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The influence of the EU on Britain.



  • I'm not claiming the EU is some sort of fishing-stock nirvana, far from it. What I am saying though is that it's better than the Brexit alternative. As I was quite clear above 'Far more needs to be done'.
  • From what I can see from the various graphs and reports available, fish stock have increased since 2006 and mortality rates have fallen, so it would seem the CFP is doing its job. Of course there's plenty of debate to be had around how well it's doing its job, and the consequences of that, but the situation with cod in particular has massively improved over the last decade.

    You are ignoring the Mail's in depth research on the subject.
  • From what I can see from the various graphs and reports available, fish stock have increased since 2006 and mortality rates have fallen, so it would seem the CFP is doing its job. Of course there's plenty of debate to be had around how well it's doing its job, and the consequences of that, but the situation with cod in particular has massively improved over the last decade.

    You are ignoring the Mail's in depth research on the subject.
    The mail isn't good enough for Wikipedia and it's not good enough for me.
  • The only thing I know on the subject is that Norway had depleted their fish stocks, and had to bite the bullet long ago on terms of protecting them... They also have extensive fishing waters. This was part of Norway's reason to not join the EU (other very important considerations as well) after their own referenda. Shows you can protect fish stocks of properly managed I guess
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  • .
    McBobbin said:

    The only thing I know on the subject is that Norway had depleted their fish stocks, and had to bite the bullet long ago on terms of protecting them... They also have extensive fishing waters. This was part of Norway's reason to not join the EU (other very important considerations as well) after their own referenda. Shows you can protect fish stocks of properly managed I guess

    Iceland are the same. They put in an application join the EU about 10 years ago and have since withdrawn it, with fishery protection a main reason. They have managed their fisheries to keep them in good order but even so there are problems as the larger fishing and processing companies are forcing smaller operators out. The fish are a finite resource and with the best will in the world, even well managed fisheries don't have enough to go around.

    The CFP has even more countries fighting for their share of this finite resource, so is really on a loser if it's going to try and manage stocks but still give everyone the quota they want.
  • Missed It said:


    McBobbin said:

    The only thing I know on the subject is that Norway had depleted their fish stocks, and had to bite the bullet long ago on terms of protecting them... They also have extensive fishing waters. This was part of Norway's reason to not join the EU (other very important considerations as well) after their own referenda. Shows you can protect fish stocks of properly managed I guess

    Iceland are the same. They put in an application join the EU about 10 years ago and have since withdrawn it, with fishery protection a main reason. They have managed their fisheries to keep them in good order but even so there are problems as the larger fishing and processing companies are forcing smaller operators out. The fish are a finite resource and with the best will in the world, even well managed fisheries don't have enough to go around.

    The CFP has even more countries fighting for their share of this finite resource, so is really on a loser if it's going to try and manage stocks but still give everyone the quota they want.
    Where's @Anna_Kissed or @Stevelamb when you need them? They would have an answer.
  • Good for you, Guy!
  • seth plum said:
    This is where we are at. The EU and the four freedoms which also apply to EFTA are not going to be undermined by English nationalists.

    So where does that leave the UK and Brexit? We either leave everything, run BINO or call the whole thing off.

    This Tory concept that we can leave but retain the privileges and access we want is simply not going to be allowed. Never was and M.Barnier has not shifted on this in over two years.

    No extensions, no compromises - the Cabinet have to cut a deal OR Parliament needs to change the government. If neither happen then we have no deal by default and that is the disruptive game which Johnson and Rees Mogg are playing. Let us not mistake their contribution as random or accidental. For its a deliberate ploy to crash us out... And then blame the EU.

    The sad thing is that the Brexit voters in Sunderland have been so duped by the anti-Europe nut jobs in the country they probably still think Brexit is a good idea.
  • cabbles said:

    Scrolled down too quickly there and read that blockchain was the solution to protecting fish stocks

    You certainly can’t catch any fish with blockchain, they just swim straight through it. Will soon be replaced with netChain which will totally eliminate the little smelly fuckers from the seas.
  • Apparently netChain will be AI enabled blockchain. You heard this bullshit here first lol.

    (God I hope I just made this up and it doesn’t actually happen)
  • High immigration isn't a new thing, this article shows that they weren't welcome "due to propaganda" even then.
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  • Canada +++ ?
    Will this be the escape route or not ?
  • Canada +++ ?
    Will this be the escape route or not ?

    I think it would still be a problem on the Irish land border.
    Maybe a solution has been suggested, but I haven't heard it yet.

    The sad thing is that the Brexit voters in Sunderland have been so duped by the anti-Europe nut jobs in the country they probably still think Brexit is a good idea.

    Part of me says “let them have it” but the really sad thing is that those who felt so disenfranchised that they wanted to believe Farage/Johnson when they offered themselves someone else to blame for their lot in life are about to feel the worst of what is heading our way. This is now shaping up to be a disaster of huge proportions.
  • Canada +++ ?
    Will this be the escape route or not ?

    A plot for the next Indianna Jones Movie?
  • se9addick said:

    The sad thing is that the Brexit voters in Sunderland have been so duped by the anti-Europe nut jobs in the country they probably still think Brexit is a good idea.

    Part of me says “let them have it” but the really sad thing is that those who felt so disenfranchised that they wanted to believe Farage/Johnson when they offered themselves someone else to blame for their lot in life are about to feel the worst of what is heading our way. This is now shaping up to be a disaster of huge proportions.
    Nope - let them have it - they deserve to suffer for their gross stupidity.

    Who the fuck would vote for Brexit when your town relies on making cars for export to Europe?

    It'd be like Whisky distillers in Scotland voting for prohibition.
  • se9addick said:

    seth plum said:
    "European project"

    says it all. glad we're getting out.

    we saved most of them from Hitler's european project 70 years ago & thats the thanks we get.
    WW2 is never far from the thoughts of a Brexiteer...
    And WW3 from the arsenal of scare tactics from remainers :-)
  • Huskaris said:

    se9addick said:

    seth plum said:
    "European project"

    says it all. glad we're getting out.

    we saved most of them from Hitler's european project 70 years ago & thats the thanks we get.
    WW2 is never far from the thoughts of a Brexiteer...
    And WW3 from the arsenal of scare tactics from remainers :-)
    Ah yes, “project fear”...
  • se9addick said:

    Huskaris said:

    se9addick said:

    seth plum said:
    "European project"

    says it all. glad we're getting out.

    we saved most of them from Hitler's european project 70 years ago & thats the thanks we get.
    WW2 is never far from the thoughts of a Brexiteer...
    And WW3 from the arsenal of scare tactics from remainers :-)
    Ah yes, “project fear”...
    Watch out! I'm actually a Russian! I'm infiltrating the forum! Nooooo!
This discussion has been closed.

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