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Talk Sport - Jim White (ed. Page 21 - Grapevine destroys Roland)



  • edited October 2018
    Croydon said:

    He looks like something out of a Haunted House. A creepy butler or something.

    Roland in the creepy 'The Laurel-Hardy Murder Case' (1930)

    Quote: 'I hope you have a nice lonnngggg sleep.' (Uncanny)

  • The communication “apology” is presumably a precursor to the usual nonsense about how the majority of fans were misled by CARD, Powell, Varney etc,and was also the fault of the staff giving him and Meire bad advice. That’s his usual mantra.

    It won’t be his fault. It never is.

    Well no doubt.

    Wonder if he'll also tell JW that if it hadn't been for the fans he would have led us to the Premier League?
  • Is this RD realising that he’s completely F***ked and look as if he’s going to have to continue to fund more seasons - as a takeover deal is completely off the table/his demands are too high?

    Seems very desperate to firstly talk to Jim white , but to also appologise etc
  • Was this ‘apology’ actually aired or what Jim reported as what he said? I bet in the context of the whole interview it won’t seem like an apology at all.
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  • Well I am happy to hold my hands up and say ok Roland you have won, you are better than me, richer than me and have a bigger dick than me.

    I boycott and am told to support the team, I protest and am told it effects the team, I dont know what to do now, how about we agree your the best and then you can sell, I can crawl back from under my miserable rock and watch the irrelevant side you never cared about anyway once you have gone.
  • WSA said:
    What a great guy, so misunderstood.
  • Obviously its well beyond that now, but there was a campaign called spell it out in black and white, old uncle Roley is perhaps latching on to that?

    He also appears to be admitting to failure, well nearly, he's never done failure of course. He's also actually displaying empathy, both are new to him we feel. Is he having an Epiphany here or is he actually just listening to his PR(s) ? Or maybe even the FF :smile:

    It doesn't really change much as he's basically accepting he's not cut out for the job. It's tragic really particularly after recent events, and the sad demise of an owner who has been a great example of what an enlightened billionaire owner can achieve albeit after spending a huge amount.

    If the communication and execution had been better would we have bought in? Perhaps, perhaps not, but ultimately success is the name of the game and RD's strategy was flawed in so many ways and he failed on all fronts. Personally I was never happy with the Network idea from the start.

    I do think it's a shame to continue boycotting though, he's going now and the only people hurting from that are ourselves including some of the fine CL members above.
  • ‘He’s going now’? Like he’s been going since he first instructed people to find buyers over two years ago. If he wanted to he could go tomorrow. But he won’t. The blokes a grade A shitweasal. Just fuck off you senile old scroat.

    Yes but he is going, you cant really doubt it, and whatever we say it will be on his terms. So why punish ourselves, and risk the club and its support dying off even further?
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  • I am beginning to think I may have misjudged Roland.

    Maybe he is not the deluded sociopath who has ripped the heart and soul out of a proud football club and allowed his incompetent sycophants to lead it into a chaos, conflict, humiliation and League One mid table obscurity, after all.

    I can see now that perhaps this wasn't just a disastrous half baked social experiment that failed tragically from day one, it was more of a sort of minor communications error.

    In fact, I think the entire four years of abject shame and misery might be the fault of that Tom Rubinstein bloke in PR and not Roland's fault at all.

  • Very different tune to the one he was humming in recorded, face-to-face chats with our own fans.
  • So Roland is a spanner, never his fault.
  • razil said:

    ‘He’s going now’? Like he’s been going since he first instructed people to find buyers over two years ago. If he wanted to he could go tomorrow. But he won’t. The blokes a grade A shitweasal. Just fuck off you senile old scroat.

    Yes but he is going, you cant really doubt it, and whatever we say it will be on his terms. So why punish ourselves, and risk the club and its support dying off even further?
    Disappointing stance from a Trust board member
    But not surprising.
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Roland Out Forever!