One of my mates lent another mate some money over the years, £10 here £20 there etc.
He may have lent/given him £200/£500 quite honestly he has no idea.
Anyway the borrower has always been/is a ducker & diver with drug issues etc, but says he wants to repay the money.
So the lender has asked me whether I think it's a good idea for him to give out his bank details.
I was wondering about paypal and although I have it, have only used it a couple of times so don't fully understand it.
Cash in hand is difficult due to the ducker & divers time keeping etc.
I like the Paypal idea better, personally.
NB as a point of discussion not an argument.
If people are quite happy that there are no issues providing bank details (not saying you're wrong).
I presume you would be happy to follow this post by providing your bank details to everyone on here?
Interesting challenge, I'm not expecting anyone to do this, even though they appear to be saying there is no risk.
401722 & 61263485
Feel free to send me money
Edit - When you call any banking if you can't security questions correctly, then they should be asking about recent transactions, etc. Also, if you take that stuff seriously, the answers to your security questions should be wrong.
He wouldn't arrange a sensible location at a reasonable time and even if he did he probably wouldn't turn up.
Plus they don't live particularly close to each other.
PS thanks Polo, I've just completed my xmas shopping, very generous of you
Get your mate to tell him he's got hold of some quality gear. He'll turn up.
Doesn't look like you've spent that much...I assume the years grinder subscription was for yourself?
How bizarre, no offence CE I assume you are old school? Not that I will just post my details on here like others have done , but I don't see how anyone will be able to do anything with it. The details provided for a Bank transfer aren't like your card number or anything which means you could be at risk for fraud. Literally all it will allow is for someone to send you money, nothing more, essentially more straight forward than paypal.
Maybe I am missing something here?