Great evening, big thankyou to the organizers, great news about Roger Johnson!
Loved it when Karl face timed Jacko whilst at the Arsenal game to ask him a question about defending corners.
I thought Karl and Lee came across really well, glad they are both at the club, sounds like they all get on well with each other, completely changed my perception of Robbo.
@Henry Irving Totally bottled the big-mac question....
They had stopped at McDonald's on the way over. I didn't ask Lee if he was still banned.
I thought I saw Karl walk past a McDonalds last week, but then I realised he'd never have done that. (I know, I know).
They were both excellent tonight I thought, really good value (5 raffle tickets), I have a begrudging respect for our manager now as he said all the right things so whilst I'll still call him Jimmy Tarbuck, it's now said with a little affection....
Loved it when Karl face timed Jacko whilst at the Arsenal game to ask him a question about defending corners.
I thought Karl and Lee came across really well, glad they are both at the club, sounds like they all get on well with each other, completely changed my perception of Robbo.
They were both excellent tonight I thought, really good value (5 raffle tickets), I have a begrudging respect for our manager now as he said all the right things so whilst I'll still call him Jimmy Tarbuck, it's now said with a little affection....
Bowyer was excellent and will invite him back but understandably most questions went to KR.
Lots of insights, lots of jokes and a Churchillian speech at the end.
Thanks to everyone who turned up 130 to 150 people there which was too many maybe but everyone seemed to enjoy it.
The @ElfsborgAddick story will go down in folklore but it is late.
More tomorrow.
50/50 on Karl
But funny as f@ck
Took £195 on the raffle which more than covered the hall hire. Thanks
@Fanny Fanackapan
More tomorrow as Ben said.
Not as good as me, obviously, but good
No seriously, what a great evening. Very impressed by both of them. And having a live stream with JJ was a master stroke.
Poor old Elfsborg was the butt of the Joke from Karl which was brilliant, could not have timed it better.