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MATCH THREAD (+POST p23): Charlton Athl v Cray Valley PM: FA Cup 🏆1st Rd: Sun 5 Nov 2023 | KO 17:30



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    Croydon said:
    Abankwah, Ness, Thomas, Anderson, Fraser, Kirk, T Watson, Edun, and Tedic all utterly utterly pathetic. 117 league places below us and we never made a mark on the game.

    I'd genuinely be looking at fines and transfer listings after that. Unacceptable. 
    The keeper looks crap too
    and yet the keeper saved the one one-on-one with Kirk with his left foot despite going down a fraction early to his right as I recall (can't bear watching the replay so I may be wrong about this).  Certainly, had Kirk lifted the ball slightly the keeper would not have got the chance. First time of viewing live it looked more like a cock-up by by Kirk rather than anything the keeper did but if the keeper left his leg trailing deliberately then it still counts as a decent save. De Gea at Man U made a habit of those types of save when he was there facing one-on-ones.

    No, I'm still not going back to look and  check whether I'm talking balls- just want to put the whole terrible experience behind me now
    Goes with the territory of being a Charlton fan I suppose - what can you do?  Can't change clubs so just have to suck it up! 
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    I can handle the piss takes from my mates, I’ve had it for years.

    What I hate is when we play a weak side and give that type of performance my Grandkids don’t really like all the hassle they get at school. Then they don’t feel inclined to want to go again.

    Apples needs to think about the wider picture if he wants to get the crowds back.

    Totally wrong move to make 11 changes, particularly for a live TV game.
    This x 100.

    Look at our crowds, full of the over 50s. We need to start attracting more youngsters.

    But how on earth can we do that with performances like last night? 

    Imagine you are a young kid of 6 or 7. All your mates support Arsenal or Man utd or Chelsea and you go to school today and get ripped to pieces because the mighty Charlton can't beat Cray blooming Valley? Why on earth wouldn't you want to tell your dad, sorry but I don't want to support Charlton?

    I tend to disagree with this. I sit in the North Upper and drink in the fans bar and there are kids and youngsters everywhere particularly for Saturday games.

    if any of my kids, one of whom is 6 and comes to games, choose to like football, they’re coming to Charlton with me and, when they get older, they’re coming to away games with me too and actually “supporting” their team. If they choose Chelsea or Arsenal then it’s Match of the Day only I’m afraid. And, as for kids taking the piss, that’s part of life isn’t it? Just ask those kids who wear Man Utd or Chelsea kits if they’ve ever been to Old Trafford or Stamford Bridge? My 16 year old has already been to 35-40 of the 92 including the likes of Forest Green, Accrington and Lincoln (twice) - that’s never being trumped in the playground

    Seriously though it’s character building and whatever team you support you’ll get it in the neck. 

    More of an issue is holding on to the Dads

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    MrOneLung said:
    Why is ANYONE here surprised?

    Soft as shite, always have been. I can count on two hands in 47 years of me supporting Charlton, when we have not made a pigs ear of a cup tie.

    even when we won the fucking thing we lost a game ! 

    Not the year we won it, it was the previous year as losing finalist against Derby when we lost a game.
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    edited November 2023
    supaclive said:
    Lets examine that starting 11

    Walker - In Isted's absence, he's our No 2 keeper. If we can't play him against an 8th tier team, when can we play him?

    Abankwah - Not a RB, but would Asiimwe or T Watson have been much different?
    Ness - Wasn't everyone screaming for Hector to be dropped and Ness to replace him?
    Thomas - Has been a regular at LB, so again perfectly reasonable to play him in his correct position
    Edun - Our 1st choice LB coming back from injury. The perfect game for him to get some minutes

    Anderson - Talented youngster, started the season well
    McGrandles - Has done well under Appleton previously. A perfect opportunity to give him some minutes after his injury
    Fraser - "The Scottish Pirlo". Was one of the 1st names on the teamsheet at the start of the season before his injury.

    Kirk - The ideal opportunity to get some confidence into him
    Tedic - Not been given a chance to play as a No 9, the perfect chance for him to get a goal or 2 and get some confidence
    Chem - Many people have been questioning why he hasn't been in the matchday squads

    It didn't work, but I can understand why Appleton picked that team. He would have learned a lot from yesterday, and not just about Kirk. Other players "failed the audition" while the lack of leadership in the first 11 is even worse in the reserve 11. 
    The problem isn't playing those players. The problem is playing them all together & expect them to play as a team.

    By all means give Tedic a run out. And McGrandles if needs be. But start with 4 or 5 of your regular starters. What is it we are persistently told about having a spine of a team. 

    Brian Clough is regarded as one of this counties best ever managers. He would never have made 11 changes to a side that had just won their first away game of the season. 

    Play your best players. Win the game. Then make changes. 
    Playing your best players doesn’t guarantee shit. Ask Portsmouth how their first choice XI got on yesterday.

    Appleton picked a starting XI that had almost 1600 combined senior league appearances between them. It’s not as if he played a group of 18 year olds that barely had 50 senior appearances between them and they got outmuscled. 

    Whatever combination of full time pros he picked, it should have been comfortable against 8th tier opposition.
    Portsmouth didn't play a team in the 8th tier.
    That is the difference. 
    12 years ago, aged 35, I was playing in games and beating Cray Valley.
    It simply isn't acceptable.
    You know it.  I know it.  Appleton knows it.

    and they were away against a team doing well at the moment in the National League. We were at home to a team in the 9th tier.
    I wasn’t saying Cray Valley are anything like Chesterfield, that wasn’t the point.

    The point was nothing is guaranteed in football while some are acting as if it was as simple as play the first team, get a quick lead and make subs. 

    We could’ve played the first team yesterday and still not won. It would’ve been less likely, but not by enough (let’s say pluck numbers out of thin air and say 90% vs 85%) to outweigh the benefits of the team selection that was made.

in fact Alfie May, Miles Leaburn and Louie Watson did play for 20-30 minutes and we actually somehow looked worse during that period!
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    I was disappointed at how we hardly tested their goalkeeper, have some long range shots instead of taking 5/6 touches on the ball, the guy is not a professional
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    If I were the manager of Charlton I prob would have picked the same sort of team. Mixture of youngsters with some who have not been getting a game. But what I wouldn’t do is pick the same side next game. I would then add those players names to the ‘don’t trust’ envelope a la Brendan Rodgers 
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    I was disappointed at how we hardly tested their goalkeeper, have some long range shots instead of taking 5/6 touches on the ball, the guy is not a professional
    totally, there was a failure to shoot early given the number of good positions we got into
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    I don't watch many of our games, but I was actually looking forward to seeing some of the players to make the starting eleven yesterday properly for the first time.

    Whilst it was poor, it was about as disjointed as whatever the last match I saw was. It's just that the standard of opposition was that much weaker. I didn't feel as if we were in danger of actually losing, which I often do, until they had that chance near the end. 

    I'm not sure what bullshit I'm lapping up, but our recruitment continues to be a major concern for me given how many players signed in the last five years have failed to impress, some of whom did themselves no favours last night.
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    DOUCHER said:
    DOUCHER said:
    Glad I didn’t go or watch it on tv - I’m done with reserve games dressed up as proper fixtures - I never watched reserve games when it was called the combination league and won’t watch them now so that rules out any cup games for me unless we reach the quarter finals in the fa cup or possibly the league cup - anything else, I’m not interested. 
    Even if you didn't want to go, surely you should have bought a ticket - otherwise how can you be a proper fan?  

    Nope - I’ve done my time with these games and won’t go to them any more - they r a piss take and it’s how football is now - I won’t go and then moan about it, I just don’t go 
    Excellent - does that mean that I no longer need to buy a season ticket (even if I can only go to about 5 home games a year) to be regarded as a proper fan, or is it just an exemption for you in relation to cup games (unless we get to the quarter final)?  
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    DOUCHER said:
    I think Appleton is getting some undeserved stick.
    On paper this was the ideal opportunity to give some recovering players a run out,and also give some of the fringe players a game and show us what they could do.
    H e did that,and was badly let down,I wont blame the guys coming back from injury but others just  did not seem up for the challenge.They should have disregarded the level Cray play at and tore into them like it was a league game,but we stood off,let them play and grow in confidence,it was us who wanted the final whistle to blow.
    Now a word on Cray,I am sure some of those players have at some stage been on the books of league clubs and for some reason or another didnt make the grade,they had a point to prove,and boy did they prove it.Not afraid to be on the ball,no fear of us and in general a credit to lower league football.
    As previous posters have said,2-3 last night,must now be considered to be surplus to requirements,I dont know what happened to Kirk.he came to us under very difficult circumstances,and with a good record.He now seems to have lost the will just to play football,maybe Appleton sees something in training,and is waiting for that spark to ignite and we will see a different player,so low on confidence and the booing really dosent help.Tedic and Anbankwah,well I cant see anything there at all,so they should go back.
    Roll on the replay and then we can look forward to a relaxing trip to Preistfields.
    And this opening sentence is the problem - there used to be a reserve league ti give players a run out 
    You are spot on,we have the under 21s but that is a competition in its own right,we have big squads now,far larger than years ago,so loads of players dont get a game one week to the next,and then when called upon,are not ready for it.We used to have the football combination which was very competetive,and also at one stage played in a mid week league,as well as having the youth leagues.So players just out of the team still could play regular football and be ready when called upon.
    Thank you - nearly all cup games r reserve games now and is why I don’t go - the league is the only time it is guaranteed to be a proper game unless you get to the later stages - whether that makes me less of a supporter so be it but I made that decision a few years back - dont get why everybody is so up in arms about the team he set up with yesterday - just don’t go and save yourself the irritation - it’s modern football and if they want to engineer it like this they can have empty stadiums as far as im concerned - attending games u know u won’t enjoy out of blind loyalty is over for me - attending league games ain’t far off that but for now I will persevere as it can still be worth watching 
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    DOUCHER said:
    DOUCHER said:
    I think Appleton is getting some undeserved stick.
    On paper this was the ideal opportunity to give some recovering players a run out,and also give some of the fringe players a game and show us what they could do.
    H e did that,and was badly let down,I wont blame the guys coming back from injury but others just  did not seem up for the challenge.They should have disregarded the level Cray play at and tore into them like it was a league game,but we stood off,let them play and grow in confidence,it was us who wanted the final whistle to blow.
    Now a word on Cray,I am sure some of those players have at some stage been on the books of league clubs and for some reason or another didnt make the grade,they had a point to prove,and boy did they prove it.Not afraid to be on the ball,no fear of us and in general a credit to lower league football.
    As previous posters have said,2-3 last night,must now be considered to be surplus to requirements,I dont know what happened to Kirk.he came to us under very difficult circumstances,and with a good record.He now seems to have lost the will just to play football,maybe Appleton sees something in training,and is waiting for that spark to ignite and we will see a different player,so low on confidence and the booing really dosent help.Tedic and Anbankwah,well I cant see anything there at all,so they should go back.
    Roll on the replay and then we can look forward to a relaxing trip to Preistfields.
    And this opening sentence is the problem - there used to be a reserve league ti give players a run out 
    You are spot on,we have the under 21s but that is a competition in its own right,we have big squads now,far larger than years ago,so loads of players dont get a game one week to the next,and then when called upon,are not ready for it.We used to have the football combination which was very competetive,and also at one stage played in a mid week league,as well as having the youth leagues.So players just out of the team still could play regular football and be ready when called upon.
    Thank you - nearly all cup games r reserve games now and is why I don’t go - the league is the only time it is guaranteed to be a proper game unless you get to the later stages - whether that makes me less of a supporter so be it but I made that decision a few years back - dont get why everybody is so up in arms about the team he set up with yesterday - just don’t go and save yourself the irritation - it’s modern football and if they want to engineer it like this they can have empty stadiums as far as im concerned - attending games u know u won’t enjoy out of blind loyalty is over for me - attending league games ain’t far off that but for now I will persevere as it can still be worth watching 
    Been saying this for years. Clubs - and many fans-don't give a toss about these daft cup competitions. Fans vote with their feet. As you say it's only at the latter stages that the big clubs play anywhere near their first team players.
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    NabySarr said:
    What baffles me is that we won the London Senior Cup last season with our U21s, beating non-league teams that are better than Cray Valley. Yet a team of senior pros, given a shop window to get moves out of the club, play as if they can't be arsed. 

    I really hope that Thomas Sandgaard was watching last night - it'd have shown him how much he hollowed out the club and the damage he caused. 

    Our under 18s beat them this season! 

    Yeah but, it was the u18 first team and they played together before in training, of course they won. 

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    Melrose said:
    Ps, what's happened to the scouting? Some of the rubbish we've bought in is unbeleiveble
    Don't need one, Andy Scott has it sorted....
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    That 11 Should have beat Cray Valley - But didn't.

    It obvious some of the players shouldn't and hopefully wont, be used again.

    Some players were 'rested' but we now have another fixture - meaning some players will play 3 games in 7 days.

    All the above means Appleton fucked up.
    I think your opening line cancels out your last one.
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    Separate question that I’d love to hear answers to: take yesterday’s team selection, and the U21s only as options off the bench, what do you think that squad’s natural level would be?
    Relegation to division 4.
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    I have watched the under 18 and under 21 a lot including today , beating Ipswich 5-0 , I can’t believe that Jason Adigun hasn’t been given a fair chance in the first team squad. He is a good passer and stronger in the tackle than Anderson imo . Anderson wasn’t great last night he lost the ball for their goal and his Pass was to Tedic who dummied it to let Fraser through .
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    I cannot believe the anti Appleton bollocks on here.
    Yes a very poor display by 11 fringe players or coming back from injury. They should have been able to see off CV comfortably and if Kirk hadn't been so (typically) pathetic in front of goal, they would have.
    But put it in context.
    We played a good Wigan side off their own park for 80 minutes last Tuesday - one of the best displays since we pissed all over Forest in the first half at The Valley in the Championship.
    All that matters this season is the League and if yesterday equipped Appleton with the case to demand serious turn out of crud and strengthening of the squad in January, then it's all to the good.
    Personally I couldn't give a flying **** if we go through to Round 2 or not. Nothing matters but a promotion challenge. 
    No chance. I don’t care about Appleton one way or another - he’s just the latest in a line of nonentities who will move on quickly. But we don’t have the players, the culture or the commitment in the squad to get promoted.

    Airman, that being the case please give me an alternative, because I fail to see one and I also fail to see how anyone, even with the best of intentions, turns this club around. 

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    Appleton said he found out things about the team he picked that he didn't know, or realise. So if he didn't know about the players he picked, how would he have any expectations at all? Simply based on the fact that they're picking up a wage as a professional?
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    edited November 2023
    seth plum said:
    Appleton said he found out things about the team he picked that he didn't know, or realise. So if he didn't know about the players he picked, how would he have any expectations at all? Simply based on the fact that they're picking up a wage as a professional?
    He said that he had found out some things about 3 or 4 of the players, and he expected more of a response that wasn't forthcoming, also that we were too slow in build up play taking too many touches, now he didn't name names of course, but hopefully the lesson has been learnt and we don't have to watch any more dross, should that be the case then lessons would have been learnt...đŸ€ž
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    DOUCHER said:
    DOUCHER said:
    DOUCHER said:
    Glad I didn’t go or watch it on tv - I’m done with reserve games dressed up as proper fixtures - I never watched reserve games when it was called the combination league and won’t watch them now so that rules out any cup games for me unless we reach the quarter finals in the fa cup or possibly the league cup - anything else, I’m not interested. 
    Even if you didn't want to go, surely you should have bought a ticket - otherwise how can you be a proper fan?  

    Nope - I’ve done my time with these games and won’t go to them any more - they r a piss take and it’s how football is now - I won’t go and then moan about it, I just don’t go 
    Excellent - does that mean that I no longer need to buy a season ticket (even if I can only go to about 5 home games a year) to be regarded as a proper fan, or is it just an exemption for you in relation to cup games (unless we get to the quarter final)?  
    I know, but it's fun highlighting it...
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    edited November 2023
    I'm genuinely not sure if some of you realise we didn't lose yesterday. Bad day but we gifted them a goal and they got a draw out of it. Plenty of opportunity to right the wrong and move on with our lives
    Sorry but that was a pathetic display and there should be no attempt to put any shine on it at all. It was embarrassing. You make it sound like getting a draw out of it was acceptable.
    Agree Large, it was a pathetic display, and we did lose a lot, we lost our self respect last night, and a draw was not acceptable, but we have a chance to redeem ourselves in the replay, so let's focus on that...
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