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Players Marks: Charlton v Wendies (closes Monday lunchtime)



  • MacGillivray:  7
    Matthews: 7
    Inniss: 7
    Famewo: 7
    Gunter: 6.5
    Clare: 6
    Morgan: 6
    Dobson: 6.5
    Washington: 6
    Stockley: 6.5
    Jaiyesimi: 7
    Referee: 7
  • edited August 2021
    MacGillivray: 6 - Apart from the one cock-up, I thought he was very good off his line. 
    Matthews: 6 - Decent rugby tackle. Defended well enough. One pretty good 1st half cross.
    Inniss: 7 - Very steady. Showed an unexpected burst of pace to see one out 2nd half. 
    Famewo: 7 - Misjudged a few early on but grew really well into the game. Has got excellent strength and is good at getting a timely nudge into an opponent.
    Gunter: 6 - Defended well. I don't have a problem with him at left-back. Think he will improve as time passes and could link well in a Mark Bowen sort of way.
    Clare: 6 - Steady enough.
    Morgan: 6 - Tried and had moments. He'll be disappointed with his shooting but a run of games should see him improve.
    Dobson: 6 - Steady enough. 
    Washington: 6 - Tried really hard and at least tried to get onto Stockley's knock-downs. Helped close up their right-wing. 
    Stockley: 7.5 - Gave his all up front against pretty good centre-backs. Liked his hold up play and really liked his defending of corners. Must've cleared at least five with his head. 
    Jaiyesimi: 6 - Too much diving. Clearly has ability and will be good to see him develop. Worked hard. 
    Referee: 6 - Was that not a pen 1st half, when their goalie flattened Stockley from a corner? 
  • MacGillivray: 5
    Matthews: 6
    Innis: 7.5
    Famewo: 7
    Gunter: 6
    Clare: 6.5
    Morgan: 6 nice flat corners, but needs to learn how to shoot.
    Dobson: 7
    Washington: 5
    Stockley: 8 Should have put that header away first half. 
    Jaiyesimi: 7 Exciting to watch. Beat himself more than the full back but I’d a danger up front.
    Referee: 5 Booked our pull back, ignored two against us. Should have booked the blatant dive.

    Overall I thought our defensive performance was very good, and I include Dobson in that. Stockley as well for clearing almost every corner or free kick pumped into the area. No left side left the attack weak.

  • MacGillivray: 6
    Matthews: 6
    Inniss: 6
    Famewo: 6
    Gunter: 6.5
    Clare: 6
    Morgan: 5
    Dobson: 6.5
    Washington: 6
    Stockley: 7 MOM
    Jaiyesimi: 6.5
    Referee: 5
  • MacGillivray: 6
    Matthews: 6.5
    Inniss: 6
    Famewo: 6
    Gunter: 6.5
    Clare: 6.5
    Morgan: 7
    Dobson: 7
    Washington: 6
    Stockley: 7.5
    Jaiyesimi: 7
    Referee: 6.5

  • MacGillivray: 6
    Matthews: 6
    Inniss: 6.5
    Famewo: 6.5
    Gunter: 6
    Clare: 6 bit anonymous esp first half but can clearly pick a pass
    Morgan: 6
    Dobson: 6 very busy and I think will improve
    Washington: 6
    Stockley: 7.5
    Jaiyesimi: 6
    Referee: 4 poor, fell for Wednesday's diving

  • MacGillivray: 7
    Matthews: 7 
    Inniss: 6
    Famewo: 7
    Gunter: 6 
    Clare: 6
    Morgan: 7
    Dobson: 7
    Washington: 7
    Stockley: 8
    Jaiyesimi: 7
    Referee: 8
  • Not sure what the ref could do about the fouls, both teams matched up and nullified each other. My main criticism of him was a couple of clear shirt pulling incidents which by the letter of the law were penalties. Soft or not, you are not allowed to do it.
    I guess he didn’t see them, otherwise I’m sure he’d have given them 
  • MacGillivray: 7
    Matthews: 6
    Inniss: 7
    Famewo: 6.5
    Gunter: 6
    Clare: 6
    Morgan: 7
    Dobson: 7
    Washington: 6
    Stockley: 7.5
    Jaiyesimi: 6.5
    Referee: 6

  • MacGillivray: 6.5
    Matthews: 6.5
    Inniss: 7
    Famewo: 7
    Clare: 7
    Morgan: 6.5
    Dobson: 7
    Washington: 6.5
    Stockley: 7
    Jaiyesimi: 6.5
    Referee: 5
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  • MacGillivray: 6.5 - Reminded me a bit of Amos at the start of his first season with us. A little shaky, but there is a good keeper there I am sure. He just needs a bit more time to work with his defenders.

    Matthews: 7 - good performance and his pace shone through.

    Inniss: 7.5 - not only good in the air, but there was one moment, where he was letting the ball run out, where I saw genuine pace from him that I’d never seen before. Encouraging.

    Famewo: 7.5 - another one who’s pace sets him apart. And he nearly started a great goal with an encouraging forward run.

    Gunter: 7.5 - Is he our permanent left back? No. Did he put in an excellent shift considering he is a rub playing on the wrong side against a tricky customer in Andre Green? Yes! Let’s give some credit where it’s due.

    Clare: 6.5 - battled really well and will have a big role to play this season. Like his energy and commitment. Interesting to see how he develops.

    Morgan: 7 - Unlike others, I was encouraged by his performance and think he may well go on to make that role his own (IF he can just learn to compose himself in the box. I think that comes from match practice)

    Dobson: 6.5 - Similar to Clare. Too early to tell. Not faultless, but excellent energy and a promising competitive start in a new team.

    Washington: 6 - Did fine, but more to come from him. Love how he still looked fresh with 5 minutes to go.

    Stockley: 8 - MOTM - with a goal, that was nearly the perfect big strikers performance, great choice for captain and I think he is going to be brilliant to watch this year.

    Jaiyesimi: 6.5 - Another encouraging performance, he has freedom under Adkins which is fantastic to see. He’s not fully sharp yet, but I worry for defences when he is.

    Referee: 5 - Not quite as bad as others have made out, just a very average league 1 ref who generally gave decisions based on who shouted loudest.

    Clayden: n/a
  • Simonsen said:
    MacGillivray: 6 - Apart from the one cock-up, I thought he was very good off his line. 
    Matthews: 6 - Decent rugby tackle. Defended well enough. One pretty good 1st half cross.
    Inniss: 7 - Very steady. Showed an unexpected burst of pace to see one out 2nd half. 
    Famewo: 7 - Misjudged a few early on but grew really well into the game. Has got excellent strength and is good at getting a timely nudge into an opponent.

    Referee: 6 - Was that not a pen 1st half, when their goalie flattened Stockley from a corner? 
    No. All 3 players arrived at the same time and the defender cleared. Keeper and Stockley just collided. Knocked the wind out of him, but no penalty was the right call.
  • MacGillivray: 6.5
    Matthews: 6.5
    Inniss: 6.5
    Gunter: 6.5
    Clare: 7
    Morgan: 7
    Dobson: 7
    Washington: 6.5
    Stockley: 7.5
    Jaiyesimi: 6.5
  • MacGillivray: 6
    Matthews: 6
    Inniss: 7
    Famewo: 7
    Gunter: 6
    Clare: 6.5
    Morgan: 6.5
    Dobson: 6.5
    Washington: 6
    Stockley: 8
    Jaiyesimi: 7
    Referee: 5
  • Marks between 0.5 and 10 and please keep to the list order:

    MacGillivray: 7 good off his line .
    Matthews: 7 got better as the game went on .
    Inniss: 7 looked fit .
    Famewo: 7 looked classy at times .
    Gunter: 6.5 no left foot , but did well .
    Clare: 7 had a good 20 minutes 2nd half .
    Morgan: 6 not sure what his best position is .
    Dobson: 7 worked hard .
    Washington: 6 nothing came off for him .
    Stockley: 8 tremendous defending corners , but missed good chance .
    Jaiyesimi: 6 frustrating game .
    Referee: 3 useless .

    Clayden: n/a

  • MacGillivray: 6
    Matthews: 5
    Inniss: 7
    Famewo: 7 
    Gunter: 6
    Clare: 5
    Morgan: 6
    Dobson: 5
    Washington: 6
    Stockley: 7
    Jaiyesimi: 7
    Referee: 5
  • MacGillivray: 6 
    Matthews: 6
    Inniss: 7
    Famewo: 8
    Gunter: 6
    Clare: 6
    Morgan: 6
    Dobson: 7
    Washington: 7
    Stockley: 6
    Jaiyesimi: 6
    Referee: 5 huge improvement 2nd half think someone had a word with him?

  • MacGillivray: 6 V little to do behind an excellent defence.
    Matthews: 7.5 Looks significantly sharper than last season. 
    Inniss: 7.5 Relished the battle. 
    Famewo: 8 Dominant - glad we got him back.
    Gunter: 7 Did as well as can be expected on the wrong side.
    Clare: 6 Busy, but be nice to see more of the skill that was mentioned when he signed.
    Morgan: 7 Tried really hard to make things happen with mixed results. 
    Dobson: 6.5 Couple of awkward slips but an encouraging debut.
    Washington: 6 Tireless but not his most effective position.
    Stockley: 7.5 Led by example. Shame we couldn't give him more to attack. 
    Jaiyesimi: 7.5 Outstanding first half. More subdued later but still worked back.
    Referee: Gullible. I thought they'd been told to ignore falls from minor contact (and that includes Morgan's deliberate wait to be bumped from behind - cue Kenneth Williams).
  • MacGillivray: 7
    Matthews: 6.5
    Inniss: 6.5
    Famewo: 7.5
    Gunter: 7
    Clare: 7.5
    Morgan: 6.5
    Dobson: 5.5
    Washington: 6
    Stockley: 7
    Jaiyesimi: 6.5
    Referee: 7.5
  • MacGillivray: 5 did not give me confidence he commands the area
    Matthews: 5 passing poor caught of position occasionaly
    Inniss: 6 solid
    Famewo: 5 same as Matthews though passing and first touch slightly worse
    Gunter: 5 
    Clare: 6 was error prone in cross field passes which canceled out his good work in runs forward
    Morgan: 4 not a good day his corners stated well but got worse as the game went on, and they need to teach him to hit a barn door.
    Dobson: 5 non descripted
    Washington:5 seemed off the pace
    Stockley: 7 our best player on the day
    Jaiyesimi: lots like him, but to me he flatters to deceive. Runs into blind alleys and to often takes one to many step overs and then loses the ball, and his first touch was poor yesterday.
    The bench must be poor with Adkins making only one sub and that in the last 10 mins of the game.
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  • MacGillivray: 6
    Matthews: 6
    Inniss: 6

    they can all all have a very dull 6
  • I think Gunter deserves an extra point for playing out of position and being solid throughout.
  • MacGillivray:  5.5  Untested 
    Matthews:  6 
    Inniss:  6 
    Famewo:  6.5  Made several crucial interceptions, and one exciting advance through midfield
    Gunter:  5.5  Prone to errors
    Clare:  5.5  Unremarkable 
    Morgan:  5  Several bad misses - must hit the target
    Dobson:  5.5  Unremarkable
    Washington:  6
    Stockley:  6
    Jaiyesimi:  6  Much bustle, not enough end product
    Referee:  6

    *Barry Bannan was Man of the Match by a country mile. We need midfielders like him, who can get past opponents and advance to the box.

  • MacGillivray: 6 Kiely Rebooted. In fact a new pair of boots would be a handy idea
    Matthews: 6.5 had a fraught 5 minute spell in the first half, very solid otherwise 
    Inniss: 7 Johann Cruyff he is not. Good otherwise 
    Famewo: 7 Johann Cruyff Excellent on the ball, rather less good when passing it 
    Gunter: 7.5 did very well out of position 
    Clare: 8 thought he had a storming game tbh, nearly capped it off with a lovely through ball that was just cut out 
    Morgan: 6 his finishing is terrible for a player in his position, decent otherwise 
    Dobson: 6.5 thought he was solid and largely effective 
    Washington: 6.5 a good shift 
    Stockley: 7 yes he missed our best chance but I thought he brought people into the game nicely and defended corners really well 
    Jaiyesimi: 7 a threat, won loads of freekicks
    Referee: 6 loved his whistle

    Adkins had us playing above our level of players, showed his class yesterday I thought 
  • MacGillivray: 6 - a quiet afternoon but he does look uncomfortable with the ball at his feet
    Matthews: 6 - pretty solid and one very good cross in the second half
    Inniss: 6.5 - a comfortable afternoon against Wednesday's powder puff strikers. Good to get 90 minutes into the big man
    Famewo: 6.5 - good defensively and one fine run forward to create a shooting chance for Stockley
    Gunter: 6.5 - did well as a stand in left back
    Clare: 6 - a little erratic at times but good energy and some decent runs forward in the second half
    Morgan: 6 - his set plays were a little below par, although Wednesday were well organised at the back. Needs more composure when he gets a sight of goal
    Dobson: 6.5 - looks a competent and tidy player
    Washington: 5.5 - made no headway against a very solid defence
    Stockley: 7.5: MoTM - dominant in both boxes and some good hold up play
    Jaiyesimi: 6.5 - blows hot and cold but he is dangerous and puts teams on the back foot
    Referee: 5 - very whistle happy, which didn't enhance a game already generally low on entertainment and goalmouth action
  • edited August 2021
    MacGillivray: 6
    Matthews: 6
    Inniss: 6.5
    Famewo: 6.5 
    Gunter: 6
    Clare: 6
    Morgan: 6
    Dobson: 6
    Washington: 6
    Stockley: 7   (Amended to 7 as I forgot he headed away the majority of the corners)
    Jaiyesimi: 6
    Referee 6

  • MacGillivray: 6
    Matthews: 6
    Inniss: 6.5
    Famewo: 6
    Gunter: 6
    Clare: 6
    Morgan: 6
    Dobson: 6
    Washington: 6
    Stockley: 7
    Jaiyesimi: 6
    Referee: 5
  • MacGillivray: 6
    Matthews: 6
    Inniss: 6.5
    Famewo: 6.5
    Gunter: 6.5
    Clare: 6
    Morgan: 6
    Dobson: 6.5
    Washington: 6
    Stockley: 7
    Jaiyesimi: 6
    Referee: 6

  • MacGillivray:  7 - good distribution, controlled box.
    Matthews:      7
    Inniss:            7
    Famewo:        5 - holds on to ball too long at times
    Gunter:           6
    Clare:             6
    Morgan:          7 - worked hard, poor set plays.
    Dobson:          7
    Washington:   7.5
    Stockley:         7
    Jaiyesimi:        6- seemed promising first half, fairly invisible 2nd.
    Referee:          3

    Clayden: n/a

  • MacGillivray: 7
    Matthews: 6.5
    Inniss: 8
    Famewo: 7
    Gunter: 6.5
    Clare: 7
    Morgan: 5.5
    Dobson: 6
    Washington: 6
    Stockley: 7.5
    Jaiyesimi: 7
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