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Savings and Investments thread



  • IdleHans said:
    Dow up almost 500pts. Surely will finish higher today
    6:40 pm Dow down 60 odds points, think you can say that it’s a bit volatile at the moment about a 600 point swing in 100 minutes. But there’s still time for you to be correct😀.
  • I’m out
  • I’m out
    Biggest mistake of your life 
  • I’m out
    Biggest mistake of your life 
    Oh no not again
  • @jacob_CAFC  I may regret this, but I am interested to learn whether and why you are serious about this. Inevitably my questions are laced with scepticism, but perhaps you'll forgive me that,  as the originator of this thread, which discusses Savings and Investments. Here goes:

    1. What is it? As far as I can tell, it is the digital equivalent of a poster of George Best which many teens had on their bedroom walls. Correct?

    2. What tangible form does it take when you buy it? Do you whack it into iPhoto and have it as your lockscreen photo? Can you display it on multiple devices? 

    3. How do you buy it? From whom exactly? Apart from Luke Shaw, who are the people receiving income from this exercise? Where can I find out information about them (as I can about the directors of any company I've invested in) ?

    4. Why would anyone other than Man U fans or someone inexplicably fascinated by Luke Shaw want to display this in their home? (if you own a piece of art, you want to display it to all and sundry)

    5. Presumably as you've called it an investment, you expect its value to rise. What do you suppose would be its value if Luke Shaw suffers an ACL, is out for a year and comes back a yard short of pace and drifts down the leagues?  Or if he fails a dope test? Or is convicted of involvement in fraud?

    Like I said, I'm sceptical, but as a retired marketeer I'm always curious to understand why people spend money on things.
  • @jacob_CAFC  I may regret this, but I am interested to learn whether and why you are serious about this. Inevitably my questions are laced with scepticism, but perhaps you'll forgive me that,  as the originator of this thread, which discusses Savings and Investments. Here goes:

    1. What is it? As far as I can tell, it is the digital equivalent of a poster of George Best which many teens had on their bedroom walls. Correct?

    2. What tangible form does it take when you buy it? Do you whack it into iPhoto and have it as your lockscreen photo? Can you display it on multiple devices? 

    3. How do you buy it? From whom exactly? Apart from Luke Shaw, who are the people receiving income from this exercise? Where can I find out information about them (as I can about the directors of any company I've invested in) ?

    4. Why would anyone other than Man U fans or someone inexplicably fascinated by Luke Shaw want to display this in their home? (if you own a piece of art, you want to display it to all and sundry)

    5. Presumably as you've called it an investment, you expect its value to rise. What do you suppose would be its value if Luke Shaw suffers an ACL, is out for a year and comes back a yard short of pace and drifts down the leagues?  Or if he fails a dope test? Or is convicted of involvement in fraud?

    Like I said, I'm sceptical, but as a retired marketeer I'm always curious to understand why people spend money on things.
    1, yes, it's like a limited edition poster

    2. you own the nft in your wallet. Whether it's then worth something is if some one wants to buy it from you.

    3. The wallet that minted it. That might be luke shaw, or some one else. I'm guessing luke shaw. There might/probably is something in the smart contract that every subsequent purchase, a percentage goes to the original "minter" wallet. This is coded into the smart contract of the nft and cannot be undone (it's why i think nfts have a big future for the entertainment industry, which has a problem with scalping and piracy)

    4. I have no idea, an art piece? Might have some utility as those that can prove ownership of the nft could get a meet and greet with luke shaw or something? 

    5. Personally i agree with your jist this nft is not a good investment. NFTs are too illiquid for my liking at the moment in such a volatile market as crypto. But fundamentally nft's have a big, big future. 
  • I think my days are numbered as a financial adviser when people mention NFT's & bitcoin.
  • @kentaddick

    thanks for your reply. When you referred to the wallet as the place where you store it, that means something like the Coinbase app or Myetherwallet, which I have somewhere? If so, it means the thing isn’t even on display in my home? 

    Really, are we believing that Shaw has created this himself, set the price, set up the digital mechanism for selling it, and receives most of the money apart from a % for that entity mentioned in the tweet ( and doubtless 20% for his agent for having the idea🤣) ? Maybe all or most of that is possible but there is no reliable way to confirm it, is there? 
  • @kentaddick

    thanks for your reply. When you referred to the wallet as the place where you store it, that means something like the Coinbase app or Myetherwallet, which I have somewhere? If so, it means the thing isn’t even on display in my home? 

    Really, are we believing that Shaw has created this himself, set the price, set up the digital mechanism for selling it, and receives most of the money apart from a % for that entity mentioned in the tweet ( and doubtless 20% for his agent for having the idea🤣) ? Maybe all or most of that is possible but there is no reliable way to confirm it, is there? 
    Yes, or any web3 wallet like metamask etc. You own it like you would own a web address. You could have it printed and put in your home. Usually nfts provide you access to the high res file which you could do this from.

    You’d be able to see the transaction on the blockchain on something like ethscanner and see the money in his wallet. If he chooses to then move it into fiat currency like £ he’d have to go through a KYC process at an exchange in order to get it to his bank account. Whatever happens from there is down to the private transactions in the traditional financial system. But everything on the crypto side is verifiable and traceable. Even the code that’s created the NFT. 
  • Sponsored links:

  • edited January 2022
    It’s on Binance smart chain, here’s the address that minted these nfts

    seems to me it’s been minted by this company sportenft and they’ve licensed Luke shaw’s image for these. Therefore I guess it works like any other merchandising contract. 

    EDIT: sportsman go is a trading name of RJ & CO MARKETING LTD a uk registered ltd company.
  • just actually looked at the nfts now i'm not on my phone - looks like just a gif of luke shaw on a rotating card. Again, don't really say any value in this nft series whatsoever. Might be some utility as i said, if there's some kind of events etc that the nft gives you access to.
  • edited January 2022
    Sorry @Rob7Lee   nearly forgot. I’ll go 7621 for the half year 👍🏻
  • 7,666 for me. Thanks 
  • Time is running out to enter, those blank at the bottom have previosuly entered.

    Thread Killer7437
    Fortune 82nd Minute7250
    Gary Poole7574
    WishIdStayedInThe Pub7634
    Addick Addict7652
    Covered End7721
    Killer Kish 
    Exiledin Manchester 
    fat man on a moped 
    No.1 in South London 
    happy valley 
  • 7675 for me please
  • edited January 2022
    7730 please.
  • I did state a figure but someone already has that in the list so can I have 

    7510    Thanks 
  • edited January 2022
    I'm thinking the over-valuation of everything continues "a bit longer". The steady sleepwalking into mass defaulting of loans continues "a bit longer". Then a final trigger point and we get a global crash.

    So I have two figures in mind. 8,250 - if "a bit longer" is more than 6 months. 5,000 - if it's less than 6 months.

    I'm thinking "a bit longer" may have a few more props thrown at it before it runs its' course. So, for my entry, I'll go with 8,250.
  • So latest entries updated:

    Thread Killer7437
    Fortune 82nd Minute7250
    Gary Poole7574
    WishIdStayedInThe Pub7634
    Addick Addict7652
    fat man on a moped7675
    Covered End7721
    Er_Be_Ab_Pl_Wo_Wo_Ch 8250
  • Sponsored links:

  • I'm thinking the over-valuation of everything continues "a bit longer". The steady sleepwalking into mass defaulting of loans continues "a bit longer". Then a final trigger point and we get a global crash.

    So I have two figures in mind. 8,250 - if "a bit longer" is more than 6 months. 5,000 - if it's less than 6 months.

    I'm thinking "a bit longer" may have a few more props thrown at it before it runs its' course. So, for my entry, I'll go with 8,250.
    Historically only the US is "over valued". The UK market is very much "under valued" when compared to previous PE's and general market capitalisation.
  • I'm thinking the over-valuation of everything continues "a bit longer". The steady sleepwalking into mass defaulting of loans continues "a bit longer". Then a final trigger point and we get a global crash.

    So I have two figures in mind. 8,250 - if "a bit longer" is more than 6 months. 5,000 - if it's less than 6 months.

    I'm thinking "a bit longer" may have a few more props thrown at it before it runs its' course. So, for my entry, I'll go with 8,250.
    Historically only the US is "over valued". The UK market is very much "under valued" when compared to previous PE's and general market capitalisation.
    Relative value of stocks, yes of course, the US is bonkers. A US stock crash might or might not be the trigger, though I'm considering other asset types in the crash scenario.
  • I'm thinking the over-valuation of everything continues "a bit longer". The steady sleepwalking into mass defaulting of loans continues "a bit longer". Then a final trigger point and we get a global crash.

    So I have two figures in mind. 8,250 - if "a bit longer" is more than 6 months. 5,000 - if it's less than 6 months.

    I'm thinking "a bit longer" may have a few more props thrown at it before it runs its' course. So, for my entry, I'll go with 8,250.
    Historically only the US is "over valued". The UK market is very much "under valued" when compared to previous PE's and general market capitalisation.
    Relative value of stocks, yes of course, the US is bonkers. A US stock crash might or might not be the trigger, though I'm considering other asset types in the crash scenario.

    I would be interested to know what those other asset types might be.
  • Has anyone invested in whisky? I've been considering it. I've done some reading and although there are firms out there quoting ridiculous potential earnings, the reality is a much lower ROI but possibly higher and safer than stocks and shares. Interested in any thoughts.
  • Has anyone invested in whisky? I've been considering it. I've done some reading and although there are firms out there quoting ridiculous potential earnings, the reality is a much lower ROI but possibly higher and safer than stocks and shares. Interested in any thoughts.
    Caveat emptor.

  • @golfaddick, what are your preferred funds for investing in, lets say the UK markets (not limited to ftse 100)? 
  • bobmunro said:
    Has anyone invested in whisky? I've been considering it. I've done some reading and although there are firms out there quoting ridiculous potential earnings, the reality is a much lower ROI but possibly higher and safer than stocks and shares. Interested in any thoughts.
    Caveat emptor.

    Thanks for that. I've read articles pro and con. I'm probably taking more notice of articles like this one over the pro articles which are often written by those with vested interests.
  • Premium Bonds - £25 each for myself, wife and two daughters. £25 for father in law.
  • Has anyone invested in whisky? I've been considering it. I've done some reading and although there are firms out there quoting ridiculous potential earnings, the reality is a much lower ROI but possibly higher and safer than stocks and shares. Interested in any thoughts.
    Thousands on good single malts, but nothing left to sell other than empties.......hic!
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