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General things that Annoy you



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    buckshee said:

    Fiiish said:

    buckshee said:

    Fiiish said:

    The ordeal I go through every 2 years when I switch mobile provider.

    Call up my current provider. Ask for a PAC. Get transferred to a junior retention team member who spends 20 minutes insisting why their network is better whilst you demand to be given a PAC. Then you get transferred to a senior retention team member who does the same thing, then finally relinquishes the PAC.

    Also the call centre is based in Mumbai so the phone line quality is awful and they have incredibly strong accents.

    People that still throw money away by buying a phone on contract.
    As opposed to what? Buying it outright? Literally do not know a single person who doesn't have a contract apart from those who use their phone so little there is no point being on anything other than PAYG.

    Besides, like almost every other form of contract, you save money by switching provider at the end of your contract, almost no provider offers discounts to existing customers unless you threaten to leave (my current provider in fact offered to more than half my current deal but I was still getting a better deal by moving).
    No , you save money by not buying a phone on contract. Even Apple offer iPhones interest free now.
    Doing a calculation of how much my new handset costs brand new and the cost of a SIM-only deal compared to what deal I've bagged this week, I'm actually saving well over a ton going on contract. Not saying you're wrong but your experience definitely differs from mine. It's a total minefield.
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    arsenal football club and there pathetic fans - had the misfortune of accompanying the Mrs there yesterday ( yes up the ars ), and my god some of the fans there are just a joke that coupled with the amount of tourists there, selfie sticks galore. ridiculous ques for everything. the arsenal fans singing to burnley " your just a small team in blackburn " which was then replied with "sit down in your library" which actually did shut them up, the gobby oaf next to me that didnt leave off all game with you northern cnuts, tramps etc, whilst standing derby hanging over his tracksuit bottoms etc. only had to go cos her mate let her down - hopefully never again.

    On par with Newcastle as far as delusional fans are concerned
    i agree very arrogant fans
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    buckshee said:

    Fiiish said:

    buckshee said:

    Fiiish said:

    The ordeal I go through every 2 years when I switch mobile provider.

    Call up my current provider. Ask for a PAC. Get transferred to a junior retention team member who spends 20 minutes insisting why their network is better whilst you demand to be given a PAC. Then you get transferred to a senior retention team member who does the same thing, then finally relinquishes the PAC.

    Also the call centre is based in Mumbai so the phone line quality is awful and they have incredibly strong accents.

    People that still throw money away by buying a phone on contract.
    As opposed to what? Buying it outright? Literally do not know a single person who doesn't have a contract apart from those who use their phone so little there is no point being on anything other than PAYG.

    Besides, like almost every other form of contract, you save money by switching provider at the end of your contract, almost no provider offers discounts to existing customers unless you threaten to leave (my current provider in fact offered to more than half my current deal but I was still getting a better deal by moving).
    No , you save money by not buying a phone on contract. Even Apple offer iPhones interest free now.
    How I can't work that out?
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    Fiiish said:

    buckshee said:

    Fiiish said:

    buckshee said:

    Fiiish said:

    The ordeal I go through every 2 years when I switch mobile provider.

    Call up my current provider. Ask for a PAC. Get transferred to a junior retention team member who spends 20 minutes insisting why their network is better whilst you demand to be given a PAC. Then you get transferred to a senior retention team member who does the same thing, then finally relinquishes the PAC.

    Also the call centre is based in Mumbai so the phone line quality is awful and they have incredibly strong accents.

    People that still throw money away by buying a phone on contract.
    As opposed to what? Buying it outright? Literally do not know a single person who doesn't have a contract apart from those who use their phone so little there is no point being on anything other than PAYG.

    Besides, like almost every other form of contract, you save money by switching provider at the end of your contract, almost no provider offers discounts to existing customers unless you threaten to leave (my current provider in fact offered to more than half my current deal but I was still getting a better deal by moving).
    No , you save money by not buying a phone on contract. Even Apple offer iPhones interest free now.
    Doing a calculation of how much my new handset costs brand new and the cost of a SIM-only deal compared to what deal I've bagged this week, I'm actually saving well over a ton going on contract. Not saying you're wrong but your experience definitely differs from mine. It's a total minefield.
    I looked into this a while back and found exactly what you have just said.
    But next time round it will be a sim only for me.
    I'm not having a new iPhone 7 or whatever it will be then, my old one will suffice. Its been in a Lifeproof case from day 1. It looks a bit of a brick with the case but these new phones are getting so big now it don't make much difference.

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    Fiiish said:

    buckshee said:

    Fiiish said:

    buckshee said:

    Fiiish said:

    The ordeal I go through every 2 years when I switch mobile provider.

    Call up my current provider. Ask for a PAC. Get transferred to a junior retention team member who spends 20 minutes insisting why their network is better whilst you demand to be given a PAC. Then you get transferred to a senior retention team member who does the same thing, then finally relinquishes the PAC.

    Also the call centre is based in Mumbai so the phone line quality is awful and they have incredibly strong accents.

    People that still throw money away by buying a phone on contract.
    As opposed to what? Buying it outright? Literally do not know a single person who doesn't have a contract apart from those who use their phone so little there is no point being on anything other than PAYG.

    Besides, like almost every other form of contract, you save money by switching provider at the end of your contract, almost no provider offers discounts to existing customers unless you threaten to leave (my current provider in fact offered to more than half my current deal but I was still getting a better deal by moving).
    No , you save money by not buying a phone on contract. Even Apple offer iPhones interest free now.
    Doing a calculation of how much my new handset costs brand new and the cost of a SIM-only deal compared to what deal I've bagged this week, I'm actually saving well over a ton going on contract. Not saying you're wrong but your experience definitely differs from mine. It's a total minefield.
    I looked into this a while back and found exactly what you have just said.
    But next time round it will be a sim only for me.
    I'm not having a new iPhone 7 or whatever it will be then, my old one will suffice. Its been in a Lifeproof case from day 1. It looks a bit of a brick with the case but these new phones are getting so big now it don't make much difference.

    I'm not getting a top of the range handset which helps. The iPhone is overpriced for what it is anyway (same with all Apple stuff). Maybe 5 or 10 years ago buying handset and SIM separately was usually cheaper but nowadays that's not the case wherever I shop.

    Anyway, things that annoy me: total strangers telling me I'm throwing my money away and getting a bad deal when they have no idea what I'm buying and for how much!
  • Options
    Fiiish said:

    Fiiish said:

    buckshee said:

    Fiiish said:

    buckshee said:

    Fiiish said:

    The ordeal I go through every 2 years when I switch mobile provider.

    Call up my current provider. Ask for a PAC. Get transferred to a junior retention team member who spends 20 minutes insisting why their network is better whilst you demand to be given a PAC. Then you get transferred to a senior retention team member who does the same thing, then finally relinquishes the PAC.

    Also the call centre is based in Mumbai so the phone line quality is awful and they have incredibly strong accents.

    People that still throw money away by buying a phone on contract.
    As opposed to what? Buying it outright? Literally do not know a single person who doesn't have a contract apart from those who use their phone so little there is no point being on anything other than PAYG.

    Besides, like almost every other form of contract, you save money by switching provider at the end of your contract, almost no provider offers discounts to existing customers unless you threaten to leave (my current provider in fact offered to more than half my current deal but I was still getting a better deal by moving).
    No , you save money by not buying a phone on contract. Even Apple offer iPhones interest free now.
    Doing a calculation of how much my new handset costs brand new and the cost of a SIM-only deal compared to what deal I've bagged this week, I'm actually saving well over a ton going on contract. Not saying you're wrong but your experience definitely differs from mine. It's a total minefield.
    I looked into this a while back and found exactly what you have just said.
    But next time round it will be a sim only for me.
    I'm not having a new iPhone 7 or whatever it will be then, my old one will suffice. Its been in a Lifeproof case from day 1. It looks a bit of a brick with the case but these new phones are getting so big now it don't make much difference.

    I'm not getting a top of the range handset which helps. The iPhone is overpriced for what it is anyway (same with all Apple stuff). Maybe 5 or 10 years ago buying handset and SIM separately was usually cheaper but nowadays that's not the case wherever I shop.

    Anyway, things that annoy me: total strangers telling me I'm throwing my money away and getting a bad deal when they have no idea what I'm buying and for how much!
    Blimey , go and change your tampon misery guts.
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    edited January 2017
    Girls that go for the whole "short hair" look - often combined with a pale face. There's a girl in my office who has it, and it annoys me that she looks so good like it.

    A pale face and hair like that should mean she's mortally ill FFS, not an untamed little fitty. (and you know full well that with that kind of confidence she's going to be pure unadulterated filth.)
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    Parents who drive their kids to school and the school is 400 yards from their home, especially when they drive in those 4x4s and bully other drivers.
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    Fiiish said:

    Fiiish said:

    buckshee said:

    Fiiish said:

    buckshee said:

    Fiiish said:

    The ordeal I go through every 2 years when I switch mobile provider.

    Call up my current provider. Ask for a PAC. Get transferred to a junior retention team member who spends 20 minutes insisting why their network is better whilst you demand to be given a PAC. Then you get transferred to a senior retention team member who does the same thing, then finally relinquishes the PAC.

    Also the call centre is based in Mumbai so the phone line quality is awful and they have incredibly strong accents.

    People that still throw money away by buying a phone on contract.
    As opposed to what? Buying it outright? Literally do not know a single person who doesn't have a contract apart from those who use their phone so little there is no point being on anything other than PAYG.

    Besides, like almost every other form of contract, you save money by switching provider at the end of your contract, almost no provider offers discounts to existing customers unless you threaten to leave (my current provider in fact offered to more than half my current deal but I was still getting a better deal by moving).
    No , you save money by not buying a phone on contract. Even Apple offer iPhones interest free now.
    Doing a calculation of how much my new handset costs brand new and the cost of a SIM-only deal compared to what deal I've bagged this week, I'm actually saving well over a ton going on contract. Not saying you're wrong but your experience definitely differs from mine. It's a total minefield.
    I looked into this a while back and found exactly what you have just said.
    But next time round it will be a sim only for me.
    I'm not having a new iPhone 7 or whatever it will be then, my old one will suffice. Its been in a Lifeproof case from day 1. It looks a bit of a brick with the case but these new phones are getting so big now it don't make much difference.

    I'm not getting a top of the range handset which helps. The iPhone is overpriced for what it is anyway (same with all Apple stuff). Maybe 5 or 10 years ago buying handset and SIM separately was usually cheaper but nowadays that's not the case wherever I shop.

    Anyway, things that annoy me: total strangers telling me I'm throwing my money away and getting a bad deal when they have no idea what I'm buying and for how much!
    Wait until you get to my age, they'll be telling you how to dress as well. ;)
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    cabbles said:

    Just caught a bit of the build up to the coppa Italia game on sky whilst in the gym. Fucking cliched footballers with massive headphones on. Can they be anymore conforming to the stereotype - I can't stand it

    Be great one day just to see one of them browsing the new scientist or the economist.

    You can guarantee that the majority are listening to some hip hop and r'n'b as well the melons

    Graeme Le Saux used to read a broadsheet at Chelsea, some of the other players thought it was something to laugh at.
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    Parents who drive their kids to school and the school is 400 yards from their home, especially when they drive in those 4x4s and bully other drivers.

    And park on double fucking yellows without a care in the world while they wait for their little darlings and block the road for those that want get somewhere. Council would make a killing if they had a traffic warden in the area.
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    I used to live next to a junior school, never again. I used to work on shift and came home at 3pm every other week and outside my house were yellow zig zag lines, and yet they parked at the bottom of my drive. I caught one parking one day and I leaned out of my window and asked do you know what those lines mean, she said yes of course but I am just picking up my daughter. When I said I wanted to get onto my drive, she said she will not be long. By this time I had cars and a bus behind me, so I told her, if she did not move, nor will I, and she will hold all the traffic up. I will not repeat her language, but she let me know I was being unfair making her move her car. I watched when she left with her daughter and she lived about 400 yards down the bottom of the road.
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    cabbles said:

    Just caught a bit of the build up to the coppa Italia game on sky whilst in the gym. Fucking cliched footballers with massive headphones on. Can they be anymore conforming to the stereotype - I can't stand it

    Be great one day just to see one of them browsing the new scientist or the economist.

    You can guarantee that the majority are listening to some hip hop and r'n'b as well the melons

    Graeme Le Saux used to read a broadsheet at Chelsea, some of the other players thought it was something to laugh at.
    Mate, a footballer with a GCSE is normally christened as 'the professor' Graeme Le Saux, the football community decided, was gay because he had an interest in the arts and current affairs
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    When a question is asked, For example - Which do you prefer A or B? Then somebody responds C.

    If C was an option the question would have been - which do you prefer A, B or C?

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    People who embrace the term they "don't suffer fools" to excuse their insufferable arrogance and intolerance
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    When someone pulls out on me at the last minute and then goes at a slower speed than the limit.

    i.e. Was driving along at 50mph the other day (as per the Speed Limit) and this car pulled out in front of me, made a huge speeding effort to do it meaning I had to brake hard yet he then decided to go along at 40mph!!
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    The immature attitude from many CharltonLife members, it really is childish you know

    You'd never catch me stooping to such levels!!
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    When someone pulls out on me at the last minute and then goes at a slower speed than the limit.

    i.e. Was driving along at 50mph the other day (as per the Speed Limit) and this car pulled out in front of me, made a huge speeding effort to do it meaning I had to brake hard yet he then decided to go along at 40mph!!

    When you're doing 110mph on the motorway and some clown pulls out in front of you and insists on trundling along at 80
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    People that moan about a photo saying its only a good image because its gone through hours of editing in PS or Lightroom.

    There is only so much that can be done with either piece of Software, the initial photo still has to be of good quality to get through the editing whilst the skill with the software is impressive in its own right (I cant do the latter!!)

    Plus its another form of art and would be like moaning about a painting that has had colour added after the initial sketch!!

    I agree completely with that one.

    I used to be part of a community that bordered on photography, and the amount of snobbery over processing was ridiculous. Essentially if it looked digitally altered* then you'd attract lots of negative attention. This completely ignored the actual effort spent on composition and alignment.

    *Don't get me wrong, too much HDR and stuff can look naff... in my opinion. On the other hand, depending upon the subject it can often bring out some interesting characteristics. A great example is industrial machinery, go overboard on the HDR and suddenly you have quite a futuristic/sci-fi like photo.
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    edited January 2017
    LuckyReds said:

    People that moan about a photo saying its only a good image because its gone through hours of editing in PS or Lightroom.

    There is only so much that can be done with either piece of Software, the initial photo still has to be of good quality to get through the editing whilst the skill with the software is impressive in its own right (I cant do the latter!!)

    Plus its another form of art and would be like moaning about a painting that has had colour added after the initial sketch!!

    I agree completely with that one.

    I used to be part of a community that bordered on photography, and the amount of snobbery over processing was ridiculous. Essentially if it looked digitally altered* then you'd attract lots of negative attention. This completely ignored the actual effort spent on composition and alignment.

    *Don't get me wrong, too much HDR and stuff can look naff... in my opinion. On the other hand, depending upon the subject it can often bring out some interesting characteristics. A great example is industrial machinery, go overboard on the HDR and suddenly you have quite a futuristic/sci-fi like photo.
    I think the only photos that should MAYBE get criticsed are the ones where a photo is digitally edited in the sense of a mountain being placed behind the Valley when of course its London and the only mountains are going to be the mountains of flats.

    But still; that person is just creating their own world in that respect and should be applauded for their creativity if they can pull it off
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    Today. Today has really annoyed me.
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    Trains that delayed or cancelled then the one you get on is shorter than it should be in rush hour and then being squashed in like sardines and with the heater on full.
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