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General things that Annoy you



  • 1StevieG said:

    Fiiish said:

    The new London Bridge railway station. The layout is so mind-numbingly idiotic. What used to take 10 seconds from the platform to the street now takes about 3 minutes.

    If you were doing that journey in 10 seconds can I ask why you are not being picked for the Olympics?
    Get off at the front of the train. Go down escalator. On the street. Less than 50 metres. Easy.
  • Carter said:

    Mums on Facebook

    ‘How do I stop my little boy from getting night terrors?’

    Ah yes, that’s the first place I’d head too if my child isn’t sleeping properly. Fuck seeking professional advice, or even an internet search engine. I know, ask on Facebook. The first reply comes in from Patsy from Erith who wisely contributes;

    ‘My mum always says don’t eat cheese or dairy products before bed, gives ya nightmares, dunno if that’s true or not lol xxx’

    So good luck with that, when in doubt, cut out the dairylea dunkers.

    I've inboxed you

    sending hugs xxx
    I'm off out to get me nails done, we could share a bottle of Prosecco laters if I don't "brake" me neck in these heels. Take care chick xx
  • Mums on Facebook

    ‘How do I stop my little boy from getting night terrors?’

    Ah yes, that’s the first place I’d head too if my child isn’t sleeping properly. Fuck seeking professional advice, or even an internet search engine. I know, ask on Facebook. The first reply comes in from Patsy from Erith who wisely contributes;

    ‘My mum always says don’t eat cheese or dairy products before bed, gives ya nightmares, dunno if that’s true or not lol xxx’

    So good luck with that, when in doubt, cut out the dairylea dunkers.

    To be fair... How many times do we all come on here asking for advise on random matters ;)
    Snake...highlights...long lost love in Blackpool...

    Yeah we are in no position to mock.
  • Fiiish said:

    Mums on Facebook

    ‘How do I stop my little boy from getting night terrors?’

    Ah yes, that’s the first place I’d head too if my child isn’t sleeping properly. Fuck seeking professional advice, or even an internet search engine. I know, ask on Facebook. The first reply comes in from Patsy from Erith who wisely contributes;

    ‘My mum always says don’t eat cheese or dairy products before bed, gives ya nightmares, dunno if that’s true or not lol xxx’

    So good luck with that, when in doubt, cut out the dairylea dunkers.

    To be fair... How many times do we all come on here asking for advise on random matters ;)
    Snake...highlights...long lost love in Blackpool...

    Yeah we are in no position to mock.
    Don’t forget the “air fryers”.
  • The FA agreeing to a 2 week 'winter break' in February, which will be used by the big clubs as an excuse to go out to Asia and play a load of money spinning friendlies.

    Was always a matter of time...

    Dont worry it'll give England a better chance of winning the World Cup

    (Whilst the FA forget that the majority of the players at the World Cup will be from the Premier League!!)
  • ..and digital microscopes

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  • Mums on Facebook

    ‘How do I stop my little boy from getting night terrors?’

    Ah yes, that’s the first place I’d head too if my child isn’t sleeping properly. Fuck seeking professional advice, or even an internet search engine. I know, ask on Facebook. The first reply comes in from Patsy from Erith who wisely contributes;

    ‘My mum always says don’t eat cheese or dairy products before bed, gives ya nightmares, dunno if that’s true or not lol xxx’

    So good luck with that, when in doubt, cut out the dairylea dunkers.

    To be fair... How many times do we all come on here asking for advise on random matters ;)
    Totally different. Obviously we have a few real weirdos on here who's idea of a great day out is to travel on South Eastern Trains to a combined lunch and disco event with Katrien, Roland and Karel Fraeye where they get to spend the afternoon talking about what a rubbish manager Chris Powell was and how much nicer The Valley looks now that you can see all the seats properly on a matchday, but the vast majority of us are relatively normal.

    You can ask for advice about getting a new roof, changing your bank account, buying a new car or restarting an affair with an elderly hairdresser in Blackpool and the majority of responses will be either helpful or, at the least, entertaining.

    Try asking on Facebook for advice about how to appeal a parking ticket - within 10 minutes you'll have been labelled as a Trump-loving, racist Brexiteering homophobe.
  • MrLargo said:

    Mums on Facebook

    ‘How do I stop my little boy from getting night terrors?’

    Ah yes, that’s the first place I’d head too if my child isn’t sleeping properly. Fuck seeking professional advice, or even an internet search engine. I know, ask on Facebook. The first reply comes in from Patsy from Erith who wisely contributes;

    ‘My mum always says don’t eat cheese or dairy products before bed, gives ya nightmares, dunno if that’s true or not lol xxx’

    So good luck with that, when in doubt, cut out the dairylea dunkers.

    To be fair... How many times do we all come on here asking for advise on random matters ;)
    Totally different. Obviously we have a few real weirdos on here who's idea of a great day out is to travel on South Eastern Trains to a combined lunch and disco event with Katrien, Roland and Karel Fraeye where they get to spend the afternoon talking about what a rubbish manager Chris Powell was and how much nicer The Valley looks now that you can see all the seats properly on a matchday, but the vast majority of us are relatively normal.

    You can ask for advice about getting a new roof, changing your bank account, buying a new car or restarting an affair with an elderly hairdresser in Blackpool and the majority of responses will be either helpful or, at the least, entertaining.

    Try asking on Facebook for advice about how to appeal a parking ticket - within 10 minutes you'll have been labelled as a Trump-loving, racist Brexiteering homophobe.
    But what do the people who don't like you say Mr L?
  • Having it confirmed that we have to cut down 3 of our trees that, we've been reliably told, are over 150 years old and a load of smaller trees (at our expense), to make way for SFR to pull their fibre cable in, which they will no doubt fuck up and will make no difference at all to our internet service
  • MrLargo said:

    Mums on Facebook

    ‘How do I stop my little boy from getting night terrors?’

    Ah yes, that’s the first place I’d head too if my child isn’t sleeping properly. Fuck seeking professional advice, or even an internet search engine. I know, ask on Facebook. The first reply comes in from Patsy from Erith who wisely contributes;

    ‘My mum always says don’t eat cheese or dairy products before bed, gives ya nightmares, dunno if that’s true or not lol xxx’

    So good luck with that, when in doubt, cut out the dairylea dunkers.

    To be fair... How many times do we all come on here asking for advise on random matters ;)
    Totally different. Obviously we have a few real weirdos on here who's idea of a great day out is to travel on South Eastern Trains to a combined lunch and disco event with Katrien, Roland and Karel Fraeye where they get to spend the afternoon talking about what a rubbish manager Chris Powell was and how much nicer The Valley looks now that you can see all the seats properly on a matchday, but the vast majority of us are relatively normal.

    You can ask for advice about getting a new roof, changing your bank account, buying a new car or restarting an affair with an elderly hairdresser in Blackpool and the majority of responses will be either helpful or, at the least, entertaining.

    Try asking on Facebook for advice about how to appeal a parking ticket - within 10 minutes you'll have been labelled as a Trump-loving, racist Brexiteering homophobe.
    Ah, Mr Largo.
    Meet Mr Brexit thread.
  • Walking into a shelf THAT I PUT UP., big lump on my head.
  • People who make a point of telling you how many likes or comments they got on their Facebook posts, then criticise you for not commenting or liking their posts enough.

    My excuse that I won't have seen their inane Facebook postings because I likely unfollowed them probably did not help the situation.
  • People now posting in the same format as Trump tweets.

  • edited February 2018
    Scotland has a traffic jam on the M8 because of the snow and it makes the national news.

    The M25 is gummed up every day snow or no snow and nobody gives a toss....
  • To be fair Len, it is only when the south gets snow that that makes the news.
  • People who leave it until the day of bad weather to test their laptops work from home. It’s not like a surprise to most people that there might be issues getting to work.
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  • MrOneLung said:

    To be fair Len, it is only when the south gets snow that that makes the news.

    Except in this case, clearly... :smiley:
  • One for you @TCE

    Waterproof trousers.

    No amount of snow makes these absolute monstrosities acceptable. I don't care if it's up to your waist. Never.

  • MrLargo said:

    Moved house this week. 2 things annoyed me:

    1. My sofa is currently stranded at the top of the stairs in my flat as I can't it through an internal doorway without dismantling it.

    2. Trying and failing to dismantle my bed so that I could get it out of my old place, due to a number of the allen key threads being stripped (and therefore the allen key not able to grip sufficiently to unscrew them). After around 2 hours of trying to do what should have taken 20 minutes, at roughly 10.45pm last night I destroyed my bed with the assistance of a circular saw and an angle grinder and drove to my new home to sleep on a mattress on the floor.

    Reminds me of when we took a wardrobe from my In-Laws for the nursery... Didnt dismantle so just about got it in the back of my car to transport

    Getting it here was easy, getting it up the stairs was the fun part - Ended up having to take a window completely out so that we had the extra room to get it round the corner!!

    If ever we move house, the only way that wardrobe is going out is as firewood after being attached with a sledge hammer!!
  • Everyone getting loads of snow, but we're not getting any in Horsham.

    Bloody Sussex/Surrey borders
  • The fuss around West Brom from the BBC is really annoying me at the moment

    Just reading an article about who'll potentially go down and one BBC Commentator (Pearce) is saying that they should never have sacked Tony Pulis... Same on Saturday on MoTD, we had Alan Shearer saying that they should never have sacked Tony Pulis - I know its not the BBC who sacked him in the first place but they wrote enough bloody articles to put the thought in people's heads in the first place

    Its what annoys me about Punditry!!... They'll change their opinions with the way the wind blows; one week Guardiola is rubbish, next week Guardiola is the best thing since sliced bread etc. and the majority of Football Fans just seem to nod and agree with nearly everything that they come out with
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Roland Out Forever!