberia"

  • People who eat hamburgers with a knife & fork!
  • edited March 2018
    Someone posting a meme about the recent snowy weather, saying "The first person to complain that it's too hot in the summer, gets punched in the face!"

    Why? They're totally unrelated. It's like throwing a dinner party and giving everyone food poisoning because you undercooked everything. Then throwing another dinner party and burning everything - "First person to complain that it's burnt gets punched in the face!"
    Mate, just cook your damn food properly.
  • Thinking I was Mrs free for the next week and Ryan Air cancelling her flight (Although got another flight and gotta get her there for 08:00 tomorrow morning, 3 hours away)

    Which means you'll be shaking hands with the guv'nor of love by 11am
  • Working with an absolute bunch of snowflakes. Never brought into the argument that my generation are all snowflakes but I see it now. They all fucking work with me.

    Making a joke about my brother being a bit of a chubbs and getting accused of fat shaming. Ffs. He's my brother, we literally only speak to each other to take the piss out of each other. It's a joke chill love.

    Careful Canto, they walk amongst us
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  • edited March 2018

    Working with an absolute bunch of snowflakes. Never brought into the argument that my generation are all snowflakes but I see it now. They all fucking work with me.

    Making a joke about my brother being a bit of a chubbs and getting accused of fat shaming. Ffs. He's my brother, we literally only speak to each other to take the piss out of each other. It's a joke chill love. can't use that kind of language. She is not your love, duck,darling, babe or even precious. She is a women, the female of the species & equal to you on every level - apart from when she expects a bunch of flowers because she's feeling low, to hold the door open for her, for you to give up the seat on the train...........
  • Working with an absolute bunch of snowflakes. Never brought into the argument that my generation are all snowflakes but I see it now. They all fucking work with me.

    Making a joke about my brother being a bit of a chubbs and getting accused of fat shaming. Ffs. He's my brother, we literally only speak to each other to take the piss out of each other. It's a joke chill love. can't use that kind of language. She is not your love, duck,darling, babe or even precious. She is a women, the female of the species & equal to you on every level - apart from when she expects a bunch of flowers because she's feeling low, to hold the door open for her, for you to give up the seat on the train...........
    Whoa... You need to calm down too

    Cant hold the door open for them - Clear demonstration they need to rely on men for everything if they do!!
  • edited March 2018

    Working with an absolute bunch of snowflakes. Never brought into the argument that my generation are all snowflakes but I see it now. They all fucking work with me.

    Making a joke about my brother being a bit of a chubbs and getting accused of fat shaming. Ffs. He's my brother, we literally only speak to each other to take the piss out of each other. It's a joke chill love. can't use that kind of language. She is not your love, duck,darling, babe or even precious. She is a women, the female of the species & equal to you on every level - apart from when she expects a bunch of flowers because she's feeling low, to hold the door open for her, for you to give up the seat on the train...........
    Whoa... You need to calm down too

    Cant hold the door open for them - Clear demonstration they need to rely on men for everything if they do!!
    Although parking’s been granted an exemption.
  • Thinking I was Mrs free for the next week and Ryan Air cancelling her flight (Although got another flight and gotta get her there for 08:00 tomorrow morning, 3 hours away)

    Do let us know what you get up to ibs
  • People that feel the need to tell everyone when they’re having/had pie n mash.

    Unless they’re using rhyming slang.
  • Watching Dean Keily celebrate by jumping off the bench when Palace scores against United just now - not nice to see a Charlton hero turn into a Nigel .

    Got his comeuppance in the end...
  • Adobe Acrobat as the bog standard document application across business.

    It is fucking shit, barely works, copying text never works properly and there's no flexibility (e.g. if you only want to save down one page you cannot do it in the program itself). Normal keyboard shortcuts also don't work. Utterly pony piece of crap.
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