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How Likely Are You To Take The Covid Vaccine?



  • I have a genuine question for those of you that have fairly recently had confirmed Covid. Just how would you describe the symptoms you had compared to a bad cold that you have previously experienced ? I exclude influenza because it’s a very different illness to having a bad cold. 
    At the moment symptoms are the same as a normal cold certainly no worse the same can be said for MrsH though she has had the symptom's for a good couple of weeks (I've only had them for 2-3 days)....though no worse then a normal cold, also have a few aches and pains, nothing to serious, can hardly remember the last time I had a cold so can't remember if the aches and pains come with a normal cold.
  • At last, an article that succinctly says what I have been reading and reporting over the last 2 years.

    I've repeatedly warned that there have been numerous studies published in reputable medical and science journals, that show that having a Covid infection, even if the symptoms are mild, can have long lasting effects on the body. It can damage the immune system and lead to a multitude of other conditions and make people more susceptible to catching other viruses.

    Is It Dangerous to Keep Getting COVID-19?

    Getting COVID-19 today is much less scary and more common than it was three years ago. By now, many people have had it not just once, but two, three, or even more times. Most of the time, repeat infections aren't as severe as they were the first time, leading to a sense of complacency about getting COVID-19 over and over.

    But reinfections aren't harmless. As cases continue to rise and more variants arrive on the scene, infectious-disease experts are warning that repeat infections could have cumulative, lasting effects.

    “There is some early evidence starting to show that if you had COVID-19, there can be all sorts of problems after getting infected” and reinfected, says Dr. Robert Murphy, professor of medicine and executive director of the Havey Institute for Global Health at Northwestern’s Feinberg School of Medicine. “We are just at the beginning of learning about them.”

  • edited January 2024
    For those never or no longer stuck in denial, an exceptionally interesting explanation from the country's senior oncologist of the virus origins of many cancers via chronic inflammation and the extreme dangers of mRNA-based vaccines.
  • For those never or no longer stuck in denial, an exceptionally interesting explanation from the country's senior oncologist of the virus origins of many cancers via chronic inflammation and the extreme dangers of mRNA-based vaccines.
    Pack it in Peanuts ffs. 
  • JamesSeed said:
    For those never or no longer stuck in denial, an exceptionally interesting explanation from the country's senior oncologist of the virus origins of many cancers via chronic inflammation and the extreme dangers of mRNA-based vaccines.
    Pack it in Peanuts ffs. 

    You've got no idea what Dalgleish is explaining here.
    You can disagree with them as you wish but only an idiot does this. 

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  • edited January 2024

    COVID-19 vaccines do not alter DNA. 

    FACT: COVID-19 vaccines do not change or interact with your DNA in any way.

    Both messenger RNA (mRNA) and protein subunit COVID-19 vaccines work by delivering instructions (genetic material) to your cells to start building protection against the virus that causes COVID-19.

    After the body produces an immune response, it gets rid of all the vaccine ingredients just as it would get rid of any information that cells no longer need. This process is a part of normal body functioning.

    The genetic material delivered by mRNA vaccines never enters the nucleus of your cells, which is where your DNA is kept, so the vaccine does not alter your DNA.’


    Rather than watch non peer reviewed, cranky YouTube videos why don’t you just stick with the NHS, rather than grifter like the ridiculous Dalgleish.

  • You need to look at the big picture. You’ll find experts in any field that have views that swim against the tide of other expert opinions. I’m not an immunologist or virologist and don’t pretend to understand all of the papers that I try to read. What I do is look at the balance of expert opinion and make a personal judgement based on that equation. With regard to Dalgleish. He’s that outlier that swims against the tide. Look beyond his undoubted medical qualifications and you can see the man. He’s a conspiracy theorist, A right wing UKIPer and claims that he has found a cure for cancer. He hasn’t. You pays your money and makes your choice. Basing your opinions and actions on such a tiny disputed piece of controversial information is your right but not logical or sensible.
    The assertion that Dalgleish claims he has a “cure” for cancer is utter tosh and, whatever his politics and views about Brexit are (of which I am unaware and profoundly uninterested), they are totally irrelevant to his views on medical matters, in which he remains a man with “impeccable credentials” (Neale Hanvey, MP for Kirkcaldy and Cowdenbeath, 16 Jan 2024).
    The acid test of being on the wrong side of an argument are ad hominem attacks.
  • edited January 2024
    You need to look at the big picture. You’ll find experts in any field that have views that swim against the tide of other expert opinions. I’m not an immunologist or virologist and don’t pretend to understand all of the papers that I try to read. What I do is look at the balance of expert opinion and make a personal judgement based on that equation. With regard to Dalgleish. He’s that outlier that swims against the tide. Look beyond his undoubted medical qualifications and you can see the man. He’s a conspiracy theorist, A right wing UKIPer and claims that he has found a cure for cancer. He hasn’t. You pays your money and makes your choice. Basing your opinions and actions on such a tiny disputed piece of controversial information is your right but not logical or sensible.
    The assertion that Dalgleish claims he has a “cure” for cancer is utter tosh and, whatever his politics and views about Brexit are (of which I am unaware and profoundly uninterested), they are totally irrelevant to his views on medical matters, in which he remains a man with “impeccable credentials” (Neale Hanvey, MP for Kirkcaldy and Cowdenbeath, 16 Jan 2024).
    The acid test of being on the wrong side of an argument are ad hominem attacks.
    Ad hominem attacks on whom, by whom ? But you accept conspiracy theorist.🤣
  • For those never or no longer stuck in denial, an exceptionally interesting explanation from the country's senior oncologist of the virus origins of many cancers via chronic inflammation and the extreme dangers of mRNA-based vaccines.
    'Senior Oncologist' otherwise known as UKIPper Angus Dalgleish who is part of a Russian money-backed 'Covid Hunter' group.

    "That the group had briefed Boris Johnson that the man-made nature of the virus meant that the best candidate for vaccine development was the Norwegian Biovacc-19. Also that Dalgleish had been given stock options in the company Immunor which held the patents for this vaccine due to his significant involvement in the research behind its development."

    Money talks. His opinion is worthless. 
  • For those never or no longer stuck in denial, an exceptionally interesting explanation from the country's senior oncologist of the virus origins of many cancers via chronic inflammation and the extreme dangers of mRNA-based vaccines.
    'Senior Oncologist' otherwise known as UKIPper Angus Dalgleish who is part of a Russian money-backed 'Covid Hunter' group.

    "That the group had briefed Boris Johnson that the man-made nature of the virus meant that the best candidate for vaccine development was the Norwegian Biovacc-19. Also that Dalgleish had been given stock options in the company Immunor which held the patents for this vaccine due to his significant involvement in the research behind its development."

    Money talks. His opinion is worthless. 
    Peanuts will ignore this. 
  • For those never or no longer stuck in denial, an exceptionally interesting explanation from the country's senior oncologist of the virus origins of many cancers via chronic inflammation and the extreme dangers of mRNA-based vaccines.
    Bore off you utter tool. 
  • edited January 2024
    It amazes me that some are more worried about a vaccine designed to lessen the severity of the virus on the body, than the actual virus itself. 

    There are numerous scientific studies published in reputable science journals, that show that Covid remains a long term threat to human health, although vaccination can reduce some of them.
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  • Is this what they call a pile on?
  • Can someone tell me where the best place to get the booster one. Mine was due last October/November. I am 5o years old. I then got flu. I couldn't get the flu injection either as I wasn't seen as a priority. I live in Greenwich,  I found out yesterday that it is £15 for the flu Jab and you have to pay for the covid booster. Does anyone know where the best place to go?
  • Rudders22 said:
    Can someone tell me where the best place to get the booster one. Mine was due last October/November. I am 5o years old. I then got flu. I couldn't get the flu injection either as I wasn't seen as a priority. I live in Greenwich,  I found out yesterday that it is £15 for the flu Jab and you have to pay for the covid booster. Does anyone know where the best place to go?
    Unless you have a qualifying medical condition, you can only get a Covid jab if you are 65 or older. You can't pay for a Covid jab in this country. Many other countries are still recommending that everyone is boosted, however our Government doesn't allow this.
  • Is this what they call a pile on?
    I only spoke about the video linked. Don't care who sent it. 
  • You need to look at the big picture. You’ll find experts in any field that have views that swim against the tide of other expert opinions. I’m not an immunologist or virologist and don’t pretend to understand all of the papers that I try to read. What I do is look at the balance of expert opinion and make a personal judgement based on that equation. With regard to Dalgleish. He’s that outlier that swims against the tide. Look beyond his undoubted medical qualifications and you can see the man. He’s a conspiracy theorist, A right wing UKIPer and claims that he has found a cure for cancer. He hasn’t. You pays your money and makes your choice. Basing your opinions and actions on such a tiny disputed piece of controversial information is your right but not logical or sensible.
    The assertion that Dalgleish claims he has a “cure” for cancer is utter tosh and, whatever his politics and views about Brexit are (of which I am unaware and profoundly uninterested), they are totally irrelevant to his views on medical matters, in which he remains a man with “impeccable credentials” (Neale Hanvey, MP for Kirkcaldy and Cowdenbeath, 16 Jan 2024).
    The acid test of being on the wrong side of an argument are ad hominem attacks.
    Beautiful. His political views don't matter (view point) here's a view from a politician. Ad hominem attacks are a sign of being wrong side of an argument, please ignore my earlier meme and i will ignore any debate and will return in a couple of weeks with another YouTube link.👍🏻
  • Four years on from the start of the pandemic, this is an excellent summary of the current situation, the benefits of vaccines and why many scientists believe that successive infections from SARS Cov-2 may be having a detrimental effects on the body. Covid isn't just a cold.
  • Those who spread misinformation about vaccines have a lot to answer for.

    Birmingham Children’s Hospital has been inundated with the highest number in decades of youngsters with measles, health officials say.

    Within the last month, there have been more than 50 children in need of treatment, the highest it has seen in years.

    It comes as UK Health Security Agency (UKHSA) figures show the West Midlands had at least 167 laboratory confirmed cases with a further 88 likely cases.

    A low vaccination rate of about 5% has been attributed to the rise.

    They certainly do. 
  • Excellent article as ever ME14.

    There are some very big questions out there yet to be answered across the World regarding prevention of serious illness with Covid.

    The press across the USA and Canada are now asking questions of their Govts in respect of non prescribing Paxlovid the main antiviral of choice especially for immunocompromised people and why many Doctors have failed to issue it  even though there's been plenty to go around.

    Some GPS have commented that if covid is only mild to moderate then they don't offer Paxlovid but that's entirely what it's for.

    There's been loads of negative press about paxlovid in respect of covid rebound and interaction with other drugs but in the last few weeks research coming out of the US and Asia is saying the drug is more robust. 

    For anyone that's immunocompromised including me I'd like to see this particular antiviral being issued a bit more to help prevent serious illness.

    In addition, here's now a new drug from China that maybe going to push for FDA approval in the US that's 2/3 cheaper and shortens the illness quicker than Paxlovid. This can only be a good thing for people that need help. 

    The other issue about Covid is prevention and in particular getting a Covid vccination.

    Here in the UK all ages should've had the opportunity last October to get a jab if they wanted too but pretty much all the European Governments went for 60+ and those at risk.

    This in my opinion was a mistake. You couldn't even buy the jab if you didn't automatically qualify and yet the Government seemed surprised when the Covid numbers have been rising. 

    From what I understand the Spring Vaccine will most likely be the same as October but Pfizer are now working on a price to charge for anyone under 60 that may want one. 

    Its not perfect but it's a start. 

    Fun fact, the UK and Germany were the biggest purchasers of Paxlovid from Pfizer in 2022. Unfortunately due to some of the issues I mentioned above neither Country has made a dent in the stockpile according to the Financial Times and it's now transpired millions of the vaccine have been thrown away due to the expiry date!

    You couldn't make it up.... 

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