This was the shirt that made me believe that I was John Humphrey and helped me get into the school football team. I loved that shirt and the whole team that wore it.
An absolute belter from a golden era! I had the full "battleship" grey version. It was the business. Bumped into Morts on the train a couple of seasons ago and started waffling on about those days in a real embarrassing fan way and he was just like "yeah, good times". Such a cool guy...haha!
smallish like May, he'll be 33 in a couple of weeks, a consistent scorer over the years without being super prolific, did well recently in a good Coventry team, a Kent boy, been around a few clubs, given good service he'll do a good job for us, I am hoping he'll be the 'New Mendonca'
Those comments and the ones I'm seeing on twitter are a bit concerning, he sounds washed.
No turn of pace, no strength, no hold up play, no passing ability and doesn't bury most of his chances by the sounds of things.
We are basically hanging on to the hope that as it's a level down, he should be fine. Can't think of many examples where that has worked in our favour, but can think of a few where it hasn't.
Based on the comments he doesn't sound like he will suit a Nathan Jones system at all, and my early concern that he's probably too old seems to be the case.
When you sign a player, you want the majority of fans a bit annoyed and confused why he's been sold. It's never good when you start reading 'reckon he could do a job' when we already had a bloke doing THE job.
Hope their comments are wrong.
What did you think of the Sunderland comments when we signed Dobson, did you want to write him off without seeing how the team is set up..
Not to mention the comments about Yann from Leicester fans.
It's always best to give them a chance and make your own mind up.
We’ve replaced a striker who had been round the houses in non league before coming into the pro league late, with a player who’s done exactly the same.
Let’s hope for the same outcome.
Welcome Matty, let’s hope Godden’s a good un
Yes, May had played at VCD and Erith & Belverdere, while Godden has played at Dartford and Ebbsfleet, and at roughly the same time 10 years ago! And both got EFL moves in 2016/17.
Which slightly begs the question why we signed neither of them at the time...
We’ve replaced a striker who had been round the houses in non league before coming into the pro league late, with a player who’s done exactly the same.
Let’s hope for the same outcome.
Welcome Matty, let’s hope Godden’s a good un
Yes, May had played at VCD and Erith & Belverdere, while Godden has played at Dartford and Ebbsfleet, and at roughly the same time 10 years ago! And both got EFL moves in 2016/17.
Which slightly begs the question why we signed neither of them at the time...
We’ve replaced a striker who had been round the houses in non league before coming into the pro league late, with a player who’s done exactly the same.
Let’s hope for the same outcome.
Welcome Matty, let’s hope Godden’s a good un
Yes, May had played at VCD and Erith & Belverdere, while Godden has played at Dartford and Ebbsfleet, and at roughly the same time 10 years ago! And both got EFL moves in 2016/17.
Which slightly begs the question why we signed neither of them at the time...
Roland / Tommy Driesen no doubt, as recall them pulling the plug when we almost got him from Stevenage, annoying as he went to Peterborough a few months later - I do remember Johan Ter Horst (his Brother posted on here, as they're Charlton fans) having a trial with us as well around the same sort of time, who had been doing really well at Folkestone.
We wanted to sign him from memory, but Roland said no, he went to Hull in the end. One of those we didnt really miss out on, maybe though he'd have done better closer to home with us, than being in Hull instead though.
We’ve replaced a striker who had been round the houses in non league before coming into the pro league late, with a player who’s done exactly the same.
Let’s hope for the same outcome.
Welcome Matty, let’s hope Godden’s a good un
Yes, May had played at VCD and Erith & Belverdere, while Godden has played at Dartford and Ebbsfleet, and at roughly the same time 10 years ago! And both got EFL moves in 2016/17.
Which slightly begs the question why we signed neither of them at the time...
Wasted our budget on Ajose, Magennis and Novak 😩
Ahh yes, this was the year that we were told to be very patient by Russell Slade.
We’ve replaced a striker who had been round the houses in non league before coming into the pro league late, with a player who’s done exactly the same.
Let’s hope for the same outcome.
Welcome Matty, let’s hope Godden’s a good un
Yes, May had played at VCD and Erith & Belverdere, while Godden has played at Dartford and Ebbsfleet, and at roughly the same time 10 years ago! And both got EFL moves in 2016/17.
Which slightly begs the question why we signed neither of them at the time...
We’ve replaced a striker who had been round the houses in non league before coming into the pro league late, with a player who’s done exactly the same.
Let’s hope for the same outcome.
Welcome Matty, let’s hope Godden’s a good un
Yes, May had played at VCD and Erith & Belverdere, while Godden has played at Dartford and Ebbsfleet, and at roughly the same time 10 years ago! And both got EFL moves in 2016/17.
Which slightly begs the question why we signed neither of them at the time...
Wasted our budget on Ajose, Magennis and Novak 😩
Haha genuinely forgot Novak played for us!
I’m sure there’s another similarly slow striker who was just as poor for us but I can’t think who. He’s merged into one with Novak in my mind.
We’ve replaced a striker who had been round the houses in non league before coming into the pro league late, with a player who’s done exactly the same.
Let’s hope for the same outcome.
Welcome Matty, let’s hope Godden’s a good un
Yes, May had played at VCD and Erith & Belverdere, while Godden has played at Dartford and Ebbsfleet, and at roughly the same time 10 years ago! And both got EFL moves in 2016/17.
Which slightly begs the question why we signed neither of them at the time...
Wasted our budget on Ajose, Magennis and Novak 😩
Haha genuinely forgot Novak played for us!
I’m sure there’s another similarly slow striker who was just as poor for us but I can’t think who. He’s merged into one with Novak in my mind.
We’ve replaced a striker who had been round the houses in non league before coming into the pro league late, with a player who’s done exactly the same.
Let’s hope for the same outcome.
Welcome Matty, let’s hope Godden’s a good un
Yes, May had played at VCD and Erith & Belverdere, while Godden has played at Dartford and Ebbsfleet, and at roughly the same time 10 years ago! And both got EFL moves in 2016/17.
Which slightly begs the question why we signed neither of them at the time...
Wasted our budget on Ajose, Magennis and Novak 😩
Haha genuinely forgot Novak played for us!
I’m sure there’s another similarly slow striker who was just as poor for us but I can’t think who. He’s merged into one with Novak in my mind.
Abbott... Zyro?
Abbott, that’s it! Neither were the target man we needed and definitely didn’t have the pace, skill or goals in them to offer something different either.
We’ve replaced a striker who had been round the houses in non league before coming into the pro league late, with a player who’s done exactly the same.
Let’s hope for the same outcome.
Welcome Matty, let’s hope Godden’s a good un
Yes, May had played at VCD and Erith & Belverdere, while Godden has played at Dartford and Ebbsfleet, and at roughly the same time 10 years ago! And both got EFL moves in 2016/17.
Which slightly begs the question why we signed neither of them at the time...
Wasted our budget on Ajose, Magennis and Novak 😩
Haha genuinely forgot Novak played for us!
I’m sure there’s another similarly slow striker who was just as poor for us but I can’t think who. He’s merged into one with Novak in my mind.
Abbott... Zyro?
Abbott, that’s it! Neither were the target man we needed and definitely didn’t have the pace, skill or goals in them to offer something different either.
One goal in 20 odd games I think. Hoping that Godden does better numbers than that I have to say.
Those comments and the ones I'm seeing on twitter are a bit concerning, he sounds washed.
No turn of pace, no strength, no hold up play, no passing ability and doesn't bury most of his chances by the sounds of things.
We are basically hanging on to the hope that as it's a level down, he should be fine. Can't think of many examples where that has worked in our favour, but can think of a few where it hasn't.
Based on the comments he doesn't sound like he will suit a Nathan Jones system at all, and my early concern that he's probably too old seems to be the case.
When you sign a player, you want the majority of fans a bit annoyed and confused why he's been sold. It's never good when you start reading 'reckon he could do a job' when we already had a bloke doing THE job.
Hope their comments are wrong.
What did you think of the Sunderland comments when we signed Dobson, did you want to write him off without seeing how the team is set up..
Completely different scenario, Godden has essentially replaced our golden boot.
Dobson was coming in with pretty much no expectations as he wasn't really replacing any player we had just sold, and he had age on his side to improve, with a West Ham background. Godden doesn't have time to settle and he will have to hit the ground running to replace a ready made top striker.
It's not even remotely the same situation tbh. Of course I understand your point to take opposition fans views with a pinch of salt.
I mean I don't think he's going to score as many goals next season as May did last season, but I don't necessarily see that as a bad thing. The problem last season wasn't that May scored lots of goals, it was that no-one else scored many.
Jones seems to be wanting a system where two or three players score 10-15 goals each rather than one scores 20+ and the next top scorer has about 5. So on that basis (and depending on who, if anyone, else we sign up front) I am hopeful that Godden will do a job.
Short version, Godden is not automatically a failed May replacement if he doesn't score 25 goals next year.
If he were to get 15 goals then that cannot be considered a failed replacement. A striker with a 1 in 3 ratio is acceptable.
Those comments and the ones I'm seeing on twitter are a bit concerning, he sounds washed.
No turn of pace, no strength, no hold up play, no passing ability and doesn't bury most of his chances by the sounds of things.
We are basically hanging on to the hope that as it's a level down, he should be fine. Can't think of many examples where that has worked in our favour, but can think of a few where it hasn't.
Based on the comments he doesn't sound like he will suit a Nathan Jones system at all, and my early concern that he's probably too old seems to be the case.
When you sign a player, you want the majority of fans a bit annoyed and confused why he's been sold. It's never good when you start reading 'reckon he could do a job' when we already had a bloke doing THE job.
Hope their comments are wrong.
What did you think of the Sunderland comments when we signed Dobson, did you want to write him off without seeing how the team is set up..
Completely different scenario, Godden has essentially replaced our golden boot.
Dobson was coming in with pretty much no expectations as he wasn't really replacing any player we had just sold, and he had age on his side to improve, with a West Ham background. Godden doesn't have time to settle and he will have to hit the ground running to replace a ready made top striker.
It's not even remotely the same situation tbh. Of course I understand your point to take opposition fans views with a pinch of salt.
I mean I don't think he's going to score as many goals next season as May did last season, but I don't necessarily see that as a bad thing. The problem last season wasn't that May scored lots of goals, it was that no-one else scored many.
Jones seems to be wanting a system where two or three players score 10-15 goals each rather than one scores 20+ and the next top scorer has about 5. So on that basis (and depending on who, if anyone, else we sign up front) I am hopeful that Godden will do a job.
Short version, Godden is not automatically a failed May replacement if he doesn't score 25 goals next year.
If he were to get 15 goals then that cannot be considered a failed replacement. A striker with a 1 in 3 ratio is acceptable.
Yes that's about what I'm hoping for from him. I would be wary about certain fans writing him off as "failed" if he doesn't replicate May's numbers when the entire point was that Jones is deliberately moving away from a system/plan that has one main goalscorer.
That's not to say that scepticism/concerns are completely unwarranted but I think him coming in just as May leaves paints him as a 1:1 replacement, which he's not.
Godden has spent most of his career at a higher level than league one,
The last 4 years out of his 15 year career would suggest otherwise.
For the first 9 years he was nowhere near L1, then 1 yr with posh & 1 with Coventry both at this level.
I'm not for one minute suggesting he's not a good signing for us, but I think his career path shows his rise and (evidently) his fall decline. I just hope he's still got enough for his 2 years with us.
We’ve replaced a striker who had been round the houses in non league before coming into the pro league late, with a player who’s done exactly the same.
Let’s hope for the same outcome.
Welcome Matty, let’s hope Godden’s a good un
Yes, May had played at VCD and Erith & Belverdere, while Godden has played at Dartford and Ebbsfleet, and at roughly the same time 10 years ago! And both got EFL moves in 2016/17.
Which slightly begs the question why we signed neither of them at the time...
To be honest, part of what made Alfie May so good at this point in his career was his previous failures. He did absolutely terribly at Doncaster, scored 3 goals in 16 in L2 before proceeding to get 4 and then 2 L1 goals across two seasons before being sold back down to L2 where he got 6 and then 9 goals across 1.5 seasons. It was only after that that he exploded into being a prolific goalscorer, but a lot was him learning what did and didn't work for him, building up his fitness and becoming a better professional. I think if we'd signed him in 16/17 we wouldn't have kept him very long and it would have been a bump in the road for him.
We’ve replaced a striker who had been round the houses in non league before coming into the pro league late, with a player who’s done exactly the same.
Let’s hope for the same outcome.
Welcome Matty, let’s hope Godden’s a good un
Yes, May had played at VCD and Erith & Belverdere, while Godden has played at Dartford and Ebbsfleet, and at roughly the same time 10 years ago! And both got EFL moves in 2016/17.
Which slightly begs the question why we signed neither of them at the time...
To be honest, part of what made Alfie May so good at this point in his career was his previous failures. He did absolutely terribly at Doncaster, scored 3 goals in 16 in L2 before proceeding to get 4 and then 2 L1 goals across two seasons before being sold back down to L2 where he got 6 and then 9 goals across 1.5 seasons. It was only after that that he exploded into being a prolific goalscorer, but a lot was him learning what did and didn't work for him, building up his fitness and becoming a better professional. I think if we'd signed him in 16/17 we wouldn't have kept him very long and it would have been a bump in the road for him.
Hasn't Alfie told us before that he was played more out wide or sometimes as attacking midfielder when he was at Doncaster; and it was his Cheltenham manager Michael Duff who changed him into a central striker?
I'm a Charlton fan living in Coventry, my youngest brother and all his family are Coventry City season ticket holders over many years. one of the younger ones knows a City player and as the season ended was told Matty Godden was expected to join us. City had spent millions on two players who got 19 goals apiece which limited Matty's game time. They all thought he would be a great signing for us. Today I've had numerous messages basically saying he's a great signing and Sky Blues fans to a man/woman wishing him all the best .They all said feed him in the box and he'll get goals, he nips in front of defenders to head goals plus his ability and control to get shots away. Welcome Matty and have goalscoring time here.
He's been hanging around the training ground since travelling down from Stevenage years ago!!
I'd love to hear his story from that deadline day (?) saga in 2017-18
Anyway with Ahadme now looking certain I'm more settled on Godden as that's the real replacement.
They must have sneaked in without telling me.
It's always best to give them a chance and make your own mind up.
Which slightly begs the question why we signed neither of them at the time...
We wanted to sign him from memory, but Roland said no, he went to Hull in the end. One of those we didnt really miss out on, maybe though he'd have done better closer to home with us, than being in Hull instead though.
Mark Bright was 34 when he made his debut for us back in 1997 so if Gooden is as good as him, then lovely
If he were to get 15 goals then that cannot be considered a failed replacement. A striker with a 1 in 3 ratio is acceptable.
That's not to say that scepticism/concerns are completely unwarranted but I think him coming in just as May leaves paints him as a 1:1 replacement, which he's not.
For the first 9 years he was nowhere near L1, then 1 yr with posh & 1 with Coventry both at this level.
I'm not for one minute suggesting he's not a good signing for us, but I think his career path shows his rise and (evidently) his fall decline. I just hope he's still got enough for his 2 years with us.