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Players Marks & Applescore: Charlton v Blackpool ( closes Monday brekkers)



  • Applescore: 7
    AMB: 6
    T.WATSON: 6
    HECTOR: 4
    JONES: 6
    THOMAS: 5
    DOBSON: 6
    L.WATSON: 7
    TEDIĆ: 6
    MAY: 8
    CBT: 7
    LEABURN: 6
    ASIIMWE: 7
    FRASER: 6
    ANEKE: 8
    NESS: 6
    Referee: 6
  • Applescore: 6
    AMB: 6
    T.WATSON: 5
    HECTOR: 4.5
    JONES: 6
    THOMAS: 5
    DOBSON: 6.5
    L.WATSON: 7
    TEDIĆ: 5
    MAY: 7.5
    CBT: 7
    LEABURN: 5
    T.CAMPBELL: 6.5
    ASIIMWE: 6
    FRASER: 6
    ANEKE: 6.5
    NESS: 6.5
  • Applescore: 6
    AMB: 5
    T.WATSON: 4
    HECTOR: 4
    JONES: 4
    THOMAS: 4
    DOBSON: 6.5
    L.WATSON: 5.5
    TEDIĆ: 5
    MAY: 7
    CBT: 6.5
    LEABURN: 5
    ASIIMWE: 7
    FRASER: 7
    ANEKE: 7.5
    NESS: 6
    Referee: 7
  • Applescore: 8

    AMB: 7
    T.Watson: 5
    Hector: 6
    Jones: 7
    Thomas: 5
    Dobson: 6
    L.Watson: 7
    Tedic: 4
    May: 8
    Blackett-Taylor: 7
    Leaburn: 4

    T.Campbell: 5
    Asiimwe: 6
    Fraser: 6.5
    Aneke: 7
    Ness: 6

    Referee: 5
  • Applescore: 6
    AMB: 7
    T.WATSON: 4
    HECTOR: 4
    JONES: 6
    THOMAS: 6
    DOBSON: 6.5
    L.WATSON: 6.5
    TEDIĆ: 4
    MAY: 7
    CBT: 7
    LEABURN: 4
    T.CAMPBELL: 7.5
    ASIIMWE: 8
    FRASER: 7
    ANEKE: 7.5
    NESS: 6.5

  • Applescore:  7
    AMB:  6.5
    T.WATSON:  6
    HECTOR:  6
    JONES:  6.5
    THOMAS:  6
    DOBSON:  6
    L.WATSON:  6.5
    TEDIĆ:  4
    MAY:  7.5
    CBT:  7
    LEABURN:  4
    T.CAMPBELL:   7.5
    ASIIMWE:  7
    FRASER:  7
    ANEKE:  8
    NESS:  6
    Referee  6.5

  • AMB: 6
    T.WATSON: 5
    HECTOR: 3
    JONES: 6
    THOMAS: 5
    DOBSON: 6
    L.WATSON: 5
    TEDIĆ: 5
    MAY: 7
    CBT: 7
    LEABURN: 5
    ASIIMWE: 6
    FRASER: 5
    ANEKE: 7
    NESS: 6
    Referee 7
  • edited October 2023
    AMB: 6
    T.WATSON: 4.5 Not fully fit, being targeted between him and Hector
    HECTOR: 5.5 loses a mark for gifting their 2nd
    JONES: 6 steady 
    THOMAS: 4.5 backwards sideways and poor for their first 
    DOBSON: 6.5 looked leggy but usual effort & drive
    L.WATSON: 6 great on the ball but needs to up his defensive input
    TEDIĆ: 4 out of position, booked early not his day 
    MAY: 7 kept going and got his goal 
    CBT: 7 non existent first half but what an equaliser 
    LEABURN: 4 never really got a kick 
    T.CAMPBELL: 7 gave us impetus and an attacking threat
    ASIIMWE: 7 see above 
    FRASER: 6 some nice touches and probing
    ANEKE: 8 same old Chucks changing games again, should’ve scored a couple great assist though, 
    NESS: 6.5 solid cameo
    Referee 7 best one this season
  • Applescore: 7 made early subs when it was clear it wasn't working, but I don't think he got the initial selection wrong as you don't change a winning side for the most part, but it's too early for Chuks to start back to back 
    AMB: 7 fantastic tip onto the bar in the second half
    T.WATSON: 3 Asiimwe should start the next one again for me
    HECTOR: 5.5 loses a full point just for the fuck up that led to the goal, was doing ok until then 
    JONES: 6.5 didn't do an awful lot wrong but also didn't play "well"
    THOMAS: 3 full back is a "situation" for us at the moment, he kills all momentum going forwards and was a liability backwards too
    DOBSON: 7 lots of forward passing again from him, really added to his game overall 
    L.WATSON: 6 quieter than Tuesday, not as much happened for him
    TEDIĆ: 5 didn't get into it and got booked, Campbell showed why a winger should play on the wing
    MAY: 8 aggressive and hardworking, but also technically sound and an intelligent footballer. 
    CBT: 7.5 didn't get into it much for the first hour, but when he comes alive he's one of the best players in this division 
    LEABURN: 4 turgid from the young man today, looked inexperienced and barely moved most of the first half. Aneke immediately showed that if you show for the ball, you get the ball, and if you have the ball, you can do something with the ball. 
    T.CAMPBELL: 7 thought his additional pace turned the tide for us once he got going, bit greedy on occasion but better than being afraid to get on the ball 
    ASIIMWE: 7 got forward more than T.Watson when he came on, and linked up well with Tupac
    FRASER: 7 might be time to start him again
    ANEKE: 8 just needed a goal to complete an outstanding sub appearance, completely changed the game
    NESS: 6.5 looked calm and assured
    Referee 7 maybe let a bit too much go unchecked, but let the game run for the most part
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  • Applescore: 6
    AMB:  6
    T.WATSON: 5
    HECTOR: 6
    JONES: 6.5
    THOMAS: 6
    DOBSON: 7
    L.WATSON: 7.5
    TEDIĆ: 5
    MAY: 7
    CBT: 7.5
    LEABURN: 5
    T.CAMPBELL: 7.5
    ASIIMWE: 7.5
    FRASER: 7.5
    ANEKE: 8
    NESS: 7.5
    Referee  8
  • Applescore: 7
    AMB: 6
    T.WATSON: 5
    HECTOR: 6
    JONES: 7
    THOMAS: 6
    DOBSON: 7
    L.WATSON: 7
    MAY: 7
    CBT: 6
    LEABURN: 5 
    ASIIMWE: 7
    FRASER: 6.5
    ANEKE: 7
    NESS: 6
    Referee  6
  • Applescore: 8
    AMB: 7. Couple of crucial saves. 
    T.WATSON: 3. He’s really not up to much 
    HECTOR: 5. Hospital pass from Dobson but should have wellied it 
    JONES: 5. Yet to be convinced 
    THOMAS: 4. Poor 
    DOBSON: 6. Hospital pass as above but Hector is carrying the can 
    L.WATSON: 6. Like him but he fell a bit short today 
    TEDIĆ: 3 Was he playing?
    MAY: 9. Outstanding. 
    CBT: 7. Five points for the goal as he was rubbish otherwise. 
    LEABURN: 3. He’s not living up to the hype. 
    T.CAMPBELL: 7 big impact 
    ASIIMWE: 7. Big impact. 
    FRASER: 7 Big impact 
    ANEKE: 9. Cheat code as an impact sub. Wrap him in cotton wool please 
    NESS: not enough time to make an impact. 
    Referee 6 meh. Missed the kick in the head. 

  • Applescore: 7
    AMB: 7
    T.WATSON: 5
    HECTOR: 5
    JONES: 6
    THOMAS: 5
    DOBSON: 7
    L.WATSON: 6
    TEDIĆ: 5
    MAY: 8
    CBT: 7
    LEABURN: 5

    ASIIMWE: 7
    FRASER: 8
    ANEKE: 9
    NESS: 8

  • Applescore: 7
    AMB: 7
    T.WATSON: 4
    HECTOR: 6
    JONES: 7
    THOMAS: 6
    DOBSON: 7
    L.WATSON: 6
    TEDIĆ: 4
    MAY: 8
    CBT: 7
    LEABURN: 5
    ASIIMWE: 8
    FRASER: 7
    ANEKE: 8
    NESS: 6

  • Applescore: 7
    AMB: 6
    T.WATSON: 4
    HECTOR: 4
    JONES: 6
    THOMAS: 5
    DOBSON: 6
    L.WATSON: 5
    TEDIĆ: 4.5
    MAY: 7.5
    CBT: 7
    LEABURN: 4.5
    T.CAMPBELL: 7.5
    ASIIMWE: 7
    FRASER: 7
    ANEKE: 7.5
    NESS: 6
    Referee 7
  • Applescore:   8
    AMB:              7
    T.WATSON:    4 
    HECTOR:       5
    JONES:          6
    THOMAS:     5
    DOBSON:      7
    L.WATSON:    6
    TEDIĆ:           4
    MAY:          7.5
    CBT:          7
    LEABURN:      4
    T.CAMPBELL:   7.5 
    ASIIMWE:     7.5
    FRASER:      7
    ANEKE:      8
    NESS:        6
    Referee     7
  • AMB: 6
    T.WATSON: 5
    HECTOR: 5
    JONES: 5.5
    THOMAS: 6
    DOBSON: 6.5
    L.WATSON: 6.5
    TEDIĆ: 5
    MAY: 8
    CBT: 7
    LEABURN: 5.5
    T.CAMPBELL: 6.5
    ASIIMWE: 7
    FRASER: 6.5
    ANEKE: 8
    NESS: 6.5
  • Applescore: 7
    AMB: 7
    T.WATSON: 5
    HECTOR: 7
    JONES: 7
    THOMAS: 7
    DOBSON: 7
    L.WATSON: 7
    TEDIĆ: 5
    MAY: 6
    CBT: 6
    LEABURN: 5
    ASIIMWE: 7
    FRASER: 5
    ANEKE: 7
    NESS: 7
  • Sponsored links:

  • Applescore: 7
    AMB: 6
    T.WATSON: 5
    HECTOR: 6
    JONES: 6
    THOMAS: 5.5
    DOBSON: 6.5
    L.WATSON: 7
    TEDIĆ: 5.5
    MAY: 7
    CBT: 6.5
    LEABURN: 5
    T.CAMPBELL: 6.5
    ASIIMWE: 6
    FRASER: 6
    ANEKE: 7
    NESS: 6
    Referee 7
  • Applescore: 7.O
    AMB: 7/0
    T.WATSON: 6.0
    HECTOR: 6.0
    JONES: 6.0
    THOMAS: 6.0
    DOBSON: 7.0
    L.WATSON: 7,0
    TEDIĆ: 6.0
    MAY: 8.0
    CBT: 7.0
    LEABURN: 6.0
    T.CAMPBELL: 7.0
    ASIIMWE: 7.0
    FRASER: 7,0
    ANEKE: 8.5
    NESS: 7.0
    Referee 8.0
  • edited October 2023
    Applescore: 8
    AMB: 8
    T.WATSON: 6
    HECTOR: 7
    JONES: 7
    THOMAS: 7.5
    DOBSON: 8
    L.WATSON: 7.5
    TEDIĆ: 6 - not quite at the races today
    MAY: 8
    CBT: 7.5 - pretty much a passenger the first half, nearly won it in the second
    LEABURN: 6
    T.CAMPBELL: 8.5 - please don't play him in the middle anymore, with Asimwe he was awesome out wide.
    ASIIMWE: 8.5
    FRASER: 7.5
    ANEKE: 9 - if you could bottle Eau d'Aneke you could make a fortune selling it to ineffectual centre-forwards; OK, he didn't have his shooting boots on but he completely changed the momentum of the game..
    NESS: 7.5
    Referee: 9.5 - can't find anything to complain about but I can't give a ref 10.

    Albie Morgan: 2 - thank heavens he's moved on.
  • Applescore: 8 Made all right decisions
    AMB: 7
    T.WATSON: 6
    HECTOR: 6 Idiot, terrible mistake. 
    JONES: 7
    THOMAS: 6
    DOBSON: 6.5
    L.WATSON: 6
    TEDIĆ: 6
    MAY: 7.5
    CBT: 7
    LEABURN: 6
    ASIIMWE: 7
    FRASER: 7
    ANEKE: 8 MOM
    NESS: 6
    Referee 7

  • I’m assuming that RMoore’s marks are disregarded from the stat bank on grounds of blatant wummery?
  • Applescore: 6.5

    AMB: 6
    T.WATSON: 6
    HECTOR: 6
    JONES: 7
    THOMAS: 7
    DOBSON: 8
    L.WATSON: 7
    TEDIĆ: 5.5
    MAY: 7.5
    CBT: 6.5
    LEABURN: 5
    T.CAMPBELL: 7.5
    ASIIMWE: 7
    FRASER: 7
    ANEKE: 7.5
    NESS: 6

    Referee 8
  • edited October 2023
    Applescore: 6.5
    AMB: 7
    T.WATSON: 6
    HECTOR: 6.5
    JONES: 7
    THOMAS: 6
    DOBSON: 6.5
    L.WATSON: 7
    TEDIĆ: 5.5
    MAY: 7.5
    CBT: 7
    LEABURN: 5.5
    T.CAMPBELL: 7.5
    ASIIMWE: 7
    FRASER: 7
    ANEKE: 8
    NESS: 7
    Referee 6
  • AMB: 6
    T.WATSON: 6
    HECTOR: 5
    JONES: 7
    THOMAS: 5.5
    DOBSON: 7.5
    L.WATSON: 7
    TEDIĆ: 5
    MAY: 8
    CBT: 7
    LEABURN: 5
    T.CAMPBELL: 6.5
    ASIIMWE: 6.5
    FRASER: 6
    ANEKE: 8
    NESS: 6.5
    Referee: gave us a lot but missed a straight red for them. 5
  • Applescore: 7
    AMB: 6
    T.WATSON: 5
    HECTOR: 6
    JONES: 7
    THOMAS: 6
    DOBSON: 7
    L.WATSON: 7
    MAY: 7
    CBT: 7
    LEABURN: 5 
    ASIIMWE: 7
    FRASER: 6.5
    ANEKE: 7
    NESS: 6
    Referee 7
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