Used to love horrors when I was younger, The Omen series were excellent, also watched all the banned films back in the day (Driller killer etc) but the only one that really scared me was called the bogeyman
About 8. A bloke with a disfigured face and knives on one hand who can get into your dreams. Arghhhhhhhh!!!!
I had a similar experience at the same age (my brothers were older and put it on) I cried when the body got dragged up the wall and dropped on to the bed. It was then suitably turned off.... That and the film House haunted me for YEARS after that. I'm 41 now and not sure I ever got over the terror, its buried somewhere deep in my psyche..
“ the devil rides out “ saw it when I was 12 and bunked in the gaumont on eltham hill . Scared me shitless . Saw it about 10 yrs ago appalling acting and a crock of shite
In the mid 70s me and my brother use to watch Thriller on a Saturday night when my and dad went to the Gordon Arms in Chislehurst. Just the music would freeze us with fear! Literally couldn't move with fear.
The Omen was one of the films that scared me as a kid. But it now scares me for different reasons. Because it's clear in hindsight that it wasn't just a movie, but a prediction.
It was about a man with the initials DT, born in the 1940s, in early June (so he's a Gemini). He enrolled into a private military academy in the United States, but did not go on to serve in Vietnam.
He was touched by the shocking death of his brother. After graduating from college in the 1970s, he inherits his father's business, which is named after the family. He becomes very rich and, eventually, enters politics.
Cant remember how old I was when I saw a bit of it but I remember it scaring me.
But something was worse than that it wasnt a movie but was a TV/Board game, did anyone play Atmosfear
My family played it a few times and sent us kids to bed, I remember sneaking downstairs one night to see what they were doing, hiding behind the sofa and seeing this scary bloke on the TV saying you Maggot, scared me for weeks
Can't remember being particularly scared by horror films as a child, because the ones I saw were mainly slashers and I found them a bit daft. The shining was pretty creepy though.
The Others got my nerves jangling.
Remember watching a Spanish film called [rec] (remade as quarantine in the US) and although I was a fully grown man by God I shit myself.
The thing that really, really frightened me as a kid was "Ghost watch" a drama based on the Enfield hauntings on the BBC one Halloween... Myself and most of the country didn't twig it was a drama and thought it was real. I don't think I slept for a week.
I’ve got to go with this. Just the cover of the VHS box in Videographic scared the living hell out of me. Dad let me watch all sorts as a kid, but the transformation scene was probably a bit much for a six year old! Brilliantly done.
I’d imagine the first one was Jaws and the last one for me was American a Werewolf in London, me and some mates were watching a hooky VHS of it at my mates house when his mum came home so it had to be hidden (if she’d have seen us she’d have probably suspected it was a porno but I don’t think we knew what a porno was at the time) but then I had to go the whole night with the werewolf still alive in my mind, had to get straight back there after breakfast to see it get killed Phew.
Others were “David Souls Salem’s Lot”, Sapphire and Steel and maybe V, but just a little bit...
I remember seeing the cover in my local video shop when I was around 5 or 6. I thought it looked funny with the cartoon skeleton with big eyeballs. I begged my Mum for months to rent that movie, all the time she said I wouldn't like it, but I wasn't having any of of it.
Finally, she relented, & said for the last time, "You won't like it!" Then added "You'll see" Lo & behold, she was correct. Seeing people buried in sand up to their necks, until they drowned, was just one of the disturbing things in it for my young mind.
Thriller was another thing that scared the crap out of me when young.
If there was one tv show when I was younger, it was Mr Benn. I hated his downward slit eyes, they completely freaked me out. Also the credits of King Rollo, where there were some strange looking characters in portraits that unsettled me, haha!
Another vote for Psycho for me. Used to watch a load of old Lon Chaney and Bela Lugusi films - I don't think they put them on any more. They were alright as entertainment, but I never found them scarey.
Vaguely remember Paperhouse being very good. Will have to make a point of seeing that again.
The Omen and Salem's Lot were both scary, but I wasn't so small by the time I saw them (my mum threw the book of the Omen away after my inability to sleep at night began to affect the rest of the family). Nightmare on Elm Street scared me when I was eighteen!!
Not a film, but there was a series called Maelstrom in the 80s. Just remember a woman looking out the window of a country mansion and a ghost of a woman on a small island on a lake beckoning her. Cracked meself
Ghostbusters 2, there’s a scene when a giant ghost dressed as a nanny cycles across the New York skyline, reaches into a window and steals a baby. It absolutely petrified me.
Just looked it up - I would have been about 4 or 5 when that film was released, absolutely appalling that my father took me to see it!
About 8. A bloke with a disfigured face and knives on one hand who can get into your dreams. Arghhhhhhhh!!!!
That and the film House haunted me for YEARS after that. I'm 41 now and not sure I ever got over the terror, its buried somewhere deep in my psyche..
It was about a man with the initials DT, born in the 1940s, in early June (so he's a Gemini). He enrolled into a private military academy in the United States, but did not go on to serve in Vietnam.
He was touched by the shocking death of his brother. After graduating from college in the 1970s, he inherits his father's business, which is named after the family. He becomes very rich and, eventually, enters politics.
Sound familiar?
the original
Cant remember how old I was when I saw a bit of it but I remember it scaring me.
But something was worse than that it wasnt a movie but was a TV/Board game, did anyone play Atmosfear
My family played it a few times and sent us kids to bed, I remember sneaking downstairs one night to see what they were doing, hiding behind the sofa and seeing this scary bloke on the TV saying you Maggot, scared me for weeks
The Others got my nerves jangling.
Remember watching a Spanish film called [rec] (remade as quarantine in the US) and although I was a fully grown man by God I shit myself.
The thing that really, really frightened me as a kid was "Ghost watch" a drama based on the Enfield hauntings on the BBC one Halloween... Myself and most of the country didn't twig it was a drama and thought it was real. I don't think I slept for a week.
I remember seeing the cover in my local video shop when I was around 5 or 6. I thought it looked funny with the cartoon skeleton with big eyeballs.
I begged my Mum for months to rent that movie, all the time she said I wouldn't like it, but I wasn't having any of of it.
Finally, she relented, & said for the last time, "You won't like it!" Then added "You'll see"
Lo & behold, she was correct. Seeing people buried in sand up to their necks, until they drowned, was just one of the disturbing things in it for my young mind.
Thriller was another thing that scared the crap out of me when young.
If there was one tv show when I was younger, it was Mr Benn. I hated his downward slit eyes, they completely freaked me out.
Also the credits of King Rollo, where there were some strange looking characters in portraits that unsettled me, haha!
Vaguely remember Paperhouse being very good. Will have to make a point of seeing that again.
Just looked it up - I would have been about 4 or 5 when that film was released, absolutely appalling that my father took me to see it!