Refuses to wear a poppy on his shirt, thinks it's funny to post pictures of his kids dressed up like IRA members on Social Media, is a total c*** etc etc
Because he's a "woe me" little shit, whose constantly complained about English Football - It all started because he refuses to wear a poppy on his shirt for Remembrance (Understandable because of his roots), but he's kind of proven he's a bit of a arse regardless given his overall opinion.
HT 1-1...after 10 minutes of added time, not a great amount of action, but we are doing ok so far after Gillesphey equalised Mannions OG...second half to come...COYR
Not like Charlton to be the last result in.
Been a couple of times now where its been a bit of a mess trying to get the ball back to Mannion.
Gone down about three times to try and win a FK, and hasnt had any of them given
Not sure I could contain myself after all that excitement
Yes mate... thats why it flew past Mannion