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Players Marks & Applescore: Charlton v Blackpool ( closes Monday brekkers)



  • Applescore: 7
    AMB: 6
    T.WATSON: 4
    HECTOR: 6
    JONES: 6
    THOMAS: 6
    DOBSON: 6
    L.WATSON: 7
    TEDIĆ: 4
    MAY: 8
    CBT: 7
    LEABURN: 5
    ASIIMWE: 7
    FRASER: 6
    ANEKE: 8
    NESS: 7
    Referee 6

  • Applescore: 7
    AMB: 6
    T.WATSON: 6
    HECTOR: 4
    JONES: 6
    THOMAS: 5
    DOBSON: 6.5
    L.WATSON: 7
    TEDIĆ: 6
    MAY: 8
    CBT: 7
    LEABURN: 6.5
    ASIIMWE: 7
    FRASER: 6.5
    ANEKE: 8
    NESS: 6.5
    Referee: 7
  • Applescore: 8
    AMB: 7
    T.WATSON: 7
    HECTOR: 7
    JONES: 7
    THOMAS: 6
    DOBSON: 7
    L.WATSON: 6
    TEDIĆ: 5
    MAY: 8
    CBT: 6
    LEABURN: 6
    ASIIMWE: 7
    FRASER: 7
    ANEKE: 9
    NESS: 7
    Referee 7
  • Applescore: 6.5
    AMB: 6.5
    T.WATSON: 5
    HECTOR: 6
    JONES: 6.5
    THOMAS: 5.5
    DOBSON: 6.5
    L.WATSON: 6.5
    TEDIĆ: 4
    MAY: 7
    CBT: 7
    LEABURN: 4.5
    ASIIMWE: 7
    FRASER: 6.5
    ANEKE: 7.5
    NESS: 7
    Referee: 7

  • Applescore:  7.5 
    AMB:  7 
    T.WATSON:  4.5 
    HECTOR:  7 
    JONES:  6.5 
    THOMAS:  6.5 
    DOBSON:  7 
    L.WATSON:  7.5 
    TEDIĆ:  4.5 
    MAY:  7.5 
    CBT:  6.5
    LEABURN:  5 
    T.CAMPBELL:  5 
    ASIIMWE:  5 
    FRASER:  5 
    ANEKE:  6.5  
    NESS:  5 
    Referee:  7 
  • Applescore:  7.5 Again, good subs
    AMB:  7 Didn't do anything wrong
    T.WATSON:  5.5 Mixed bag  
    HECTOR:  7 Could have been MOM but for that one mistake
    JONES:  7 Solid
    THOMAS:  6 Doesn't look comfortable going forward 
    DOBSON:  7 Decent game
    L.WATSON:  7 Very good again 
    TEDIĆ:  4.5 Watched him quite closely and was disappointed
    MAY:  7.5 Ran and ran and got a goal
    CBT:  7 That finish was worth at least one extra point
    LEABURN:  3.5 Didn't win a thing, hold up play non-existent. Poor game 
    T.CAMPBELL: 6.5 Wanted to be involved and looked quite dangerous
    ASIIMWE:  6  Looked more assured than Watson
    FRASER:  5.5 Good in parts but happy to see him on the pitch
    ANEKE:  8 Changed the game. MOM despite the limited time played  
    NESS:  6 Did what he needed to
    Referee:  7 OK. Seen better, seen a lot worse!
  • AMB: 5
    T.WATSON: 4
    HECTOR: 4
    JONES: 6
    THOMAS: 6
    DOBSON: 6
    L.WATSON: 6
    TEDIĆ: 5
    MAY: 7
    CBT: 8
    LEABURN: 5
    ASIIMWE: 7
    FRASER: 6
    ANEKE: 7
    NESS: 7
  • Applescore: 7
    AMB: 6
    T.WATSON: 5 not fit enough yet
    HECTOR: 4 blunder man, far too casual and this is happening far too often.
    JONES: 6
    THOMAS: 6
    DOBSON: 6
    L.WATSON: 6.5 would have been higher but he kind of disappeared as the game went on
    TEDIĆ: 4
    MAY: 8
    CBT: 6 + 1 for the goal otherwise anonymous
    LEABURN: 4
    T.CAMPBELL: 6 changed the game 
    ASIIMWE: 7 changed the game 
    FRASER: 6 changed the game 
    ANEKE: 7.5 changed the game 
    NESS: 6 solid
    Referee 7 
  • Applescore: 7
    AMB: 6.5
    T.WATSON: 5.5
    HECTOR: 6
    JONES: 6.5
    THOMAS: 6
    DOBSON: 7
    L.WATSON: 7
    TEDIĆ: 5.5
    MAY: 8
    CBT: 7
    LEABURN: 5
    ASIIMWE: 7.5
    FRASER: 7
    ANEKE: 8
    NESS: 7
    Referee 7
  • Applescore: 7
    AMB: 7
    T.WATSON: 6.5
    HECTOR: 7
    JONES: 7
    THOMAS: 6.5
    DOBSON: 8
    L.WATSON: 8
    TEDIĆ: 6
    MAY: 7
    CBT: 7
    LEABURN: 5
    ASIIMWE: 7
    FRASER: 7
    ANEKE: 8.5
    NESS: 7
    Referee 6.5
  • Sponsored links:

  • Applescore: 7

    AMB: 7
    T.Watson: 6
    Hector: 6
    Jones: 7
    Thomas: 5
    Dobson: 6
    L.Watson: 7
    Tedic: 5
    May: 8
    Blackett-Taylor: 7
    Leaburn: 5

    T.Campbell: 6
    Asiimwe: 6
    Fraser: 7
    Aneke: 7
    Ness: 6

    Referee: 6
  • Applescore:  7 
    AMB:  6.5
    T.WATSON:  5
    HECTOR:  6 yet another mistake 
    JONES:  7 
    THOMAS:  7
    DOBSON:  7 Decent game
    L.WATSON:  6.5 tired second half
    TEDIĆ: 5 is not a wide man, can’t fault his effort though.
    MAY:  7.5
    CBT:  6.5
    LEABURN:  5 wonder how fit he is
    T.CAMPBELL: 6.5 showed Appleton where he should play
    ASIIMWE:  6
    FRASER: 6
    ANEKE:  7
    NESS:  6 
    Referee: 7
  • At the game
    Applescore: 6.5
    AMB: 7
    T.WATSON: 5 
    HECTOR: 6.5
    JONES: 7
    THOMAS: 6
    DOBSON: 6.5
    L.WATSON: 7
    TEDIĆ: 5.5
    MAY: 7.5
    CBT: 7
    LEABURN: 5.5
    T.CAMPBELL: 7.5
    ASIIMWE: 7
    FRASER: 7
    ANEKE: 8
    NESS: 7
    Referee 7

  • Applescore: 7

    AMB: 6
    T.WATSON: 5
    HECTOR: 4
    JONES: 6
    THOMAS: 4
    DOBSON: 6
    L.WATSON: 6.5
    TEDIĆ: 5
    MAY: 7
    CBT: 7
    LEABURN: 4
    ASIIMWE: 7
    FRASER: 7
    ANEKE: 8
    NESS: 6

    Referee: 8
  • Applescore: 4 he got the set up wrong again he tried to play Leaburn as another Aneke for example.
    AMB: 6 not great for the first goal.
    T.WATSON: 5 because he improved 2nd half
    HECTOR: 5 he got worse in 2nd half
    JONES: 6
    THOMAS: 5 that is generous, he was too often the wrong side of the attack and rarely bust a gut to get back.
    DOBSON: 5 his long passing was abysmal.
    L.WATSON: 6
    TEDIĆ: 5 was slow witted not reading the game.
    MAY: 6 playing deep makes it difficult for him. a few too many threading a needle passes that went wrong.
    CBT: 7 in and out of the game but still are most potent threat for all of the game.
    LEABURN: 5 he is not Aneke.
    T.CAMPBELL: 6 his pace and trickery helped turn the game.
    ASIIMWE: 6  was his best cameo for us so far.
    FRASER: 7 Got the ball forward with decent passes more than L Watson had.
    ANEKE: 7 his physicality made the difference defenders bounce of him.
    NESS: 6 same as Asiimwe.
  • AMB: 6
    T.WATSON: 5
    HECTOR: 6
    JONES: 7
    THOMAS: 7
    DOBSON: 7
    L.WATSON: 7
    TEDIĆ: 6
    MAY: 8
    CBT: 7
    LEABURN: 5
    ASIIMWE: 7
    FRASER: 7
    ANEKE: 9
    NESS: 7
  • Applescore: 7 - Bold on his substitutions, and got his (2nd half) tactics right
    AMB: 7.5 - Did well and no chance with either goal
    T.WATSON: 5 - Another meh performance where he didn't get forward at all
    HECTOR: 8 - Minus one for his error that cost the second goal, but otherwise immaculate
    JONES: 7.5 - Very solid
    THOMAS: 6.5 - Defended quite well but offers so little going forwards
    DOBSON: 7 - Bog standard Dobbo performance
    L.WATSON: 7 - Buzzed around and very positive
    TEDIĆ: 5 - Early booking took away his edge and offered little thereafter
    MAY: 8 (MoM) - So good in the withdrawn role; looks like he's been playing it for years!
    CBT: 5 - Plus one for his goal; the opposite of Hector where he only did one good thing all game
    LEABURN: 5 - Hardly got involved
    T.CAMPBELL: 8 - Brought the game to life!
    ASIIMWE: 7 - very positive even if some things did not work
    FRASER: 7 - Looked sharp and in control
    ANEKE: 7.5 - Just needs a goal but makes so many things happen
    NESS: 6 - Struggled against Rhodes
    Referee - 6 - Did OK
  • Applescore: 7
    AMB: 6.5
    T.WATSON: 5.5
    HECTOR: 6
    JONES: 6.5
    THOMAS: 6
    DOBSON: 6.5
    L.WATSON: 7
    TEDIĆ: 5
    MAY: 6.5
    CBT: 6.5
    LEABURN: 5.5
    ASIIMWE: 8
    FRASER: 7
    ANEKE: 7.5
    NESS: 7
    Referee 9
  • Applescore 8
    Amb 7
    T Watson 4
    Hector 4
    Jones 6
    Thomas 5
    Dobson 7
    L Watson 7
    Tedic 5
    May 8
    Cbt 8
    Leaburn 6
    T Campbell 8
    Asiimwe 7
    Fraser 6
    Aneke 8
    Ness 6

    Ref 8
  • edited October 2023
    Applescore: 6.5
    AMB: 6.5
    T.WATSON: 5
    HECTOR: 6
    JONES: 6.5
    THOMAS: 6
    DOBSON: 6.5
    L.WATSON: 7
    TEDIĆ: 5
    MAY: 7.5
    CBT: 7
    LEABURN: 5
    T.CAMPBELL: 6.5
    ASIIMWE: 7
    FRASER: 7
    ANEKE: 8
    NESS: 6.5
    Referee 6.5
  • Sponsored links:

  • Applescore: 7 - wasn’t entirely sure how to score him. Substitutions were perfect but yet again we were pretty poor first half 
    AMB: 6 - some good claims from him but maybe could have done better with the first goal 
    T.WATSON: 5 - not his best day at the office
    HECTOR: 6 - thought he was good but unfortunately the mistake cost us 
    JONES: 6.5 - can’t say he did much wrong 
    THOMAS: 6 solid but we need a LB who can attack 
    DOBSON: 6 
    L.WATSON: 6.5
    TEDIĆ: 5 - I like him but was ineffective yesterday 
    MAY: 7.5 another goal and all round good performance 
    CBT: 7 as per May, except struggled a bit at times 
    LEABURN: 4.5 - great finisher and can create something out of nothing but the rest of his play really needs developing, not his day
    T.CAMPBELL: 7.5 all subs were excellent and changed the game on its head
    ASIIMWE: 7.5
    ANEKE: 7.5
    NESS: 6
    Referee 6
  • edited October 2023
    Applescore: 8 - At last a manager who knows when to bring on a sub.

    AMB: 6 - Steady game.
    T.Watson: 4 - Poor game no wonder MKD released him
    Hector: 4 - Why is there always a howler in him. Better teams in this division will bury us,
    Jones: 6 - Clearly not at it and was taken off ill.
    Thomas: 5 - Game appears to be catching up with him. 
    Dobson: 6 -  Steady game as usual.
    L.Watson: 7 - Not as good as Tuesday but still had some nice touches.
    Tedic: 4 - Ineffective, not quite sure yet what he brings to the party.
    May: 7 - End to end player never stops running. His sprint to get in the box for the first goal was fantastic.
    Blackett-Taylor: 7 - Extra 1 point for the strike but lost the ball on too many occasions.
    Leaburn: 5 - Wasnt good today and a few round me and mates are starting to give him some bird.

    T.Campbell: 6 - Better than Tedic and his runs and pace frightened them as they tired.
    Asiimwe: 6 - Much better than Watson and proved it when he came on.
    Fraser: 6.5 - Looked like the player we knew before injury.
    Aneke: 7 -  Game changer is like a battering ram when in the mood. 
    Ness: 6 - Nothing out of the ordinary.

    Referee: 5
  • edited October 2023
    Applescore: 7 - good subs, not si good to start off with though.

    AMB: 6 - Not at fault for goals but still not 100% convinced by him
    T.WATSON: 5 - Eh, ok going forward, not so ok defending 
    HECTOR: 7 - Good game but that mistake sums up his season so far.
    JONES: 7 - Solid, long balls a bit Famewo though.
    THOMAS: 6 - Not at his best today
    DOBSON: 6 - Kept it fairly simple and broke up play as normal, nothing spectacular
    L.WATSON: 8 - Always looking  to get involved, pointing, shouting, movement. Looking a class above.
    TEDIĆ: 5 - Wasted out wide, would swap him and Leaburn for the next game.
    MAY: 9 - Only just got my breath back from watching him put a shift in, exhausting trying to keep up!
    CBT: 7 - kept going but until the goal was looking like one of his off days, fabulous strike though so, 7.
    LEABURN: 5 - Tried but just not involved today.
    T.CAMPBELL: 7 - Great show, ran at the defence and looked to take a shot or two.
    ASIIMWE: 7 - Made Watson look like the inexperienced kid.
    FRASER: 6 - Some lose balls, some good, couple of good strikes but L. Watson he ain't 😅
    ANEKE: 8 - Ok, I'll say it, CHEAT CODE 
    NESS: 6 - much improved from early in the season, saw the game out well.

    Referee: 8 - Best ref I've seen in ages, fair, consistent, mistakes were the sort you see happen in the top leagues, can't fault him really.
  • Applescore: 7 Substitutions were all great and had a huge impact, but starting line up was not so great (Tedic out wide and T Watson at RB). Most of the substitutions were correcting mistakes in starting line up. He is luckier than Holden to have so many great options from the bench.

    AMB: 7 Fantastic tip onto the bar. It looked a certain goal.
    T.WATSON: 5 Didn't offer much defensively or attacking, but clearly not yet match fit.
    HECTOR: 6 Apart from the howler (-1) I though he had a very good game
    JONES: 7 Constantly looks our best defender. I think he will develop into a very astute purchase.
    THOMAS: 6 Not great but considering he is playing out of position he did OK. He does too much of what Sean Clare did last year - slows our momentum by turning inside.
    DOBSON: 7.5 Usual solid performance. Not his greatest, but still very good.
    L.WATSON: 6.5 Excellent first half but faded badly second half. An exciting looking player, always looking to do something positive.
    TEDIĆ: 5 Didn't offer much at all, but not his fault he is played out of position.
    MAY: 7.5 Another great game and another well taken goal. He always looks like he might score - a real threat.
    CBT: 6.5 Did not-a-lot most of the game, but great goal (+1). He has that X factor and even when he has quieter games, he usually manages a couple of moments of magic. Much more consistent and keeps going to the end this season. 
    LEABURN: 5 Not his day. Struggled to do much at all.
    T.CAMPBELL: 8 Made a fantastic impact. Looked really sharp and dangerous. Must start in place of Tedic out wide.
    ASIIMWE: 8 Showed T Watson what a full back should do. Great impact.
    FRASER: 7.5 Silky smooth skills. Great to have him back. Must be due a start very soon.
    ANEKE: 9 Fantastic impact and saved the game for us. Only let down by his finishing, but what a difference he made. If he can stay fit we will make the play-offs. I honestly thought I would never see him play again for Charlton - so glad I was proved wrong.
    NESS: 6.5 Solid when he came on. Did what was required.

    Referee 7 One of the better refs we have had. Let the game flow and was fairly consistent.

  • edited October 2023
    Applescore: 7 
    AMB: 7 
    T.WATSON: 5
    HECTOR: 6
    THOMAS: 4
    DOBSON: 7
    L.WATSON: 8
    TEDIĆ: 6
    MAY: 9..the way Alfie made it into the box for the 1st goal was outstanding
    CBT: 8
    LEABURN: 6
    ASIIMWE: 8 
    FRASER: 7
    ANEKE: 8.5
    NESS: 8
    Referee 5
  • Applescore: 9
    AMB: 8, Held everything in the air and pushed a piledriver on to the bar
    T.WATSON: 5, Doesn't look fit and was left looking at shadows for the first goal
    HECTOR: 5, Clearly there for his experience, but that's the third time this season he's been caught.
    JONES: 6, Better that the rest of his defenders
    THOMAS: 5, Never gave up but was up against a winger who tied him in knots 
    DOBSON: 7, Better than Tuesday
    L.WATSON: 7, Our best moments in the first half involved him. 
    TEDIĆ: 5, Said it on Tuesday, again, what does he bring ?
    MAY: 8, Didn't stop running and deserved his goal
    CBT: 7, Bottled up till our substitutions, and produced a goal worthy of the entrance fee. 
    LEABURN:5. Marked out of the game 
    T.CAMPBELL: 8, Excellent when he came on
    ASIIMWE: 7, Went forward which Watson never did
    FRASER: 7, Made things happen, he now needs to start
    ANEKE: 10, Quite Simply, without Chuks we don't get anything from that game 
    NESS: 7, Stuck to his marker which his other defenders didn't quite manage
    Referee, 7, Thought he did ok. 
  • Applescore: 6.5
    AMB: 5
    T.WATSON: 5.5
    JONES: 6.5
    THOMAS: 5
    DOBSON: 6
    L.WATSON: 6
    TEDIĆ: 5.5
    MAY: 7
    CBT: 7
    LEABURN: 6
    ASIIMWE: 7
    FRASER: 7
    ANEKE: 7
    NESS: 6.5
  • Applescore: 7.5 thought it wasn't going to work around 79 minutes. I was wrong
    AMB: 6.5
    T.WATSON: 5.5
    HECTOR:  5 some sort of quantum entanglement player, the good one and the bad one constantly switching in and out of phase
    JONES: 6.5 our best defender first half
    THOMAS:  5.5 some good some bad
    DOBSON: 6
    L.WATSON: 6  
    TEDIĆ: 5.5
    MAY: 7.5 never stopped
    CBT:  7.5 wasn't have a great game then gets that goal
    LEABURN: 5.5
    T.CAMPBELL:  7
    ASIIMWE: 7
    FRASER: 7
    ANEKE: 8.5 immense. The reason we got a point
    NESS: 6
    Referee 6.5 no major complaints
  • edited October 2023
    Applescore:  7.5
    AMB: 6
    T.WATSON: 5
    HECTOR: 6 
    JONES: 7
    THOMAS: 5.5
    DOBSON: 6.5
    L.WATSON: 6
    TEDIĆ: 5.5
    MAY: 7.5
    CBT: 7
    LEABURN: 6
    T.CAMPBELL: 6.5
    ASIIMWE: 7
    FRASER: 6.5
    ANEKE: 8
    NESS: 6
    Referee 7
  • Applescore: 7
    AMB: 7
    T.WATSON: 6
    HECTOR: 6
    JONES: 6.5
    THOMAS: 6
    DOBSON: 6.5
    L.WATSON: 6.5
    TEDIĆ: 6
    MAY: 7.5
    CBT: 7
    LEABURN: 6
    ASIIMWE: 7
    FRASER: 7
    ANEKE: 8
    NESS: 6
    Referee: 6
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