When I was about 8 or 9, my parents took us round their friends house, then the adults went out for a meal while the older kids were put in charge of the younger ones. I was left in the care of Darren, who was about 14. The minute the adults left, he told me he had a moody video of the exorcist and asked if I wanted to watch it. Of course I did.
When the adults returned, I was sitting on the chair like a statue, deathly white and in a cold sweat. Apparently I hadn’t moved since the film finished about an hour earlier.
Another shout out for American Werewolf in London.
Went to see it at the Commodore Orpington on my own (was 18 at the time) and there were about 3 other people in the cinema. Felt decidedly jumpy walking home up Spur Road in the dark after that!!
Anyone remember the 1960’s BBC science fiction drama series “The Day of the Triffids”.....that was pretty scary and caused a huge furore at the time......it was the first time The BBC had attempted anything remotely along those lines and some folk were up in arms! I’m not one for horror films to be honest but The Omen did make me feel a bit uneasy because it had an air of reality about it and all the characters were, in a most disconcerting way, believable.
I saw the Triffids drama, but I’d already read the book so knew what was going on. It was good tv, but I bet it’d look dated if you saw it now.
I have no idea of the film title, it was either on itv or bbc, year 1962/63 but most likely January / February 63, think it was a Saturday, the snow was piling up outside a right old blizzard had been blowing for most of the day, all football iced / snowed off, outside the front room (best room) the house was below freezing, with ice all over the inside of the windows, all I can remember of the bloody film was this huge spider. Never liked them since that day, oh if it helps I had to dig a path out to the outside loo. I suppose that don’t really answer the question but if was around 57 years ago and it was in black and white. As I don’t know the film title I thought I add a little background history 😀.
There used to be a programme on Channel 4 on a Sunday evening around 6pm (early 90's) and it was all scary stories but they used puppets. Cant remember what it was called. The story teller in it sat by a fire with a puppet dog. I cant be making this up cos i wasn't doing drugs by this point.
There used to be a programme on Channel 4 on a Sunday evening around 6pm (early 90's) and it was all scary stories but they used puppets. Cant remember what it was called. The story teller in it sat by a fire with a puppet dog. I cant be making this up cos i wasn't doing drugs by this point.
As for TV I remember as a kid getting quite scared by Sapphire and Steel. Can recall it being early evening TV but still got me going to bed without any prompting.
Checked back for that original airing of Enfield hauntings with Michael Aspel. Oct 95. I was 13. That was definitely the sort of age to spook the crap out of yourself.
don’t know if this also applied to any of you, but remember being reluctant to sleep with my face/side toward the wall for a while after watching scary stuff. Maybe the equivalent of sleeping with the lights on etc. Also remember my mum & dad being given a grandfather clock. The thing used to send chills running down my spine
I saw a weird film once about a man trapped in a telephone box. No one helped him get out and he was just towed away. Really freaked me out as a kid. Anyone seen it too?! Plus the other one was a kids birthday party and the pipes burst and all the kids gets covered in blood. May have been a hammer horror short. Last one! Some story about a man on a train being told he has a devil on his shoulder by an old lady. He cant see it or feel it, but later he somehow gets killed by it. Again I think this was a short story but really scared me. Love to know what programme it was.
Christ my dad made me watch some crap!
SPOILERS: Don’t know if this has been answered yet but the short about the guy trapped in a telephone box is Spanish. It has a real sense of escalating dread about it. He makes a call, the door’s stuck, doesn’t get too worried until he’s trapped in there for hours. No one else can open it and eventually the telephone box is loaded onto a truck and driven away. It’s heartbreaking when he sees his son on the journey and instinctively knows he won’t see him again. On the way, he sees another truck loaded with another guy trapped in a phone box and they both stare at each other searchingly, as if to say, ‘I don’t know what’s going on. Do you?’ Then they arrive at their destination: a warehouse full of dead men in telephone boxes!
Back in the early 70's when I was about twelve, me and a mate bunked in to the ABC in Woolwich to see The Exorcist (there was a door around the side that had a internal panic bar that could be opened with a coat hanger). I had nightmares about that film for weeks.
I remember that there were religious people outside the entrance handing out leaflets giving five reasons why you shouldn't watch the film.
I mentioned it in my post but no one else has mentioned it, so just wondered how popular it was.
Did anyone else or did anyone else know anyone who played Atmosfear
Shittin ell that takes me back, the board game where you played along with the video of a nasty piece of work called the gatekeeper. Although it's a game you could only really play once. I remember a load of us playing it at a friends house for his birthday in the very early nineties
Same here ... Right at the end of Carrie, that’s a real jump out of your skin moment. As for the Shining ... Here’s Johnny (and that’s not Johnny Williams)
edit: The Fog (OMG)
I really like Carrie. Spacek's performance is superb. However, I didn't find it scary even though the bit at the end is the best jump-out-of-your-seat moment ever.
Not a film but an educational maths/English program they made us watch in the early eighties. It had ' the boy from space' as it's theme. Scared the shit out of every single boy and girl in the school!
The minute the adults left, he told me he had a moody video of the exorcist and asked if I wanted to watch it. Of course I did.
When the adults returned, I was sitting on the chair like a statue, deathly white and in a cold sweat. Apparently I hadn’t moved since the film finished about an hour earlier.
Went to see it at the Commodore Orpington on my own (was 18 at the time) and there were about 3 other people in the cinema. Felt decidedly jumpy walking home up Spur Road in the dark after that!!
When a stranger calls back
don’t know if this also applied to any of you, but remember being reluctant to sleep with my face/side toward the wall for a while after watching scary stuff. Maybe the equivalent of sleeping with the lights on etc. Also remember my mum & dad being given a grandfather clock. The thing used to send chills running down my spine
Did anyone else or did anyone else know anyone who played Atmosfear
I remember that there were religious people outside the entrance handing out leaflets giving five reasons why you shouldn't watch the film.
More recently, although it didn't scare me, 'The Lovely Bones' (good film) certainly gave me the chills!
Bambi was sold out so my parents thought ‘what the heck.’
Scared the shit out of every single boy and girl in the school!