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Just Stop Oil protestors.....



  • R0TW said:
    The guess is that there were 4 billion in 1974.
    There are 8 billion now.
    Is there a trend here?
    This is quite simply the biggest threat to the planet. 
    Trouble is the countries that's population is increasing out of control are non white. 
    So any debate about doing something about it is shouted down as being racist. 
    Most of the world is non-white. Some weird comments on this thread. 

    What debate do you want to have, kill off the minorities? 
    I think @blackpool72 point has just been proven!! 

    You've even highlighted his text but not once does he say he wants to debate killing off the minorities. In fact, he doesn't mention killing!!!!

    I took the comment as educating on birth control, you took it as ethnic cleansing. I wonder who the weird one is
    I'm not sure what the average age of a CL lifer is, but we're a bit old to be having awkward discussions about the birds and bees aren't we? 🤔
  • seth plum said:
    If we don't have the energy levels needed to run our infrastructure, is it only because of a shortage of the energy needed?
    Could it be that the infrastructure we demand or expect or hope for is maybe too much?
    Less demand for energy is less shortages and less pollution.

    No economy is ever going to proactively shrink to create less infrastructure in order to reduce energy requirements. 
  • R0TW said:
    The guess is that there were 4 billion in 1974.
    There are 8 billion now.
    Is there a trend here?
    This is quite simply the biggest threat to the planet. 
    Trouble is the countries that's population is increasing out of control are non white. 
    So any debate about doing something about it is shouted down as being racist. 
    Most of the world is non-white. Some weird comments on this thread. 

    What debate do you want to have, kill off the minorities? 
    I think @blackpool72 point has just been proven!! 

    You've even highlighted his text but not once does he say he wants to debate killing off the minorities. In fact, he doesn't mention killing!!!!

    I took the comment as educating on birth control, you took it as ethnic cleansing. I wonder who the weird one is
    Why do you assume that non-whites don't understand what birth control is? I'm definitely aware of who the weird ones are. 
  • seth plum said:
    And all hail the clear increase in vegan and vegetarian consumption judging by the way the shelves have changed in the shops in recent years.
    (Some of the offerings of the veggie/vegan 'manufacturers' are rank mind you).
    Off out to shoot a few bunnies after that out burst
  • seth plum said:
    And all hail the clear increase in vegan and vegetarian consumption judging by the way the shelves have changed in the shops in recent years.
    (Some of the offerings of the veggie/vegan 'manufacturers' are rank mind you).
    Setting aside our differences for a second, what should I be looking for that might tempt me to try more. My wife once told me we'd be divorcing if I ever served her Linda McCartney's sausages again, which were like cardboard, but most things I've  tried since have been better, some alarmingly worse, the texture like I don't know what.

    We'll have been married 20 years on Thursday, no thanks to those  sausages.
  • PaddyP17 said:
    On a wider note, sharing stuff like bexleyaddick has shared and saying "I'm not saying this but here's some balance" is so WILDLY dangerous and misinformative.


    This sort of "balance" is "ahh for balance, here's some sources saying the Moon landing was faked" and going straight into the flag fluttering nonsense. 

    I have zero tolerance for this and even if the poster is trying to qualify it by saying "oh but I don't necessarily agree" - THEN DON'T SHARE IT!
    As it also is when people with no qualifications saying man made climate change is undeniable.... why shouldn't I post articles that are relevant to the topic, are you suggesting that we should only post items that suit our own agenda?
    I'm sure we would all welcome renewables as our only source of power but it IS a fact that they currently cannot supply the level of energy needed to run our infrastructure and no level of investment can provide an iron clad guarantee that we will ever be able to harness enough from that source. And thats before we all have to convert to electric vehicles, so what will we do when all the oil and gas reserves have run out and we still don't have sufficient power from renewables? 
    What are you on about? Man made climate change is about as deniable as gravity.

    And I called out your articles how I did because with a pretty quick check, you can see whether something is misinformative or not. I've taken the time to call out the GB News video and the Clintel "declaration" because they are so obviously at odds with the scientific consensus: 

    I haven't got an agenda beyond not wanting the planet to die. This is a universal agenda and this is why - in my opinion - we cannot, even for one second, tolerate views that run contrary to this.


    As for what you say about renewables: yes!!! You're absolutely right! Bang on! We cannot provide all of it right now. But, like, we HAVE TO try. We absolutely have to. Otherwise we seal our fates.

    As for those who are criticising my tone and rhetoric - shall I dig out that MLK quote again? "... [the person] who is more devoted to order than justice [...] who constantly says, 'I agree with you in the goal you seek, but I cannot agree with your methods[.]"
  • swordfish said:
    seth plum said:
    And all hail the clear increase in vegan and vegetarian consumption judging by the way the shelves have changed in the shops in recent years.
    (Some of the offerings of the veggie/vegan 'manufacturers' are rank mind you).
    Setting aside our differences for a second, what should I be looking for that might tempt me to try more. My wife once told me we'd be divorcing if I ever served her Linda McCartney's sausages again, which were like cardboard, but most things I've  tried since have been better, some alarmingly worse, the texture like I don't know what.

    We'll have been married 20 years on Thursday, no thanks to those  sausages.
    I am not a fan of pretend burgers or sausages, although they have their place. If you're into cooking then Quorn pieces and mince is versatile, and good for absorbing flavours you might add from spices and peppers and whatnot.
  • swordfish said:
    seth plum said:
    And all hail the clear increase in vegan and vegetarian consumption judging by the way the shelves have changed in the shops in recent years.
    (Some of the offerings of the veggie/vegan 'manufacturers' are rank mind you).
    Setting aside our differences for a second, what should I be looking for that might tempt me to try more. My wife once told me we'd be divorcing if I ever served her Linda McCartney's sausages again, which were like cardboard, but most things I've  tried since have been better, some alarmingly worse, the texture like I don't know what.

    We'll have been married 20 years on Thursday, no thanks to those  sausages.
    Intensively farming anything is bad for the planet, due to yhe demand from over population.

    Eat ethically produced stuff and you won't go far wrong. Better still, if you've got the time and space, grow and harvest your own produce.
  • seth plum said:
    If we don't have the energy levels needed to run our infrastructure, is it only because of a shortage of the energy needed?
    Could it be that the infrastructure we demand or expect or hope for is maybe too much?
    Less demand for energy is less shortages and less pollution.

    Totally agree, and I wish it could be so, but isn't it a bit of a too simplistic argument? Can you imagine the current generation going without their devices and social media (which in itself uses vast amounts of energy and water to maintain the huge servers needed to store all that data and keep them cool) etc.,? I sure can't.
    Demand is hard to manage but not impossible. Supply can be more directly influenced. 

    This is why it’s also very simplistic to say it’s a no brainer to refuse some oil licences. There will be arguments why they are justifiable because there are many dynamics and competing financial considerations for the whole economy. 

    It is way too simplistic to characterise it as funding the Tory party or allowing a few wealthy investors to continue to benefit from the oil companies. 

    I’m not an expert but it really can’t be as clear cut as that. 

    Hard decisions balancing competing demands with no outright winner is the reality I’m sure. 

    I don’t think anyone believes the need to change isn’t real but how to is the dilemma. 
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  • It's about consumption, not population. 
  • Gribbo said:
    swordfish said:
    seth plum said:
    And all hail the clear increase in vegan and vegetarian consumption judging by the way the shelves have changed in the shops in recent years.
    (Some of the offerings of the veggie/vegan 'manufacturers' are rank mind you).
    Setting aside our differences for a second, what should I be looking for that might tempt me to try more. My wife once told me we'd be divorcing if I ever served her Linda McCartney's sausages again, which were like cardboard, but most things I've  tried since have been better, some alarmingly worse, the texture like I don't know what.

    We'll have been married 20 years on Thursday, no thanks to those  sausages.
    Intensively farming anything is bad for the planet, due to yhe demand from over population.

    Eat ethically produced stuff and you won't go far wrong. Better still, if you've got the time and space, grow and harvest your own produce.
    This is fundamentally on-point as well, for balance's sake 
  • edited July 2023
    PaddyP17 said:
    PaddyP17 said:
    On a wider note, sharing stuff like bexleyaddick has shared and saying "I'm not saying this but here's some balance" is so WILDLY dangerous and misinformative.


    This sort of "balance" is "ahh for balance, here's some sources saying the Moon landing was faked" and going straight into the flag fluttering nonsense. 

    I have zero tolerance for this and even if the poster is trying to qualify it by saying "oh but I don't necessarily agree" - THEN DON'T SHARE IT!
    As it also is when people with no qualifications saying man made climate change is undeniable.... why shouldn't I post articles that are relevant to the topic, are you suggesting that we should only post items that suit our own agenda?
    I'm sure we would all welcome renewables as our only source of power but it IS a fact that they currently cannot supply the level of energy needed to run our infrastructure and no level of investment can provide an iron clad guarantee that we will ever be able to harness enough from that source. And thats before we all have to convert to electric vehicles, so what will we do when all the oil and gas reserves have run out and we still don't have sufficient power from renewables? 
    What are you on about? Man made climate change is about as deniable as gravity.

    And I called out your articles how I did because with a pretty quick check, you can see whether something is misinformative or not. I've taken the time to call out the GB News video and the Clintel "declaration" because they are so obviously at odds with the scientific consensus: 

    I haven't got an agenda beyond not wanting the planet to die. This is a universal agenda and this is why - in my opinion - we cannot, even for one second, tolerate views that run contrary to this.


    As for what you say about renewables: yes!!! You're absolutely right! Bang on! We cannot provide all of it right now. But, like, we HAVE TO try. We absolutely have to. Otherwise we seal our fates.

    As for those who are criticising my tone and rhetoric - shall I dig out that MLK quote again? "... [the person] who is more devoted to order than justice [...] who constantly says, 'I agree with you in the goal you seek, but I cannot agree with your methods[.]"
    I disagree, climate change is undeniable, yes, but most of us are simply not qualified to say for sure that it is man made and not cyclical. I said that I did not completely agree with Mr. Catt because I personally am yet to be convinced about the actual cause, but he IS absolutely correct about renewables and the present infrastructure being insufficient as things stand.

    And for the record I've never said we shouldn't try to find a way of securing sufficient energy from renewables, in an ideal world thats surely what we all wish for, but in my opinion we shouldn't shoot ourselves in the foot by discarding fossil fuels completely. I'm confident that in time the technology will exist to rely completely on renewables but that could be decades away, and we don't have decades worth of oil and gas reserves, in the meantime I'd suggest that we need to keep our reserves up to maintain the supply during the transition, however long it is, and as things progress we will hopefully need to rely on them less and less. 

    I'm not sure if it was you or someone else, but to compare me with a moon landing denier or flat earther is simply ridiculous.....   
  • It's the timescale that's pointing to this climate change being manmade. What used to take millennia is taking decades.

    Also the fact we're pumping CO2 into the skies, chopping down rainforests and breeding countless cattle. Caught somewhat red-handed, wouldn't you say
  • R0TW said:
    The guess is that there were 4 billion in 1974.
    There are 8 billion now.
    Is there a trend here?
    This is quite simply the biggest threat to the planet. 
    Trouble is the countries that's population is increasing out of control are non white. 
    So any debate about doing something about it is shouted down as being racist. 
    Most of the world is non-white. Some weird comments on this thread. 

    What debate do you want to have, kill off the minorities? 
    I think @blackpool72 point has just been proven!! 

    You've even highlighted his text but not once does he say he wants to debate killing off the minorities. In fact, he doesn't mention killing!!!!

    I took the comment as educating on birth control, you took it as ethnic cleansing. I wonder who the weird one is
    Why do you assume that non-whites don't understand what birth control is? I'm definitely aware of who the weird ones are. 
    Oh please ffs!!!! Why are you making non racist comments all about race!
    Good old SELR. He is a strange one but he is our strange one.
  • Leuth said:
    It's the timescale that's pointing to this climate change being manmade. What used to take millennia is taking decades.

    Also the fact we're pumping CO2 into the skies, chopping down rainforests and breeding countless cattle. Caught somewhat red-handed, wouldn't you say
    This could well be the case, if true its a shot in the arm for the man made case.
    I too deplore the deforestation, not just because it could be contributing to climate change, but also for the loss of all that amazing wildlife.
    I'm not sure I agree about the countless cattle argument though, before man started hunting them on a large scale a couple of hundred years ago there were literally millions of wild buffalo roaming the USA, just to mention one continent, Imagine the methane produced there.
  • A point about population: birth rate reductions tend to lag behind infant mortality reductions by a few decades. Family sizes in Asian countries will naturally reduce given time and widespread healthcare, but there is an overlap of lower infant mortality and larger families. The Western world has been through it already. Asia is next. 

    And American Christian radicals will still be having eight kids for ideological reasons, powering their McMansions with enough energy to supply a rock concert, burning an oilfield a year in each of their fucking Humvees, eating a steak the size of a pillow every night, and all contributing to by far the bigger problem: overconsumption
  • Leuth said:
    It's the timescale that's pointing to this climate change being manmade. What used to take millennia is taking decades.

    Also the fact we're pumping CO2 into the skies, chopping down rainforests and breeding countless cattle. Caught somewhat red-handed, wouldn't you say
    This could well be the case, if true its a shot in the arm for the man made case.
    I too deplore the deforestation, not just because it could be contributing to climate change, but also for the loss of all that amazing wildlife.
    I'm not sure I agree about the countless cattle argument though, before man started hunting them on a large scale a couple of hundred years ago there were literally millions of wild buffalo roaming the USA, just to mention one continent, Imagine the methane produced there.
    According to Stats of 2022, the Number of Cows Worldwide Is Over 1 Billion (US Department of Agriculture, FAO) Of the hundreds of cows or cattle species worldwide, there are an estimated 1 billion cows spread across the world. Some estimate this number to be even higher, with the Food and Agriculture Organizational. 23 Feb 2023

    Also, these are not wild buffalo. These are selectively bred, intensively fed meat tanks
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  • Leuth said:
    Leuth said:
    It's the timescale that's pointing to this climate change being manmade. What used to take millennia is taking decades.

    Also the fact we're pumping CO2 into the skies, chopping down rainforests and breeding countless cattle. Caught somewhat red-handed, wouldn't you say
    This could well be the case, if true its a shot in the arm for the man made case.
    I too deplore the deforestation, not just because it could be contributing to climate change, but also for the loss of all that amazing wildlife.
    I'm not sure I agree about the countless cattle argument though, before man started hunting them on a large scale a couple of hundred years ago there were literally millions of wild buffalo roaming the USA, just to mention one continent, Imagine the methane produced there.
    According to Stats of 2022, the Number of Cows Worldwide Is Over 1 Billion (US Department of Agriculture, FAO) Of the hundreds of cows or cattle species worldwide, there are an estimated 1 billion cows spread across the world. Some estimate this number to be even higher, with the Food and Agriculture Organizational. 23 Feb 2023

    Also, these are not wild buffalo. These are selectively bred, intensively fed meat tanks
    Whether they are bred or wild, they still produce the same amount of methane, I'm simply pointing out that before they were hunted on a huge scale there were probably billions of wild animals across the world producing an equal amount of methane. 
    Wouldn't there have to be deforestation on a huge scale if we were all to stop eating meat and feed the world on a plant based diet? 
  • And they taste lovely 
  • R0TW said:
    The guess is that there were 4 billion in 1974.
    There are 8 billion now.
    Is there a trend here?
    This is quite simply the biggest threat to the planet. 
    Trouble is the countries that's population is increasing out of control are non white. 
    So any debate about doing something about it is shouted down as being racist. 
    Most of the world is non-white. Some weird comments on this thread. 

    What debate do you want to have, kill off the minorities? 
    I think @blackpool72 point has just been proven!! 

    You've even highlighted his text but not once does he say he wants to debate killing off the minorities. In fact, he doesn't mention killing!!!!

    I took the comment as educating on birth control, you took it as ethnic cleansing. I wonder who the weird one is
    Why do you assume that non-whites don't understand what birth control is? I'm definitely aware of who the weird ones are. 
    Oh please ffs!!!! Why are you making non racist comments all about race!
    Because the original comment was 'Trouble is the countries that's population is increasing out of control are non white.'. 

    What else is that supposed to mean? 
    For context, you should have copied all of blackpools post. You missed the last bit which is the important bit but I think you know that which is why you ignored it.

    you are making something that someone said as a non racist comment into a racist comment and I can't be arsed with being dragged down low to a debate of that nature so I'm off to bed. Night x
  • PaddyP17 said:
    PaddyP17 said:
    On a wider note, sharing stuff like bexleyaddick has shared and saying "I'm not saying this but here's some balance" is so WILDLY dangerous and misinformative.


    This sort of "balance" is "ahh for balance, here's some sources saying the Moon landing was faked" and going straight into the flag fluttering nonsense. 

    I have zero tolerance for this and even if the poster is trying to qualify it by saying "oh but I don't necessarily agree" - THEN DON'T SHARE IT!
    As it also is when people with no qualifications saying man made climate change is undeniable.... why shouldn't I post articles that are relevant to the topic, are you suggesting that we should only post items that suit our own agenda?
    I'm sure we would all welcome renewables as our only source of power but it IS a fact that they currently cannot supply the level of energy needed to run our infrastructure and no level of investment can provide an iron clad guarantee that we will ever be able to harness enough from that source. And thats before we all have to convert to electric vehicles, so what will we do when all the oil and gas reserves have run out and we still don't have sufficient power from renewables? 
    What are you on about? Man made climate change is about as deniable as gravity.

    And I called out your articles how I did because with a pretty quick check, you can see whether something is misinformative or not. I've taken the time to call out the GB News video and the Clintel "declaration" because they are so obviously at odds with the scientific consensus: 

    I haven't got an agenda beyond not wanting the planet to die. This is a universal agenda and this is why - in my opinion - we cannot, even for one second, tolerate views that run contrary to this.


    As for what you say about renewables: yes!!! You're absolutely right! Bang on! We cannot provide all of it right now. But, like, we HAVE TO try. We absolutely have to. Otherwise we seal our fates.

    As for those who are criticising my tone and rhetoric - shall I dig out that MLK quote again? "... [the person] who is more devoted to order than justice [...] who constantly says, 'I agree with you in the goal you seek, but I cannot agree with your methods[.]"
    I disagree, climate change is undeniable, yes, but most of us are simply not qualified to say for sure that it is man made and not cyclical. I said that I did not completely agree with Mr. Catt because I personally am yet to be convinced about the actual cause, but he IS absolutely correct about renewables and the present infrastructure being insufficient as things stand.

    And for the record I've never said we shouldn't try to find a way of securing sufficient energy from renewables, in an ideal world thats surely what we all wish for, but in my opinion we shouldn't shoot ourselves in the foot by discarding fossil fuels completely. I'm confident that in time the technology will exist to rely completely on renewables but that could be decades away, and we don't have decades worth of oil and gas reserves, in the meantime I'd suggest that we need to keep our reserves up to maintain the supply during the transition, however long it is, and as things progress we will hopefully need to rely on them less and less. 

    I'm not sure if it was you or someone else, but to compare me with a moon landing denier or flat earther is simply ridiculous.....   
    - Many of us aren't qualified and that is why I have cited sources, from those qualified, that say scientific consensus is 98-99% on this issue

    - He's right that present infrastructure is insufficient. No one is denying that!

    - I know you've not said it, just as I haven't said we should discard fossil fuels completely. The technology might be ages away but as Leuth has said above, we also need to reduce consumption.

    - I compared the rhetoric of "balance" on this issue with that of providing a moon landing conspiracy theory as an "argument" against the moon landings. Because, like I said, fewer than 2% of scientists disagree. Perhaps 5% of Americans, according to this Statista survey from 2019, believe the landings were faked.
  • JaShea99 said:
    R0TW said:
    The guess is that there were 4 billion in 1974.
    There are 8 billion now.
    Is there a trend here?
    This is quite simply the biggest threat to the planet. 
    Trouble is the countries that's population is increasing out of control are non white. 
    So any debate about doing something about it is shouted down as being racist. 
    Most of the world is non-white. Some weird comments on this thread. 

    What debate do you want to have, kill off the minorities? 
    I think @blackpool72 point has just been proven!! 

    You've even highlighted his text but not once does he say he wants to debate killing off the minorities. In fact, he doesn't mention killing!!!!

    I took the comment as educating on birth control, you took it as ethnic cleansing. I wonder who the weird one is
    Why do you assume that non-whites don't understand what birth control is? I'm definitely aware of who the weird ones are. 
    Oh please ffs!!!! Why are you making non racist comments all about race!
    Because the original comment was 'Trouble is the countries that's population is increasing out of control are non white.'. 

    What else is that supposed to mean? 
    Surely you know what he means? What is this new trend of playing dumb when you don’t agree with someone and making them spell out something you know very well instead of engaging in debate? We all know what the barriers to birth control are in certain countries - religion, education, poverty, just to name a few.
    I agree, America with their banning of abortion would be one of those countries. So I think the race comment was needless when you're making a global comment about birth rates and barriers to birth control. 
  • I was of the impression that the population in a lot of countries, even China is decreasing year on year.  It’s certainly true of Japan, Italy and Russia.  I can’t speak for India, haven’t seen the stats.

    The other big challenge is that a lot of emerging nations in Africa struggle to afford to ‘go green’ and it’s more affordable for them to use energy made of fossil fuels.  This has been raised a lot at various climate conferences over the last few years, and to go green they need subsidies.  None of the rich nations are actually looking to do anything about this given the likely cost and most of it is lip service, with some money having been stumped up so far, by the likes of the European Bank of Reconstruction and Development 

    Ultimately we have a problem that can only be solved by scrapping everything we’ve ever known on a societal level when it comes advancing the human race, progress and as Leuth said, consumption.  It’s all we’ve ever done.  We don’t know how to live without consuming, and that consumption has gotten faster and faster, and we’re now hitting terminal velocity in terms of what that looks like for the planet.  We must keep trying, but it’s not looking good and I expect the next few decades will be about mitigation of climate change, rather than stopping it.  Expect more flooding, droughts, rises in sea levels, as well smart arse comments on social media by people it doesn’t directly impact, yet.  

  • sorry all I missed 400 posts have we just stopped oil yet? pound shop Ibrahimovic needs to know...

  • JaShea99 said:
    R0TW said:
    The guess is that there were 4 billion in 1974.
    There are 8 billion now.
    Is there a trend here?
    This is quite simply the biggest threat to the planet. 
    Trouble is the countries that's population is increasing out of control are non white. 
    So any debate about doing something about it is shouted down as being racist. 
    Most of the world is non-white. Some weird comments on this thread. 

    What debate do you want to have, kill off the minorities? 
    I think @blackpool72 point has just been proven!! 

    You've even highlighted his text but not once does he say he wants to debate killing off the minorities. In fact, he doesn't mention killing!!!!

    I took the comment as educating on birth control, you took it as ethnic cleansing. I wonder who the weird one is
    Why do you assume that non-whites don't understand what birth control is? I'm definitely aware of who the weird ones are. 
    Oh please ffs!!!! Why are you making non racist comments all about race!
    Because the original comment was 'Trouble is the countries that's population is increasing out of control are non white.'. 

    What else is that supposed to mean? 
    Surely you know what he means? What is this new trend of playing dumb when you don’t agree with someone and making them spell out something you know very well instead of engaging in debate? We all know what the barriers to birth control are in certain countries - religion, education, poverty, just to name a few.
    I agree, America with their banning of abortion would be one of those countries. So I think the race comment was needless when you're making a global comment about birth rates and barriers to birth control. 
    google countries with the highest growing populations and post what the top four countries! Does that make google racist? Jashea summed it up perfectly but you still want to make it all about race and that's out of order
This discussion has been closed.

Roland Out Forever!