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General things that Annoy you



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    T_C_E said:

    When I'm walking my dogs on a bin day, the pavements aren't wide enough. ;)image

    I guess you could go on a diet.
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    T_C_E said:

    When I'm walking my dogs on a bin day, the pavements aren't wide enough. ;)image

    People who take up the whole pavement when walking their dogs ;)
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    T_C_E said:

    When I'm walking my dogs on a bin day, the pavements aren't wide enough. ;)image

    I guess you could go on a diet.
    Guess his bigger issue is where's his head gone?
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    T_C_E said:

    When I'm walking my dogs on a bin day, the pavements aren't wide enough. ;)image

    I guess you could go on a diet.
    Guess his bigger issue is where's his head gone?
    Same place as Jacko's legs.
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    Isn't it more that the channel (101 for example) is national while channel 1 is regional.
    So when the local news comes on and it says switch to 1 it's simply because they can't display different shows to the entire country on 101.

    Seems like it’s more about cost......
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    T_C_E said:

    When I'm walking my dogs on a bin day, the pavements aren't wide enough. ;)image

    I guess you could go on a diet.
    Guess his bigger issue is where's his head gone?
    He has deliberately cropped it out - didn’t want us to see his pink headphones. No doubt he was listening to Coldplay.
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    Give her something to be personally offended by @cantersaddick
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    2nd thing. The right bitch in my team. For background, I have been in my currwnt role more than 6 months and previously had done a year there before returning to uni. I'm the most experienced (and capable) person in the team below management level. So I get given quite a lot of responsibility and lead on some high profile projects.

    This particular lady is 10 years older than me has come straight from academia and this is her first proper job. She's been in the role less than 2 months and she's not picking things up that quickly. She does however talk a good game and bugs herself up. She hates the fact that I have responsibility for stuff and line manage someone else in the team. She got angry when she was asked (by her manager) to assist on one of my projects she said something like I shouldn't have to work for some 22 year old kid who's not that qualified and a whole lot more in her rant in front of me. This despite the fact that she was useless at the work and I had to spend large chucks of a week at her desk working it through with her.

    When it was put to her that I was leading on the project because I had worked on it before I had experience of the project and subject area I knew the customer and stakeholders etc etc. Her reply was "I have experience, I have a PHD you know". For fucks sake what do you say to these people.

    Since then no matter how friendly I try and be she is always angry at me. She's angry that I was asked to be our teams rep on an IT change committee as we are discussing new IT kit. She is annoyed she didn't get a chance to do it even though I had the role before she joined. She has no experience of IT and can't even set up her own computer she asks someone for help every few days. I however spend 3 summer's working in IT whilst a 6th form/uni.

    How do you deal with these people.
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    Sounds like you need to open a window on the top floor of the building @CantersAddick and drop kick her out of it!!... Dont get me wrong, I'm personally of the opinion that I'd prefer to go down the route of going straight into work rather than losing three years at University, and think that the latter can be over-rated in terms of being favoured for jobs.

    Yet ultimately age should be no bloody barrier... Just because your 10-years senior in life means squat - If anything it means that person has probably seen more things than me but dont mean they're bloody smarter
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    What’s her PhD in? And is she fit?
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    One thing that people from academic backgrounds don't always realise is that their experience sets them up for working in academia and basically nothing else. Working with them from a commercial perspective can't be a royal pain in the aris
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    2nd thing. The right bitch in my team. For background, I have been in my currwnt role more than 6 months and previously had done a year there before returning to uni. I'm the most experienced (and capable) person in the team below management level. So I get given quite a lot of responsibility and lead on some high profile projects.

    This particular lady is 10 years older than me has come straight from academia and this is her first proper job. She's been in the role less than 2 months and she's not picking things up that quickly. She does however talk a good game and bugs herself up. She hates the fact that I have responsibility for stuff and line manage someone else in the team. She got angry when she was asked (by her manager) to assist on one of my projects she said something like I shouldn't have to work for some 22 year old kid who's not that qualified and a whole lot more in her rant in front of me. This despite the fact that she was useless at the work and I had to spend large chucks of a week at her desk working it through with her.

    When it was put to her that I was leading on the project because I had worked on it before I had experience of the project and subject area I knew the customer and stakeholders etc etc. Her reply was "I have experience, I have a PHD you know". For fucks sake what do you say to these people.

    Since then no matter how friendly I try and be she is always angry at me. She's angry that I was asked to be our teams rep on an IT change committee as we are discussing new IT kit. She is annoyed she didn't get a chance to do it even though I had the role before she joined. She has no experience of IT and can't even set up her own computer she asks someone for help every few days. I however spend 3 summer's working in IT whilst a 6th form/uni.

    How do you deal with these people.

    Just push her over.
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    The use of the word 'team' when referring to work colleagues.
    Unless you work for a sports team, then that's ok.
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    2nd thing. The right bitch in my team. For background, I have been in my currwnt role more than 6 months and previously had done a year there before returning to uni. I'm the most experienced (and capable) person in the team below management level. So I get given quite a lot of responsibility and lead on some high profile projects.

    This particular lady is 10 years older than me has come straight from academia and this is her first proper job. She's been in the role less than 2 months and she's not picking things up that quickly. She does however talk a good game and bugs herself up. She hates the fact that I have responsibility for stuff and line manage someone else in the team. She got angry when she was asked (by her manager) to assist on one of my projects she said something like I shouldn't have to work for some 22 year old kid who's not that qualified and a whole lot more in her rant in front of me. This despite the fact that she was useless at the work and I had to spend large chucks of a week at her desk working it through with her.

    When it was put to her that I was leading on the project because I had worked on it before I had experience of the project and subject area I knew the customer and stakeholders etc etc. Her reply was "I have experience, I have a PHD you know". For fucks sake what do you say to these people.

    Since then no matter how friendly I try and be she is always angry at me. She's angry that I was asked to be our teams rep on an IT change committee as we are discussing new IT kit. She is annoyed she didn't get a chance to do it even though I had the role before she joined. She has no experience of IT and can't even set up her own computer she asks someone for help every few days. I however spend 3 summer's working in IT whilst a 6th form/uni.

    How do you deal with these people.

    Make a diary of her bullying (which is what it is) for a couple of weeks, along with notes on the extra help she has needed because of her inexperience, and take it to your boss and ask him to have another word with her. Hopefully he will value you more than her and give her the alternative of leaving if she is unable to work with someone because of her ageism?
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    T_C_E said:

    When I'm walking my dogs on a bin day, the pavements aren't wide enough. ;)image

    I guess you could go on a diet.
    Guess his bigger issue is where's his head gone?
    He has deliberately cropped it out - didn’t want us to see his pink headphones. No doubt he was listening to Coldplay.
    I didn't want people upsetting themselves and making themselves ill over the fact I was wearing a baseball cap and sunglasses at my age. And for the record I'm now listening to a collection of Paul Weller stuff I always liked him in his Leicester days. ;)
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    Sounds like you need to open a window on the top floor of the building @CantersAddick and drop kick her out of it!!... Dont get me wrong, I'm personally of the opinion that I'd prefer to go down the route of going straight into work rather than losing three years at University, and think that the latter can be over-rated in terms of being favoured for jobs.

    Yet ultimately age should be no bloody barrier... Just because your 10-years senior in life means squat - If anything it means that person has probably seen more things than me but dont mean they're bloody smarter

    I feel like it sometimes. She may well be smarter than me. A physics PHD is pretty tough. But I have a degree which is the requirement for this job and I've been here longer. It doesnt make her any better at her job than I am and she is less experienced. She has even said she thinks she should be earning higher than me and what everyone else on the grad scheme does because she has a PHD citing friends who did a PHD and earn more in other organisations doing different jobs. This obsession with being paid more is quite ironic since she is a militant Marxist.
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    2nd thing. The right bitch in my team. For background, I have been in my currwnt role more than 6 months and previously had done a year there before returning to uni. I'm the most experienced (and capable) person in the team below management level. So I get given quite a lot of responsibility and lead on some high profile projects.

    This particular lady is 10 years older than me has come straight from academia and this is her first proper job. She's been in the role less than 2 months and she's not picking things up that quickly. She does however talk a good game and bugs herself up. She hates the fact that I have responsibility for stuff and line manage someone else in the team. She got angry when she was asked (by her manager) to assist on one of my projects she said something like I shouldn't have to work for some 22 year old kid who's not that qualified and a whole lot more in her rant in front of me. This despite the fact that she was useless at the work and I had to spend large chucks of a week at her desk working it through with her.

    When it was put to her that I was leading on the project because I had worked on it before I had experience of the project and subject area I knew the customer and stakeholders etc etc. Her reply was "I have experience, I have a PHD you know". For fucks sake what do you say to these people.

    Since then no matter how friendly I try and be she is always angry at me. She's angry that I was asked to be our teams rep on an IT change committee as we are discussing new IT kit. She is annoyed she didn't get a chance to do it even though I had the role before she joined. She has no experience of IT and can't even set up her own computer she asks someone for help every few days. I however spend 3 summer's working in IT whilst a 6th form/uni.

    How do you deal with these people.

    Make a diary of her bullying (which is what it is) for a couple of weeks, along with notes on the extra help she has needed because of her inexperience, and take it to your boss and ask him to have another word with her. Hopefully he will value you more than her and give her the alternative of leaving if she is unable to work with someone because of her ageism?
    To be honest I don't think it calls for this. Besides being annoying it doesn't bother me that much. I find it more funny that someone could be so ridiculous. I'm hoping she will just get over it in time.
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    If she's not good at her job and constantly makes mistakes there is definitely no need to raise it with your boss - People like that always get found out eventually and will slowly be manouvered out the Business
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    If she's not good at her job and constantly makes mistakes there is definitely no need to raise it with your boss - People like that always get found out eventually and will slowly be manouvered out the Business

    She's not necessarily bad. She's just not been here very long and it takes people time to get up to speed. I thibk she will get there if a bit slowly and become very good shes just not there yet. She does however expect to be in charge of everything and given responsibility because of her PHD.
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    2nd thing. The right bitch in my team. For background, I have been in my currwnt role more than 6 months and previously had done a year there before returning to uni. I'm the most experienced (and capable) person in the team below management level. So I get given quite a lot of responsibility and lead on some high profile projects.

    This particular lady is 10 years older than me has come straight from academia and this is her first proper job. She's been in the role less than 2 months and she's not picking things up that quickly. She does however talk a good game and bugs herself up. She hates the fact that I have responsibility for stuff and line manage someone else in the team. She got angry when she was asked (by her manager) to assist on one of my projects she said something like I shouldn't have to work for some 22 year old kid who's not that qualified and a whole lot more in her rant in front of me. This despite the fact that she was useless at the work and I had to spend large chucks of a week at her desk working it through with her.

    When it was put to her that I was leading on the project because I had worked on it before I had experience of the project and subject area I knew the customer and stakeholders etc etc. Her reply was "I have experience, I have a PHD you know". For fucks sake what do you say to these people.

    Since then no matter how friendly I try and be she is always angry at me. She's angry that I was asked to be our teams rep on an IT change committee as we are discussing new IT kit. She is annoyed she didn't get a chance to do it even though I had the role before she joined. She has no experience of IT and can't even set up her own computer she asks someone for help every few days. I however spend 3 summer's working in IT whilst a 6th form/uni.

    How do you deal with these people.

    is she aware of this? I think some of us would also be guilty of questioning a 22 year olds experience but THREE SUMMERS WORKING IN IT? I, I'd make you MD
    Funny. I think the point was perfectly clear. My day job is nothing to do wirh IT bit we have a working group to discuss upgrading our IT kit and it's a voluntary role I do on the side becaise I was asked to and have some knowledge of it. She's getting arsey about it.
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    edited January 2018

    2nd thing. The right bitch in my team. For background, I have been in my currwnt role more than 6 months and previously had done a year there before returning to uni. I'm the most experienced (and capable) person in the team below management level. So I get given quite a lot of responsibility and lead on some high profile projects.

    This particular lady is 10 years older than me has come straight from academia and this is her first proper job. She's been in the role less than 2 months and she's not picking things up that quickly. She does however talk a good game and bugs herself up. She hates the fact that I have responsibility for stuff and line manage someone else in the team. She got angry when she was asked (by her manager) to assist on one of my projects she said something like I shouldn't have to work for some 22 year old kid who's not that qualified and a whole lot more in her rant in front of me. This despite the fact that she was useless at the work and I had to spend large chucks of a week at her desk working it through with her.

    When it was put to her that I was leading on the project because I had worked on it before I had experience of the project and subject area I knew the customer and stakeholders etc etc. Her reply was "I have experience, I have a PHD you know". For fucks sake what do you say to these people.

    Since then no matter how friendly I try and be she is always angry at me. She's angry that I was asked to be our teams rep on an IT change committee as we are discussing new IT kit. She is annoyed she didn't get a chance to do it even though I had the role before she joined. She has no experience of IT and can't even set up her own computer she asks someone for help every few days. I however spend 3 summer's working in IT whilst a 6th form/uni.

    How do you deal with these people.

    You get a lot of people that feel entitled to jobs because they have been through Uni or beyond that gone on to get a PHD.

    Once they arrive in the working world, they soon realise everything they have learnt at University, though beneficial at times is often not relevant to the real world work they go on to do. (unless they are practising in their field).

    As Dave says, ask your boss to let her run a project. Ask that you are not put on the project.

    That way you cannot assist her, she can not use your experience to take all the glory, and if she fails she takes the fall.

    Finally remember she felt fine to try to make you feel small, inadequate and irrelevant in the workplace by bringing your age up as a reason she didn't want to work under you.

    Because of that I'd also file a complaint with HR regarding her ageist behaviour towards you, your boss witnessed it and therefore cannot deny it.

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    edited January 2018
    If all else fails, tell her you have a PHD (Kanye style), whip it out and bang her, should help reduce her stress levels at very least... If @DaveMehmet wasn't going to say it, someone had to!
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