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The influence of the EU on Britain.



  • Are we there yet?
  • se9addick said:

    In the interests of balance I've just had a look at the "Brexit Battle Pack". As expected it's riddled with the usual "metropolitan elite" conspiracy, "the media are full of Remoaners", anti "Remainiac Guardian" nonsense, being long on rhetoric, short on data and designed to foster a victim mentality.

    Given this is a resource designed for Leavers to lobby for a hard Brexit it might have contained more useful "facts" to include in leavers letters of complaint to the BBC, etc however it's best summed up by their explanation;

    "We would love to provide you with a selection of some 'killer charts and facts' which we have researched and produced on all topics related to EU membership. Unfortunately we simply don't have the resources to put these together in a summary as we are grossly underfunded."

    Hmm, I expect that's the only reason they aren't included then...and yes I'm also aware that there are going to be Remainer versions of something similar too.

    Classic Brexiteer!
    Is that a new special interest magazine in WH Smiths, just up the shelf from the partworks collections?
    You might have stumbled onto something there. Maybe a magazine full of articles about Godfrey Bloom's expeditions in Bongo, Bongo land, tips on how to keep The Old Rover going for another 5000 miles, war time recipes, Christine Hamilton as agony aunt, that sort of thing?
  • se9addick said:

    Christ, there isn’t going to be an “EU Army” - why do any of you even entertain this nonsense.

    Keep repeating something enough times and people will believe it, as the referendum proved.
  • Yes. They struck me as well.
  • Jeremy Corbyn, the leader of the Labour Party, is a long-time Eurosceptic. In the 1975 referendum, he voted against Britain remaining in the European Economic Community. He subsequently opposed the Maastricht Treaty in 1993 and the 2008 Lisbon Treaty. For decades, he has argued that the direction in which collective European politics has been travelling undermines the socialist objectives of a potential left-wing Labour government in the UK.
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  • I think that the rhetoric of our politicians as influ need and reinforced by years of anti-Europe sentiment in the.national press make it very difficult for Europe to engage in good faith and almost impossible for us to do so.

    I think I may get the maximum amount of mortgage borrowing right now at a nice low rate I can afford to pay back for the next 5-10 years no matter what happens to my job or other prospects.

    I can then invest in London housing after a substantial reduction in property prices around June next year.

    Unfortunately I’d guess around.5% chance of the UK being better off in 15-20 years (if the union even exists then) as compared to staying in.

    I guess on balance I am a remainer lol
  • In the interests of balance I've just had a look at the "Brexit Battle Pack". As expected it's riddled with the usual "metropolitan elite" conspiracy, "the media are full of Remoaners", anti "Remainiac Guardian" nonsense, being long on rhetoric, short on data and designed to foster a victim mentality.

    Given this is a resource designed for Leavers to lobby for a hard Brexit it might have contained more useful "facts" to include in leavers letters of complaint to the BBC, etc however it's best summed up by their explanation;

    "We would love to provide you with a selection of some 'killer charts and facts' which we have researched and produced on all topics related to EU membership. Unfortunately we simply don't have the resources to put these together in a summary as we are grossly underfunded."

    Hmm, I expect that's the only reason they aren't included then...and yes I'm also aware that there are going to be Remainer versions of something similar too.

    What do you think of the SM commissioners comments then about the EU still shafting us... And also they are heading defence reviews into the EU army, something your other hero Clegg said was brexiter fantasy land. Carpet getting lifted and getting swept under again.
    Why do you care? If we remain in The EU then it is impossible for there to be an EU army unless we agree to it, and if we leave then it is literally none of our business if the EU27 want and army or not.
    But it was denied at the referendum..... Or you another who has selective memory....
  • In the interests of balance I've just had a look at the "Brexit Battle Pack". As expected it's riddled with the usual "metropolitan elite" conspiracy, "the media are full of Remoaners", anti "Remainiac Guardian" nonsense, being long on rhetoric, short on data and designed to foster a victim mentality.

    Given this is a resource designed for Leavers to lobby for a hard Brexit it might have contained more useful "facts" to include in leavers letters of complaint to the BBC, etc however it's best summed up by their explanation;

    "We would love to provide you with a selection of some 'killer charts and facts' which we have researched and produced on all topics related to EU membership. Unfortunately we simply don't have the resources to put these together in a summary as we are grossly underfunded."

    Hmm, I expect that's the only reason they aren't included then...and yes I'm also aware that there are going to be Remainer versions of something similar too.

    What do you think of the SM commissioners comments then about the EU still shafting us... And also they are heading defence reviews into the EU army, something your other hero Clegg said was brexiter fantasy land. Carpet getting lifted and getting swept under again.
    Why do you care? If we remain in The EU then it is impossible for there to be an EU army unless we agree to it, and if we leave then it is literally none of our business if the EU27 want and army or not.
    But it was denied at the referendum..... Or you another who has selective memory....
    No problem with my memory, an EU army won't happen, but you don't believe that so I didn't see the point in that line of reasoning. No matter how much proof I find that it won't happen you won't even read it, let alone believe it. It's literally like debating with a brick wall. I can display the facts to the wall all day long, but it won't move or change its position.
  • se9addick said:

    Christ, there isn’t going to be an “EU Army” - why do any of you even entertain this nonsense.

    They are talking about and having meetings about it.... And if you looked wider instead of narrow afield you would see your lovely SM commisioner attends them... Sounds like another who did not know what they voted for.... List is growing....
  • Jeremy Corbyn, the leader of the Labour Party, is a long-time Eurosceptic. In the 1975 referendum, he voted against Britain remaining in the European Economic Community. He subsequently opposed the Maastricht Treaty in 1993 and the 2008 Lisbon Treaty. For decades, he has argued that the direction in which collective European politics has been travelling undermines the socialist objectives of a potential left-wing Labour government in the UK.

    He wasn't responsible for having a stupid referendum that has split the country in two. And he voted to stay in the EU. What you say is true but you can try to change it from within rather than deciding to jump off a cliff.
  • Meanwhile, on Chips' favourite phone in show...

    Afraid mate he wont allow anyone on who will give him an argument... He is a coward. Btw thought we had a mutual truce... Your heads above the other idiots.
  • In the interests of balance I've just had a look at the "Brexit Battle Pack". As expected it's riddled with the usual "metropolitan elite" conspiracy, "the media are full of Remoaners", anti "Remainiac Guardian" nonsense, being long on rhetoric, short on data and designed to foster a victim mentality.

    Given this is a resource designed for Leavers to lobby for a hard Brexit it might have contained more useful "facts" to include in leavers letters of complaint to the BBC, etc however it's best summed up by their explanation;

    "We would love to provide you with a selection of some 'killer charts and facts' which we have researched and produced on all topics related to EU membership. Unfortunately we simply don't have the resources to put these together in a summary as we are grossly underfunded."

    Hmm, I expect that's the only reason they aren't included then...and yes I'm also aware that there are going to be Remainer versions of something similar too.

    What do you think of the SM commissioners comments then about the EU still shafting us... And also they are heading defence reviews into the EU army, something your other hero Clegg said was brexiter fantasy land. Carpet getting lifted and getting swept under again.
    Why do you care? If we remain in The EU then it is impossible for there to be an EU army unless we agree to it, and if we leave then it is literally none of our business if the EU27 want and army or not.
    But it was denied at the referendum..... Or you another who has selective memory....
    No problem with my memory, an EU army won't happen, but you don't believe that so I didn't see the point in that line of reasoning. No matter how much proof I find that it won't happen you won't even read it, let alone believe it. It's literally like debating with a brick wall. I can display the facts to the wall all day long, but it won't move or change its position.
    I hope it doesn't but their talking about it... Something that was always denied...
  • I think he needs to ssk his boss, they hold s different view... Good as madrid says if you say it enough times some numpties will believe it.
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  • In the interests of balance I've just had a look at the "Brexit Battle Pack". As expected it's riddled with the usual "metropolitan elite" conspiracy, "the media are full of Remoaners", anti "Remainiac Guardian" nonsense, being long on rhetoric, short on data and designed to foster a victim mentality.

    Given this is a resource designed for Leavers to lobby for a hard Brexit it might have contained more useful "facts" to include in leavers letters of complaint to the BBC, etc however it's best summed up by their explanation;

    "We would love to provide you with a selection of some 'killer charts and facts' which we have researched and produced on all topics related to EU membership. Unfortunately we simply don't have the resources to put these together in a summary as we are grossly underfunded."

    Hmm, I expect that's the only reason they aren't included then...and yes I'm also aware that there are going to be Remainer versions of something similar too.

    What do you think of the SM commissioners comments then about the EU still shafting us... And also they are heading defence reviews into the EU army, something your other hero Clegg said was brexiter fantasy land. Carpet getting lifted and getting swept under again.
    Why do you care? If we remain in The EU then it is impossible for there to be an EU army unless we agree to it, and if we leave then it is literally none of our business if the EU27 want and army or not.
    But it was denied at the referendum..... Or you another who has selective memory....
    No problem with my memory, an EU army won't happen, but you don't believe that so I didn't see the point in that line of reasoning. No matter how much proof I find that it won't happen you won't even read it, let alone believe it. It's literally like debating with a brick wall. I can display the facts to the wall all day long, but it won't move or change its position.
    Oh, come on now. Next you'll be telling us that Turkey aren't joining the EU, bananas can grow in any shape they like and that no French president since de Gaulle has ever eaten a baby as part of a satanic ritual.
  • People are engaging with the troll again. I’ve stopped. You can too.
  • Meanwhile, on Chips' favourite phone in show...

    Afraid mate he wont allow anyone on who will give him an argument... He is a coward. Btw thought we had a mutual truce... Your heads above the other idiots.
    We do. Just mentioned you because you were there, and I know how much you enjoy the programme :smile: TBF it's not clear the guy was calling about Brexit, although I assumed so.

  • Meanwhile, on Chips' favourite phone in show...

    Afraid mate he wont allow anyone on who will give him an argument... He is a coward. Btw thought we had a mutual truce... Your heads above the other idiots.
    We do. Just mentioned you because you were there, and I know how much you enjoy the programme :smile: TBF it's not clear the guy was calling about Brexit, although I assumed so.

    Lol despise him i am afraid... Even argues with people who agree with him, blokes a nut.
  • People are engaging with the troll again. I’ve stopped. You can too.

    You do everything you are told... Bark like a fog, get on all fours.... Play dead....
  • Stig said:

    In the interests of balance I've just had a look at the "Brexit Battle Pack". As expected it's riddled with the usual "metropolitan elite" conspiracy, "the media are full of Remoaners", anti "Remainiac Guardian" nonsense, being long on rhetoric, short on data and designed to foster a victim mentality.

    Given this is a resource designed for Leavers to lobby for a hard Brexit it might have contained more useful "facts" to include in leavers letters of complaint to the BBC, etc however it's best summed up by their explanation;

    "We would love to provide you with a selection of some 'killer charts and facts' which we have researched and produced on all topics related to EU membership. Unfortunately we simply don't have the resources to put these together in a summary as we are grossly underfunded."

    Hmm, I expect that's the only reason they aren't included then...and yes I'm also aware that there are going to be Remainer versions of something similar too.

    What do you think of the SM commissioners comments then about the EU still shafting us... And also they are heading defence reviews into the EU army, something your other hero Clegg said was brexiter fantasy land. Carpet getting lifted and getting swept under again.
    Why do you care? If we remain in The EU then it is impossible for there to be an EU army unless we agree to it, and if we leave then it is literally none of our business if the EU27 want and army or not.
    But it was denied at the referendum..... Or you another who has selective memory....
    No problem with my memory, an EU army won't happen, but you don't believe that so I didn't see the point in that line of reasoning. No matter how much proof I find that it won't happen you won't even read it, let alone believe it. It's literally like debating with a brick wall. I can display the facts to the wall all day long, but it won't move or change its position.
    Oh, come on now. Next you'll be telling us that Turkey aren't joining the EU, bananas can grow in any shape they like and that no French president since de Gaulle has ever eaten a baby as part of a satanic ritual.
    Whens the emergency budget...
  • People are engaging with the troll again. I’ve stopped. You can too.

    You want to hand shake on that.... Again... Wont last...
  • People are engaging with the troll again. I’ve stopped. You can too.

    You do everything you are told... Bark like a fog, get on all fours.... Play dead....
    Think the mods need to take a good look at this bloke.

  • How does fog bark?
  • Prague
    News reaches me that Europe is getting closer to a Czech-out.
    Any substance in this or is it nonsense?
This discussion has been closed.

Roland Out Forever!