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New post match celebration



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    And what was that group huddle about when we won our first corner, bizarre, plus I think someone was booked because of it
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    Not a fan. Would tolerate it if it was later in the season and we had just beaten say Derby or Bolton to go top of the league, but Orient on the first game of the season? No thanks.
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    And what was that group huddle about when we won our first corner, bizarre, plus I think someone was booked because of it
    Fraser with the booking 
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    Good for away games to show appreciation to the fans. Not so sure at home.
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    Stuttgart did it earlier when they won a friendly. We're on trend 
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    100% record. Haven't conceded a goal all season. As long as those two stats stay the same, I'll be happy if they're still doing the celebration in April
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    I remember pissing myself laughing to my mates at work who are Liverpool fans when they did this. Can't wait for working Monday :/. It's not for me no. I like the close up videos of them walking to the covered end etc and the tunnel jump. But I don't know about this... 
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    A firm handshake with the opposition, then off for a communal bath (anyone seen the soap?).

    That's all that is needed...

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     Embarrassing, we shouldn’t be celebrating a win against Orient? Or a good way to build a connection between players and fans?
    It wasn't very well choreographed , i agree , but i have no problem with it . Also we should celebrate any league win regardless of the opposition. 
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    Don’t mind it. We won and it’s all about connecting with the fans. Something we haven’t had with a squad since Bowyer.

    Connecting with fans isn't something you can just switch on like that, or with social media videos of the players and manager saying how much they appreciate the fans, it's something you earn over the course of a season
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    Stuttgart did it earlier when they won a friendly. We're on trend 
    A lot of teams in the Bundesliga do this, in particular Schalke 04.
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    Don’t really see the problem with it. Good to have the players and supporters engaging. Think it’s particularly good for the younger players. 
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    I don’t like it. The last time I was at a game where this was done was St Truiden
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    Sometimes people can’t get out of their own way.
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    tom_k said:
    If Palace did that we would be taking the piss out of them.
    If palace done that after winning at Man City I’d think pathetic 

    if we win promotion or go out of the papa Johns   yep I’m all for it 

    but beating the O’s at home first game of our 4th consecutive league season in the third tier , fuck off 

    connect with the fans , just win games and get promotion out of this shithouse and I’ll connect with anyone 
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    Embarrassing is being a club who steals its history and then trades off it. Celebrating with your fans is about as far away from embarrassing you can get 
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    Save it for when we’ve clinched promotion 
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    If the players and Holden want to celebrate like that and Holden thinks it will add even 1% positivity, team spirit or anything else, then personally I'm more than happy for them to incorporate that into the post game after a win.
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