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Stupid policing at Peterborough



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    Kips said:
    cafctom said:
    The proportion of coked up idiots in the away end was high today, annoyingly. 
    I went to the Newport game, pre match beers, went to the loo. A couple of Charlton fans came into the Gents after me. After greeting each other, each ask if they had any gear of them. Both replied no, they thought the other would.
    And what does that involve exactly? Just asking for a friend
    Shaking hands with their best friend...😉
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    PopIcon said:
    redbuttle said:
    PopIcon said:
    cafctom said:
    The proportion of coked up idiots in the away end was high today, annoyingly. 
    Some bloke came charging down the steps against the leaving crowd to tell the players how highly he thought of them. It was a dickheads day out.

    Some people are fed up with this division and want to get out of it. If we carry on like this we will be here for ever. To be honest we wouldn't have scored if we had played all day...

    We all want Charlton out of this league. Pushing others out the way to vent spleen isn't helpful, in fact it's downright dangerous.

    There were others too, the manbaby who wiped out the entire shelf on the concourse.
    Actually I don't remember anyone being pushed out of the way. The only pushing was our fans running to get out..
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    We’ve got plenty of dickhead fans of course I’m not excusing any of that fuckwittery im saying why some may be a bit more over the top than previous.  The continued wankness of our club does not make the pricks behaviour acceptable but if you’re saying people are exploding and angry I genuinely can see why , football supporting has never been rational in its reaction

    no one has a devine right for promotion but footballing highs to disastrous lows whilst our two nearest neighbours are having the best of times is a triple kick in the bollox that no one would have believed possible 20 years ago 
    Spot on mate. 
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    CAFCTrev said:
    One thing that away games always emphasise, just because someone supports Charlton doesn't mean you'll have anything else in common with them, or even want to like them as a person. 
    Stop being such a snob and gimme a fag.
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    mendonca said:
    CAFCTrev said:
    One thing that away games always emphasise, just because someone supports Charlton doesn't mean you'll have anything else in common with them, or even want to like them as a person. 
    Stop being such a snob and gimme a fag.

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    I took a later train back to London, and arriving back at St Pancras at 9:20 there were a couple of Charlton fans leaving the train and walking through the station still singing. A bit weird after a 1-0 defeat!

    More annoying was meeting Palace fans, arriving back from Sheffield...
    Only sing when we win ? 
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    I took a later train back to London, and arriving back at St Pancras at 9:20 there were a couple of Charlton fans leaving the train and walking through the station still singing. A bit weird after a 1-0 defeat!

    More annoying was meeting Palace fans, arriving back from Sheffield...
    Only sing when we win ? 
    4 hours after the game had finished?
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    I took a later train back to London, and arriving back at St Pancras at 9:20 there were a couple of Charlton fans leaving the train and walking through the station still singing. A bit weird after a 1-0 defeat!

    More annoying was meeting Palace fans, arriving back from Sheffield...
    Only sing when we win ? 
    4 hours after the game had finished?
    Singing at a London train station on returning has been a long tradition - win or lose 
    A risky thing to do back in the day. 
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    edited August 2023
    Saw my first away chunder of the season on the concourse before the game. That was nice 
    Remember going to Brentford a few years back and there was a group of teenagers in front of me. One happened to be swaying for most of the first half. Annoying me whenever there was an attack down the right wing as his head kept getting in the way. Anyway as the half time whistle blew this must of been some sort of trigger as he spewed up all over the floor and over one of his mates. 
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    I took a later train back to London, and arriving back at St Pancras at 9:20 there were a couple of Charlton fans leaving the train and walking through the station still singing. A bit weird after a 1-0 defeat!

    More annoying was meeting Palace fans, arriving back from Sheffield...
    Only sing when we win ? 
    4 hours after the game had finished?
    Singing at a London train station on returning has been a long tradition - win or lose 
    And evidence shows a direct correlation to the volume of alcohol consumed. 
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    So was the slow ‘dummy train’ for all the drunks?
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    Who doesn't have a good old sing song when the arrive back in London after an away day, win, lose or draw? It's a no-brainer surely?
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    YTS1978 said:
    Who doesn't have a good old sing song when the arrive back in London after an away day, win, lose or draw? It's a no-brainer surely?
    After checking there's no cockney reds, chelsea, Millwall, West ham around yes.
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    YTS1978 said:
    Who doesn't have a good old sing song when the arrive back in London after an away day, win, lose or draw? It's a no-brainer surely?
    After checking there's no cockney reds, chelsea, Millwall, West ham around yes.
    Really never given it much thought before. But after a few light ales, it's all about announcing your return to civilization haha!
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    A friend of mine is a well-'ard Millwall supporter - in his 70s, belongs to the local drama group and sings in the church choir...

    A few years ago, he went to visit his son at Bristol University and they decided to catch a train to Cardiff one evening as Millwall were playing there. They returned to the station with the other fans under police escort, at which point they were ordered to get onto the London train that was waiting. The police weren't interested in the fact they only had tickets to Bristol and threatened them with arrest if they didn't comply. It was only after they spoke to someone senior that they finally were allowed to get the correct train.
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    I took a later train back to London, and arriving back at St Pancras at 9:20 there were a couple of Charlton fans leaving the train and walking through the station still singing. A bit weird after a 1-0 defeat!

    More annoying was meeting Palace fans, arriving back from Sheffield...
    Only sing when we win ? 
    4 hours after the game had finished?
    Singing at a London train station on returning has been a long tradition - win or lose 
    A risky thing to do back in the day. 
    Depends on numbers.
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    There does seem to be a general lack of consistency / leadership in what exactly the police should do in this sort of situation.

    For a while, the police seemed obsessed with locking the gates at Charlton station so the trains left more than half empty while crowds of "mixed" supporters were crushed together outside the station. 

    This is the compete opposite approach - forcing fans on to trains that do not go where they want to go. Never seen this at Charlton!

    Once, in Oldham, I was waiting for a bus and the police were trying to force me and other supporters on to a bus we did not have valid tickets for. But the driver was refusing to let us on! We all got there in the end though!

    Some things don't change. 
    Many moons ago we drove to QPR and were forced to walk (despite protestations) a couple of miles extra as we were herded towards the train in the opposite direction with everybody else.
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    A friend of mine is a well-'ard Millwall supporter - in his 70s, belongs to the local drama group and sings in the church choir...
    That does fit the typical profile of a Millwall fan....
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    CAFCTrev said:
    A friend of mine is a well-'ard Millwall supporter - in his 70s, belongs to the local drama group and sings in the church choir...
    That does fit the typical profile of a Millwall fan....
    The group of Millwall I know comprises a Lewisham councillor, two former university lecturers, a former Crown Woods deputy head, and such a high muck-a-muck in the Home Office he flashes his ID at Old Bill and they salute. Quite why they support the scum I don’t know. 
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    CAFCTrev said:
    A friend of mine is a well-'ard Millwall supporter - in his 70s, belongs to the local drama group and sings in the church choir...
    That does fit the typical profile of a Millwall fan....
    The group of Millwall I know comprises a Lewisham councillor, two former university lecturers, a former Crown Woods deputy head, and such a high muck-a-muck in the Home Office he flashes his ID at Old Bill and they salute. Quite why they support the scum I don’t know. 
    So they can all revel in the clubs reputation and think they're all pwopa nawty geezas?
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